J. Bartlett, B. Bland, J. Kissel, A. Ramirez, T. Sadecki Today we made a valiant attempt to install the freshly cleaned Solid Stack / Dummy ISI onto Mechanical Test Stand 01. Unfortunately, good 'ol Lady LIGO Luck got the best of us about half way through the day. We discovered two problems almost immediately after installing the first few parts. (1) On the Table I-Beams (D050162), the weldments that merge the I-beam to the dummy optical table occulted bolt holes that secure the dummy optical table to the Lower I-Beam (D050158) (2) Mounting holes on the mechanical test stand did not line up with bolt holts in the "Tube Mount Ends" (D050156), which are the interface brackets which connect the Lower I-Beam to the Mechanical Test Stand. (See attached picture pointing out the problem areas) Sadly, this required some "Class A" power drilling for a good fraction of the rest of the afternoon. Fortunately, the surfaces that must remain Class A (i.e. the downward facing surface of the dummy optical table) remained untouched by the re-working, under foil and ameristat for the whole process; all modifications were done to surfaces that will never touch Class A parts (and all resulting shavings were immediately vacuumed up and/or otherwise removed from the area). We did managed to get to fit checking the modified parts, and that's where we've left off for the day (see attached pictures).