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Reports until 15:50, Friday 24 June 2011
robert.lane@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:50, Friday 24 June 2011 - last comment - 18:43, Friday 24 June 2011(979)
R. Lane, R. McCarthy, B. Bland, T. Sadecki

We attached the BOSEMS for the ITMY to the vacuum feed-through simulator. It took a bit more setup to get the signals on the right channels in the hardware. When we finally saw them we were confused by the fact that we are used to seeing them in the range of 0 to -32000 counts, but we were seeing them railed at +32000. After some debugging by Richard we determined that the hardware seemed to be working. We tried blocking the light in the OSEM, and the signal went to zero. Our conclusion is that the hardware is working in general, and we are getting real signals, although quite large. On the next working day we have plans to compare the control signals in the X1 test stand versus the H2. Richard has a theory that the LED is being driven harder in the H2 hardware (~30mA vs 10mA).
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 18:43, Friday 24 June 2011 (981)
The other idea is that there's an unaccounted for minus sign (or lack there of) in the electronics hardware somewhere. Or at least one that's different from what has been seen in all of the past (on test stands, iLIGO, etc).


Sorry... I'm allergic to minus signs.
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