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Reports until 16:32, Wednesday 28 August 2024
LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:32, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79778)
Ops Day Shift End

TITLE: 08/28 Day Shift: 1430-2330 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Earthquake
SHIFT SUMMARY: A few lock losses during commissioning time and from an earthquake. We are recovering now and through DRMI.

Start Time System Name Location Lazer_Haz Task Time End
23:58 SAF H1 LHO YES LVEA is laser HAZARD 18:24
22:50 VAC Travis LVEA Yes Parts recon 23:01
23:22 VAC Travis FCES n Parts recon 23:28
23:28 PEM Robert EY n Grab seismometer 23:58
ryan.crouch@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79780)
OPS Wednesday EVE shift start

TITLE: 08/28 Eve Shift: 2300-0800 UTC (1600-0100 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Lock Acquisition
    SEI_ENV state: CALM
    Wind: 11mph Gusts, 9mph 5min avg
    Primary useism: 0.08 μm/s
    Secondary useism: 0.14 μm/s

ryan.crouch@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:39, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79773)
Weekly Inlock charge measurement

Closes FAMIS 28368

The processing and plotting code were both giving me some trouble, from not creating the coefficient files in /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/common/scripts/quad/InLockChargeMeasurements/rec_LHO_charge_coeff/, and a bad ITMX measurement from July making shapes not match.

ITMXs measurement is also possibly not good, as it was complaining about its data structure and I was not able to process it.

raise ValueError("no Fr{{Adc,Proc,Sim}}Data structures with the "
ValueError: no Fr{Adc,Proc,Sim}Data structures with the name H1:SUS-ITMX_L3_ESDAMON_DC_OUT_DQ

The charges seem stagnant

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H1 General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:24, Wednesday 28 August 2024 - last comment - 16:56, Wednesday 28 August 2024(79777)
Lock loss 2222UTC from earthquake

Just lost lock from a 6.0 in El Salvador. We will begin relocking as soon as it settles down a bit.

Comments related to this report
ryan.crouch@LIGO.ORG - 16:56, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79782)

Back to observing at 23:56 UTC

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:57, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79774)
Restarted alert system, removed Austin's entry.
ryan.crouch@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:27, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79772)
H1 ISI CPS Sensor Noise Spectra Check - Weekly

Closes FAMIS 26005 , last checked in alog79586


Things look much calmer now, except for HAMs 7 & 8 still look as they did previously.


Things again are much calmer.

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louis.dartez@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:34, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79764)
Calibration Status since vent recovery
We have a preliminary report for the calibration status of LHO after the vent recovery, based on the measurement taken in LHO:79691. The report can be found here.

Taking a look at the PCALY to (GDS-CALIB_STRAIN_CLEAN) DARM broadband injection, there is an elevated amount of error between 30 and 60Hz. It would be worth considering to update the calibration at the next available opportunity, but it isn't pushing us beyond 10% mag/10deg phase yet. This is also corroborated by the monitoring page here.

N.B. I used pcal to GDS instead of to DELTAL_EXTERNAL because the GDS channel is already calibrated to meters for us. 

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naoki.aritomi@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:34, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79769)
ZM4 offload

Since the ZM4 DAC output was close to saturation, I offloaded ZM4 yaw with SQZ ASC ON. The SQZ ASC seems to work and keeps good squeezing level. I reduced ZM4 yaw from -1408 to -1108 and the SQZ ASC moved ZM5 and ZM6. Then I offloaded AS42 ASC. I could reduce ZM4 yaw more, but lockloss happened. I accepted the attached SDF.

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H1 General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:50, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79766)
Started commissioning time at 1600 UTC, lock loss followed at 1616 UTC

We are now running an initial alignment and will start main locking shortly.

thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:49, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79765)
No SQZ time and comparison

We took some no SQZ time from 1600-1610 UTC today. Attached are comparisons of that time against 1455UTC today when we had 120Mpc range, and from yesterday with a better 140Mpc.

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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:38, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79763)
updated o4 script with vent dates, added GPS times

Latest output of the 'o4' script, TJ requested I add the GPS times.

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H1 OpsInfo
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:36, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79762)
Removed the SDF Diff Dump from ISC_LOCK

Yesterday evening during some high wind time, Ryan C added some code to ISC_LOCK that he has been testing out in our TEST guardian node (mentioned in his summary alog79749). While successful in that node, ISC_LOCK started having connection issues for channels that exsist in the SDF. Stopping and starting the node resulted in different channels that it couldn't connect to each time. I've removed this from ISC_LOCK for now, but kept the main function in ISC_library.py. Ryan and I will try to figure out some different testing to be done before implementing again.

LHO General
tyler.guidry@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:33, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79761)
Well Pump Enabled
The well pump is currently running to replenish the fire water tank as we are bordering on the low-limit threshold. Coordination with the operator did take place ahead of the start command. Pump will run for four hours beginning at 9:28 pst.

C. Soike T. Guidry
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:25, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79759)
Wed CP1 Fill

Wed Aug 28 08:10:00 2024 INFO: Fill completed in 9min 56secs

Richard confirmed a good fill via camera.

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LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:37, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79758)
Ops Day Shift Start

TITLE: 08/28 Day Shift: 1430-2330 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 137Mpc
    SEI_ENV state: CALM
    Wind: 5mph Gusts, 4mph 5min avg
    Primary useism: 0.01 μm/s
    Secondary useism: 0.11 μm/s
QUICK SUMMARY: Locked for 8 hours, calm environment so far. Verbal has record of PI31 ringing up 30min ago, but it must have damped. I wonder if this gain also needs to be changed though. Our range is quite erradic for this lock. It sounds like this is due to the SQZ whistles that Sheila mentioned in her alog79757. Planned commissioning today from 9-12 PST.

elenna.capote@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:05, Tuesday 27 August 2024 - last comment - 16:31, Thursday 29 August 2024(79755)
New SRCL and MICH FF fit

I was able to new SRCL and MICH feedforward using the iterative method. Measurements were taken in alog 79693.

The current MICH FF is performing well except for below 30 Hz, so that's where I targeted in my fit. SRCL needed some improvement everywhere.

The new MICH filter is saved and loaded in FM8 and the new SRCL filter is saved and loaded in FM5. They are both labeled with the date '8-27-24'.

To compare how these filters are performing, I would use the templates Oli saved in the above alog, but first save the live trace as a reference to compare against.

I have not yet done the PRCL fit because I want to see how SRCL performs, and maybe redo the PRCL injections before trying the fit.

Comments related to this report
elenna.capote@LIGO.ORG - 10:13, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79767)

Here is some more information about the fits.

First, my MICH fit caused a lockloss this morning because I forgot to the check the phase on the filter. Sometimes, the phase gets flipped during the fitting. Usually, I compare the sign of the phase with the previous filter in foton and adjust accordingly, but I forgot to do it this time (rookie mistake). I have double checked the new SRCL filter phase and fixed the MICH phase.

Attached are two screenshots of the fittings. First, the MICH fitting compares the current filter, labeled as "reference 1" with the red trace which represents the new fit. The bottom right plot compares the fit residuals. You can see from this plot that the most improvement occurs at low frequency, with some small improvement at mid frequency. The SRCL fitting has many more traces, but compare the orange "current fit" trace with the trace labeled "best with less HF gain". This has more improvement almost everywhere. There is an increase in gain at high frequency, but it is less than an order of magnitude, so I think it's ok. The new fit also has reduced the high Q feature around 300 Hz that was potentially injecting noise. There is a factor 5-10 improvement between 10-50 Hz that will help the most.

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elenna.capote@LIGO.ORG - 11:36, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79768)

These have now been tested, SRCL passes, MICH fails.

The SRCL screenshot compares Oli's SRCL measurement from four days ago with the "current" filter, and the new "trial" filter that I applied today. There is clear improvement everywhere (except for a small worsening between 100-200 Hz), so I think we should use this filter.

The MICH screenshot compares Oli's MICH measurement from four days ago with the "current" filter, along with "no FF" and "trial". The trial did what I promised, and reduced the coupling between 10-20 Hz, but clearly at the sacrifice of the noise everywhere else. I think we should stay with "current".

I am changing the guardian to select this new SRCL filter (FM5) in "lownoise length control" and the gain back to 1. There will be an SDF observing diff for SRCLFF1 that can be accepted by the operator.

Some thoughts about MICH FF:

In my opinion the hardest region to fit is between 10-20 Hz because of the presence of some high Q features, such as around 17 Hz. It would be worth considering what is causing those features- perhaps some bounce/roll notches. Do we still need those notches, or could they be briefly turned off during a feedforward injection? That might make the low frequency portion easier to fit and therefore easier to achieve good subtraction 10-30 Hz.

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jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - 11:44, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79770)

Looks like these are maybe BS M2 LOCK L FM10.  We can try turning them off I suspect.  Foton says they have a 2 second ramp, so should be okay to turn off just before the measurement (I'm not sure if we need them all the time, but maybe we do).

elenna.capote@LIGO.ORG - 16:31, Thursday 29 August 2024 (79806)

Today Sheila took another injection of PRCL for me so I could fit a new feedforward. The fit looked promising, however once it engaged it apparently caused oscillations everywhere, and I turned it off fast enough to avoid lockloss (thanks Corey and Ibrahim!). I checked the phase and gains beforehand, no high Q features, etc so I don't know what could be the issue.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:03, Tuesday 27 August 2024 - last comment - 09:00, Wednesday 28 August 2024(79735)
CDS Maintenance Summary: Tuesday 27th August 2024

WP12061 Upgrade RCG h1susex, remove LIGO-DAC delays

EJ, Erik, Jonathan, Dave, Daniel, Marc:

h1susex RCG was upgraded to a custom 5.3.0 specifically for the IOP to remove a delay in the new LIGO 28AO32 DAC. We compliled all of the user models with this RCG as well.

Our first restart was a simple model restart, but we got Dolphin errors. So our second restart was to fence h1susex from the Dolphin fabric and power cycle h1susex via IPMI. After this the models started with no issues.

No DAQ restart was required.

Code path is /opt/rtcds/rtscore/advLigoRTS-5.3.0_dacfix

WP12063 Alert System


The locklossalert system code was modified to permit an alert window which spans over midnight, needed for the new owl shift hours.

Note that the business/every day filter is applied after the minute-in-day filter, so a window starting Friday evening and extending into Saturday morning will cut off at midnight if business days only is selected.

One other change:

For everyone subscribed to Guardian alerts, if for any reason the Guardian EPICS record cannot be read (node down, h1guardian1 down) the alert will now default to SEND.

Guardian Reboot


h1guardian1 was rebooted at 08:21 PDT. All nodes except TEST came back automatically. TJ worked on TEST and got it going.

MSR Rack Cleanup


Jonathan removed two test switches from the MSR racks which are no longer needed.

Comments related to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 14:43, Tuesday 27 August 2024 (79742)

I updated the o4 script which reports where we are in O4 and reminds us of important dates (break start/end, vent start/end).


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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 09:00, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79760)

08:50:45 h1susex      h1iopsusex  <<< 1st try, restart model
08:50:59 h1susex      h1susetmx   
08:51:13 h1susex      h1sustmsx   
08:51:27 h1susex      h1susetmxpi 
08:57:11 h1susex      h1iopsusex  <<< 2nd try, reboot
08:57:24 h1susex      h1susetmx   
08:57:37 h1susex      h1sustmsx   
08:57:50 h1susex      h1susetmxpi 

thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:45, Monday 26 August 2024 - last comment - 09:08, Friday 30 August 2024(79714)
Ran A2L for all quads

I ran A2L while we were still thermalizing, might run again later. No change for ETMY but the ITMs had large changes. I've accepted these in SDF, I reverted the tramps that the picture shows I accepted. I didn't notice much of a change in DARM or on the DARM blrms.

         ETMX P
Initial:  3.12
Final:    3.13
Diff:     0.01

         ETMX Y
Initial:  4.79
Final:    4.87
Diff:     0.08

         ETMY P
Initial:  4.48
Final:    4.48
Diff:     0.0

         ETMY Y
Initial:  1.13
Final:    1.13
Diff:     0.0

         ITMX P
Initial:  -1.07
Final:    -0.98
Diff:     0.09

         ITMX Y
Initial:  2.72
Final:    2.87
Diff:     0.15

         ITMY P
Initial:  -0.47
Final:    -0.37
Diff:     0.1

         ITMY Y
Initial:  -2.3
Final:    -2.48
Diff:     -0.18

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Comments related to this report
elenna.capote@LIGO.ORG - 15:06, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79776)

I am not sure how the A2L is run these days, but there is some DARM coherence with DHARD Y that makes me think we should recheck the Y2L gains. See attached screenshot from today's lock.

As a reminder, the work that Gabriele and I did last April found that the DHARD Y coupling had two distinct frequency regimes: a steep low frequency coupling that depended heavily on the AS A WFS yaw offset, and a much flatter coupling about ~30 Hz that depended much more strongly on the Y2L gain of ITMY (this was I think before we started adjusting all the A2L gains on the test masses). Relevant alogs: 76407 and 76363

Based on this coherence, the Y2L gains at least deserve another look. Is it possible to track a DHARD Y injection during the test?

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thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - 09:08, Friday 30 August 2024 (79813)

Since I converted this script to run on all TMs and dofs simultaneously, its performance hasn't been stellar. We've only run it a handful of times, but we definitely need to change something. One difference between the old version and the new is the frequencies the injected lines are at. As of right now, they range from 23-31.5Hz, but perhaps these needs to be moved. In June, Sheila and I ran it, then swapped the highest frequency and the lowest frequency to see if it made a difference (alog78495) and in that one test it didn't seem to matter.

Sheila and I are talking about the AS WFS offset and DHARD injection testing to try to understand this coupling a bit better. Planning in progess.

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