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Reports until 15:51, Tuesday 29 September 2015
bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:51, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22081)
The vibration isolation pads on the end station instrument air compressors had deteriorated to the point that the metal portion of the foot of the compressor was in contact with the concrete equipment pad. John and I  replaced the old pads on both compressors this morning.
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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:55, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22080)
Maintenance Day Plans--Updated 2155utc--Compete--Relocking Ongoing

Proposed & Ongoing Maintenance Day Activities

Y--Approved N--Not approved for this week  D--Approved but Delayed

D--Test SDF for Beckoff--JHanks--Delayed to 10-6

Y--Move PMC, LASER & Eq from OSB OL to LSB OL--PKing & JOberling--Completed

Y--Replace Vibration Isolators on End Instrument Air Compressors--BGately--Completed

Y--Restart SATAboy--CPerez--Completed

N--Add Botches to HL & HSTS ASC for Bounce/Roll--SDwyer

Y--ETM ChargeMeasurements--BWeaver--Completed

Y--"Fix" HAM5 Rogue Excitation Error--HRadkins--Completed

Y--Swap RF45 Controller--KKawabe--Completed

Y--Add low f Boost (ASC)----Completed

Y--Update GDS Pipeline for 15 usec delay fix--JKissel--Completed

Y--PRAXAIR Deliveries 1 Monday & 2 Tuesday--CP3(MidY)[Monday], CP6(MidX), CP1(CS)--Completed

Y--Shutdown Dust Monitors at End Stations--JBartlett--Completed

Y--PCAL as a Hardware Injector Proof-of-Principle--SKarki--Completed

Y--Forklift DCS Shipment from LSB to VPW--CCarrisco--Completed

Y--Restart NDS 0 & 1--JBatch--Completed

Y--Test Hardware Injection under MONIT--JBatch--Completed

Y--Update Code on DMT for latest Calibration--JZweizig--Completed

Y--Finalize Rack Photo Assay--FClara--Completed

Y--TMSX Raster For Clipping--SDwyer--Waiting on IFO

sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:46, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22064)
Pcal Inv. Actuation Filter Installed


The inverse actuation filter described in alog 21944 has been installed on F1 and F2 of H1:CAL-PCALX_SWEPT_SINE filter bank.


I installed the inverse actuation filter on Pcal X-end for testing purpose. The filters are installed on F1 and F2  of H1:CAL-PCALX_SWEPT_SINE filter bank. F2 contains a gain factor of average arm-length to convert strain to metres and F1 contains the transfer function that converts metres to counts of excitation at Pcal. The transfer function of the filter that is installed in foton is shown in attachment 1. These filters will remain off during normal IFO configuration and are monitored in the SDF.  I took some transfer function measurement between Excitation and TxPD, RxPD and OFSPD. The measurement files are committed to the SVN and can be found at:


To follow: Analysis of the above measurement and a waveform injection at the next opportunity as a test.

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jordan.palamos@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:34, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22077)
Reinstalled power supplies to end station EBAY magnetometers

Vinny, Jordan


We put power supplies back in place that were removed here. The EY magnetometer in the SEI rack was disconnected now has an old style power supply and seems to be working ok. The EX magnetometer in the SUS rack was disconnected and is now connected with a new style power supply which has 1hz charging glitches.

jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:31, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22075)
PSL Chiller Water
Add 175ml water to PSL crystal chiller. 
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:43, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22073)
Lockloss due to wrong ETMX ESD settings

When I CTRL-C'ed out of the ESD charge measurement scripts earlier today I reset all of the ESD settings back by hand.  I didn't reset the L3 BIO STATE though because I was unfamiliar with these specific settings in the charge scripts (I focused on fixing the L3 BIO screen ESD switches, etc).  SO, when the IFO rapidly achieved NOM LOW NOISE after the TUES Maint period, these switches were in the wrong state.  Doh!!  Shiela tried her magic at transferring the ESD control back to ETMX in order to switch the incorrect ETMY settings, but it broke lock anyways.  Praxair is still on site, so we're trying to get back up and into Observe as soon as he's off site.  Sorry, that LL was on me!

james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:14, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22070)
NDS servers restarted
WP 5495

The daqd processes on h1nds0 and h1nds1 were restarted to force reconfiguration of where old minute trend files exist, since raw minute trend files were copied from SSD RAID to SATAboy RAID.  This is normal maintenance.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:57, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22068)
HEPI Fluids Checked--No further HEPI Maintenance


H1 General (CAL, CDS, DetChar)
john.zweizig@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:42, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22066)
DMT restarted with minor config changes
I have restarted all the dmt processes. This is to fix problems seen at LHO in which disk write delays were interfering with the h(t) and DQ segment generation. The changes made were:

 1) remove diagnostic logging from the multicast receiver processes
 2) write the DQ xml files to a local disk and then move them to the gds RAID system as a separate process (not time critical).

A change of the h(t) calibration filter files was also planned, but this will be done after final calibration group tests.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:12, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22059)
Maintenance Day Plans--Updated 1857utc

Proposed & Ongoing Maintenance Day Activities

Y--Approved N--Not approved for this week  D--Approved but Delayed

D--Test SDF for Beckoff--JHanks--Delayed to 10-6

Y--Move PMC, LASER & Eq from OSB OL to LSB OL--PKing & JOberling--Completed

Y--Replace Vibration Isolators on End Instrument Air Compressors--BGately--Completed

Y--Restart SATAboy--CPerez--Completed

N--Add Botches to HL & HSTS ASC for Bounce/Roll--SDwyer

Y--ETM ChargeMeasurements--BWeaver--Completed

Y--"Fix" HAM5 Rogue Excitation Error--HRadkins--Completed

Y--Swap RF45 Controller--KKawabe--Completed

Y--Add low f Boost (ASC)----Completed

Y--Update GDS Pipeline for 15 usec delay fix--JKissel

Y--PRAXAIR Deliveries 1 Monday & 2 Tuesday--CP3(MidY)[Monday], CP6(MidX),...

Y--Shutdown Dust Monitors at End Stations--JBartlett--Completed

Y--PCAL as a Hardware Injector Proof-of-Principle--SKarki--Completed

Y--Forklift DCS Shipment from LSB to VPW--CCarrisco--Completed

Y--Restart NDS 0 & 1--JBatch--Completed

Y--Test Hardware Injection under MONIT--JBatch--OnGoing

Y--Update Code on DMT for latest Calibration--JZweizig--Completed

Y--Finalize Rack Photo Assay--FClara--Completed

Y--TMSX Raster For Clipping--SDwyer--OnWaiting onIFO

darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:49, Tuesday 29 September 2015 - last comment - 15:33, Tuesday 29 September 2015(22056)
Added time advance corrections into the actuation and the sensing functions of the H1 DARM OLG TF model

ShivarajK, JeffreyK, DarkhanT,


To reduce phase systematics in the DARM OLGTF model we've adjusted time delays/advances in the actuation and the sensing functions of the DARM loop Matlab model.

With the included 15 us of time-advance into the actuation function, the phase residuals of each of the actuation stage TFs up to 100 Hz measured on Aug. 26 - 29 are under 2 deg at high frequencies (except for L1 stage which is about 5 deg, which is ok because at high frequencies we rely mostly on L3 stage actuation), and the overall actuation function rediduals at high frequencies to mostly under 3 deg (Fig. 1).

To reduce sensing function phase residuals we have added 14 us of time-advance, which is similar to the correction introduced into LLO DARM model for O1 (see LLO alog 20894); with this additional time-advance the sensing function phase residual is mostly under 2 deg (Fig. 2).

DARM OLGTF model for O1 with included actuation and sensing function time delay/advance corrections have phase redisuals that are mostly under 2 deg (Fig. 4).

For GDS pipeline corrections: time delays in the updated H1 DARM model for O1 are:


In the DARMOLGTF model for O1 we had systematic phase residuals, which we planned to account for by adding time delay/advances into the actuation and the sensing functions (see LHO alog 21827). In the H1DARM model for O1 we implemented the time delay/advance correction capability via par.t.unknown_actuation and par.t.unknown_sensing parameters. After that we revisited actuation function stages' redisuals by looking at the plots produced using cmpActCoeffs_viaPcal_O1.m and analyze_pcal_20150928.m (this is a modified version of a script used at LLO, analyze_pcal_20150903.m, see LLO alog 20894), and confirmed that actuation stages with the included 15 us time advance correction show <2 deg residuals (under 5 deg for L1), Fig. 5, 6, 7; we still have ~ 2 % systematic residual in actuation magnitudes that we are leaving unchanged in the Matlab DARM model and the CAL-CS front-end filter modules (Fig. 8, 9, 10).

We modified "H1DARMparams_1125963332.m", "H1DARMparams_1127083151.m" and their kappa corrected versions and re-run CompareDARMOLGTFs_01.m.1 Comparison plots show that:

1we used kappa values at the measurement times from previous calculations (see LHO alog 21827); for the ~30 Hz lines these values shouldn't be too much different from the ones calculated using EP1-9 from the updated O1 model.

H1 DARM model for O1 and comparison script were committed to calibration SVN (r1550)



All of the parameter files in the same directory were modified to include time advances noted in this report.

Actuation function analysis scripts were committed to (r1550) (PCAL parameter files, that were copied from ER8 directory have been also committed into the same directory):



Actuation function analysis plots were committed to (r1551)


Model comparison plots were committed to


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Comments related to this report
darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - 12:03, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22065)

We've updated Epics values for the DARM time dependent parameter estimations with the values from the H1 DARM OLG TF model using H1DARMparams_1125963332.m (r1550) parameter file (WP 5510, was filed on Sep 21). This values can be used for recalibration of the GDS_CALIB_STRAIN between Sep 10 and now.

New EP1-9 values are listed in D20150929_H1_CAL_EPICS_VALUES.m and in a more verbose form in 20150929_H1_CAL_EPICS_verbose.txt (old values are also listed at the end of the verbose output).

We've committed the logs for calculating EP1-9 into calibration SVN (r1553)


New Epics values were accepted in SDF_OVERVIEW, however some of the values still show difference (values with magnitudes less than 10-17).

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darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - 13:49, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22071)CAL

Sudarshan, Darkhan,

We've re-generated DARM loop model comparison plots with the kappas calculated using most recent EP# values.

  • κtst and κC corrected model actuation function residuals in magnitude are mostly <2 % and in phase are mostly < 2 deg; fully corrected model (red trace) show smaller phase residual at low frequencies (κpu has more effect at low frequencies);
  • κtst and κC corrected model sensing function residuals in magnitude are mostly <2 % (slightly larger at high frequencies) and in phase are mostly <2 deg; fully corrected model show smaller magnitude residual at high frequencies;
  • kappa corrected DARM OLGTF measurement vs. model residuals in magnitude are ~2 % (systematic) and in phase are mostly <2 deg;

"kappas" for this analysis were calculated from the calibration lines within 2 hours from each of the DARM OLGTF measurements.

For Sep 10 (O1 model) measurement the mean kappas from 30 min time interval starting at GPS 1125970532:

κtst = 1.036441
κpu = 1.025962
κA = 1.029902
κC = 1.005923
fc = 339.272371 [Hz]

for Sep 23 measurement the mean kappas from 30 min time interval starting at GPS 1127081351:

κtst = 1.045246
κpu = 1.022774
κA = 1.031924
κC = 1.007507
fc = 332.429690 [Hz]

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 14:47, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22079)

I hand edited the h1calcs_OBSERVE.snap to make these diffs go away.  OBSERVE.snap copied to h1calcs_safe.snap.

sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - 15:33, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22082)

The trend of the time-varying calibration parameters is attached below. These are the values obtained after using the latest epics valuesmentioned in the alog above.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:45, Tuesday 29 September 2015 - last comment - 12:45, Tuesday 29 September 2015(22061)
45MHz EOM driver swap (Sheila, Daniel, Keita)


We swapped the 45MHz EOM driver under the PSL table. This box contains the RFAM stabilization board.

Old one: S1500117

New one: S1500118

Related: https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=20392

We need some time to assess the impact of this swap.


In the PSL room, we roughly measured the phase of the driver output VS input by inserting a splitter to the input and measure the zero-cross time difference between the input and the output using a scope.

In the old one the output was 6.9ns ahead of the input, but in the new one it was 6.7ns, so there should be 0.2ns or about 3 degrees more delay.

Later we measured the transfer function from the H1:LSC-ASAIR_A_RF45_I_ERR to Q phase while the MICH was free swinging (PRM, SRM and ETMs are all misaligned). The phase between I and Q was basically 0 degrees as it should be.

  atan(Q/I) [mean(error)] in degrees
Before (according to
above mentioned alog)
After, no cable change 78.7(0.1)
After, removing one male and one female N barrel 74.7(0.2)
After, replace two barrels with one N elbow 77.3(0.03)

We decided to go with 77.3deg, which is within 1 degree of the old phasing.

Comments related to this report
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 11:47, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22067)

For diagnostics purposes the old unit has been setup in the CER using the 9MHz channels. Instructions how to unhook have been posted there.

daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 12:45, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22069)

The RF glitches are still present and do not depend on the EOM driver. However, they don't seem to show up on the old unit installed in the electronics room.

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james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:05, Tuesday 29 September 2015 - last comment - 13:29, Tuesday 29 September 2015(22057)
Hardware Injection computers undergoing maintenance
The h1hwinj1 computer is currently undergoing maintenance and testing.  A fresh checkout of the Details directory has been installed, with the old Details directory being moved to Details-old.  Testing of psinject and run_tinj will be performed to get these under monit control. 
Comments related to this report
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - 13:29, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22072)
The psinject and run_tinj are now under control of monit.  

Changes were made to the SOURCEME_LHO.sh script to correct paths to shared libraries, changes checked in.  Recompiled run_tinj and tinj using instructions in the source files.

Final state, psinject and run_tinj are not running, but under monit control. The output of the H1CALCS_INJ_HARDWARE filter has been turned on, with no injections running.
cregg.yancey@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:27, Monday 28 September 2015 - last comment - 14:39, Tuesday 29 September 2015(22034)
HWInjReport daily run 1127423695 - 1127510095

Parameters for report:

GPS Start Time = 1127423695 # Beginning of time span, in GPS seconds, to search for injections
GPS End Time = 1127510095 # Ending of time span, in GPS seconds, to search for injections
Check Hanford IFO = True # Check for injections in the Hanford IFO frame files.
Check Livingston IFO = True # Check for injections in the Livingston IFO frame files.
IFO Coinc Time = 0.01 # Time window, in seconds, for coincidence between IFO injection events.
Check ODC_HOFT = True # Check ODC-MASTER_CHANNEL_OUT_DQ channel in HOFT frames.
Check ODC_RAW = True # Check ODC-MASTER_CHANNEL_OUT_DQ channel in RAW frames.
Check ODC_RDS = True # Check ODC-MASTER_CHANNEL_OUT_DQ channel in RDS frames.
Check GDS_HOFT = True # Check GDS-CALIB_STATE_VECTOR channel in HOFT frames.
Report Normal = True # Include normal (IFO-coincident, consistent, and scheduled for network injections and consistent and scheduled for IFO injections) injections in report
Report Anomalous = True # Include anomalous (non-IFO-coincident, inconsistent, or unscheduled) injections in report


No scheduled injections or non-occurring injections were found.

There was a CAL_INJ reset that occurred only in H1, CALRESET 1127480460.000 (H1). However, it has the anomaly that it appears in ODC HOFT and GDS HOFT frames but not in ODC RAW or ODC RDS frames.  This same anomaly was observed with several CBC injections in L1 during the daily period 1127163296 - 1127249696.

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cregg.yancey@LIGO.ORG - 14:39, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22078)

The anomalies reported here are likely due to the same bug that caused the anomalies as reported in https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=21971.

cregg.yancey@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:09, Saturday 26 September 2015 - last comment - 15:59, Tuesday 29 September 2015(21971)
HWInjReport daily run 1127163296 - 1127249696

Now that the multi-processing version of HWInjReport is operational and returning results (multi-processing code is an absolute bear!), this is the first of daily reports of analysis of output from HWInjReport. Currently, HWInjReport still has to be run manually and requires one to checkout the current schedule file from the SVN (currently at https://svn.ligo.caltech.edu/svn/dac/hwinj/Details/tinj/schedule; if this has changed, please let me know so I can modify the run script appropriately). Automatic execution of HWInjReport is soon to come.  I've attached copies of the output report file and the schedule file used.  NOTE: the report file is very wide due to the number and size of the columns in the network injections tables of the report.  To examine the report, you will need to either zoom out or change the font size in your browser/text editor to 10pt or less (I'm looking into compressing the columns in the network injections tables in future updates).

The daily run performed with the following parameters:

GPS Start Time = 1127163296    # Beginning of time span, in GPS seconds, to search for injections
GPS End Time = 1127249696    # Ending of time span, in GPS seconds, to search for injections
Check Hanford IFO = True    # Check for injections in the Hanford IFO frame files.
Check Livingston IFO = True    # Check for injections in the Livingston IFO frame files.
IFO Coinc Time = 0.01    # Time window, in seconds, for coincidence between IFO injection events.
Check ODC_HOFT = True    # Check ODC-MASTER_CHANNEL_OUT_DQ channel in HOFT frames.
Check ODC_RAW = True    # Check ODC-MASTER_CHANNEL_OUT_DQ channel in RAW frames.
Check ODC_RDS = True    # Check ODC-MASTER_CHANNEL_OUT_DQ channel in RDS frames.
Check GDS_HOFT = True    # Check GDS-CALIB_STATE_VECTOR channel in HOFT frames.
Report Normal = True    # Include normal (coherent, consistent, and scheduled) injections in report
Report Anomalous = True    # Include anomalous (incoherent, inconsistent, or unscheduled) injections in report


NOTE: coherent -> coincident.  Missed changing that in the code where it outputs the report.

The schedule file only has injections spanning 1125280499 - 1126450499.  This is outside the range of times checked by HWInjReport, so there are no occurring or non-occurring scheduled injections reported.

No normal injections, as defined above for HWInjReport, were reported for the network injections.  All injections found were reported as UNSCHEDULED, and all injections occurring were reported as CBC injections.

Two H1-L1 coincident injections were found: CBC 1127175853.757(H1), 1127175853.764(L1) and CBC 1127179822.757(H1), 1127179822.764(L1).  Both injections were reported as UNSCHEDULED but, otherwise, had no other reported anomalies.

H1 had only 1 single-IFO injection, CBC 1127173426.757 (the report file shows 3, but only 1 is actually an H1-only injection.  There is apparently a bug due to the multi-processing code that is not propagating the association of the other 2 injections with their corresponding L1 injections. It's basically a problem of how memory works for a multi-processing environment.)

L1 had 5 single-IFO injections:

The first three injections have the anomaly that they occur in the ODC hoft and GDS hoft frames but not in the ODC raw or ODC rds frames. The remaining 2, other than being UNSCHEDULED, had no other anomalies reported.


ADDENDUM: I was able to successfully fix the data propagation bug.  I've attached a copy of the resulting "fixed" report that correctly shows the single-IFO injections for H1 and L1.

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cregg.yancey@LIGO.ORG - 14:33, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22076)

Peter Shawhan and I examined the anomalies more closely and found they are not anomalies.  The missing injections in RAW and RDS for L1 do actually occur, but HWInjReport missed them.  My current working hypothesis is that the code missed these injections because of how it has to separate the list of files to pass to FrBitmaskTransitions into chunks of no more that 4090 files.  This is to prevent the number of arguments passed to FrBitmaskTransitions, one for each file, from exceeding the number of arguments supported by the OS (I actually ran into this issue at one point with the RAW frame files).  HWInjReport merges the output from the chunks into a single continguous internal list, however, it currently is not accounting for the occurrence doubled transitions (two "off" or "on" transitions consecutively placed) during the process of merging the transitions internally.  This may cause the code to become misaligned when finding the injections, based on the bit transitions, and so it completely misses it.

I am reasonably convinced this is the case because when I performed a run on a time-span around the anomalies, 1127162120 - 1127162970, the anomalies do not occur.  But, this is because the list of files is much smaller and only needs one chunk, instead of several, to be passed to FrBitmaskTransitions.

This also brings another point which is that I need to include all the output files, the report generated, the schedule used, and the log file when I upload files with my alog summaries of HWInjReport, because the log file has a lot of information regarding the internal activity to HWInjReport.  I built it that way because the code has some unexpectedly complex logic in places, which has made debugging a total bear, and it only got worse with the transition to multi-processing.

cregg.yancey@LIGO.ORG - 15:59, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22084)

I just realized there is another bug in HWInjReport, though this one is somewhat benign.  While HWInjReport is specified to cover only a certain time-span, it actually ends up covering a larger time-span due to the fact that FrBitmaskTransitions processes entire frame files and HWInjReport is processing the resultant transitions into injection events.  This means that HWInjReport can receive from FrBitmaskTransitions a set of transitions that lie well outside the specified time-span and, consequently, generate injection events that lie outside the time-span.  It does not have this issue with the scheduled injections, because it trims those to the specified time-span before doing any further processing.  The fix, fortunately, is simple: just trim the transitions from FrBitmaskTransitions to within the specified time-span.  However, the bug does have the effect of potentially creating injections just outside the beginning or ending of the specified time-span that are flagged as UNSCHEDULED, because the scheduled injections to which they may correspond were trimmed.

sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:45, Friday 25 September 2015 - last comment - 13:52, Tuesday 29 September 2015(21944)
Pcal Inverse Actuation Filter


In an effort to create a inverse actuation filter for Hardware injection through Pcal infrastructure, we use the transfer function between RxPD  and excitation of which RxPD is calibrated in terms of metres of displacement. . Using this RxPD calibration and the measured transfer fumction we calibrate the excitation [cts]  in terms of metres and use it to create the inverse actuation filter. This will be installed in one of the excitation channel, possibly swept sine channel, for testing purpose.


In the above plot, the two left plots are the actual magnitude and phase of the measurement and different fits. The red plot is the inverse of measured transfer function between calibrated RxPD and pcal excitation. In short, it is cts of excitation to metres of test mass displacement. The rest of the plots are fit to that measured TF. In this case, the residual plots on the right side are more informative. The blue plot is the residual between measured TF and the fit that includes two zeros. The residual looks pretty good for this case but we do not have the luxury of only using two zeros. We need equal or greater number of poles to roll off the signal at higher frequency. For this we use a complex pole pair at 7 Khz and an additional real pole at same frequency. This creates some magnitude and significant phase distortion at higher frequencies as seen in the green residual plot but this is a systematic and we can account for this in our analysis later.

The magenta plot is the foton implementation of our two zeros and three pole fit plotted in green. There is a difference between the actual matlab generated filter and the foton version of it at frequencies above KHz. This is a known effect and is described in detail in G1501013.

I have written a litlle more detail technical note  and can be found at T1500496.

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sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - 13:52, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22074)

The script used to generate the plots above is committed to the SVN:


The measuremnt files are in the following location


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