Reports until 23:14, Thursday 19 May 2011
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:14, Thursday 19 May 2011 (842)
BSC ISI Assembly Status

Stage1 Installed on Full Assembly

After measurements from Wed, some Walls & the Closeout Plates (on top) were removed from Stage1.  Stage1 was then attached to the full Assembly.  While lowering Stage1, we were not that level and this looked a little worrisome to Fabrice, so we re-hung Stage1 by changing eyebolt position---this improved level enough to attach Stage1 onto the Optics Table. 

While inspecting the Assembly, it was discovered that some "arrows" machined onto Stage0 & Optics Table (which is part of Stage2) did not produce the result we wanted.  The arrows were lined up of course, but the whole purpose of these arrows was to establish a correct orientation for Optics Table.  On the Optics Table there are 3k+ holes, and then therae are line-grooves as well.  These lines are desired to be parralel with the Support Tubes.  Unfortunately, the arrow on the Optics Table orients the grooves out of rotation.  [In the afternoon, the team was going to lift Stage1/Stage2 such that the grooves are lined up]

Subassembly Work

Parts were unwrapped and laid out for Spring Pull Down and Spring Pusher tooling.  Sensor parts were also laid out.  We will go through all these assemblies to confirm we have all the parts/hardware needed.

Clean & Bake

Assisted with wrap/bag/tag of parts pulled out of ovens.

Images attached to this report