Reports until 10:54, Thursday 22 July 2010
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:54, Thursday 22 July 2010 (95)
QUAD EE Test Stand controls
A quick check on DTT - I loaded a channel in and hit start with default DTT settings loaded (channel was L1:QTS-Q1_MO_FACE1_IN1).  After a few seconds of thinking it gave a "Test timed-out" error at the bottom.  Richard hinted at a timing problem...?

Also - how can I load the "editable" medm?  And, we are ready to calibrate channels.  Instructions on where to do this would be appreciated.

BTW - All 12 Top Mass BOSEMs have been zeroed and are at 50% OLV.  So signals and controls on L1:QTS-Q1_MO and Q1_RO channels are live.