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Reports until 23:34, Tuesday 13 October 2015
H1 General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:34, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22502)
Lockloss: 5.6 Earthquake from Russia Knocked

H1 dropped unexpectadly.  StripTools showed oscillations on LS-POP_A_LF and the SRM & PRM a few minutes before the lockloss.  Then Vinny noticed the increase in the EQ band (0.03-0.1Hz).  Then Terramon finally displayed the 5.6 EQ from Russia.  We dropped out before the R-wave estimate, but fairly certain the EQ is what knocked us out (and also knocked L1 down 3min after us).  

LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:32, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22501)
Shift Update

TITLE:  10/13 EVE Shift:  23:00-07:00UTC (16:00-00:00PDT), all times posted in UTC   

H1 is humming along at 77Mpc (handful of ETMy saturations).  useism continues its downward trend.  Wind is under 10mph and all looks quiet.  

And if you would like to get more realtime info, one can always take a look at the Control Room Screen Snapshots which are updated every minutes.

gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:33, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22500)
X-End Station Annulus Ion Pump Update (BSC5)

John, Gerardo

Today I got a chance to check the AIP that was installed last week (here), unfortunately the pump was railed, and (2x)unfortunately we don't know when it railed, no data available for this ion pump yet (working on it, data is comming soon).

We have an old valve that appears to be faulty, to patch that problem I added another valve in-line until we get a replacement, I used the aux cart to pump down the annulus system for 3 hours during the maintenance period, but that amount of time was not enough to keep the controller from railing.  We left the aux cart pumping on the annulus system, and it will remain pumping until the controller can maintain the system without railing.

16:27 - aux cart is connected and turned on, and remains on.
20:18 - aux cart was set on top of shipping foam, 3 points for seismic isolation.

Location of the aux cart:
It is on the East side of BSC5, see photo.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:30, Tuesday 13 October 2015 - last comment - 14:00, Thursday 15 October 2015(22496)
Low Voltage ESD monitor analog measurement (Elli, Keita)

Related: alog 22199

We measured the output of the Low Voltage ESD monitor (D1500129) at the AA side at the remote rack using SR785 right after the IFO was locked up again after the maintenance.

No surpise was found, see attached. 'UR', 'UL' etc. are the analog measurements of the corresponding ESD monitor. Noise floor was measured with the inputs of SR785 short circuited.

Don't worry about LR trace, it looks as if it's noisier than the others but it's not, it's just the spectral leakage artefact (somehow I did not save the small BW measurement for LR).

'digital LL signal projected' is H1:SUS-ETMY_L3_MASTER_OUT_LL, but with a correction of 20/2^17 Volt/count for DAC conversion, zpk([50;50;3250], [2.2;2.2;152]) for SUS awhite type filters, and 2 *4.99/(1.2+15+4.99)*zpk([],[40]) for the monitor circuit.

The measurements agree well with the projection up to 1kHz. Higher than that, the SR785 noise dominates, but this should be good enough for our purpose.

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Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 18:49, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22499)

What was done:

We disconnected the LV ESD monitor cable (SUS ESD 06) from the front panel of the AA, and connected DB9 breakout board to the cable but not to the AA.

For each quadrant (pin1-6 for UR, 2-7 for LR, 3-8 for UL and 4-9 for LL), we used two clip-BNC cables to connect the positive pin (1, 2, 3 or 4) to A connector of SR785 and negative to B, and the BNC shell was connected to the shell of the DB9 connector on the AA chassis.

SR785 was in A-B mode, AC coupled. The plot doesn't account for the AC coupling, but its roll off is at 0.16Hz and does not affect the plot. Sensitivity was fixed at -8dBVpk.

Low frequency measurements (0-400Hz, 800 lines) were performed for all quadrants but it was not saved for LR. As a result, in the plot it looks as if LR is noisier than the other channels, but in reality it's showing the spectral leakage artefact due to larger bandwidth measurement for f<400Hz.

Higher frequency measurements (0-1.2k and 0-12.8k, 800 lines) were performed and saved for all quadrants.

Only for LL we measured up to 102kHz to make sure that there's no high frequency bump or anything, but all measurements are dominated by SR785 noise for f>1kHz anyway.

Attached is the matlab file containing the voltage data for all quadrants and the SR785 noise.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 14:00, Thursday 15 October 2015 (22556)

Um, count-to-voltage DC gain conversion of the DAC is 20Vpp differential per 2^18 counts. So the grandparent entry is incorrect by a factor of 2 there. But I'm measuring the voltage in the differential output stage of LV driver which has the DC gain of 2 (i.e. 10V pp single ended is converted to 10V pp differential), which I didn't account for in the script.

So in the end the conclusion doesn't change.

robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:13, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22497)
Improvement in 300 Hz periscope optic mount peaks still holding after 3 hours of lock

The figure shows the features produced by the optic mount at the top of the periscope before maintenance (red) and 3 hours after recovery from maintenance (blue).  The amplitude seems reduced by nearly 10, but lets see how it ages. I used a watercolor paint brush to apply 5 minute epoxy to the base of the U-200 mount at the top of the periscope. I used one brush load. I was only able to paint the epoxy at the left and right sides of the mount because the middle was over a cutout in the base plate. After the epoxy was mostly cured, I adjusted weights on the periscope and optic, minimizing the peaks in IMC_F by placing them in valleys between periscope resonances.

Robert, Rick

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H1 ISC (DetChar, ISC)
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:02, Tuesday 13 October 2015 - last comment - 22:45, Wednesday 14 October 2015(22494)
non stationary noise in DARM that appeared Oct 12th

Jordan, Sheila

In the summary pages, we can see that something non stationary appeared in DARM from about 80-250 Hz durring the long lock that spanned Oct 11th to 12th, and has stayed around.   Links to the spectra from the 11th  and the 12th.  

HVETO also came up with a lot of glitches in this frequency span starting on the 12th, (here) which were not around before.  These glitches are vetoed by things that seem like they could all be realted to corner statin ground motion: refl, IMC and AS WFS, all kinds of corner station seismic sensors, PEM accelerometers, MC suspensions.  

Although this noise seems to have appeared durring a time when the microseism was high for us, I think it is not directly related. (high microseism started approximately on the 9th, 2 days before this noise appeared and things are quieting down now but we still have the non stationary noise sometimes up to 200 Hz.)  

The blend switching could also seem like a culprit, but the blends were not switched at the begining of the lock in which this noise appeared, and we have been back on the normal (90mHz blends) today but we still have this noise.  We've seen scattering from the OMC with velocities this high before (17264 and 19195).  

Nutsinee and Robert have found that some of the glitches we are having today are due to RF45, but this doesn't seem to be the case on the 12th. 

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nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 18:39, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22498)DetChar

Robert, Sheila, Nutsinee


The first plot attached is a timeseries of DARM vs RF45 mod of the 10/11 - 10/12 lock stretch (~25 hours). The second plot is the same channels during the beginning of 10/13 lock stretch (30 minutes). You can see RF45 started to act up on 10/13. I've also attached the BLRMS plot of DARM using the bandpass filter Robert used to find the OMC scattering. The none stationary noise we see is likely caused by two different sources.

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nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 14:49, Wednesday 14 October 2015 (22515)DetChar

RF45 started to glitch Monday afternoon (16:04 PDT, 23:04 UTC). According to TJ's log no one was in the LVEA that day. The glitches stopped around 03:22 UTC (20:22 PDT)

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 22:45, Wednesday 14 October 2015 (22523)

Here is one example of one of these glitches rlated to ground motion in the corner that we had durring high microseim over the weekend (but not the entire time that we had high mircoseism). This is from Oct 12th at 14:26 UTC.  Even though these have gone away, we are moitvated to look into them because as Jordan and Gabriele have both confirmed recently, the noise in the unexplained part of the spectrum (50-100 Hz) is non stationary even with the beam diverter closed. If the elevanted ground motion over the weekend madde this visible in DARM up to 250Hz, it is possible that with more normal ground motion this is lurking near our sensitivity from 50-100 Hz.

If you believe these are scattering shelves.

  • The upper limit of the shelf is at 200-250 Hz, so the maximum velocity (lambda*f_max/(4pi)) is around 35-42 um/sec. 
  • There are about 9 arches in 4 seconds, so the frequency of the motion should be (9/4)/2  ~1.1 Hz (We see 2 arches in each period of the motion.) 
  • So something should be moving with an amplitude of 17-21 um at around 1 Hz, if the scatter path is double passed (IFO to scatterer and back only once).

See josh's alogs about similar problems, especially 19195 and recently 22405

One more thing to notice is that at least in this example the upconversion is most visibe when the derivative of DARM (loop corrected) is large.  This could just be because that is the time when the derivative of the ground motion is large. 

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nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 18:18, Wednesday 14 October 2015 (22527)DetChar

Nairwita, Nutsinee

Nairwita pointed out to me that the non-stationary glitches we're looking at was vetoed nicely by HPI HAM2 L4C on October 12th, so I took a closer look. The first plot attached is an hour trend of DARM and HPI HAM2 L4C. But if I zoom into one of the glitches it seems to me that there's a delay in response between HPI and DARM up to ~10 seconds from just eye-balling it (second plot). I've also attached the spectrogram during that hour from the sumary page.

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H1 DetChar
jordan.palamos@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:26, Tuesday 13 October 2015 - last comment - 18:06, Friday 16 October 2015(22495)
Comparing stationarity Oct 5th to Oct 12th

I ran Dan's code to compare stationarity between two hours on Oct 5th and Oct 12th.  The closure of the beam diverter on the 6th was thought to help stationarity in the 70-100hz region, so I included versions zoomed in on that frequency range.

I tried to pick times that were not affected by huge glitches / range drops. On the 5th the two hours were 1:00-3:00UTC and on the 12th 00:00-02:00UTC.

plots attached

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jordan.palamos@LIGO.ORG - 18:06, Friday 16 October 2015 (22594)

Sheila, Jordan

Made the same plots to compare the stationarity during times when anthropogenic seismic was quiet / loud. The 1-3 and 3-10 hz seismic bands pick up around 14:00 utc weekdays, and the data seems to become more nonstationary in the 100-200 Hz band during this time.

On the 12th, there is some unknown stuff going on at lower frequencies, and the ~300 hz periscope peaks are still visible. But just looking at the 100-200 hz region shows correlation with ground motion. Also have the same correlation on the 14th (spectrum overall looks very stationary, though).  Mechanism still unknown... scattering?

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LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:38, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22493)
Transition To EVE Shift Update

TITLE:  10/13 EVE Shift:  23:00-07:00UTC (16:00-00:00PDT), all times posted in UTC     

STATE of H1:  In Observation Mode at 75Mpc

Outgoing Operator:  Jim

Support:  Occupied Control Room, Usual Suspects

Quick Summary:

Jim's computer crashed so he lost his log of activities for his shift.  He did not have much to pass on other than being out for ~8hrs for Maintenance Day and recently getting H1 back up to Observation Mode.  Off-topic, but he also showed me how to transition the ISI Stage-1 Blend Filters for high useism conditions (there's an actual sticky note on the Ops Work station about this.).

evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:53, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22491)
HAM2 illuminator turned off

Richard, Jeff, Evan

It had been on for at least several months.

travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:57, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22489)
LHO Pcal EndX and EndY calibration measurements

Darkhan T., Travis S.

During today's maintenance period, we took PCal calibration measurements for both end stations.  Attached are photos of the datasheets (mostly for our own reference).  Analysis of the data to follow.

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jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:42, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22488)
Add Water to TCS Chillers
Added 205ml cooling water to the TCSX chiller. First water added to TCSX in the past month.

Added 600ml cooling water to the TCSY chiller. Given the amount of water loss with the TCSY Chiller but not with the TCSX Chiller over the past three weeks, I am suspicious there is a leak in the TCSY cooling loop.    

I added marks (at 1/4 , 1/2, and 3/4) next to the site glass so we can more easily track water loss.   
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:33, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22486)
HEPI Actuator Flushing Stand is Now Operating

and has been continually since Monday afternoon at ~39hz (1150rpm [19hz] at motor/pump.)  Let me know if this is a problem.

kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:14, Tuesday 13 October 2015 - last comment - 14:33, Tuesday 13 October 2015(22482)
IMC WFS offset disabled, RIN became a bit better

I have disabled the IMC WFS offsets that Keita and Cheryl wanted to remove (alog 22370).

This may help the recent ISS issue (alog 22449) somewhat, but probably not a lot.



I was investigating why the ISS recently started having the trouble in engaging the 2nd loop. A first thing I noticed is relatively high RIN after the IMC. It seems that the IMC adds some extra RIN below 1 Hz as the light goes through it. A large RIN at low frequencies can easily hinder the PID control of the 2nd loop when engaging. So this seemed suspicious to me.

Since the ISS 2nd loop had been running without a significant issue in the past, perhaps until the recent change on the IMC WFS (alog 22362), I speculated that the current IMC alignment is at a non-optimal point where the low frequency RIN became worse. One factor which affects the IMC alignment is the WFS offsets that are meant to minimize the jitter-to-RIN couplings. In the end, I decided to get rid of the offsets because it gave a better RIN coupling.


IMC_LOCK guardian edited

To disable the offset, I have commented out lines 555 and 556 in the IMC_LOCK guardian. They are now,

#ezca.switch('IMC-DOF_2_P', 'OFFSET', 'ON')
#ezca.switch('IMC-DOF_1_Y', 'OFFSET', 'ON')

RIN is better without the offsets

I did a simple test where I measured RIN after the IMC with and without the WFS offsets. Note that the offsets have been applied only on DOF2_P and DOF1_Y. They have not yet been optimized after the change in the IMC WFS. The measured RIN are shown in the attached screenshot.

Blue: RIN at the ISS in-vac array without the offsets, Cyan: RIN at the ISS in-vac array with the offsets, Brown and red: RIN before the IMC with and without the offsets, respectively. The 1st loop was always ON while the 2nd loop was always OFF. The input power was about 2 W.

First of all, it is clear that RIN after the IMC is higher than that before the IMC by a factor of more than 10 at around 0.1 Hz. I am not sure how long it has been like this.

Next, as shown in the plot, removing the offsets reduced the excess RIN below 1 Hz somewhat at the in-vac ISS array. This was repeatable and therefore I think the improvement is real. Additionally, it got rid of a nasty structure at around 600 Hz.  Also, some peaks above 100 Hz decreased their peak heights by a factor of few. These improvements were consistenly observed at IMC-MC2_TRANS_SUM as well. Therefore I think they are real improvement in RIN and not some kind of spurious couplings such as spatial jitter.

So overall, the configuration without the offsets seems better in terms of RIN. Perhaps this is an indication of better WFS sensing. I decided to disable the offsets in the IMC_LOCK guardian. I did not try to optimize the offsets yet. So this can be a next action item.

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Comments related to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 14:33, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22485)

SDFs are updated so as to accept the no-offset configurations in ASCIMC.

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:04, Tuesday 13 October 2015 - last comment - 23:35, Tuesday 13 October 2015(22472)
Added PRMI branch to ISC_LOCK guardian

I've rearranged the PRMI branch in the DRMI guardian, and added states to the ISC_LOCK guardian to request both these states and the ALIGN_IFO states used for PRMI  (finshing unfinished item from WP5533).  This is for use when you think that the DRMI alignment is bad (based on the AS camera and the flashes as seen in dataviewer)  and will not lock.  If DRMI is slow to lock but has been locked recently and looks well aligned on the AS camera, this procedure is probably not your best bet.

We will test this durring maintence recovery today, but the instructions replacing those in 21745 will be:


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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 14:35, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22487)

This has now been tested, and had some bugs but after fixing several typos we made a sucsesfull transition from PRMI to DRMI.  If you are trying to lock DRMI and decide to change to PRMI, you would need to take ISC_LOCK to manual, then request LOCK_PRMI, and go back to AUTO.

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 23:35, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22503)

And remember "Manual" will be on the "ALL" screen for ISC_LOCK (it's the pink button on the upper left).  [I forgot where this button was and had to call Sheila!]

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:07, Friday 09 October 2015 - last comment - 15:13, Tuesday 13 October 2015(22371)
SUS OSEMINF and NOISEMON Spectra Templates added to OPS directory

On Tuesday, while most of the IFO was down for various maintenance tasks, I grabbed a bunch of SUS spectra and started a Template directory. 

I set all of the references to be the ~quiet, unlocked data from the down period of the IFO.  These spectra could be run when trying to troubleshoot locking.  On Tuesday, I was only able to collect the following, located in /ligo/home/ops/Templates/SUS_Spectra/

















NOTE - Many of the lower stage NOISEMON channels look... weird.  They should be used as a before/.after snapshot for troubleshooting only.  Work to improve what the various strangenesses of these channels is on a few low priority to-do lists.

There are templates ready to collect the balance of the SUS spectra data, namely ETMs, MCs, PR3.  We should do this when the IFO is set to DOWN for whatever reason.  The spectra are quick to run, then update all references (currently bogus data) and resave.

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travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 15:13, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22490)

While we were unlocked due to wind during my Sunday Owl shift, I managed to get through taking, updating, and resaving templates for:







keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:39, Thursday 08 October 2015 - last comment - 14:31, Tuesday 13 October 2015(22362)
IMC WFSA quadrant gains all set to 1 (Cheryl, Keita)

We set all quadrant gains of IMC WFSA to [1 1 1 1] from [1, 0.25, 1, 4]. (WFSB was already all 1.)

We also disabled IMCWFS error offsets in servo filters.

After this, we steered IM2 to bring the beam position on IM4 trans back (at first we tried IM3, but it would make the OSEM output to become larger, and they're already close to saturation).

IFO locked after this without any problem.

We haven't done any jitter coupling optimization and I don't know if Robert had time to do it.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 12:01, Friday 09 October 2015 (22370)

The first and the second attachment show the current and the old settings, respectively.

In the first one, yellow boxes show what we changed. Red box show what we changed but are somehow reverted (automatically?).

  • IMC WFSA I2, Q, I4, Q4 gains were set to 1 based on the measurement done in July (alog 20065).
  • IMC WFSA and WFSB head input matrix (not the WFS servo input matrix) were changed. This is apparently used to account for 90deg-ish geometric rotation of the beam due to non-ideal use of periscope inside HAM2.
    • Quickly measured by injecting a 20Hz-ish line into IOOPZT PIT or YAW, one at a time, and minimizing YAW or PIT error.
    • WFSA matrix didn't change much. Rotation doesn't seem to make sense, but I haven't done the PIT/YAW sensing calculation for a rotated beam myself. I'll do it and see if it really doesn't make sense.
    • WFSB matrix now looks more like a 90 degree rotation.
  • We disabled the offsets but somehow they were enabled again, it seems.
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kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 14:31, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22484)PSL

This is just an observation related to entry 22482 where I was investigating the relation between ISS and IMC.

After Keita and Cheryl set the IMC WFS gains back to 1, it seems to have shifted the pointing to the ISS array a little bit. See the attached trend.

The QPD signals at the ISS array have moved by 0.1 or so both in PIT and YAW when the WFS gain was changed to 1. Both PIT and YAW moved towards the center of the QPD although SUM seems to have decreased at the same time. I am not sure what exactly was going on. We may need to optimize the pico-motors to minimize the jitter-coupling to the ISS array.

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