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Reports until 19:50, Sunday 18 October 2015
H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:50, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22623)
Mid-Shift Summary - Evening

MID-SHIFT SUMMARY: Making this summary a few minutes early. Just got a report of a 5.3 event near Taiwan that’s supposed to roll a .47µm/s R- wave through here in about 20 minutes. So far I’ve only seen one glitch and that seemed to be coincidental with LLO coming out of lock. Wind has been calm and µSeism was starting to trend downward slowly. I may be starting to see early signs of .03-.1Hz band z-axis starting to increase. Otherwise, everything has been just peachy!

H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:07, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22622)
Shift Summary - Evening Transition

TITLE: Oct 18 EVE Shift 23:00-07:00UTC (04:00-00:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Observing


QUICK SUMMARY:IFO in Observing mode ~76Mpc. All lights in LVEA, PSL and M/E stations are off. Wind is ≤10mph. EQ sei plot is back to nominal after quake that caused most recent lockloss. Microseism plot Z-axis is elevated .25microns/s. CW injections are running. Calibration lines are on.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:03, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22621)
Ops Day End Shift Summary
TITLE: 10/18 [DAY Shift]: 15:00-23:00 UTC (08:00-16:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC
STATE Of H1: Locked. Observing @ ~76 MPc.
SHIFT SUMMARY: Recovered from earthquake in Tonga.
Seismic in 0.03 - 0.1 Hz recovered from earthquake but then trended up to .1 um/s at end X and end Y. Seismic in 0.1 - 0.3 Hz appears to be settling between .1 and .8 um/s. Can hear what may be the wind on the side of the building in the control room. Came up to about 20 mph and is now decreasing.

16:16 - 16:22 UTC Stepped out of control room
19:17 - 19:30 UTC Stepped out of control room

21:33 UTC Vern taking family to X arm overpass
H1 DetChar (DetChar, ISC, SUS)
andrew.lundgren@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:08, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22620)
Check of Noisemons and SUS electronics
Andy, Josh

We've developed a tool to keep an eye out for problems in the SUS coil driver electronics like with PRM M3 (alog).  When a coil driver goes bad, it can be hard to work out which one is the culprit because the feedback makes many degrees of freedom glitch. But the bad coil will have glitches that are not in the drive signal, hence the coherence between the analog readback and the drive signal will drop.

This tool plots the spectra of the NOISEMON and MASTER_OUT channels, and their coherence, for the four quadrants of many different SUS channels. From these, it should be possible to check if there are any unexpected lines in the coil driver output, and whether it's not correctly following the drive signal. It's also possible to check the health of the noisemons themselves.

The result is attached for Oct 17 8:00 UTC. We'll be looking through this and following up on any problems. The code doesn't yet deal nicely with channels that have no drive signal. Those will just be left blank. The code is Python and requires gwpy; it is available on github as noismon_check.
Non-image files attached to this report
H1 General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:17, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22619)
Back to observing
Moved ETMX pitch from 2.4 to 2.7 to lock the X arm on green.
Found IR by changing ALS DIFF from -900 to -3126. Guardian found it in later attempts.
Had trouble staying locked on DRMI.
Went from LOCK_DRMI_1F to LOCK_PRMI. Had trouble locking on PRMI. I think I started to move the BS and PRM. Locked on PRMI. Moved BS and PRM. Went to LOCK_DRMI.
Stopped at DC readout and increased the PSL ISS diffracted power from ~6% to ~8.6% by changing the REFSIGNAL from -2.04 to -2.02. (Was getting diffracted power is low messages)
Ran the a2l script.
Back to observing mode.

0.03 - 0.1 Hz seismic band has still not completely recovered from the earthquake. Is around .02 - .1 um/s.
0.1 - 0.3 Hz seismic band has trended up to around .1 - .3 um/s.

Range is around 76 MPc.
H1 General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:08, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22617)
Lock loss
Likely seismic. We made it through the first ~12 min of an initial jump in the 0.03 - 0.1 Hz seismic band but it spiked up to 2 - 3 um/s around the time of the lock loss.

From USGS: 6.0 magnitude 66km ESE of Hihifo, Tonga 2015-10-18 16:18:34 UTC 10.0 km deep

Terramon did not report the earthquake until after the lock loss.

SUS S_R_M saturating (Oct 18 16:40:56 UTC)
SUS S_R_M saturating (Oct 18 16:40:58 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 18 16:40:58 UTC)
SUS S_R_M saturating (Oct 18 16:41:02 UTC)
SUS S_R_M saturating (Oct 18 16:52:57 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_X saturating (Oct 18 16:52:57 UTC)
DRMI Unlocked (Oct 18 16:52:57 UTC)
Intention Bit: Commissioning (Oct 18 16:52:57 UTC)
ISC_LOCK state: DOWN (Oct 18 16:53:06 UTC)
SUS OMC SW watch dog tripped (Oct 18 16:53:11 UTC)
SUS OMC SW watch dog tripped (Oct 18 16:53:19 UTC)
H1 General
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:09, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22616)
Owl Shift Summary

TITLE: "10/18 [OWL Shift]: 07:00-15:00UTC (00:00-08:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC"

STATE Of H1: Observing at ~80 Mpc for 16 hours 50 minutes.


SHIFT SUMMARY: Microseism continues to rise (about to cross over the first dashed line on the FOM). Nominal seismic activity in EQ band. Wind speed fluctuate between 5-10 mph through the night. LLO made it back up in the range plot but GWIstat says LLO status is "Not OK".



19:36 A GRB alert. LLO isn't up, unfortunately.

~14:30 Patrick arrived

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:01, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22615)
Ops Day Beginning Shift Summary
TITLE: 10/18 [DAY Shift]: 15:00-23:00 UTC (08:00-16:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC
STATE Of H1: Observing @ ~ 77 MPc.
QUICK SUMMARY: From the cameras the lights are off in the LVEA, PSL enclosure, end X, end Y and mid X. I can not tell if they are off at mid Y. Seismic in 0.03 - 0.1 Hz band is around .02 um/s. Seismic in 0.1 - 0.3 Hz band is around .2 um/s and has been trending up. Winds are less than 10 mph.
H1 General
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:41, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22613)
Owl Mid Shift Summary

Still observing at ~76 Mpc. We had one GRB alert at 09:36:44 UTC but LLO was (and is) still down. I contacted LLO and they have received the alert as well but didn't sound like they could get the ifo up anytime soon. Microseism slowly increasing. Seismic activity in EQ band is nominal. Wind speed ~10mph. 

H1 General
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:09, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22612)
Owl Shift Transition

TITLE: Oct 18 OWL Shift 07:00-15:00UTC (00:00-08:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Observing at ~78Mpc


QUICK SUMMARY: The ifo has been locked 9 hours. Nominal seismic activity. Wind below 10mph. LLO is still down.

H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:58, Saturday 17 October 2015 (22611)
Shift Summary - Evening

TITLE: Oct 17 EVE Shift 23:00-07:00UTC (16:00-00:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Observing

LOCK DURATION: ~8hr50min



23:05 Chris left the site

23:06 Jordan arrived on site

04:06 Wind is picking up to ~20mph. Loss of range is about 5Mpc on the hour . 75Mpc

05:35 Wind is dying back to ≤ 10mph range has returned to 80Mpc

SHIFT SUMMARY: IFO locked for my entire shift. Wind speeds rose for about 2 hours and it took a few Mpcs off the range but the range returned after wind died back. Range 76Mpc

SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 17 23:06:12 UTC)

SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 17 23:06:13 UTC)

SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 18 23:20:02 UTC)

SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 18 23:23:28 UTC)

SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 17 23:39:27 UTC)

SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 17 23:54:12 UTC)

SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 18 02:56:08 UTC)

SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 18 03:20:42 UTC)

SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 18 05:46:47 UTC)

H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:31, Saturday 17 October 2015 (22610)
Mid-Shift Summary - Evening


Nothing out of the ordinary to report. Wind is calm. Sei and µSei is calm. A few ETMY saturations. Locked now for 5hr21min. @ 78.8Mpc. From what I can tell Livingston is down and in "Maintenance" Observatory Mode. I haven't seen them up once during my shift.

H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Saturday 17 October 2015 (22609)
Shift Summary - Evening Transition

TITLE: Oct 17 EVE Shift 23:00-07:00UTC (16:00-00:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Observing


QUICK SUMMARY:IFO in Observing mode ~80 Mpc. All lights in LVEA, PSL and M/E stations are off. Wind is ≤10mph. EQ sei plot is back to nominal after quake that caused most recent lockloss. Microseism plot is steady at ~.1microns/s. CW injections are running. Calibration lines are on.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Saturday 17 October 2015 (22608)
Ops Day End Shift Summary
TITLE: 10/17 [DAY Shift]: 15:00-23:00 UTC (08:00-16:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC
STATE Of H1: Locked. Observing @ ~79 MPc.
SHIFT SUMMARY: Chris turned on CW injection. Recovered from lock loss after earthquake with minimal effort. No report if company here to blow out sprinklers has left.
ACTIVITY LOG: Nothing additional to report.
H1 General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:20, Saturday 17 October 2015 (22607)
Back to observing
Only intervention was to touch up BS pitch after locking DRMI.

Ran a2l script.
H1 General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:36, Saturday 17 October 2015 (22606)
Lock loss
Appears to be an earthquake. Spike up to ~ .9 um/s in 0.03 - 0.1 Hz seismic band.

5.2 magnitude 73km S of Isangel, Vanuatu 2015-10-17 21:02:32 UTC 59.0 km deep

SUS S_R_M saturating (Oct 17 21:32:20 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 17 21:32:20 UTC)
SUS B_S saturating (Oct 17 21:32:20 UTC)
SUS I_T_M_X saturating (Oct 17 21:32:20 UTC)
Intention Bit: Commissioning (Oct 17 21:32:20 UTC)
ISC_LOCK state: DOWN (Oct 17 21:32:30 UTC)
DRMI Unlocked (Oct 17 21:32:30 UTC)
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:53, Saturday 17 October 2015 (22605)
Ops Day Mid Shift Summary
Lock continues @ ~75 MPc.

16:58 UTC Went out of observing mode for Chris to turn on CW injection
16:59 UTC Chis turned on CW injection
17:01 UTC Went back to observing mode

18:36 UTC Red pickup truck leaving site from LSB (on camera)

18:54 UTC Sudarshan walking with parents from control room to top of bridge
19:47 UTC Sudarshan leaving site

SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 17 16:53:28 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 17 16:53:31 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 17 16:53:33 UTC)
Intention Bit: Commissioning (Oct 17 16:58:51 UTC)
CW Injection started (Oct 17 16:59:26 UTC)
Current time: Oct 17 17:00:00 UTC
Intention Bit: Undisturbed (Oct 17 17:01:56 UTC)
Current time: Oct 17 18:00:00 UTC
Current time: Oct 17 19:00:00 UTC
H1 INJ (DetChar, INJ)
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:57, Saturday 17 October 2015 - last comment - 10:23, Saturday 17 October 2015(22602)
Turning CW injections back on at H1
Chris, Patrick

I am going to turn the CW injections back on at H1.

We are currently in single-IFO mode right now. And since this is the first time we are going to turn these back on, as a precaution I will ask Patrick (the operator on shift) to turn the intent mode off. The intent mode should only be off for a couple minutes at most. I will make an aLog entry when this work is done and the intent mode is back on.

To do this we will:
  * Turn the intent mode off
  * Turn off the output of the continuous injection filterbank More specifically turn off INJ_CW and INJ_HARDWARE. There is a startup transient in INJ_HARDWARE that we do not want to enter into the ESD
  * log into h1hwinj1/ on a work station browser
  * start psinject using the monit web interface
  * After a short time (a few seconds) turn on the output of the continuous injection filterbank so we don't inject the startup transient
  * Turn the intent mode back on
Comments related to this report
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - 10:02, Saturday 17 October 2015 (22603)DetChar, INJ
Patrick is turning the intent mode back on now. The CW injections are on.
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - 10:23, Saturday 17 October 2015 (22604)DetChar, INJ
I've attached a 10 minute timeseries of HARDWARE_OUT_DQ after the CW injections have been turned on, and it looks like we are using the correct makefakedata_v4 version, ie. 1/20s glitches do not show up in this channel.
Images attached to this comment
H1 General (CAL, SYS)
peter.fritschel@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:52, Tuesday 06 October 2015 - last comment - 06:57, Monday 19 October 2015(22269)
Inspiral range integrand for current strain spectrum

The attached plots show the inspiral range integrand, and cumulative integral, for a stretch of recent H1 strain data. This is just the standard integration of the strain noise power, weighted as (frequency)^(-7/3). I was also interested in the impact the 35-40 Hz calibration lines have on the range calculation, so the plots include a cumulative integral curve for which the calibration lines have been artificially removed from the strain spectrum (the strain noise in the 35-38 Hz band was replaced with the average strain noise at nearby frequencies). These curves (magenta) show that the calibration lines reduce the range calculation just a bit -- by just less than 1 Mpc.

The inspiral range for the spectrum used is 75 Mpc. 90% of the total is accumulated by 150 Hz; the second plot thus shows the same data from 0-150 Hz. At the lower frequency end, 10% of the total range comes from the band 16-26 Hz.

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Comments related to this report
alex.nitz@LIGO.ORG - 11:56, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22618)
Hi Peter,

Andy pointed me to this post, indicating that this result shows we might want to filter from lower frequencies in the PyCBC offline CBC search. However, when we run our own scripts to generate the same result we don't see nearly as much range coming from the 20-30Hz band. Instead, we see only ~1% of the inspiral range coming from this band.

Initially Andy had a script that agreed with your result, however I've convinced him that there was a bug in that script. I think that it might be possible that the same bug is also present in yours. 

I've attached a python script and a PSD from that time that should generate a relative range plot. I hope that it is clear enough to check if your scripts are doing the same thing. 
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peter.fritschel@LIGO.ORG - 06:57, Monday 19 October 2015 (22633)

Yes, indeed my script was making the error you allude to -- thanks for the correction. The integrand curves in my plots are correct, but the cumulative integral curves are not -- see Alex's plots for those. The corrected statements for Oct 6 - now somewhat obsolete due to reductions in the ~300 Hz periscope mount peaks - are that 90% of the range comes from the band 47 Hz - 560 Hz. About 1% of the range comes from frequencies below 29 Hz.

H1 DetChar (DetChar)
keith.riles@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:05, Saturday 26 September 2015 - last comment - 10:13, Monday 02 November 2015(21982)
Narrow lines in H1 DARM in O1 week 1
Executive summary: 
  • In regard to narrow lines, early O1 data resembles early ER8 data: a pervasive 16-Hz comb persists throughout the CW search band (below 2000 Hz); there is a notable 1-Hz comb below 100 Hz (0.5-Hz offset); and other sporadic combs persist.
  • On the other hand, there are distinct improvements: noise floor is cleaner nearly everywhere and substantially lower in the 10-70 Hz band; non-linear upconversion around quad violin modes and harmonics is much reduced; some combs and isolated lines have disappeared; and the OMC alignment dither frequencies have moved out of the CW search band (hurray!).
  • Oh the third hand, new artifacts have appeared or strengthened: a sporadic 8-Hz comb suspected before is confirmed; a 1-Hz comb (no offset) has emerged below 70 Hz; a broad bulge appears in the 1240-1270 Hz band.
Details: Using 104.5 hours of FScan-generated, Hann-windowed, 30-minute SFTs, I have gone through the first 2000 Hz of the DARM displacement spectrum (CW search band) to identify lines that could contaminate CW searches. This study is very similar to prior studies of ER7 data and ER8 data, but since this is my first O1 report, I will repeat below some earlier findings. Some sample displacement amplitude spectra are attached directly below, but more extensive sets of spectra are attached in zipped files. One set is for O1 sub-band spectra with labels (see code below), and one set is an overlay of early ER8 spectra (50 hours) and the early O1 spectra. As usual, the spectra look worse than they really are because single-bin lines (0.5 mHz wide) appear disproportionately wide in the graphics A flat-file line list is attached with the same alphabetic coding as in the figures. Findings:
  • A 16-Hz comb pervades the entire 0-2000 Hz band (and well beyond, based on daily FScans)
  • A typically much weaker and sporadic 8-Hz comb (odd harmonics) is also pervasive - previously suspected, now confirmed (all harmonics are labeled in figures, even when not visible)
  • A 1-Hz comb with a 0.5-Hz offset is visible from 15.5 Hz to 78.5 Hz (slightly wider span than before)
  • A new 1-Hz with zero offset is visible from 20.0 Hz to 68.0 Hz
  • A 99.9989-Hz comb is visible to its 8th harmonic (was previously visible to its 13th harmonic)
  • The 60-Hz power mains comb is visible to its 5th harmonic (was previously visible to its 9th harmonic)
  • There is a sporadic comb-on-comb with 0.088425-Hz fine spacing that appears with limited spans in three places near harmonics of 77, 154 and 231 Hz (ambiguity in precise fundamental frequency)
  • There is a 31.4149-Hz comb visible to its 2nd harmonic
  • The OMC alignment dithers have been moved to above 2000 Hz (thanks!)
  • Upconversion around the quad violin modes and their harmonics is much reduced, although the strengths of the higher harmonics themselves remain high. To be more specific, the fundamental and higher harmonics of the upconversion itself (integer harmonics) due to the fundamental violin harmonics are highly suppressed, while the higher harmonics of the violin modes themselves (not integer harmonics) remain high.
  • A number of previously seen combs are no longer apparent: 59.3155 Hz, 59.9392 Hz, 59.9954 Hz and 75.3 Hz
  • A variety of single lines have disappeared, and new ones have appeared (see attached line list)
  • Compared to early ER8 data, the noise floor is slightly lower in most of the band and significantly lower in the 10-70 Hz band, but there is a significant new bulge in the 1240-1270 Hz band
Line label codes in figures: b - Bounce mode (quad suspension) r - Roll mode (quad suspension) Q - Quad violin mode and harmonics B - Beam splitter violin mode and harmonics C - Calibration lines M - Power mains (60 HZ) s - 16-Hz comb e - 8-Hz comb (odd harmonics) O - 1-Hz comb (0.5-Hz offset) o - 1-Hz comb (zero offset) H - 99.9989-Hz comb J - 31.4149-Hz comb K - 0.088425-Hz comb x - single line Figure 1 - 0-2000 Hz (Early O1 data with line labels) Figure 2 - 20-100 Hz sub-band (shows complexity of combs below ~70 Hz Figure 3 - 1300-1400 Hz sub-band (shows how clean the noise floor is away from 8-Hz, 16-Hz lines at high frequencies Figure 4 - 0-2000 Hz (Early ER8 and O1 data comparison, no labels) Attachments: * Zip file with miscellaneous sub-band spectra for early O1 data (with line labels) * Zip file with sub-band spectra comparing early ER8 and early O1 data * Flat-file list of lines marked on figures
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Comments related to this report
keith.riles@LIGO.ORG - 12:53, Monday 28 September 2015 (22027)
A matlab file (37 MB) containing the averaged inverse-noise-weighted spectrum from the first week can be found here: 


Because of the way multiple epochs are handled, the matlab variable structure is non-obvious.
Here is how to plot the full spectrum after loading the file:  semilogy(freqcommon,amppsdwt{1,1})
nelson.christensen@LIGO.ORG - 07:39, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22614)
Keith has found:
"There is a sporadic comb-on-comb with 0.088425-Hz fine spacing that appears with limited spans in three places near harmonics of 77, 154 and 231 Hz (ambiguity in precise fundamental frequency)"

Using the coherence tool, we have seen coherence between h(t) and a number of auxiliary channels that shows this comb around 77 Hz. Seems to be around the input optics, in channels:

See the attached figures.

Nelson, Soren Schlassa, Nathaniel Strauss, Michael Coughlin, Eric Coughlin, Pat Meyers
Images attached to this comment
soren.schlassa@LIGO.ORG - 11:09, Wednesday 21 October 2015 (22673)
The structure at 76.4Hz Nelson listed some channels for above shows up in at least 50 other channels. 

Greatest coherence is consistently at 76.766 Hz, second greatest is (mostly) consistently at 76.854Hz. 

Spacing between the two combs is about 0.0013Hz.

The epicenter seems to be the INPUTOPTICS/the SUS-BS and SUS-ITM* channels, like Nelson said (see below for fuller list).

The plots above are pretty typical, but I have plots for all channels listed and can post any more that are useful. Most or all channels showing the comb with max coherence greater than 0.1 are listed below. Max coherences over 0.2 are marked below as strong, and max coherences under 0.15 as weak. Those marked strongest are around 0.22. I haven't included anything of max coherence <0.1 but I'm sure there are many.

H1:ASC-AS_A_RF36_I_PIT_OUT_DQ (weak)
H1:ASC-AS_A_RF36_Q_YAW_OUT_DQ (weak)
H1:ASC-AS_B_RF36_Q_YAW_OUT_DQ (strong)
H1:ISI-BS_ST2_BLND_RZ_GS13_CUR_IN1_DQ (strong)
H1:ISI-BS_ST2_BLND_Z_GS13_CUR_IN1_DQ (strong)
H1:ISI-HAM3_BLND_GS13Z_IN1_DQ (strong)
H1:SUS-BS_M1_DAMP_L_IN1_DQ (strongest)
H1:SUS-BS_M1_DAMP_T_IN1_DQ (strong)
H1:SUS-BS_M1_DAMP_V_IN1_DQ (strong)
H1:SUS-BS_M1_DAMP_Y_IN1_DQ (strong)
H1:SUS-ITMX_M0_DAMP_R_IN1_DQ (strong)
H1:SUS-ITMX_M0_DAMP_V_IN1_DQ (strong)
H1:SUS-ITMY_L1_WIT_L_DQ (strong)
H1:SUS-ITMY_L1_WIT_P_DQ (strong)
H1:SUS-ITMY_L1_WIT_Y_DQ (strong)
H1:SUS-ITMY_L2_WIT_L_DQ (strong)
H1:SUS-ITMY_L2_WIT_P_DQ (strong)
H1:SUS-ITMY_L2_WIT_Y_DQ (strong)
H1:SUS-MC1_M3_WIT_P_DQ (weak)
H1:SUS-PR2_M3_WIT_P_DQ (weak)
H1:SUS-PR2_M3_WIT_Y_DQ (weak)
H1:SUS-PRM_M1_DAMP_L_IN1_DQ (strongest)
H1:SUS-PRM_M1_DAMP_Y_IN1_DQ (strong)
soren.schlassa@LIGO.ORG - 23:07, Sunday 25 October 2015 (22825)
The 99.9989Hz comb Keith found (designated H) appears in 109 channels (list is attached). Coherence is uniformly greatest at the ~500Hz harmonic, with many channels approaching .7 and greater, drops off sharply at the ~600Hz and ~700Hz, and is invisible after 700. (See spreadsheet titled "comb_H_sigcohs_wk1.xslx" for a list of cohering channels by line, with coherence value.) 

At all harmonics except the ~300Hz, the structure manifests in the signal and the coherences as two lines .001Hz apart, but if I recall correctly .001Hz is the resolution of the frequency series, so it's safer to say that this is a bulge with .001Hz < width < .002Hz. At ~300Hz, almost all the cohering channels with data in that range show a bulge of width about 0.5Hz (see attached "disjoint_plots" for a comparison of typical channels by harmonic). This bulge, and the fact that it appears in all the same channels associated with the rest of the comb, makes me think that the fundamental may be the bulge at ~300Hz and not the line at 99.9989Hz. An interesting feature of the bulge is that in many cases, it has a prominent upward or downward spike at 299.96Hz, which is just the place the line would be if it were there (see "bulge_w_spike.jpg").

More to come re: changes in week 4 data, patterns in cohering channels, and the spike.
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Displaying reports 56041-56060 of 78079.Go to page Start 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 End