Reports until 09:12, Tuesday 17 May 2011
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:12, Tuesday 17 May 2011 (830)
Yesterday the H1 RM was unlocked from it's earthquake stops:
The "surfboard" was used to give me access to the RM to unlock it from it's earthquake stops.  The earthquake stops on the RM are the iLigo style, with Viton tips.  These can come loose, and two EQ stops had this issue.  The in-vacuum fix is to gently tighten the EQ stop while the optic is fully on all EQ stops, to reseat the Viton.  This worked, and all stops were set to ~0.5 mm gap.  One EQ stop had a small fiber sitting between the Viton and the optic.  I used a polywipe with isopropanol to dislodge the fiber.  The fiber looked like other fibers I've seen in-vacuum, i.e. very thin, and almost transparent.  After removing the surfboard, I found a few particles on the optics table top.  One was yellow, reminiscent of the yellow boom we use to remove the door.  The others were not an identifiable color.  The film crew, that was here to film the BSC move, shot some footage of the in-chamber work.  I was able to see about 1/2 of the face or the RM, and it appeared to be free of any large particulate.  

- Cheryl, Dani, Apollo Crew, and a Film Crew