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Reports until 13:52, Tuesday 13 October 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:52, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22481)
change to arm IR locking

Due to oscialltions in the X arm IR loop that were causing difficulties in inital alingment, (22443), we made a small change to the Xarm locking filters today (WP#5558).  

There was a pole at 100 Hz that did not make much sense, we moved it to a kHz now, which gives us an extra 40 degrees at the ugf of 100 Hz.  Before and after rms and transfer function screenshots are attached.  This should solve the egregious problem with the 1206 Hz instability, but there are still problems with the loop, which due to the distribution filters in MC2.  These distribution filters are used in MCL, ALS COMM and CARM loops, so we will not try to fix these today.  

First, note that the rms of M2 and M3 are both dominated by things below 0.5 Hz, meaning that we need a boost in the top stage.  We could probably skip M2 altogether as we have done with the recycling mirrors.  Also, Evan and Jeff note that the loop is rather flat around 100 Hz, which is because of a 41z:150p in MC2 M3.    

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duncan.macleod@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:50, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22479)
Updated ODC EPICS configuration for PINJX

[Jeff K, Duncan M]

ODC EPICS changes

With Jeff's assistance (and that of the on-duty operator) I have remotely updated the EPICS configuration for ODC to commission the state monitoring for the new PINJX infrastructure [alog 22445 22465 22470 22473].

Changes were made to EPICS records in the h1calex, h1iscex, and h1odcmaster models as follows

These changes have been monitored and accepted in SDF for the relevant models and can serve as a reference for L1 when the same changes are made next week.

ODC MEDM changes

Associated changes were made to the ODC MEDM screens in order to show the CAL_X ODC input. This required separating the SYS_CUST_ODC_MASTER_END.adl screen into separate screens for MASTER_X and MASTER_Y (no CAL_Y ODC). These changes were committed to userapps as r11886.

patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:19, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22478)
Updated Conlog channel list
Added H1:SUS-SR3_M2_TEST_P_OFFSET to the exclude list and rescanned.

Added 70 channel names. Removed 11 channel names. All except H1:SUS-SR3_M2_TEST_P_OFFSET were H1:CAL channels.
H1 PEM (DetChar)
jordan.palamos@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:03, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22474)
Replaced PEM accelerometer on BSC10 Z axis. Also connected X axis.

Josh reported H1:PEM-EY_ACC_BSC10_ETMY_Z as glitchy in an email Oct 5. Today during maintenance I went down to EY and replaced the accelerometer and also put it through a different channel (channel 1) on the endevco (accelerometer power supply / signal conditioning box), pictures attached. The cable going into the sensor itself was slightly loose before I changed anything.

Looking back at the history of this channel (also attached), it looks like this accelerometer went down at ~17UTC on Sep 8 and started working again on Sep 14 ~19UTC for unknown reasons (possibly loose cable).  I don't know whether the glitchyness reported by Josh continued after the 14th, when the timeseries returned to expected values. In any case, there is a new sensor there now and spectra/timeseries both look good.

Also, I had noticed that H1:PEM-EY_ACC_BSC10_ETMY_X had been unplugged at the electronic racks, so I plugged it back in (looks like its been unplugged since last tuesday).


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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:55, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22473)
PCAL Inverse Actuation Filter Copied over to PINJX_HARDWARE and PINJX_BLIND Filter Banks
J. Kissel
ECR E1500386
WP 5553
II 1126

I've copied over the PCAL Inverse Actuation filter, as recently updated by Sudarshan (see LHO aLOG 22185). For the record, the foton design string is


The filters have been turned ON as shown.

I've accepted the filter states in the SDF system. In the process, I've also made sure that the "CHANS NOT MONITORED" list is the same between CAL-CS and CAL-EX. In summary, they're the EPICs "readback" channels that get filled in with TINJ and the EXTERNAL ALERT system, and the ODC string records that tell what each ODC bit means (see attached screenshot).
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H1 SEI (DetChar, SEI)
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:35, Tuesday 13 October 2015 - last comment - 13:05, Tuesday 13 October 2015(22477)
Comparison of 45mHz vs 90mHz ISI blend filters

Over the last few days, we've been trying out the new 45 mHz blend filters for the BSC ISIs, which are designed to help out during times of high microseism. 

This aLog is just meant to be a collection of logs relating to the switching, to help Team DetChar know which state things were in at which times, so they can hopefully make a comparison.  One of the things that might be most interesting is the effect on the artifacts that Josh pointed out in aLog 22405.

Some of the logs that have talked about the switching back and forth include aLog 22440 and aLog 22459.

Looking at the SWSTAT of the ISI-[chamber]_ST1_BLND_[x or y]_CPS_CUR_SWSTAT channels I can see when the blends were in each state.  FM7 is the nominal 90mHz blends (SWSTAT = 40000), and FM9 is the new 45mHz blend (SWSTAT = 40192).  Below is a table of the lock stretches in each state.

90 mHz blends (nominal) 45 mHz blends (new)
all locks through the one ending 10 Oct, 21:25 UTC  
  11 Oct 16:22 UTC - 12 Oct 18:11 UTC
  13 Oct 00:53 UTC - 13 Oct 09:30 UTC
13 Oct 11:35 UTC - 13 Oct 14:43 UTC  
Comments related to this report
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 13:05, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22480)

For some background, 45 mHz blends provide us with isolation at the microseism, which may be partially coherent between the buildings. When we lock with 90 mHz blends, we lock the position of the ISI to stage 0 at the microseism frequencies.  With the normal seismic environment at LHO we find this better, because the interial sensors confuse wind induced building tilt with translation at these frequencies and if we try to use them to isolate they move the ISI in response to these spuirious signals.  

In the fall, we tend to have less wind and more microseism, meaning that our seismic environment can sometimes be more similar to LLO's normal situation.  Using the 45 mHz blends which are more similar to LLO's had allowed us to lock durring a high microseism, low wind time when we were unable to lock on our normal 90 mHz blends.  We know that durring winds above about 20 mph we will be imposing spurious tilt signals on the ISI with these 45 mHz blends, which can make locking imposible or difficult.  

So can you tell us the impact of these blends on DARM by comparing lock stretches with similar microseism and wind but different blends?  It would be good to know this for a few different environmental conditions, (say winds below 15 mph and microseism high, and winds from 15-30 mph and microseism high). 

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:35, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22476)
HEPI CS Pump Pressure cabling returned to nominal

Re WP 5527 & alog 22305, I've returned the cabling to its nominal connections.

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:29, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22475)
HEPI Fluids Checked--No further HEPI Maintenance


sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:04, Tuesday 13 October 2015 - last comment - 23:35, Tuesday 13 October 2015(22472)
Added PRMI branch to ISC_LOCK guardian

I've rearranged the PRMI branch in the DRMI guardian, and added states to the ISC_LOCK guardian to request both these states and the ALIGN_IFO states used for PRMI  (finshing unfinished item from WP5533).  This is for use when you think that the DRMI alignment is bad (based on the AS camera and the flashes as seen in dataviewer)  and will not lock.  If DRMI is slow to lock but has been locked recently and looks well aligned on the AS camera, this procedure is probably not your best bet.

We will test this durring maintence recovery today, but the instructions replacing those in 21745 will be:


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Comments related to this report
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 14:35, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22487)

This has now been tested, and had some bugs but after fixing several typos we made a sucsesfull transition from PRMI to DRMI.  If you are trying to lock DRMI and decide to change to PRMI, you would need to take ISC_LOCK to manual, then request LOCK_PRMI, and go back to AUTO.

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 23:35, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22503)

And remember "Manual" will be on the "ALL" screen for ISC_LOCK (it's the pink button on the upper left).  [I forgot where this button was and had to call Sheila!]

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:44, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22471)
Removed Old Inverse Actuation Filter from CAL-INJ_TRANSIENT Bank
J. Kissel

The former, old (I think it was installed during the H1 mini-run), redundant Inverse Actuation filter that had been installed in the CAL-INJ_TRANSIENT filter bank in FM1 and FM10 (but never turned ON). To avoid confusion, I've simply deleted these filters. The updated filter file,
has been committed to the userapps repo.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:23, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22470)
Updated INJ Overview and ODC Screens to use Macro Substitution, SITEMAP Updated to Call DARM INJ and PCALX INJ Screens
J. Kissel, T. Schaffer
ECR E1500386
WP 5553
II 1126

I've updated the
screens to use macro variables $(FEC), $(fecname), $(FECNAME), and $(INSTANCE), such the common overview screen (CAL_INJ_CONTROL) can be used for both the DARM INJ path and the PCALX excitation path. After doing so, I've modified the 

All above mentioned screens have been committed to the userapps repo.

The INJ and ODC Team should now begin filling out this new infrastructure, and adapting "offline" software to use these channels. I'll be copying over the inverse actuation filter shortly.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:20, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22469)
Charge measurements made on ETMx

As usual, during this morning's maintenance period, I took 5 charge measurements on each ETM.  Attached are the trends, back a few months with the added measurement data from today.  We plan to swap the sign of the ESD bias this week.  To be continued...

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H1 General (DetChar, PSL)
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:27, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22468)
PSL OPS Weekly Status report and past 10 day trends
Laser Status:
SysStat is good
Front End power is 32.33W (should be around 30 W)
Frontend Watch is GREEN
HPO Watch is RED
It has been locked 5.0 days, 13.0 hr 11.0 minutes (should be days/weeks)
Reflected power is 2.032Watts and PowerSum = 25.77Watts.
It has been locked for 0.0 days 1.0 h and 40.0 min (should be days/weeks)
TPD[V] = 1.508V (min 0.9V)
The diffracted power is around 9.368% (should be 5-9%)
Last saturation event was 0.0 days 1.0 hours and 39.0 minutes ago (should be days/weeks)
Note: This report is being made on maintenance day. IFO is unlocked.
Images attached to this report
gregory.mendell@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:17, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22467)
Times commissioning data have been archived by dcs

As discussed with the detchar group and observatory run coordinators,

1. The H1_C commissioning frames have been permanently archived by ldas (dcs) from

1125097472 == Aug 31 2015 16:04:16 PDT


1128783680 == Oct 13 2015 08:01:04 PDT

2. The L1_C commissioning frames have been permanently archived by ldas (dcs) from

1125097472 == Aug 31 2015 18:04:15 CDT


1128776448 == Oct 13 2015 08:00:31 CDT

3. Outside of these times ldas (dcs) is keeping only the past ~ month of this data on scratch disk. In particular, the commissioning data before the above times is no longer available, and the commissioning data after the above times get deleted after it is about a month old, to keep our disks from filling up.

jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:01, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22466)
H1 PSL FE Watchdog Reset & Crystal Chiller Topped Off

I reset the H1 PSL FE Watchdog at 15:48 UTC (08:48 PDT).  While garbing down afterwards I noticed the crystal chiller water level was low, so I added 250 mL of water.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:21, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22465)
H1CALEX Model Restarted
J. Kissel, J. Batch
ECR E1500386
WP 5553
II 1126

I've run a make and make-install on the h1calex front-end model changes that were described yesterday (see LHO aLOG 22445). Jim has restarted the model and DAQ for me, at roughly 15:00 UTC, about 10 minutes after the lock loss.

Will post more details once we get MEDM screens up and running.
H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:10, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22464)
Ops Owl End of Shift

Title: 10/13 OWL Shift: 07:00-15:00UTC (00:00-08:00PT), all times posted in UTC


State of H1: IFO unlocked - Maintenance


Incoming Operator:  Jim (main), Patrick


Quick Summary: Two lock losses


09:31:23UTC - lock loss

11:39:42UTC - IFO back in Observe, see previous alog for details on relocking

14:43:14UTC - lock loss, Maintenance starts

cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:01, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22462)
Lock loss at 14:43:14UTC - plot attached, also shows OMC DC goes first

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H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:00, Tuesday 13 October 2015 (22463)
Lock loss at 14:43:14UTC - IFO in Maintenance as of 14:44UTC
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