Reports until 11:59, Wednesday 29 January 2014
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:59, Wednesday 29 January 2014 - last comment - 16:06, Wednesday 29 January 2014(9626)
The way of the beast

(Alexa Daniel)

We went to EX to try to make a more precise measurement of the cavity length. For this measurement we use the fact that in reflection of a locked cavity a phase-modulated RF sideband will not convert into AM, if it is exactly on a free-spectral-range even in the presence of length locking offset. The setup is as follows:

At first glance the accuracy of this method seems to be about 5 Hz, maybe even 2 Hz. We will repeat the measurement in the afternoon to see how repeatable it is.

Comments related to this report
alexan.staley@LIGO.ORG - 12:50, Wednesday 29 January 2014 (9627)

To measure the arm cavity length we measured transfer functions while adusting the IFR frequency. The data includes the magnitude and phase at 1.3kHz for the several frequencies. The ArmCavityLength.m script computes the projection of these TFs at the various frequencies to determine the zero crossing.

The ZeroCrossing.pdf is a plot of the result. The x-axis is the frequency scaled by 24.992271MHz. Notably, the IFR frequency has an offset of 12Hz which has been adjusted for in this plot. Clearly, the zero crossing is at 24.9922709MHz, which gives an arm cavity length of L = 3994.4704m /pm .3mm assuming a zero crossing accuracy of 2Hz.

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daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 15:58, Wednesday 29 January 2014 (9634)

As built numbers can be found in alog 9385.
A previous measurement with less accuracy can be found in alog 9386.

alexan.staley@LIGO.ORG - 16:06, Wednesday 29 January 2014 (9635)

We repeated the measurement again this afternoon. I have attached the data, graph, and new matlab script. Again we find that the zero crossing is at 24.992271 MHz /pm 2Hz. This gives an arm cavity length of L = 3994.4704 m /pm .3mm. 

Note: the 12 Hz offset between the IFR and timing comparator was consistent.

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