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Reports until 12:35, Saturday 11 June 2011
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:35, Saturday 11 June 2011 (914)
summary CDS computing install in LVEA

Summary of work performed 6-11th June. Rolf, Dave, Richard, Cyrus. Computing and Networking

We have installed five front end computers in the LVEA on the outside of the Y arm, next the the TCS systems. Four of these computers have IO Chassis attached and are

h2susb478 sus ITMY
h2susb78 sus FMY
h2seib8 seismic BSC8
h2susauxb478 sus aux ITMY/FMY

The fith machine is h2tcsl0 which is waiting on its Chassis.

All four machines are running IOP models and user models. All were built against RTS branch-2.3.

Networking was installed in the LVEA to support these systems. A Workstation was installed (on the CDS LAN) next to the racks. More workstations will be moved into the inside of the arm when needed.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.