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Reports until 10:56, Tuesday 29 September 2015
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:56, Tuesday 29 September 2015 - last comment - 10:57, Tuesday 29 September 2015(22062)
SUS ETM Charge measurements

This morning, during a short window of pportunity, I ran the charge measurements on ETMX and ETMY.  However, the RF45 commissioners were apparently not aware of my hour-long time duration, so the measurements were corrupted at ~45 minutes in.  Thankfully the first few measurments ran somewhat successfully.   Although, numerous parties visited the end stations while the first few measurements were taken so the coherence is not great.  Unfortunately the ETMY measurements from last Fri failed so we do not have any ETMY charge trend between the 8th and today.  So, WE NEED ANOTHER HOUR of measurement time in the next day or so.  We can use the tail of an earthquake ring down if needed.  I'll be trying to pay attention to windows of opportunities for new measruements in the next day or two.


In any case, attached are the trend plots which include todays data - these seem to indicate that it is time to change the bias sign again on at least the ETMY ESD.  The ETMX ESD is "flatter in trend".

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 10:57, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22063)

Here's a trend of the 9.5 bias sign for both ETMs, showing when the have been flipped.

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darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:49, Tuesday 29 September 2015 - last comment - 15:33, Tuesday 29 September 2015(22056)
Added time advance corrections into the actuation and the sensing functions of the H1 DARM OLG TF model

ShivarajK, JeffreyK, DarkhanT,


To reduce phase systematics in the DARM OLGTF model we've adjusted time delays/advances in the actuation and the sensing functions of the DARM loop Matlab model.

With the included 15 us of time-advance into the actuation function, the phase residuals of each of the actuation stage TFs up to 100 Hz measured on Aug. 26 - 29 are under 2 deg at high frequencies (except for L1 stage which is about 5 deg, which is ok because at high frequencies we rely mostly on L3 stage actuation), and the overall actuation function rediduals at high frequencies to mostly under 3 deg (Fig. 1).

To reduce sensing function phase residuals we have added 14 us of time-advance, which is similar to the correction introduced into LLO DARM model for O1 (see LLO alog 20894); with this additional time-advance the sensing function phase residual is mostly under 2 deg (Fig. 2).

DARM OLGTF model for O1 with included actuation and sensing function time delay/advance corrections have phase redisuals that are mostly under 2 deg (Fig. 4).

For GDS pipeline corrections: time delays in the updated H1 DARM model for O1 are:


In the DARMOLGTF model for O1 we had systematic phase residuals, which we planned to account for by adding time delay/advances into the actuation and the sensing functions (see LHO alog 21827). In the H1DARM model for O1 we implemented the time delay/advance correction capability via par.t.unknown_actuation and par.t.unknown_sensing parameters. After that we revisited actuation function stages' redisuals by looking at the plots produced using cmpActCoeffs_viaPcal_O1.m and analyze_pcal_20150928.m (this is a modified version of a script used at LLO, analyze_pcal_20150903.m, see LLO alog 20894), and confirmed that actuation stages with the included 15 us time advance correction show <2 deg residuals (under 5 deg for L1), Fig. 5, 6, 7; we still have ~ 2 % systematic residual in actuation magnitudes that we are leaving unchanged in the Matlab DARM model and the CAL-CS front-end filter modules (Fig. 8, 9, 10).

We modified "H1DARMparams_1125963332.m", "H1DARMparams_1127083151.m" and their kappa corrected versions and re-run CompareDARMOLGTFs_01.m.1 Comparison plots show that:

1we used kappa values at the measurement times from previous calculations (see LHO alog 21827); for the ~30 Hz lines these values shouldn't be too much different from the ones calculated using EP1-9 from the updated O1 model.

H1 DARM model for O1 and comparison script were committed to calibration SVN (r1550)



All of the parameter files in the same directory were modified to include time advances noted in this report.

Actuation function analysis scripts were committed to (r1550) (PCAL parameter files, that were copied from ER8 directory have been also committed into the same directory):



Actuation function analysis plots were committed to (r1551)


Model comparison plots were committed to


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Comments related to this report
darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - 12:03, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22065)

We've updated Epics values for the DARM time dependent parameter estimations with the values from the H1 DARM OLG TF model using H1DARMparams_1125963332.m (r1550) parameter file (WP 5510, was filed on Sep 21). This values can be used for recalibration of the GDS_CALIB_STRAIN between Sep 10 and now.

New EP1-9 values are listed in D20150929_H1_CAL_EPICS_VALUES.m and in a more verbose form in 20150929_H1_CAL_EPICS_verbose.txt (old values are also listed at the end of the verbose output).

We've committed the logs for calculating EP1-9 into calibration SVN (r1553)


New Epics values were accepted in SDF_OVERVIEW, however some of the values still show difference (values with magnitudes less than 10-17).

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darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - 13:49, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22071)CAL

Sudarshan, Darkhan,

We've re-generated DARM loop model comparison plots with the kappas calculated using most recent EP# values.

  • κtst and κC corrected model actuation function residuals in magnitude are mostly <2 % and in phase are mostly < 2 deg; fully corrected model (red trace) show smaller phase residual at low frequencies (κpu has more effect at low frequencies);
  • κtst and κC corrected model sensing function residuals in magnitude are mostly <2 % (slightly larger at high frequencies) and in phase are mostly <2 deg; fully corrected model show smaller magnitude residual at high frequencies;
  • kappa corrected DARM OLGTF measurement vs. model residuals in magnitude are ~2 % (systematic) and in phase are mostly <2 deg;

"kappas" for this analysis were calculated from the calibration lines within 2 hours from each of the DARM OLGTF measurements.

For Sep 10 (O1 model) measurement the mean kappas from 30 min time interval starting at GPS 1125970532:

κtst = 1.036441
κpu = 1.025962
κA = 1.029902
κC = 1.005923
fc = 339.272371 [Hz]

for Sep 23 measurement the mean kappas from 30 min time interval starting at GPS 1127081351:

κtst = 1.045246
κpu = 1.022774
κA = 1.031924
κC = 1.007507
fc = 332.429690 [Hz]

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 14:47, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22079)

I hand edited the h1calcs_OBSERVE.snap to make these diffs go away.  OBSERVE.snap copied to h1calcs_safe.snap.

sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - 15:33, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22082)

The trend of the time-varying calibration parameters is attached below. These are the values obtained after using the latest epics valuesmentioned in the alog above.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:45, Tuesday 29 September 2015 - last comment - 12:45, Tuesday 29 September 2015(22061)
45MHz EOM driver swap (Sheila, Daniel, Keita)


We swapped the 45MHz EOM driver under the PSL table. This box contains the RFAM stabilization board.

Old one: S1500117

New one: S1500118

Related: https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=20392

We need some time to assess the impact of this swap.


In the PSL room, we roughly measured the phase of the driver output VS input by inserting a splitter to the input and measure the zero-cross time difference between the input and the output using a scope.

In the old one the output was 6.9ns ahead of the input, but in the new one it was 6.7ns, so there should be 0.2ns or about 3 degrees more delay.

Later we measured the transfer function from the H1:LSC-ASAIR_A_RF45_I_ERR to Q phase while the MICH was free swinging (PRM, SRM and ETMs are all misaligned). The phase between I and Q was basically 0 degrees as it should be.

  atan(Q/I) [mean(error)] in degrees
Before (according to
above mentioned alog)
After, no cable change 78.7(0.1)
After, removing one male and one female N barrel 74.7(0.2)
After, replace two barrels with one N elbow 77.3(0.03)

We decided to go with 77.3deg, which is within 1 degree of the old phasing.

Comments related to this report
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 11:47, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22067)

For diagnostics purposes the old unit has been setup in the CER using the 9MHz channels. Instructions how to unhook have been posted there.

daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 12:45, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22069)

The RF glitches are still present and do not depend on the EOM driver. However, they don't seem to show up on the old unit installed in the electronics room.

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james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:05, Tuesday 29 September 2015 - last comment - 13:29, Tuesday 29 September 2015(22057)
Hardware Injection computers undergoing maintenance
The h1hwinj1 computer is currently undergoing maintenance and testing.  A fresh checkout of the Details directory has been installed, with the old Details directory being moved to Details-old.  Testing of psinject and run_tinj will be performed to get these under monit control. 
Comments related to this report
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - 13:29, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22072)
The psinject and run_tinj are now under control of monit.  

Changes were made to the SOURCEME_LHO.sh script to correct paths to shared libraries, changes checked in.  Recompiled run_tinj and tinj using instructions in the source files.

Final state, psinject and run_tinj are not running, but under monit control. The output of the H1CALCS_INJ_HARDWARE filter has been turned on, with no injections running.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:48, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22055)
WHAM5 ISI Restarted with Coil Driver Volatge Monitors for Corner2 disabled

Detailed here.  This process change has been executed.  Confirmed the Rogue excitation does not come on and again the GS13s needed to be switched to low gain.  Also, even in low gain, the ISI still tripped on the CPS with the GS13 pretty rung up too.  I set the ISI guardian to damping only for a few minutes and then it made it to Isolated.

Platform back to nominal with GS13 gain correct in High No whitening.

H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:41, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22054)
Day Shift Transition Summary
Title:  09/29/2015, Day Shift 15:00 – 23:00 (08:00 – 16:00) All times in UTC (PT)

State of H1: At 15:00 (08:00) Locked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, 22.4W, 48Mpc

Outgoing Operator: TJ

Quick Summary: IFO locked. In Maintenance mode for start of window.  

LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:00, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22052)
Ops Owl Shift Summery
LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:40, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22051)
Out of Observing for Maintenance Day (slightly early)

LLO started their maintenance almost 2 hours ago and Sheila needs a locked IFO for her work (might be hard to come by today)

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:34, Tuesday 29 September 2015 - last comment - 22:41, Tuesday 29 September 2015(22050)
running A2L script

Since LLO had already gone down (we think for maintence) TJ let me start some maintence work that needs the full IFO locked.  at about 14:32 UTC Sept 29th we went to commisioning to start running the A2L script as described in WP # 5517.

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 08:24, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22053)

The script finished right before an EQ knocked us out of lock.  Attached are results, we can decide if we are keeping these decouplings durring the maintence window.

The three changes made by the script which I would like to keep are ETMX pit, ETMY yaw, and ITMY pit.  These three gains are accepted in SDF.  Since we aren't going to do the other work described in the WP, this is now finished. 

All the results from the script are:

ETMX pit changed from 1.263 to 1.069 (1st attachment, keep)

ETMX yaw reverted (script changed it from 0.749 to 1.1723 based on the fit shown in the second attachment)

ETMY pit reverted (script changed it from 0.26 to 0.14 based on the 3rd attachement)

ETMY yaw changed from -0.42  to -0.509, based on fit shown in 4th attachment

ITMX no changes were made by the script, 5th +6th attchments

ITMY pit (from 1.37 to 1.13 based on 7th attachment, keep)

ITMY yaw reverted (changed from -2.174 to -1.7, based on the 8th attachment which does not seem like a good fit)

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 16:20, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22083)

By the way, the script that I ran to find the decoupling gains is in userapps/isc/common/decoup/run_a2l_vII.sh  Perhaps next time we use this we should try a higher drive amplitude, to try to get better fits.

I ran Hang's script that uses the A2L gains to determine a spot position (alog 19904), here are the values after running the script today. 

  vertical (mm) horizontal(mm)
ITMX -9 4.7
ITMY -5.1 -7.7
ETMX -4.9 5.3
ETMY -1.2 -2.3

I also re-ran this script for the old gains, 



horizontal (mm)
ITMX -9 4.7
ITMY -6.2 -7.7
ETMX -5.8 5.3
ETMY -1.2 -1.9

So the changes amount to +0.4 mm in the horizontal direction on ETMY, -0.9 mm in the vertical direction on ETMX, and -1.1mm in the vertical direction on ITMY.  

hang.yu@LIGO.ORG - 22:41, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22096)

Please be aware that in my code estimating beam's position, I neglected the L2 angle -> L3 length coupling, which would induce

an error of l_ex / theta_L3

where l_ex is the length induced by L2a->L3l coupling when we dither L2, and theta_L3 is the angle L3 tilts through L2a->L3a.

Sorry about that...

H1 CAL (DetChar)
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 06:24, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22049)
RF45 at 22.2dB currently

This is a reminder that this lock has been out of the nominal calibrated configuration since the RF45 SET is at 22.2dB instead of the nominal 23.2dB. See alog22045 for times and reason for change.

LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:16, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22048)
Ops Owl Mid Shift Report

Locked for my whole shift, not even a saturation. Nothing to report.

LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:06, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22047)
Ops Owl Shift Transition
H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:00, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22046)
OPS Eve shift summary

Title: 9/28 Eve Shift 23:00-7:00 UTC (16:00-24:00 PST).  All times in UTC.

State of H1: Observing

Shift Summary: One lockloss due to ITMx saturation.  After an initial alignment due to poor ALS alignment, locked up without issue.

Incoming operator: TJ

Activity log: 

5:06 Lockloss.  ITMx saturation.

5:20 Begin initial alignment.

6:02 Briefly went to Observing before seeing RF45 needed some tweaking.

6:07 Locked in Observing Mode.

H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:08, Monday 28 September 2015 (22045)
Observing Mode

Back to Observing Mode @ 6:07 UTC after an initial alignment.  I briefly went to Observing @ 6:02 UTC, but noticed that the RF45 was running away again.  Went out of Observing and adjusted RF45 back to 22.2dB (from 23.2dB that was reset sometime during lockloss and alignment).

H1 DetChar
jordan.palamos@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:58, Monday 28 September 2015 (22044)
DQ Shift: Monday 21st - Wednesday 23rd

Full report can be found here. Some highlights:


(sorry I forgot to post to alog earlier)

H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:08, Monday 28 September 2015 (22042)

Lockloss @ 5:06 UTC.  No obvious cause as seismic and wind are calm.  Coincided with ITMx saturation.

H1 General
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:42, Monday 28 September 2015 - last comment - 23:06, Monday 28 September 2015(22039)
ASC DHARD Y FM2 enabled during observe segment

Attached is a snapshot illustrating which observe mode segment had the ASC DHARD Yaw FM2 filter engaged.  Recall that the filter was engaged a few times over the last week in an attempt to ride out a species of ground motion.  In all but one of the cases when this FM2 filter was engaged, the IFO Observation Intent bit was NOT set.  The following is the one segment when the filter was engaged:


H1 Single IFO Segment  #30 from https://ldas-jobs.ligo.caltech.edu/~detchar/summary/O1/

(Segment lists are shown via the blue pop-open banners across the bottom of the page - see specifically H1:DMT-ANALYSIS_READY:1)

30	1127313107	1127329701	16594
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marissa.walker@LIGO.ORG - 23:06, Monday 28 September 2015 (22043)

Laura Nuttall, Marissa

I've repeated what Laura did in alog 21820 for this time, to compare the glitch rate between times that did and did not have the DHARD Y boost and determine whether this should have much of an impact on the transient searches' backgrounds. Unfortunately, this lock segment had some really bad RF45 noise so it's not ideal for evaluating glitch rates (since a lot of this time will be cut out from the search backgrounds), but it's what we have...

I've attached the omicron glitchgrams and trigger rates for the time that the filter was turned on, and for the same amount of time just after it was turned off. The overall rate of low SNR triggers is about the same during both segments, with some times of increased rate of higher SNR triggers while the filter was engaged, most likely due to the RF45 noise. Similarly, the glitchgrams' structures do not appear significantly different between the two segments, besides the awful RF45 times.

From this comparison, I would agree with Laura's earlier conclusion that this filter does not appear to have a significant effect on the background.

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paul.fulda@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:22, Tuesday 22 September 2015 - last comment - 08:16, Monday 12 October 2015(21792)
AS 36 MHz WFS sensing as a function of SR3 RoC (SRC mode matching)

Elli and Stefan showed in aLOG 20827 that the signals measured by AS 36 WFS for SRM and BS alignment appeared to be strongly dependent on the power circulating in the interferometer. This was apparently not seen to be the case in L1. As a result, I've been looking at the AS 36 sensing with a Finesse model (L1300231), to see if this variability is reproducible in simulation, and also to see what other IFO variables can affect this variability. 

In the past when looking for differences between L1 and H1 length sensing (for the SRC in particular), the mode matching of the SRC has come up as a likely candidate. This is mainly because of the relatively large uncertainties in the SR3 mirror RoC combined with the strong dependence of the SRC mode on the SR3 RoC. I thought this would therefore be a good place to start when looking at the alignment sensors at the AS port. I don't expect the SR3 RoC to be very dependent on IFO power, but having a larger SR3 RoC offset (or one in a particular direction) may increase the dependence of the AS WFS signals on the ITM thermal lenses (which are the main IFO variables we typically expect to change with IFO power). This might therefore explain why H1 sees a bigger change in the ASC signals than L1 as the IFOs heat up. 

My first step was to observe the change in AS 36 WFS signals as a function of SR3 RoC. The results for the two DOFs shown in aLOG 20827 (MICH = BS, SRC2 = SRM) are shown in the attached plots. I did not spend much time adjusting Gouy phases or demod phases at the WFS in order to match the experiment, but I did make sure that the Gouy phase difference between WFSA and WFSB was 90deg at the nominal SR3 RoC. In the attached plots we can see that the AS 36 WFS signals are definitely changing with SR3 RoC, in some cases even changing sign (e.g. SRM Yaw to ASA36I/Q and SRM Pitch to ASA36I/Q). It's difficult at this stage to compare very closely with the experimental data shown in aLOG 20827, but at least we can say that from model it's not unexpected that these ASC sensing matrix elements are changing with some IFO mode mismatches. The same plots are available for all alignment DOFs, but that's 22 in total so I'm sparing you all the ones which weren't measured during IFO warm up. 

The next step will be to look at the dependence of the same ASC matrix elements on common ITM thermal lens values, for a few different SR3 RoC offsets. This is where we might be able to see something that explains the difference between L1 and H1 in this respect. (Of course, there may be other effects which contribute here, such as differential ITM lensing, spot position offsets on the WFS, drifting of uncontrolled DOFs when the IFO heats up... but we have to start somewhere). 

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Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 18:33, Tuesday 22 September 2015 (21819)

Can you add a plot of the amplitude and phase of 36MHz signal that is common to all four quadrants when there's no misalignment?

paul.fulda@LIGO.ORG - 10:01, Wednesday 23 September 2015 (21839)

As requested, here are plots of the 36MHz signal that is common to all quadrants at the ASWFSA and ASWFSB locations in the simulation. I also checked whether the "sidebands on sidebands" from the series modulation at the EOM had any influence on the signal that shows up here: apparently it does not make a difference beyond the ~100ppm level. 

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paul.fulda@LIGO.ORG - 07:57, Friday 25 September 2015 (21895)

At Daniel's suggestion, I adjusted the overall WFS phases so that the 36MHz bias signal shows up only in the I-phase channels. This was done just by adding the phase shown in the plots in the previous comment to both I and Q detectors in the simulation. I've attached the ASWFS sensing matrix elements for MICH (BS) and SRC2 (SRM) again here with the new demod phase basis. 

**EDIT** When I reran the code to output the sensitivities to WFS spot position (see below) I also output the MICH (BS) and SRC2 (SRM) DOFs again, as well as all the other ASC DOFs. Motivated by some discussion with Keita about why PIT and YAW looked so different, I checked again how different they were. In the outputs from the re-run, PIT and YAW don't look so different now (see attached files with "phased" suffix, now also including SRC1 (SR2) actuation). The PIT plots are the same as previously, but the YAW plots are different to previous and now agree better with PIT plots.

I suspect that the reason for the earlier difference had something to do with the demod phases not having been adjusted from default for YAW signals, but I wasn't yet able to recreate the error. Another possibility is that I just uploaded old plots with the same names by mistake. 

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paul.fulda@LIGO.ORG - 14:47, Thursday 24 September 2015 (21899)

To clarify the point of adjusting the WFS demod phases like this, I also added four new alignment DOFs corresponding to spot position on WFSA and WFSB, in ptich and yaw directions. This was done by dithering a steering mirror in the path just before each WFS, and double demodulating at the 36MHz frequency (in I and Q) and then at the dither frequency. The attached plots show what you would expect to see: In each DOF the sensitivity to spot position is all in the I quadrature (first-order sensitivity to spot position due to the 36MHz bias). Naturally, WFSA spot position doesn't show up at WFSB and vice versa, and yaw position doesn't show up in the WFS pitch signal and vice versa. 

For completeness, the yaxis is in units of W/rad tilt of the steering mirror that is being dithered. For WFSA the steering mirror is 0.1m from the WFSA location, and for WFSB the steering mirror is 0.2878m from the WFSB location. We can convert the axes to W/mm spot position or similar from this information, or into W/beam_radius using the fact that the beam spot sizes are at 567µm at WFSA and 146µm at WFSB.

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paul.fulda@LIGO.ORG - 10:04, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22058)

As shown above the 36MHz WFS are sensitive in one quadrature to spot position, due to the constant presence of a 36MHz signal at the WFS. This fact, combined with the possibility of poor spot centering on the WFS due to the effects of "junk" carrier light, is a potential cause of badness in the 36MHz AS WFS loops. Daniel and Keita were interested to know if the spot centering could be improved by using some kind of RF QPD that balances either the 18MHz (or 90MHz) RF signals between quadrants to effectively center the 9MHz (or 45MHz) sideband field, instead of the time averaged sum of all fields (DC centering) that is sensitive to junk carrier light. In Daniel's words, you can think of this as kind of an "RF optical lever".

This brought up the question of which sideband field's spot postion at the WFS changes most when either the BS, SR2 or SRM are actuated.

To answer that question, I:

  • Added 18MHz and 90MHz "WFS" to the Finesse model.
  • Phased these new "WFS" so that all the 18MHz or 90MHz "sum" signals show up in the I-phase (see first two plots).
  • Plotted the new "WFS" responses to BS, SR2 and SRM pitch and yaw (normalized by their "sum" signal), as a function of SR3 RoC (see the rest of the plots).

Some observations from the plots:

  • 90MHz "WFS" show much more response to SRC1 (SR2) and SRC2 (SRM) tilts than 18MHz "WFS". This is somewhat intuitive, because the 45MHz sidebands are resonant in the SRC and the SRC eigenmode may be more sensitive to SR alignments than a beam traced through "single bounce" style.
  • The 90MHz response to SRM/SR2 tilt remain very much in the I phase, with almost no signal in the Q-phase. 
  • 18MHz "WFS" show more response to MICH (BS) than the 90MHz "WFS". This is problably because a BS tilt causes a large coupling of 9MHz HG10/01 mode from the PRC to the SRC relative to the amount of 9MHz HG00 mode already in the SRC (due to high Michelson reflectivity + SRC non-resonance for 9MHz HG00). Since I normalize to the total sideband power, this looks like a bigger response in 18MHz than 90MHz.
  • The 18MHz response to BS tilt is mostly in the Q phase. I'm not sure exactly how to interpret this, but my naive guess is that it's related to the BS tilt being a "differential" mode tilt for the X and Y arms of the small Michelson.
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paul.fulda@LIGO.ORG - 08:16, Monday 12 October 2015 (22432)

I looked again at some of the 2f WFS signals, this time with a linear sweep over alignment offsets rather than a dither transfer function. I attached the results here, with detectors being phased to have the constant signal always in I quadrature. As noted before by Daniel, AS18Q looks like a good signal for MICH sensing, as it is pretty insensitive to beam spot position on the WFS. Since I was looking at larger alignment offsets, I included higher-order modes up to order 6 in the calculation, and all length DOFs were locked. This was for zero SR3 RoC offset, so mode matching is optimal.

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