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Reports until 20:03, Friday 10 June 2011
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:03, Friday 10 June 2011 (913)
X-end on turbo
Note:  The measured dewpoint of the blow down air, i.e. the air comming out of the +1 psig VE, was -6C while the air sourced from the purge air header measured the normal <-54C.  Prior to valving-in the pumps to a vented volume I typically close the vent valve to the VE and measure the air sourced from the purge air header then close-off the header air and open and measure the air blowing out of the slightly pressurized VE.  Normally the two measure the same as you would expect and are "off scale" dry.  In this case, the two were much different.  I repeated this measurement a few times and the values were exactly repeatable.  I conferred with John W. and decided to begin pumping the "wet" VE anyway.  

The ambient humidity is high today.  I intend to investigate with the people involved with today's unlocking if they had closed-off the purge air during the in-chamber activity for some reason or if they had blocked off 1/2 of the door opening as is the norm.  Not doing so would negate the effectiveness of the purge air's ability at keeping wet room air from mixing with the chamber interior air and might explain this observation. 

I opened GV7 too.  

The mid stations don't have their pressure gauges cabled and CDS indicated values are bogus.  Y-mid seems slow to change and is still indicating ~8 x 10-8 torr at the turbo inlet.  
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.