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Reports until 14:46, Tuesday 14 June 2011
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:46, Tuesday 14 June 2011 (918)
High particle counts in room 169 (bake oven room)
Over the past several weeks I have been notified by Patrick and Jonathan of intermittent high particle counts being recorded in the bake oven room (room 169).  These high counts don't necessarily correspond to times when people are present in the room -> 

Initial investigation shows that the dedicated exhaust fan (added to exhaust any "smells" that could eminate from the hot ovens to the building exterior and which is separate from the HVAC) has 0.6" H2O accross its iris damper while nominal has traditionally been 0.5" H2O.  The variable speed adjust is set to minimum speed which is normal and should result in 0.5" H2O drop when all other air supplies/returns are nominal.  Ski confirms nothing has changed recently in the HVAC system supplying this and adjacent rooms. Also, the fume hood switch is in the on position as is nominal.  

I noticed that the ceiling tile located directly above the particle counter shows evidence of having been removed recently (caulking seam separated with visible gaps around tile periphery).  I will see to it that this tile gets caulked and attempt to verify the the fume hood fan is actually working.  Also, its time for a general clean-up in this room.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.