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Reports until 16:03, Tuesday 21 June 2011
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:03, Tuesday 21 June 2011 (956)
In-Chamber Cleaning (henceforth ICC)
The dome was removed by the Apollo crew, led by Randy Thompson. The operation went pretty smoothly although the dome still lists to one side and counter-weight must be used to keep it level during transit. The o-ring protectors were installed on the flange (6 sections)and C-3 soft covers were installed on both the door and the dome.

Mark Layne, Zack Haux and I garbed up after lunch. Mark and Zack removed the one electrical feed-through on the chamber and it was wrapped for storage. Zack went into the chamber and installed support tube/bellows protection (C-3 covers)on the west support tube. Mark prepared the 60" dust barriers and Zack installed them in the north and south beamtubes. We thought that the west beamtube nozzle might be a different size than the others but it wasn't true. Turns out that once we got some experience with installation, the dust barrier fit much better. We still have a little work on that dust barrier as the Viton rim is lost somewhere on site. (If nothing else we'll cut and clean a new one.)

The other tooling is ready to go tomorrow: the compressor trailer is in the high bay (close to the BSC), the hose is there too, six tools are cleaned and in the staging area-two with shrouds attached so we can get started tomorrow.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.