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Reports until 15:03, Tuesday 06 October 2015
H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:03, Tuesday 06 October 2015 - last comment - 15:05, Tuesday 06 October 2015(22277)
Temp/RH Data for SUS & 3IFO storage Cabinets
   Attached are the September temperature and relative humidity plots for the SUS and 3IFO controlled environment storage boxes. All RH data is good. There were a couple of temperature spikes on DB1 and DB4 but no issues with humidity. 
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jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - 15:05, Tuesday 06 October 2015 (22278)
I have powered down DB2 and DB3, which are currently unused.
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:45, Tuesday 06 October 2015 - last comment - 15:37, Tuesday 06 October 2015(22276)
New Temperature Monitors in Electroncis Rooms

Richard et al hooked up the missing temperature probes in the electroncis rooms. Attached is the new medm screen.

Channel names


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richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - 15:37, Tuesday 06 October 2015 (22279)
In the corner station electronics room the sensors are located:
CER_RACK1  below the mezzanine above space in front of ISC racks.
SUP_RACK1  above mezzanine center of the wall just below one of the air handlers.  

In the end stations

Rack1 is above the electronics racks mounted to the bottom of the cable tray
Rack2 is above the DC power supply racks mounted to the bottom of the cable tray

In the MSR
Rack1 is above Rack 2
Rack2 is above rack 11

EndX input module has a problem.  The disconnected probe did not read the same value as the others and now that the RTDs are connected the signal is glitching.  To fix this will require opening the box and replacing the module.  This will take down the entire EX beckhoff system as this is the main link to the corner
LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:08, Tuesday 06 October 2015 (22275)
LVEA Swept

Betsy, TJ

Walked through and followed the checklist as closely as we could. There is still a power distribution box on near ISCT6 that seems to be plugged into many differenet things. Last week this was deemed OK for the time being so we left it as is. There are many cables still hanging from racks not plugged into anything. These will need to be cleaned up in a future Maintenance Day.

Lights are OFF

Monitors/Work Stations OFF

Wifi OFF

Phones disconnected and batteries taken out of handsets

Cranes in "parking spots"

Cleanrooms OFF

ISC table fans OFF

Forklifts are not charging

jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:28, Tuesday 06 October 2015 (22271)
PRC optical gain versus lock stretch

I have been somewhat curious about how our power recycling cavity's optical gain changes throughout a lock stretch.  This is a somewhat different analysis to Sheila's from aLog 21073, where she looked at what optical gain we first lock at. 

My first attachment shows the power recycling gain for both Hanford and Livingston for the first ~21 days of O1. Hanford is green xs, Livingston is blue dots. For Hanford, I estimate the PRC gain by multiplying the Yarm transmission by the PRM transmission.  For Livingston, I estimate the PRC gain by dividing the POP DC power by the power input to the IFO.  Both of these methods assume that the signals I'm using are appropriately calibrated, but they're the same way that seems to be used at each respective site by others.  So, while I don't guarantee the absolute values of the PRC gains in my plots, the trends are what I'm looking at.  Note also that these are every lock stretch that gets as far as the power-up state, regardless of comissioning/observing intent.

I am only plotting the PRC gain at times when the IFOs have completed their respective power-up states (LHO = INCREASE_POWER, LLO = RF_LOCKED_AT_25W).    I don't have much to say about this plot other than that overall, LHO seems to be a little more consistent at getting to the same PRC gain each lock. 

Perhaps more illuminating are the following 2 plots (one per IFO), where I have lined up the maximum PRC gain from each lock stretch (t0 for each trace is the time where the maxima occurs.  The start of the traces are the time when the state following the power-up state begins).  There are 49 traces on the LHO plot, and 111 on the LLO plot, so I'm just trying to look at the general character of the traces, rather than pick any one particular trace out of each plot. 

Here at LHO we have a large spike in the recycling gain right after we power up, then we settle out.  At LLO, they seem to have a much smaller, more smooth hump before settling out, although the time constant seems to be roughly similar between both sites.  At LLO (at least according to their guardian state names) they spend some time at 10W before going to full power, so that could be the reason for the difference in character. 

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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:43, Tuesday 06 October 2015 (22272)
new version of ext_alert.py running on h1fescript0


the ext_alert.py code running on h1fescript0 was upgraded to version r11827

gregory.mendell@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:59, Tuesday 06 October 2015 (22270)
Channels used to calibrate the data added to the DCS (LDAS) rds frame files

Starting from 1128187392 GPS, the DCS (LDAS) rds frames (frame-type H1_RDS) were updated to include all the channels needed by gstlal_compute_strain to calibrate the data:


Some of the faster channels were already in the rds frames. This increases the rds data rate from ~2.1 MB/s to ~2.2 MB/s

The same changes was made at LLO, with H1->L1.

The H1 and L1 DCS (LDAS) rds channel list are here:


H1 General (CAL, SYS)
peter.fritschel@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:52, Tuesday 06 October 2015 - last comment - 06:57, Monday 19 October 2015(22269)
Inspiral range integrand for current strain spectrum

The attached plots show the inspiral range integrand, and cumulative integral, for a stretch of recent H1 strain data. This is just the standard integration of the strain noise power, weighted as (frequency)^(-7/3). I was also interested in the impact the 35-40 Hz calibration lines have on the range calculation, so the plots include a cumulative integral curve for which the calibration lines have been artificially removed from the strain spectrum (the strain noise in the 35-38 Hz band was replaced with the average strain noise at nearby frequencies). These curves (magenta) show that the calibration lines reduce the range calculation just a bit -- by just less than 1 Mpc.

The inspiral range for the spectrum used is 75 Mpc. 90% of the total is accumulated by 150 Hz; the second plot thus shows the same data from 0-150 Hz. At the lower frequency end, 10% of the total range comes from the band 16-26 Hz.

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alex.nitz@LIGO.ORG - 11:56, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22618)
Hi Peter,

Andy pointed me to this post, indicating that this result shows we might want to filter from lower frequencies in the PyCBC offline CBC search. However, when we run our own scripts to generate the same result we don't see nearly as much range coming from the 20-30Hz band. Instead, we see only ~1% of the inspiral range coming from this band.

Initially Andy had a script that agreed with your result, however I've convinced him that there was a bug in that script. I think that it might be possible that the same bug is also present in yours. 

I've attached a python script and a PSD from that time that should generate a relative range plot. I hope that it is clear enough to check if your scripts are doing the same thing. 
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peter.fritschel@LIGO.ORG - 06:57, Monday 19 October 2015 (22633)

Yes, indeed my script was making the error you allude to -- thanks for the correction. The integrand curves in my plots are correct, but the cumulative integral curves are not -- see Alex's plots for those. The corrected statements for Oct 6 - now somewhat obsolete due to reductions in the ~300 Hz periscope mount peaks - are that 90% of the range comes from the band 47 Hz - 560 Hz. About 1% of the range comes from frequencies below 29 Hz.

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:43, Tuesday 06 October 2015 - last comment - 21:59, Tuesday 06 October 2015(22268)
maintenance activities

This morning I did a few things:

First I made some injections to the EMTX ISI (WP5528).  This data can be used to make a projection to the normal level of noise. 

I made 3 guardian changes (WP 5533):

I added a new state to the OMC_LOCK guardian which tries to keep the OMC off resonance, and the ISC_LOCK guardian requests this for the early part of lock acquisition.

Added a function which checks that the ETM pit oplevs have an rms less than 0.5 urad before we attempt to start locking again.   This will prevent tidal from acculating junk while the optics are still swinging. 

Changed the decorators in the ISC_LOCK guardian so that we do not check the DRMI lock once CARM is locked on the transmitted power (this will reduce th confusion in lockloss logs).

I also copied a bunch of medm screens and filters in the ASC ADS system from LLO, as well as scripts with help from Carl, Adam and Marie.  This is in preparation to try using Marie's modifications to Hang's A2L script.  

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 13:03, Tuesday 06 October 2015 (22273)

Two more things:

We added bounce and roll bandstops to the HSTS and HLTS suspensions for the ASC inputs.  The new filters are all in FM8 of the ISCINF filter bank for each suspension.  They are 3rd order elliptic bandstops, for the HSTS we have a bandstop from 26.4 Hz to 28.6 Hz and one from 39.9 Hz to 41.9Hz.  For the HLTS we have one from 27.1 to 29.1 and one from 43.7 to 45.7Hz.  

Once we are in full lock, we will have to accept new SWSTATS that have FM8 on for ISCINF P and Y on MC1, MC3, PRM,PR2, PR3, SR3, SR2, and SRM.  There will also be diffs for MC2, which already had notches which were not all engaged.  Here we need to turn on FM6 and FM7 in ISCINF for P and Y.

This finishes WP 5517.

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 21:59, Tuesday 06 October 2015 (22293)

This did not get rid of the 40 Hz line in DARM that shows up durring the noise tunings guardian state (according to Evan).  Durring noise tunings we engage the LSC FF paths, so these may be part of the problem.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:58, Tuesday 06 October 2015 (22267)
ETM charge measurements

This morning, I took another set of 5 charge measurements on each ETM.  This morning was much quieter at the end stations and the measurments also ran through to completion, so the data from today look better than last weeks points.  Attached are the trends including todays new data.  The charge is hovering around ~20 V.

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:19, Tuesday 06 October 2015 (22266)
TCS X slewing does not produce a null for jitter coupling

I looked back at the first TCS X slewing that Kiwamu, Stefan, and I did at the start of August. It seems that during this slewing, there was no null of the IMC jitter coupling. On the other hand, we already know that the coupling passes through a null close to the beginning of each lock stretch (22208).

First, the caveats: (1) the ISS outer loop was off during this test, and (2) one can see that the shape and location of the jitter peaks is different from what we normally observe in DARM.

The first attachment is a normalized spectrogram of DARM error during the slewing. It can be seen that the jitter peaks around 250 and 350 Hz increase monotonically from start to finish.

As a check, I looked again at the complex coherence between the IMC WFS error signals and DARM at the beginning and the end of this test (at 01:19:00 and 03:19:00, 2015-08-03 Z). Unlike what we see at the start of each lock, there is no sign flip of the coupling:

This seems to indicate that thermal tuning of the X arm alone is not enough to minimize the coupling. Either the null that we see at the beginning of each lock cannot be reached by thermal tuning, or we need thermal compensation on both arms.

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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:12, Tuesday 06 October 2015 (22265)
LHO HEPI Pressure Trends--All Pumps Operating Steady

Attached is 2 weeks of data.  No pressure fluctuations seen == Pumps running well.  Also on the plots are the Control Out from the VFD.  Looks like outside temperature trends showing at EndY and that is likely the reason for the large fluctuations on the L0 (CS) control--facility adjusting HVAC.  The daily and weekly glitches at the EndY continue unabated.

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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:06, Tuesday 06 October 2015 (22264)
LHO HEPI Fluid Reservoirs Checked--Good

Levels steady for several weeks now.  No further maintenance required.

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:57, Tuesday 06 October 2015 - last comment - 15:24, Wednesday 07 October 2015(22211)
duty cycle sept 17th to Oct 2nd, downtime Oct2-3rd

Motivated by our locking difficulties at the end of last week, I downloaded guardian state data for the last two weeks to look into our locklosses durring the CARM offset reduction.

To start with the good news, the script that I use to do this automatically makes a few figures that tell us about our duty cycle, and we are doing well overall. As usual, I am only looking at the guardian state, and not considering any intent bits.  My reaasoning is that the hardest part is getting and keeping the IFO locked, and that is currently the important limit to our duty cycle. 

The main weakness in our lock acquistion sequence now seems to be the early steps of CARM offset reduction, as we saw yesterday. 

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 22:12, Tuesday 06 October 2015 (22294)

As requested, I've made a few plots which bettter show how individual locks contribute to our total low noise time.  The first attached plot is a repeat of the histogram of lock times from above, with the lower panel sshowing the sum of the low noise time accumlated in all the locks in that bin of the histogram.  The second attached plot shows the accumlated low noise time, theere is a point for each lock stretch with the length of the lock on the horizontal axis and the cumulative low noise time on the vertical axis.  

The message of both plots is that we accumulate a lot of our time durring a small number of long locks.  The secondd plot shows that in the 3 longest locks (out of 33 total) we accumlated 133 hours of low noise time out of 312 total hours.

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 15:24, Wednesday 07 October 2015 (22310)

I also had a look at relocking times for this period based on a request from Keita. 

The minimum relocking time was 20 minutes (this is measured from the time of lockloss to the time that the guardian arrives in nominal low noise), the median was 53 and the maximum was 6 hours and 20 minutes (long stretch of downtime on the evening of Oct 2nd is not included here).

A histogram is attached.

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H1 DetChar (DetChar)
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:46, Tuesday 06 October 2015 (22263)
DQ Shift Oct. 1 - Oct. 4
Link to the DQ shif paget: DQ Shift page.

 * October 1 had locks lost doing injections looking for scattered light in the X end. Otherwise a nice set of data, with a duty cycle ~80%.
 * October 2 and 3 there was some problems locking. High winds, beam splitter optical lever glitching, and ALS X/Y problems locking. At one point ~22 hours unlocked.
 * October 4, recovered from the past two days and had some long locks with a duty cycle ~80%.
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:20, Tuesday 06 October 2015 (22262)
H1 PSL FE Watchdog Reset

I reset the PSL FE watchdog at 16:14 UTC (09:14 PDT).

H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:55, Tuesday 06 October 2015 (22260)
Shift Summary -Day Transition

TITLE: Oct 6 DAY Shift 15:00-23:00UTC (08:00-04:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Commissioning


QUICK SUMMARY:IFO in commissioning mode as Maintenance Day begins.

LHO General
ryan.blair@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:05, Tuesday 06 October 2015 - last comment - 09:02, Tuesday 06 October 2015(22259)
ISP network maintenance begins
Expected Internet outage of about 15 minutes as one of our ISPs performs network maintenance this morning, between 0800 and 0900 Pacific (1500-1600 UTC).
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ryan.blair@LIGO.ORG - 09:02, Tuesday 06 October 2015 (22261)
Maintenance has been completed.
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