Reports until 14:43, Thursday 23 June 2011
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:43, Thursday 23 June 2011 (970)
iLIGO H2 Photon Calibrator at MidX Removed, Viewport Covered
Jonathan Berliner, Rolf Minton, Gerardo Moreno

MichaelR (thanks!) tipped me off this morning that Pcal at MX was in the way of the upcoming BSC removal.  RickS assigned me to remove the Pcal box.  I conferred with DaniA and DougC about locks and tags that were there (none extant).  JohnW was concerned about exposing the viewport window.

Sure enough, the viewport window did not have a viewport protector (see photo), so I called GerardoM over to cover the exposed viewport.  It truly was a 3-person job moving the support structure out due to weight and awkward shapes.

New homes for parts:
- Support structure - metal disposal by Big Red's parking spot
- Clamps, bellows, and assembly - Vacuum shop
- Pcal Box, bolts, fasteners, etc. - LSB Optics Lab.  We blocked the opening of the box with a dump.
Images attached to this report