Reports until 16:31, Monday 03 February 2025
jennifer.wright@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:31, Monday 03 February 2025 - last comment - 17:08, Monday 03 February 2025(82610)
Checking PR2 SPOT MOVE state settings in lock

Jennie W, Mayank, Sheila, Matt


Mayank, Sheila, Matt and I updated the calibration of the OPTIC_ALIGN offsets in the PR2_SPOT_MOVE state that move the IM4, PRM and PR2 mirrors as the commissioner hand tunes the PR3 position. These are set in userapps/isc/h1/guardian/

The values were found by Camilla and Matt looking at past spot moves after Elenna realised we hadn't been keeping up with PR2 moves the last tiem we did this in LHO alog#82568.

The new value for pitPR3toIM4 is 11.

The new value for yawPR3toIM4 is 0.755.

The new value for yawPR3toPRM is 1.89.

After updating these in the guardian we went to PR2_SPOT_MOVE state and Mayank stepped a few steps up and down in yaw, then in pitch of PR3 just to check the alignment loops were acting to cancel out this change in the locking loops for PR2, PRM and IM4. We found that PR2 and IM4 M1_LOCK_Y_OUTPUT stayed constant. PRM was moving quite a lot as we thermalised so it was hard to tell. We also checked that the test masses and SR2 and SRM loops were not affected by this yaw change - see image.

During the pitch change we did see some changes in IM4, PRM and PR2 so we may have to update the calibration factor for these sliders in the PR2_SPOT_MOVE state. PR2 P LOCK OUTPUT also changed when we were making Y changes to PR3 due to cross-coupling. The test mass locking loops lag the PR3 pitch movements also so this is something to watch out for.

Olli committed these changes to for me.

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Comments related to this report
mayank.chaturvedi@LIGO.ORG - 17:08, Monday 03 February 2025 (82617)

We canged the PR3 pitch by +1 count and observed the following couplings  

  •      PRM pitch changed by +0.342 count
  •      IM4 Pitch changed by -72.7 count

We also noticed a PR3 pitch to PR2 Yaw cross coupling.