Reports until 12:55, Friday 23 July 2010
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:55, Friday 23 July 2010 (98)
State of the QTS DAQ system
Betsy reported two problems with the QTS DAQ this morning, getting past
data and getting real time data using DTT.

The DTT issue was due to the system time being 7 seconds off.
After correcting the system time, I had to restart the DAQ
for DTT to get realtime data. We tested it with DAQ channels
and testpoint channels. I have corrected the root crobtab which
should keep the system clock synchronized to the LHO NTP server.

The trending problem was due to the DAQ not writing trend files
since 19 Apr 2009. However full frames are being written, with 
a look back of 8 days. 

I noticed that only 25 channels are in the frame, all at
2048Hz acquisition rate. Betsy suggested we get together
with Mark next week to see if more channels need to be added
to the frame, and perhaps save some at the 16384Hz native rate.

I also found that the QTS daq system is very old, with frame file
layout as per S5 standards. Could we upgrade this system to aLIGO