Reports until 19:19, Friday 24 June 2011
H2 General
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:19, Friday 24 June 2011 (982)
The simulink library part for the QUADs (used to produce the guts of every QUAD model) was generated from a version of my original model, before I knew that the LED light level voltages were *not* being stored in the DAQ, so today I went in and removed them from the guts of QUAD_MASTER model. Because I had them come in at the top level (as though from an ADC), I needed to then also modify the connections at the top most level of each of the suspension's models that have been built. Further, I had used the LED light level as a term that was watched by the watchdog, so removing them from that meant not only a reworking of the MASTER simulink model, but the generic MEDM screens, *and* the QUAD.c auxiliary watchdog front end code. All effected files have had there functionality re-confirmed, and have subsequently been committed to the cds_users_apps repository in the
section (where ${userappshome} for H2 is /opt/rtcds/lho/h2/)

During the process, I had Dave create the same soft-linked "release" folder in the 
directory, which links to whichever RCG release one is *supposed* to be using (which for the time being is the 2.3 branch, not a tag). That way, when we upgrade to any future generations of the RCG, the sysadmin merely updates the softlink, but to the average user, the build directory remains the same.

Further, though ITMX doesn't exist yet, when I recompiled and installed the ITMX model that Rolf and Dave had built on the h2susb478 machine, I generated the OVERVIEW screen for it as well, as linked from the sitemap (which is delightfully easy once you've built a generic screen).

Also, while messing with the models, I tried exploring how to use the cdsFiltCtrl CDS simulink part, run into a bunch of trouble with internal links and library parts, and also learned how generic MEDM screens are in use. Sadly very little science was done, and I'm still confused the blocks are supposed to be used, but at least there's now one more person on the planet that has any clue as to how we're doing things with the newest suite of CDS software (library simulink parts, generic medm screens, RCG 2.3, etc).