Summary of Rolf's visit 6/6 - 6/15
Installed five front end computers in the LVEA to operate H2 ITMY/FMY cartridge install. IOP, SEI and SUS models were developed and installed, DAQ was configured for this system. SUS model templates were created (both quad and triple), ITMY, ITMX, BS, FMX and FMY were built from these templates.
RCG modified for biquad IIR filter change. Changes were applied to RCG 2.1, 2.3 and trunk.
RMS filter part limits were increased.
Test model was developed for ISI BSC8 electronics checkout.
SEI and SUS medm screens are being built from template files using macro substitution. The MEDM sitemaps and overview screens are being developed to allow efficient access to medm screens.
IRIG-B timing system was installed in the LVEA, all H2 frontends have no timing errors. H2 projector was configured in the control room.
SUS QUAD test stand was upgraded to RCG 2.1.5 (all features except long chan names).