The attached plots show the PMC mixer error signal and the ISS PDB readout. The later implements a fair amount of whitening so tends to fluctuate at a slow rate compared to the glitches.
The PMC error signal goes as high as 1.25Vpp during a PDH sweep. The channel recorded by the DAQ has a lot of gain and clips around +/-80mV, but it is calibrated correctly. So, the calibration is 1.25V/1.19MHz = 1.05V/MHz.
First plot shows a train of glitches, going as high as ~70mVpk (or ~70kHz).
The second plot shows a zoomed in version of a glitch of about the same size. The PMC servo drives the PZT with a 3.3K series resistor forming a ~1kHz low pass with the PZT capacitance of ~45nF. This yields a chracteristic time constant of ~150us. The glitches as seen by the PMC mixer are at least a few times faster than this.
The third plot shows a PDH scan.
The forth plot shows a typical trace when nothing happens.
TITLE: 11/20 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Microseism
SHIFT SUMMARY: We spent the day in IDLE again investigating the PSL issues, we've had only the PMC locked for most of the day. At the end of the shift, the power supply for the PLS was swapped. Microseism has slowly starting to come down in the last ~5 hours. We are going to remain DOWN again tonight.
Start Time | System | Name | Location | Lazer_Haz | Task | Time End |
17:05 | PSL | Jason | CER, LVEA | N | Revive the PSL NPRO | 17:17 |
17:26 | FAC | Karen | Optics lab, vac prep | N | Tech clean | 18:26 |
17:40 | PSL | Jason, Marc | CER | N | Turn off PMC HV and unplug db37 cable | 17:46 |
18:41 | FAC | Christina | Mids | N | Check out storage | 20:02 |
18:48 | PSL | Jason | LVEA, CER | N | Take pictures | 18:51 |
19:03 | FAC | Kim | H2 enc | N | Tech clean | 20:17 |
19:13 | FAC | Karen | Woodshop, fire pump | N | Tech clean | 19:26 |
19:25 | VAC | Janos | MidY | N | Mech room, pump checks | 20:25 |
21:37 | VAC | Janos | MidX | N | Pump checks | 22:00 |
23:10 | PSL | Jason, RyanS | LVEA, Optics lab | N | Grab power supply and swap it | 23:43 |
23:56 | PSL | Fil | CER | N | Plug back in DB37 for the FSS | 00:08 |
Yesterday I went to check on the chillers and found a bit of coolant on the CO2Y chiller air filter and on the bottom of the unit. The last time we saw this we had inconsistent supply temperatures, something we don't really see now but might explain our more frequent lock losses lately (alog 81362). We'll keep an eye on this and swap the chiller if necessary. It would be great if this could make it another 6 months and then we can send them in for service.
I replaced the air filter since it had a handful of dead bugs, coolant, and other junk on it. I used up our last filter so I'll have to order more.
Some of the "PSL story so far" is in 81193. Code saved to /camilla.compton/Documents/Locklosses/PSL_channels.ipynb
I've plotted H1:PSL-PWR_NPRO_OUT_DQ and H1:PSL-FSS_FAST_MON_OUT_DQ in the 30 seconds and 1 second before each locklosss tagged both IMC and FSS by the lockloss tool.
The FSS oscillations we are seeing now are similar to the FSS_OSCLATION locklosses we saw at the end of O3b (G2201762: O3a_O3b_summary.pdf). Note that the current NPRO is the same NPRO as we used in O3. Is it possible that we fixed the glitches issues but reinstalled a laser with similar issues as we saw in O3b? We could revisit that time period to see if we had similar IMC locking issues then too.
Reminder that the lockloss tool tags "IMC" if the IMC looses lock within 50ms of the arms (ASC_AS_A) and tags "FSS" if H1:PSL-FSS_FAST_MON_OUT_DQ with outside of +/- 3 within 1-5 seconds before the lockloss.
Adding in plots from the end of O3b: 30 seconds and zoomed to 1 second before locklosses tagged FSS. The FSS channel looks simular to after the NPRO swap, but were worse in O3b.
Comparing spectra of the FSS_FAST_MON (calibrated Hz/rtHz), ISS_AOM_DRIVER control signal, and FSS_TPD ref cav trans.
FSS FAST MON looks higher for O3 laser vs. the original O4 laser (maybe this is related to the laser itself?). But ISS spectra of the same O3 laser was noisier in O3 than O4, and similarly the FSS_TPD for the same O3 laser was noisier in O3 than in O4.
Sheila and I spent some time today trying to calibrate the PMC channels into units of frequency so we can compare the glitches seen by the PMC with other channels. Peter's alog comment last night (81375) leads us to understand the glitches are around 2 kHz in frequency, so above the PMC bandwidth. Therefore, we want to calibrate the PMC error signal.
Luckily for us, Jeff Kissel recently did some PMC scans to determine the PMC PZT Hz/V calibration for a different purpose, alog 73905 (thanks Jeff!). We used his DTTs to determine the time it took to scan one FSR, see screenshot. We determined that it took 0.52 seconds to scan one FSR, and the scan rate is approximately 6.75 V/s (we know the PZT is nonlinear, but we figure this estimate is good enough for our purposes). This gives us 3.51 V/FSR on the PZT, or 0.0236 V/MHz, using the FSR = 148.532 MHz from T0900616.
We are still thinking about how to calibrate the PMC mixer signal.
Wed Nov 20 10:11:17 2024 INFO: Fill completed in 11min 13secs
Vicky, Sheila
Last night the squeezer FSS was off during our test of running the PMC with the FSS unlocked and unplugged. This is because of some error checking that was written when the squeezer (and ALS) pick offs were from the reference cavity transmission, so there were too check on the reference cavity transmitted power, and an error check on the reference cavity transmission PD. Since the reference cavity was unlocked the automation had an error overnight and didn't lock the SQZ TTFSS.
This morning we changed the H1:PSL-REFCAV_TRANS_DC_LOW from 0.3 to -0.1, and changed H1:SQZ-FIBR_LOCK_REFCAV_TRANSLIM to -0.1, so that the squeezer FSS will stay locked.
The PSL FSS has been powered down with the squeezer FSS on since 17:45 UTC Nov 20th.
For about 50 minutes starting at 01:45 PST this morning we had another jump of the EY CNS-II reference GPS 1PPS compared with the LIGO timing. Previous jump was Mon 18nov2024 05:55. Prior to that no jumps for 3 weeks since the power supply was replaced.
We had a slight mains power glitch at 07:00:26 PST this morning, the GC UPS reported being on battery power for 4 seconds.
Attached plot shows all three phases in the corner station CER.
Richard turned back on the high voltage and plugged back in the DB37 cable that was unplugged yesterday afternoon.
TITLE: 11/20 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Microseism
Wind: 17mph Gusts, 11mph 3min avg
Primary useism: 0.40 μm/s
Secondary useism: 1.56 μm/s
Since the secondary microseism has been very high this evening and preventing H1 from locking, we decided to leave just the PMC locked (no FSS, ISS, or IMC) for an extended time and watch for any glitches. At around 23:45 UTC, we unlocked the FSS, Richard turned off the high voltage supply for the FSS, and Jason and I unplugged the DB37 cable from the FSS fieldbox in the PSL-R1 rack in order to ensure no feedback from the FSS made it to the NPRO. Pictures of the DB37 cable's location are attached.
The first attachment shows the changes seen when the FSS was unlocked. Since then, I've seen several instances of groups of glitches come through, such as those shown in the second and third attachments. These glitches in the PMC_MIXER channel are smaller than ones seen previously that have unlocked the IMC (like in alog81228). There have also been times where the PMC_MIXER channel gets "fuzzier" for a bit and then calms down, shown in the fourth attachment; it's possible this is due to the NPRO frequency not being controlled so the PMC sees some frequency changes? Finally, I only recall one instance of the NPRO jumping in power like in the final attachment; the PMC doesn't seem to care much about this, only having one very small glitch at this time.
I'll leave the PSL in this configuration to collect more data overnight as the secondary microseism is still much too high for H1 to successfully lock.
A zoom-in on some of the glitches from the third figure above.
After Ryan's shift ended last night, there were some larger glitches, with a similar amplitude in the PMC mixer channel to the ones that we saw unlocking the reference cavity 81356 (and IMC in 81228)
The first plot shows one of these times with larger glitches, the second one zooms in for 60ms when the glitches were frequent, this looks fairly similar to Peter's plot above.
The period of large glitches started around 2 am (7:37 UTC on Nov 20th), and ended when a power glitch turned off the laser at 7 am (15 UTC) 81376. Some of the small glitches in that time frame time seem to be at the same time that the reference cavity was resonanting (with low transmission), but many of the large glitches do not line up with times when the reference cavity was resonanting.
I've zoomed in on most of the times when the PMC mixer glitches reached 0.1, and see that there are usually small jumps in NPRO power at the time of these glitches, although the times don't always line up well and the small power glitches are happening very often so this might be a coincidence.
Sheila, Jason, Vicky - Compared the PSL + PMC mixer glitches between last night (Nov 22, 2024, no FSS no ISS) and the emergency vent (Aug 2024, PSL+PMC+FSS+ISS), as in 81354.
As a reference, "before" during the emergency vent in August 2024, the Laser + PMC + FSS + ISS were all locked with no PMC mixer glitches for >1 month.
Updating our matrix of tests to isolate the problem, and thinking things through:
Before (vent Aug 2024) | Now (Nov 2024) |
laser + PMC + FSS + ISS good = no glitches | laser + PMC + FSS bad = glitches 81356 |
laser + PMC ??? (presumably good) | laser + PMC bad = same PMC mixer glitches 81371 |
1) Are these +/-0.1 V PMC mixer glitches the problem? Yes, probably.
2) Are these big PMC mixer glitches caused or worsened by the FSS? No. PMC mixer glitches basically same with FSS on 81356 and off 81371.
3) Are the laser + PMC mixer glitches new? Yes, probably. If these PMC glitches always there, could it be that we were previously able to ride them out before, and not now? But this would imply that in addition to the new glitches, the FSS secondarily degraded. Seems very unlikely: already several problems (bad amp, new eom needed new notch, etc) have been fixed with FSS, and the FSS OLTFs and in-loop spectra look good. FSS on/off does not change the PMC mixer glitches, so the problem seems most likely laser or PMC.
Sheila, Daniel, Jason, Ryan S, many others
We think the problem is not the PMC, and likely the laser.
Daniel looked at PMC mixer gliches on the remote scope: 81390. If PMC mixer glitches are indicative of the problem, we can try to track down the origin of the glitches.
Talking with Jason and RyanS, some summary of the NPROs available:
Marc, Fil, Dave, Ryan
h1susex is powered down to restore cabling from the new 28bit LIGO-DAC to the original 20bit General Standards DACs.
Put h1iopseiex SWWD into long bypass
Safe the h1susetmx, h1sustmsx and h1susetmxpi models
Stop all models on h1susex
Fence h1susex from the Dolphin fabric
Power down h1susex.
D. Barker, F. Clara, M. Pirello
Swap to original 20 bit DAC complete. Here are the steps we took to revert from LD32 to GS20
Included images of front and rear of rack prior to changes.
09:59:38 h1susex h1iopsusex
09:59:51 h1susex h1susetmx
10:00:04 h1susex h1sustmsx
10:00:17 h1susex h1susetmxpi
J. Kissel (with help/advice from J. Driggers, S. Dwyer, J. Oberling) WP 11493 Why am I doing this PRIMER We're yak-shaving again; this time in support of better understanding what the eventual frequency / phase noise will be incoming from a PSL pick-off (at the point of RefCav reflection much like SQZ or ALS fiber pickoffs, see D1300348) for the current design of SPI L (see G2301177; the longitudinal, or "L" DOF of future seismic platform interferemeters "SPI"), corroborating current estimates shown in SWG:12112. The idea is to establish a "[Hz / V]" linear calibration for the PMC length control PZT, such that once established, we can measure the PSL "frequency noise" in various configurations of the detector (e.g. "only RefCav locked," "only IMC + RefCav," "full IFO CARM + IMC + RefCav"). Critically, for the planned frequency-band in which we plan to use SPI L for ISI platform control -- we care about "frequency noise" delivered on the fiber in the 0.01 to 5 Hz region; this *not* a frequency region typically plotted -- from 10 to 10000 Hz, since that's where the main interferometer (IFO), or frequency-dependent squeezer (FDS or SQZ), or arm length stabilization (ALS), systems care about frequency noise (see e.g. chapter of 3 of P1800022 or chapter 6 of P2200287) -- so it's been a struggle to find plot of this noise in the frequency band we need. Notice that I put "frequency noise" in quotes. This is because, for a single fabry perot cavity (be it linear, triangular, or bowtie) on resonance, 1 lambda0 1. lambda0 ---- df = ------- df = ---- dL = ------- dphi f0 c L0 2*pi*L0 where df = actual frequency noise of the laser, whose frequency is f0 lambda0 = wavelength of the laser c = speed of light = lambda0 * f0 dL = actual cavity length / acoustic noise L0 = the roundtrip length of the cavity dphi = phase noise of the laser which means that (a) all of these noises can be re-cast as version of each other if you know the laser wavelength and cavity length, and (b) that *sources* of these noise can all get confused together when you're just measuring one thing, e.g. the typical error signal -- the reflected light from the cavity. This fact, (b), is why I but "frequency noise" in quotes, or call it *effective* frequency noise. Now -- the PMC itself is a cavity that is in-air, relatively short, and relatively low finesse. As such, the PSL PMC will never measure the *actual* full IFO CARM + IMC + RefCav *actual* frequency noise, since that frequency (or length, or phase) noise is established with the full 4 km arm cavities, suspended on a BSC+ISI+QUAD system in vacuum. What we'll end up measuring with the PMC are the *other* noises which are "artifacts" of the measurement -- cavity length noise (sometimes called "acoustic" noise), shot noise of the PMC REFL sensor, etc. BUT -- this "frequency noise" is still relevant because it serves as an upper limit on the *effective* frequency noise on the PSL table. Further, one of the open questions for the SPI L is how we'll use it operationally; only when the full IFO is locked or "at 'all' times, or at least when the PMC + ISS + FSS is locked"? So, we also want to see if the PMC "frequency noise" measures anything different in the three configurations of the IFO -- and again, we want this information between 0.01 to 5 Hz. Eventually, we'll *also* use the FDS system -- which similarly receives fiber-delivered PSL light -- to *then* establish how much *additional* effective frequency noise is added by the fiber as it traverses across the LVEA via the standard LIGO fiber delivery system. OK. That sets the scene, now on to the actual attempt at creating the linear "[Hz/V]" calibration for the PSL PMC PZT. Measurement PRIMER The principle of the measurement is relatively standard: (0) Understand the *modeled* cavity parameters, including length of the cavity, and frequency "light houses" and a function of cavity length -- :: the HG00 modes (the mode at which the cavity is designed to resonate, and thus cause the highest signal on the transmission PD) :: the distance between the HG00 models -- the free-spectral-range :: and the frequencies of other, non-HG00 modes in relation to the HG00 mode, or :: if there are Pound-Drever-Hall control-side bands on the HG00 carrier light. (1) With the cavity unlocked, drive the length of the cavity using the length actuator in a smooth linear ramp and watch some photodiode in transmission as the cavity flashes through its various resonant modes. Ensure that ramp pushes the cavity length through at least one full free-spectral range. This ramp through the length of the cavity is often called a cavity "sweep," and sometimes also called a "mode scan." Typically, the drive signal is a triangular or saw-tooth wave-form, such that one gets a repeated linear ramp. (2) While doing so, record the time series of both the driver value -- in this case a PZT voltage, [V] -- and the transmitted light. The units of the transmitted light actually don't matter, but it's always nice to have a timeseries plotted in physical units, so if you can calibrate the PD into Watts of transmitted power [W]. With the repeated ramp, you can even gather statistics as the cavity sweeps through the same FSR multiple times. We expect to see the HG00 "carrier" peak to have the highest transmission; and thus these are the standard candle "goal posts" that are the most obvious feature. (3) Then, map the frequencies of "peaks" in the transmitted light time series to a frequency vector, by assigning the modeled frequency of each feature (the two HG00, any clearly identified control side bands, any clearly identified non-HG00 modes, etc. from step 0 ). (4) Now, map the frequency vector on to the PZT voltage vector to obtain a frequency as a function of voltage. Here's the kicker: a PZT is a non-linear actuator. So, in order to obtain a *linear* calibration, in [Hz/V], one needs to fit the function from (4) to a polynomial (depending on the number of modeled and identified features in the "cavity sweep," and the personal preference of the data analyst, this can be quadratic, cubic, quartic, etc.) and then take the linear coefficient of that fit as the "[Hz/V]" for a known, typical value for the operating voltage of the PZT. Another point -- because the PZT is non-linear: (a) The answer may depend on the maximum and minimum amplitude of the ramp / sweep, (b) The answer may depend on the rate (or frequency) at which the ramp repeats (i.e. the sweep frequency). (c) One may get a different answer from a ramp with a positive slope vs. a ramp with a negative slope. (d) It has hysteresis; even though one might request the same position by requesting the same voltage, the physical position where the PZT lands may be slightly different each time your request the same voltage, or said differently, there's no guarantee that a requested triangle wave with fixed amplitude will push the cavity to the same starting length on each cycle Also, because there's no a priori clear map of HG00 mode to voltage ahead of time, there's no guarantee that the cavity's free-spectral range is lined up with 0V, i.e. no guarantee that a ramp from +7V to -7V drive will *get* you two HG00 modes and one FSR. It's these additional points, the kicker, and step (3) that I hadn't remembered, and/or didn't re-appreciate before I got started. Ah well. Hopefully these things can be done offline. Measurement Technique 2023-10-31_MeasurePMCSweep_Notes.txt are more detailed notes of the "procedure," but the summary of the specifics: - With the IFO unlocked, the IMC unlocked, the FSS and ISS OFF, and the PMC unlocked, - I used the user-controlled excitation "PSL-PMC_ALIGNRAMP" that feeds into the H1:PSL-PMC_TF_IN filterbank in order to drive a triangle wave (i.e. successive linear ramps, one positive sloped and one negative sloped) into the PMC's PZT - In order :: to combat the suspicions of non-linearity, and :: because we didn't know what triangle wave frequency would be best as a compromise between "much less than the PMC cavity pole," and "faster than we expect the free-running PSL alignment, intensity, and frequency to drift" I recorded 6 different measurements with two amplitudes and three ramp rates (triangle wave frequency; time spacing between voltage maximums): H1:PSL-PMC_ALIGNRAMP _FREQ [Hz] _MIN [V] _MAX [V] Trial 1 0.5 -5.0 +5.0 Trial 2 1.0 -5.0 +5.0 Trial 3 10. -5.0 +5.0 Trial 4 0.1 -7.0 +7.0 Trial 5 0.5 -7.0 +7.0 Trial 6 10. -7.0 +7.0 I also show a screenshot of the three FSS, ISS, and PMC MEDM screens, with highlights of what to click to get started in the above configuration after the operator holds the IFO ISC_LOCK guardian state in DOWN, and the IMC_LOCK guardian in OFFLINE. Further, I show a trend of the relevant channels during the the whol series of measurements. Since none of the relevant fast channels are stored in the frames (namely, H1:PSL-PMC_TF_IN_IN1 [the ramp] H1:PSL-PWR_PMC_TRANS_IN1 [the PMC trans PD]), I captured the time series of the ramps using the "triggered time response" feature of DTT. These templates live in /ligo/home/jeffrey.kissel/2023-10-31 2023-10-31_1521UTC_H1PSL_PMC_TRANS_pm5Volts_0p5Hzramp.xml 2023-10-31_1521UTC_H1PSL_PMC_TRANS_pm5Volts_10Hzramp.xml 2023-10-31_1521UTC_H1PSL_PMC_TRANS_pm5Volts_1Hzramp.xml 2023-10-31_1521UTC_H1PSL_PMC_TRANS_pm7Volts_0p1Hzramp.xml 2023-10-31_1521UTC_H1PSL_PMC_TRANS_pm7Volts_0p5Hzramp.xml 2023-10-31_1521UTC_H1PSL_PMC_TRANS_pm7Volts_10Hzramp.xml where the file name indicates which amplitude and ramp rate. I then exported these timeseries and plotted the results in matlab, see first attachment, 2023-10-31_1521UTC_H1PSL_PMC_rawData.pdf. The top panel is the PZT voltage triangle wave with the wave maxima highlighted in red, and minima highlighted in green; each traverse from red to green is a "negative slope" ramp, and the traverse from green to red is a "positive slope" ramp. The bottom panel shows the PMC TRANS PD during the triangle wave, where times of maxima and minima of the ramp's triangle wave are highlighted. Don't squint too hard -- I make better plots shown in the "Results" section below. First Results After a ton of timeseries parsing, and array index juggling, I took the above raw data and stacked the 6 trials into groups -- every time a negative slope ramp was traversed :: 2023-10-31_1521UTC_H1PSL_PMC_negSlope.pdf, and every time a positive slope ramp was traversed :: 2023-10-31_1521UTC_H1PSL_PMC_posSlope.pdf. For each page, which is each trial, Top panel :: I show every PZT voltage ramp stacked on top of each other. These all look like a very boring single line, but this indicates that I've done my timeseries stacking and index juggling correctly. Bottom panel :: I show the PMC TRANS PD for each of these ramps. These are only synchronized in time by the MAX and MIN requested ramp voltage, and show some spread. *This* is indicative that the PZT is an imperfect actuator that has hysteresis, as discussed above under (d). First Impressions from these Results (I) Positive slope ramps show clear non-linearity around the HG00 mode, especially for the 0.1 Hz and 0.5 Hz data at both excitation amplitudes. So, with this in mind, only the negative slope data is really useful. (II) From the negative slope ramps are much cleaner, and indeed it looks like the from +7 to -7 [V] ramps were enough voltage to traverse 2 HG00 modes. (III) Given the alignment of the HG00 modes, we can get the most use out of the +7 to -7 [V] 0.5 [Hz] ramp rate data, but maybe also the +5 to -5 [V] 10 [Hz] ramp rate data. (IV) What's ODD is that we don't seem to see evidence for the 35.5 MHz sidebands that are imposed on the PSL light incident on the PMC. We would expect, visually, that the sidebands would be symmertric about the HG00. We see no symmetric features. Maybe the modulation index is really low? Dunno. (V) We guess that everything seen in this "mode scan" is higher order modes. Next Steps From T0900616: PMC Parameter Modeled Value Measured Value L (roundtrip) 2.02 m 2.02 m +/- 0.008 m) Finesse 124.708 (124.536 +/- 5.091) 120.44 +/- 0.6 FWHM 1.19 MHz (1.195 MHz +/- 0.0488 MHz) 1.19 MHz +/- 0.06 MHz Free Spectral Range 148.532 MHz +/- 0.585 MHz 148.32 MHz +/- 0.742 MHz So we at least know two points on the voltage to frequency map (ie step 3 from above). But, because we know the PZT in nonlinear in so many different ways, we need to make sure we identify some of the other non-HG00 resonances. We did *not* record camera images during this sweep, so doing so will have to rely on guesses from modeling the cavity (or maybe there's some other characterization documentation DCC that we can find). Then we can do step 3 and 4. I note that when we eventually get to the "linearization" step, we need to know the typical operating voltage. The 2023-10-31_H1PSL_PMC_PZT_Voltage_TypicalOperatingVoltage.png attachment shows the typical operating voltage is ~0.77 [V] -- in the same voltage units as the user-defined ramp. Note -- this voltage is *not* the final voltage applied to the PZT. We have to do some further research, but I think this voltage and the ramp voltage units are DAC voltage (which I presume has the standard LIGO general standards DAC range of +/- 10 [V_peak] or 20 [V_pp]). The MEDM screen indicates that there's a -24 dB gain drop, and then I suspect that the voltage is amplified in analog by somehting like a D060283 board. We'll see.
The raw .txt file exported data lives in /ligo/svncommon/SeiSVN/seismic/Common/SPI/Results/ 2023-10-31_1521UTC_H1PSL_PMC_pm5Volts_0p5Hzramp_ts.txt 2023-10-31_1521UTC_H1PSL_PMC_pm5Volts_10Hzramp_ts.txt 2023-10-31_1521UTC_H1PSL_PMC_pm5Volts_1Hzramp_ts.txt 2023-10-31_1521UTC_H1PSL_PMC_pm7Volts_0p1Hzramp_ts.txt 2023-10-31_1521UTC_H1PSL_PMC_pm7Volts_0p5Hzramp_ts.txt 2023-10-31_1521UTC_H1PSL_PMC_pm7Volts_10Hzramp_ts.txt The script to process the data and get it at least to a post-processed form shown in the plots in the main entry lives here: /ligo/svncommon/SeiSVN/seismic/Common/SPI/Scripts/ process_PMC_sweep_20231031.m
To further model the expected frequency separation of higher order modes in the PMC mode scan, I've found a few more resources: In addition to the aLIGO PMC Design Documentation, T0900616, circa 2017 Liu Jian and Kentaro Mogushi worked with Rick Savage and Peter King to improve the design of the PMC -- namely to change the design from gluing the mirrors on the rigid body of the PMC to bolting the mirrors to the body. The best presentation I can find on that upgrade is G1701481. Some loss measurements were made of the glued PMCs, and the documentation of those measurements contains some juicy design details of the PMC -- see T1600204. During that design process, as Liu was learning about the details of the PMC, he put together a tech note, E1700340 that hints at further details of the *new* PMC design, which is now installed in the H1 PSL (though I can't find an explicit aLOG documenting when exactly).
Sheila and I used this data to get a rough calibration of the PZT HV channel: 0.0236 V/MHz, as in alog 81385.