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Reports until 16:21, Friday 17 June 2011
michael.vargas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:21, Friday 17 June 2011 (939)
BSC Vert. GS13 Chamber #098 Not Working
(Eric A., Jim W., Ken M., Mike V., Vincent L., Rich M.)

BSC Vertical GS-13 Chamber #098, Seismometer LV719

This unit was not working when first used at LHO.  After failing to free the mass by repeated light impacts on the chamber, the Pod was opened and the seismometer inspected.  

Given a displacement and allowed to come to rest, the mass moved to the bottom of the seismometer and remained there.  All flexures were in good repair, and the mass springs seemed to be in a correct configuration.  The damping gaskets on the mass springs were in contact.  The mass was brought back into its correct position by adjusting the spring knobs.  The seismometer was tested and seen to produce an acceptable signal.  It was re-podded, and placed back onto the BSC-ISI.  

More inspection will be done once the Pod is sent back to LLO.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.