Reports until 16:28, Monday 19 July 2010
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:28, Monday 19 July 2010 (83)
SEI Front End Computer [seiteststand (] Dead This Morning
(Richard, Dave, Corey)
Came in this morning to find INVALID/WHITE medm screens on the iMac near our Test Stand rack in the Staging Bldg.  I tried to ssh into the frontend to no avail.  Since we were in this state and flying blind (diagnostics-wise), we tried several things to get the frontend re-started:

* Hit RESET button on front
* Hit REBOOT button on front
* Pulled out (both) power cords from back

None of these actions did anything (some were tried several times).  We had a monitor directly hooked up to the front end, and after various steps, we'd get the following error (right after a login prompt):

INIT:  Id "fb" respawning too fast:  disabled for 5 minutes"

Richard logged into the frontend via the login prompt, and was finally able to sorta get the frontend started.  We still had issues though.  Richard then tracked this down to a network issue (can't remember how he discovered this).  He then unplugged the power to the Network router on top of our rack.  After this, we were able to get back mostly.  There was still a daq/framebuilder issue, and Dave resolved this.

Another get_data Issue
Towards the end of the day, I tried running a matlab measurement, but there were issues with get_data (our matlab script made 25 attempts at getting data to no avail).  Called up Dave, and he ultimately restarted our nds and daq (I believe he said one of them was old).

This seemed to have done the trick, since I was able to get_data on my next attempt.