Before posting BSC-ISI testing results, here is a recap of the work done on the teststand these last few days: - The BIO switches have been introduced in the BSC-ISI model. Calibration and compensation filters for the BSC-ISI are located in the seismic SVN respectively at /BSC-ISI/Common/Calibration_Filters_BSC_ISI and /BSC-ISI/Common/Calibration_Filters_BSC_ISI. E1100524 will sum up the contents of these filters. In attachment (BIO_Switches_GS13), times series showing a gain change in a GS13 interface chassis using a BIO switch. - We had wrong decimation filters. Seiteststand2 has been updated from RCG 2.1.2 to RCG 2.1.4 to solve this issue. The attached figures (Decimation_Filters_2_1_2.pdf - Decimation_Filters_2_1_2.pdf, Decimation_Filters_DQ.png) show Powerspectra of DAQ noise (of the L4C interface chassis) recorded on the frame builder at different sample rate (4K, 2K, 1K). In , we can see that: o At full rate (Decimation_Filters_2_1_2.pdf), the decimation filters used to downsampled from the IOP to Model had a corner frequency close to 1K. Since, the model is running at 4K, this corner frequency should be slightly below 2K. o At 1K, 2K the decimation filters used to record on the DAQ have corner frequencies at respectively 360 and 720Hz. These filters are built to have a 60dB attenuation at the Nyquist frequency. - Due to a recurrent transmission error showing up few hours after restarting the IOP, one ADC has been changed (ADC_1_Transmission_error.jpg) - Awgstream starts excitation with one second delay. The problem has not been fixed (It doesn’t prevent us to work). Since seismic mainly uses awgstream launched from Matlab, a 1 second correction is introduced in awgstream.m located at /ligo/apps/linux-x86_64/Awgstream/matlab. This Awgstream.m is not under version control. - Note that awgstream doesn’t return a warning when the excitation channel doesn’t exist - The data rate in defaults at the top of the file.ini file must be the native rate of the model even if no channel is recorded at that rate. Awgstream doesn’t properly if the "datarate" in the header of the .ini file is not the native rate