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Reports until 16:41, Friday 10 January 2014
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:41, Friday 10 January 2014 - last comment - 15:58, Sunday 12 January 2014(9211)
HAM1 in-vac work: finally completed

[Alexa, Koji, Kiwamu]

We finally completed the in-vac work in HAM1 and the Apollo crews put the door back on. All the necessary beam comes out to ISCT1 and all the necessary beam hit the in-vac diodes. Yeah!

Some pictures will be uploaded in ResouceSpace later.

Here are a list of what we did today:

Comments related to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 13:18, Sunday 12 January 2014 (9225)

Pictures are now available in ResourceSpace:

kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 15:58, Sunday 12 January 2014 (9226)

Notes on the WFS locations:

As reported in the previous alog, we have touched the location of both WFS_A and WFS_B because they needed to be rotated more to have a spatially well separated reflection. Before and after applying this modification, we took several pictures to estimate how much the WFSs were shifted along the beam propagation axis since this can affect our WFS signal extraction.

  • According to the pictures, the position of WFS_A (or equivalently WFS_1) was shifted by 9.4 mm toward the west.
  • Also, WFS_B (or equivallently WFS_B) was shifted by 10 mm toward the west.

For some more details, see the attached pictures.

Images attached to this comment
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