Reports until 23:24, Wednesday 18 May 2011
fabrice.matichard@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:24, Wednesday 18 May 2011 (841)
Stage 1 Assembled and tested. First resonance at 284 Hz.
We have completed the assembly of stage 1 and did transfer function measurements. The first resonance is at 284 Hz. Second one is at 292Hz. 

That's quasi identical to what we measured at MIT (~280 Hz), though we were seeing only one peak. It might be due to the boundary conditions being less symmetric (see last picture in which stage 1 is suspended from the crane).

The goal was to verify whether the cleanliness of this assembly, causing higher friction, and less tension in the bolted joints would result in less overall stiffness. The answer is no. That's very good news for the performance of our platforms.

Tomorrow, we'll remove the doors and the close out plates of stage 1, we'll position it on stage 2, and will continue with the assembly of Stage 2.

We'll also keep working on parallel sub-assemblies activities: actuators, lockers, and blades tooling. 
Images attached to this report