Reports until 16:04, Wednesday 22 June 2011
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Wednesday 22 June 2011 (962)
BSCISI #2 Assembly Status

(Corey, Jeff, Jim, Mick V.)

Today consisted of lots of helicoiling and torquing.  One team torqued down the Stage1 Close-Out Plate, while another team (mainly Jeff) worked on helicoiling the Top-Facing Keel Plate.  Once the Stage1 Close Out Plate was torqued down some other Gussets and hardware were installed on the system (such as the Outer Upper Walls for Stage2. 

The Bottom-Facing Keel Plate was installed on the system.  Once the Top-facing Keel Plate was helicoiled, the day ended with us dropping this Keel Plate on it's respective plate.  We now have all big plates on Assy#2!!

A background activity was building the Sensor Assemblies.

Sub-Assembly Status:

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