[Jim W. Travis S. Arnaud P.]
Today, and following yesterday's results we went in BSC3 chamber to take a new set of b&k measurements, and did a series of tests described below :
Test1 : X&Y hit ISI locked
Test2 : X&Y hit ISI locked with dog clamps tigthened
Test 3 : X&Y hit ISI unlocked with dog clamps tightened
The attached pdf is showing good and consistent results in both X and Y directions, for the 3 tests. See pictures for axis.
Several things to notice and conclude :
-The difference between ISI locked/unlocked seems only to affect the anti-resonnance at around 30Hz. Meaning, there's no need to take b&k measurement in chamber, but test stand is sufficient (at least for the quads/bs)
-Tightening the dog clamps didn't change the response above 30Hz
- None of the results from yesterday were reproducable
Results and scripts were commited under the svn