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Reports until 06:19, Tuesday 22 September 2015
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 06:19, Tuesday 22 September 2015 - last comment - 06:34, Tuesday 22 September 2015(21776)
L1 Staying In Observation Mode Beyond Their Scheduled Maintenance Start Time

Just chatted with Brian and Jeremy at LLO about the start of their Maintenance time (which is usually 8amCT [13:00UTC]), and they said they are going to let L1 stay in Observation Mode beyond their usual Maintenance start time so we can have more double coincident time (they will let L1 drop out whenever activities/contractors bump it out of lock.)

(For the record, LHO's Maintenance Time starts at 8am PST [15:00UTC]).  

Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 06:34, Tuesday 22 September 2015 (21777)

13:32 UTC Guimin just notified me they are out of lock and starting their Maintenance.

LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:07, Tuesday 22 September 2015 (21775)
Mid Shift Summary

H1 in Observation Mode for 2.5+hrs @75Mpc.  Looks like L1 just came back @60Mpc.

Seismic band of 0.03-0.1Hz um/s has finally returned to 0.01um/s (took about 3.5hrs).  Winds under 5mph.

H1 General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:50, Tuesday 22 September 2015 (21774)
6.1 Chile EQ Lockloss for H1

As mentioned earlier, Terramon reported EQ around 8:00utc....it was off about about 2min with a lockloss at 8:02utc.  Here is evidence this was an earthquake lockloss:

Here's a timeline of how this event occurred:

LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:35, Tuesday 22 September 2015 - last comment - 00:44, Tuesday 22 September 2015(21770)
Transition to OWL Shift Update

TITLE:  9/22 OWL Shift:  7:00-15:00UTC (00:00-8:00PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE OF H1:   Jim handed over a nice boring shift (just how I like it!).  Earth is not rumbling & winds are calm (below 10mph).  He mentioned issues with RF45 they had at the beginning of the current lock (it sounds like if this occurs again, we ride it out?  Stay in Observing Mode?)


SUPPORT:  Solo.  (Sheila is on-call, if needed)

QUICK SUMMARY:   H1 sailing along at 75Mpc.  

Guardian has a YELLOW notification about HAM5 related to Master Switch.

A quick scan of DARM (compared to 9/10/15 reference):

Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 00:44, Tuesday 22 September 2015 (21772)

Terramon Update:  Reports R-waves (2.4um/s) from 6.1 Chile quake are due here in 16min (8:00utc)!  I see the 0.03-0.1Hz already starting a climb (just peaking a little over an order of magnitude (i.e. up to 0.1um/s)...but we'll monitor to see how the ground shakes.  Let's see how we ride through it.

H1 General
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:02, Tuesday 22 September 2015 (21769)
Shift Summary
15:30 Ken working at warehouse, hooking up wiring for fire suppression
16:00 ChrisS and JoeD working on arm, recalled at 18:20, 
16:00 Kiwamu and JeffK working on calibration and hardware injections for a couple minutes
16:15 Bubba and JohnW driving down Xarm to investigate an air compressor 250m from EX, done 17:20
16:45 Hugh at EY
16:45 Fil to CER, out at 16:55
17:00 Hugh at EX, out at 17:10
17:55 Hugh in Mechanical Room checking HEPI fluid levels
~22:40 Range starts getting ratty and DMT OMEGA scans on control room display shows we are getting glitchy, numerous ETMY saturations
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:07, Monday 21 September 2015 - last comment - 18:35, Tuesday 22 September 2015(21768)
DHARD YAW boost ready to go

To ride out earthquakes better, we would like a boost in DHARD yaw (alog 21708)  I exported the DHARD YAW OLG measurement posted in alog 20084, made a fit, and tried a few different boosts (plots attched).  

I think a reasonable solution is to use a pair of complex poles at 0.35 Hz with a Q of 0.7, and a pair of complex zeros at 0.7 Hz with a Q of 1 (and of cource a high frequency gain of 1).  This gives us 12dB more gain at DC than we have now, and we still have an unconditionally stable loop with 45 degrees of phase everywhere.  

A foton design string that accomplishes this is


I don't want to save the filter right now because as I learned earlier today that will cause an error on the CDS overview until the filter is loaded, but there is an unsaved version open on opsws5.  If anyone gets a chance to try this at the start of maintence tomorow it would be awesome.  Any of the boosts in the DHARD yaw filter bank currently can be overwritten. 

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Comments related to this report
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 13:50, Tuesday 22 September 2015 (21796)

We tried this out this morning, I turned the filter on at 15:21 , it was on for several hours.  The first screenshot show error and control spectra with the boost on and off.  As you would expect there is a modest increase in the control signal at low frequencies and a bit more supression of the error signal.  The IFO was locked durring maintence activities (including praxair deliveries) so there was a lot of noise in DARM.  I tried on off tests to see if the filter was causing the excess noise, and saw no evidence that it was.  

We didn't get the earthquake I was hoping we would have durring the maintence window, but there was some large ground motion due to activities on site.  The second attached screenshot shows a lockloss when the chilean earthqauke hits (21774), the time when I turned on the boost this morning, and the increased ground motion durring maintence day.  The maintence day ground motion that we rode out with the boost on were 2-3 times higher than the EQ, but not all at the same time in all stations.  

We turned the filter back off before going to observing mode, and Laura is taking a look to see if there was an impact on the glitch rate.  

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laura.nuttall@LIGO.ORG - 18:35, Tuesday 22 September 2015 (21820)

I took a look at an hour's worth of data after the calibration changes were stable and the filter was on (I sadly can't use much more time) . I also chose a similar time period from this afternoon where things seemed to be running fine without the filter on. Attached are glitchgrams and trigger rate plots for the two periods. The trigger rate plots show data binned in to 5 minute intervals.

When the filter was on we were in active commissioning, so the presence of high SNR triggers are not so surprising. The increased glitch rate around 6 minutes is from Sheila performing some injections. Looking at the trigger rate plots I am mainly looking to see if there is an overall change in the rate of low SNR triggers (i.e. the blue dots) which contribute the majority to the background. In the glitchgram plots I am looking to see if I can see a change of structure.

Based upon the two time periods I have looked at I would estimate the filter does not have a large impact on the background, however I would like more stable time when the filter is on to further confirm.

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:38, Monday 21 September 2015 (21767)
77-80 Hz noise in DARM

Evan, Jim, Jenne, Sheila

We had a look at the noise in DARM from 77-80 Hz, which we know from BRUCO is coherent with X transmon QPDs. 

The TRX A SUM is lower than the other QPDs, 

33694.3 TRX A
44391.8 TRX B
45415.1 TRY A
48366.3 TRY B

The first attached plot shows the coherence with DARM, the second attached plot shows that the 2 QPD sums are coherent with each other at End X but not END Y.  The ground motion measured by the STSs is a little higher at EX, but by a factor of 5 at most.  The spectra of the QPDs at END X is noiser.  If this noise is coherent with DARM at these frequencies, it seems probable that it is not far below DARM at nearby frequencies.

One possible theory would be that we could have clipping somewhere on TMSX that is common to both QPDs, and the source of the clipping also causes some scatter back into DARM.  We could try opening the beam diverter to see if we have the same coherence with the PD on the in air table, or driving TMS to see the excitation in DARM.  

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:27, Monday 21 September 2015 (21766)
Three-week trend of 45 MHz EOM driver channels

I have tried to indicate known features in the control signal time series (noise studies and installation of band-pass filter before the 3rd, a cable swap on the 10th, and the modulation index reduction test yesterday). I am not sure of the cause of the other features (does anyone know?).

Also, the unusually high DCPD sum on the 14th corresponds to some DARM offset testing that Stefan and I did.

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H1 INJ (DetChar, INJ)
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:58, Monday 21 September 2015 - last comment - 06:46, Friday 25 September 2015(21759)
CBC hardware injection test
Chris B., Jeff K.

We performed a series of single-IFO hardware injections at H1 as a test. The intent mode button was off at the time.

All injections were the same waveform from aLog 21744.

tinj was not used to do the injections. The command line used to do the injections was:

awgstream H1:CAL-INJ_TRANSIENT_EXC 16384 H1-HWINJ_CBC-1126257410-12.txt 0.2 -d -d
awgstream H1:CAL-INJ_TRANSIENT_EXC 16384 H1-HWINJ_CBC-1126257410-12.txt 0.5 -d -d >> log.txt
awgstream H1:CAL-INJ_TRANSIENT_EXC 16384 H1-HWINJ_CBC-1126257410-12.txt 0.5 -d -d >> log.txt
awgstream H1:CAL-INJ_TRANSIENT_EXC 16384 H1-HWINJ_CBC-1126257410-12.txt 0.5 -d -d >> log.txt
awgstream H1:CAL-INJ_TRANSIENT_EXC 16384 H1-HWINJ_CBC-1126257410-12.txt 1.0 -d -d >> log.txt

I've attached the log (log.txt) which contains the standard output from running awgstream.

Taken from the awgstream log the corresponding times are approximates of the injection time:


The expected SNR the waveform is ~18. The scale factors applied by awgstream should change the SNR by a factor of 0.2 and 0.5 when used.

I've attached timeseries of the INJ-CAL_HARDWARE and INJ-CAL_TRANSIENT. The injections did not reach the 200 counts limit of the INJ_HARDWARE filterbank that we saw in the past.

Watching the live noise curve in the control room we did not notice any strong indication of ETMY saturation which usually manifests itself as a rise in the bucket of the noise curve. But this needs followup.

I've attached omegascans of the injections.

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Comments related to this report
eric.thrane@LIGO.ORG - 19:07, Monday 21 September 2015 (21763)INJ
It looks like there's a pre-injection glitch in the last spectrogram. Is that understood?
andrew.lundgren@LIGO.ORG - 07:23, Tuesday 22 September 2015 (21778)DetChar, INJ
There were no ESD DAC overflows due to any of the injections. The only such overflow was at 1126916343, which was between injections.

The glitch before the last injection is not understood. It does not correspond to the start of the waveform, which is at GPS time ___29.75. The glitch is at ___29.87 (see attached scan), and I can't find what feature in the waveform it might correspond to. It may be some feature in the inverse actuation filter.

We should repeat this hardware injection to see if the glitch happens again. Subsequent injections should be done with a lower frequency of 15 Hz (this was 30 Hz), to make sure there are no startup effects. This will only make the injection about 3 seconds longer.

In the above, I'm assuming that the hardware injection is always synchronized to the GPS second, so that features in the strain file correspond exactly to what is injected, with just an integer offset. I confirmed that by looking at the injection channel, but someone should correct me if the injection code ever applies non-integer offsets.
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peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - 07:27, Tuesday 22 September 2015 (21779)
If you run awgstream without specifying a start time, it chooses a start time on an exact integer GPS second.  (On the other hand, if you DO specify a start time, you can give it a non-integer GPS time and it will start the injection on the closest 16384 Hz sample to that time.)
peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - 09:10, Tuesday 22 September 2015 (21782)INJ
Note that these CBC injections were recorded by ODC as Burst injections (e.g., see https://ldas-jobs.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/~detchar/summary/day/20150922/plots/H1-ALL_893A96_ODC-1126915217-86400.png) because the CAL-INJ_TINJ_TYPE channel was left at its previous setting, evidently equal to 2.
john.veitch@LIGO.ORG - 06:46, Friday 25 September 2015 (21941)
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:47, Monday 21 September 2015 (21758)
Finish hardware injection test
We have finished the hardware injection test. More details to come. Intent mode turned back on.
H1 INJ (DetChar, INJ)
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:14, Monday 21 September 2015 (21756)
Starting hardware injections
The intent mode button was turned off at 10:00 UTC. We are starting hardware injections now.
brian.lantz@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:11, Monday 21 September 2015 - last comment - 14:19, Thursday 24 September 2015(21755)
HAM5 Rogue Excitation alarm annoyance from bad channel readback
Folks have been complaining that the HAM5-ISI Rogue Excitation monitor is a pain. 
(see e.g. https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=21474)

It looks like the coil-voltage-readback monitor for the V2 coil is busted somewhere, and so the monitor is sitting around -500 counts all the time. 

Hugh gave me the GPS time for a recent earthquake, and in the attached plot you can see the watchdog trip from normal (state 1) to damp-down (state 2) at T+3 seconds. The coil voltages come down pretty quickly. Then the WD goes to state 4 (full trip) about 3 seconds later and the coil drive monitors (except V2) get quite small. The rogue excitation alarm goes off about 3 seconds after that, because the V2 monitor has not fallen to abs(Vmon) < +100 counts. 

The V2 monitor just sort of sits at ~-500 counts all the time. 
I'm pretty sure the V2 coil drive is working, otherwise the HAM5-ISI platform would act very poorly.
I'm guessing the problem is somewhere in the readback chain.

Note - the channels I use for this are all Epics channels, so the timing is a bit crude and the voltages are sort of jumpy. The channels are:

I've also attached screenshots of the "coil drive voltage too big" calculation and the "rogue excitation alarm generation" calculation from the HAM-ISI master model
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Comments related to this report
brian.lantz@LIGO.ORG - 17:23, Monday 21 September 2015 (21757)
I've added integration issue 1127 on this
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 14:19, Thursday 24 September 2015 (21897)

I think I've got all the colors sorted out and pretty sure it looks like H2 Monitor isn't working either.  At first I thought it was just zero on the plot but I don't think so.  At least it won't cause this problem and being H2 may help find the problem.

christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:46, Monday 21 September 2015 - last comment - 19:05, Monday 21 September 2015(21744)
Waveform for hardware injection test
We have approval to use the following waveform for testing the hardware injection infrastructure. We want to check that the ODC bits and logging for hardware injections is correct.

The single-column ASCII file that can be injected is committed to the SVN. It can be found here: ASCII waveform file

The parameters of the waveform can be found in the SVN as well: XML parameter file
Comments related to this report
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - 19:05, Monday 21 September 2015 (21762)
I've attached a plot of the h(t) time series for this waveform.
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keith.riles@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:35, Sunday 20 September 2015 - last comment - 09:42, Wednesday 23 September 2015(21696)
Pair of lines near 41 Hz
It was noted recently elsewhere that there are a pair of lines in DARM near 41 Hz
that may be the roll modes of triplet suspensions. In particular, there is
a prediction of 40.369 Hz for the roll mode labeled ModeR3.

Attached is a zoom of displacement spectrum in that band from 50 hours of early 
ER8 data. Since one naively expects a bounce mode at 1/sqrt(2) of the roll mode,
also attached is a zoom of that region for which the evidence of
bounce modes seems weak. The visible lines are much narrower,
and one coincides with an integer frequency.

For completeness, I also looked at various potential subharmonics  and harmonics
of these lines, in case the 41-Hz pair come from some other source with non-linear coupling. 
The only ones that appeared at all plausible were at about 2/3 of 41 Hz.

Specifically, the peaks at 40.9365 and 41.0127 Hz have potential 2/3 partners at
27.4170 and 27.5025 Hz (ratios: 0.6697 and 0.6706) -- see 3rd attachment. The 
non-equality of the ratios with 0.6667 is not necessarily inconsistent with a harmonic
relation, since we've seen that quad suspension violin modes do not follow a strict harmonic 
progression, and triplets are almost as complicated as quads. On the other hand, I do not see
any evidence at all for the 4th or 5th harmonics in the data set, despite the comparable strain
strengths seen for the putative 2nd and 3rd harmonics. 

* The frequency ranges of the three plots are chosen so that the two peaks would
appear in the same physical locations in the graphs if the nominal sqrt(2) and 2/3 relations were exact..
* There is another, smaller peak of comparable width between the two peaks near 27 Hz,
which may be another mechanical resonance.
* The 27.5025-Hz line has a width that encompasses a 25.5000-hz line that is part of a
1-Hz comb with a 0.5-Hz offset reported previously.
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Comments related to this report
nelson.christensen@LIGO.ORG - 14:09, Sunday 20 September 2015 (21698)DetChar, PEM
We are looking for the source of the 41 Hz noise lines. 
We used the coherence tool results for a week of ER8, with 1 mHz resolution:
and as a guide looked at the structure of the 41 Hz noise, as seen in the PSD posted above by Keith.
Michael Coughlin then ran the tool that plots coherence vs channels, 
and made the following observations

Please see below. I would take a look at the MAGs listed, they only seem to be spiking at these frequencies.
The channels that spike just below 40.95:

The channels that spike just above 41.0 are:


The magnetometers do show coherence at the two spikes seen in Keith's plot. The SUS channels are also showing coherence at these frequencies, sometimes broad in structure, sometimes narrow. See the coherence plots below.

Nelson, Michael Coughlin, Eric Coughlin, Pat Meyers
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 14:43, Sunday 20 September 2015 (21700)DetChar, PEM
Nelson, et. al

Interesting list of channels. Though they seem scattered, I can imagine a scenario where the SRM's highest roll mode frequency is still the culprit. 

All of the following channels you list are the drive signals for DARM. We're currently feeding back the DARM signal to only ETMY. So, any signal your see in the calibrated performance of the instrument, you will see here -- they are part of the DARM loop.

Further -- though we'd have to test this theory by measuring the coherence between, say the NoiseMon channels and these SUS rack magnetometers, I suspect these magnetometers are just sensing the requested DARM drive control signal

Now comes the harder part. Why the are ITMs and corner station magnetometers firing off? The answer: SRCL feed-forward / subtraction from DARM and perhaps even angular control signals. Recall that the QUAD's electronics chains are identical, in construction and probably in emission of magnetic radiation.   
sound like they're in the same location for the ITMs as the EY magnetometer for the ETMs. We push SRCL feed-forward to the ITMs, and SRM is involved in SRCL, and also there is residual SRCL to DARM coupling left-over from the imperfect subtraction. That undoubtedly means that the ~41 [Hz] mode of the SRM will show up in DARM, SRCL, the ETMs and the ITMs. Also, since the error signal / IFO light for the arm cavity (DARM, CARM -- SOFT and HARD) angular control DOFs have to pass through HSTSs as they come out of the IFO (namely SRM and SR2 -- the same SUS involved in SRCL motion), they're also potentially exposed to this HSTS resonance. We feed arm cavity ASC control signal to all four test masses.

That would also explain why the coil driver monitor signals show up on your list:

The 41 Hz showing up in
(and not in the L3 or L1 stage) also is supported by the ASC control signal theory -- we only feed ASC to the L2 stage, and there is no LSC (i.e. DARM) request to ETMX (which we *would* spread among the three L3, L2, and L1 stages.). Also note that there's a whole integration issue about how these noise monitor signals are untrustworthy (see Integration Issue #9), and the ETMX noise mons have not been cleared as "OK," and in fact have been called out explicitly for their suspicious behavior in LHO aLOG 17890

I'm not sure where this magnetometer lives:
but it's clear from the channel names that these is just two different versions of the same magnetometer.

I'm surprised that other calibrated LSC channels like
don't show up on your list. I'm staring at the running ASD of these channels on the wall and there's a line at 41 [Hz] that in both the reference trace and the current live trace (though, because PRCL, SRCL, and MICH all light that bounces off of HSTSs, I suspect that you might find slightly different frequencies in each).

"I see your blind list of channels that couple, and raise you a plausible coupling mechanism that explains them all. How good is your hand?!"
keith.riles@LIGO.ORG - 14:42, Sunday 20 September 2015 (21701)
I neglected to state explicitly that the spectra I posted are taken
from non-overlapped Hann-windowed 30-minute SFTs,
hence with bins 0.5556 mHz wide and BW of about 0.83 mHz.
keith.riles@LIGO.ORG - 19:01, Sunday 20 September 2015 (21711)
Attached are close-in zooms of  the bands around 41 Hz peaks,
from the ER8 50-hour data integration, allowing an estimate of 
their Q's (request from Peter F). 

For the peak at about 40.9365 Hz, one has:
FWHM ~ 0.0057 Hz
-> Q = 40.94/.0057 = 7,200

For the peak at about 41.0127 Hz, one has:
FWHM ~ 0.0035 Hz
-> Q = 41.01/0.0035 = 12,000

Also attached are zooms and close-in zooms for the peak at 41.9365 Hz
from 145 hours of ER7 data when the noise floor and the peak were
both higher. The 41.0127-Hz peak is not visible in this data set integration.

In the ER7 data set, one has for 41.9365 Hz:
FWHM ~  0.0049 Hz
-> Q = 40.94/0.0049 = 8,400

Peter expected Q's as high as 4000-5000 and no lower than 2000 for
a triplet suspension. These numbers are high enough to qualify.

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keith.riles@LIGO.ORG - 19:35, Sunday 20 September 2015 (21717)
Andy Lundgren pointed out that there is a line at about 28.2 Hz that 
might be close enough to 40.9365/sqrt(2) = 28.95 Hz to qualify as
the bounce-mode counterpart to the suspected roll mode.

So I've checked its Q in the 50-hour ER8 set and the 145-hour ER7 set
and am starting to think Andy's suspicion is correct (see attached spectra).
I get Q's of about 9400 for ER and 8600 for ER7, where the line in 
ER7 is much higher than in ER8, mimicking what is seen at 41 Hz.
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nelson.christensen@LIGO.ORG - 07:38, Monday 21 September 2015 (21727)DetChar, PEM
In an email Gabriele Vajente has stated, "...the noise might be correlated to PRCL." There is a coherence spike between h(t) and H1:LSC-PRCL_OUT_DQ at 40.936 Hz. Here is the coherence for a week in ER8.
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norna.robertson@LIGO.ORG - 09:04, Monday 21 September 2015 (21731)DetChar, SUS
Peter F asked if Q of ~ 10,000 for bounce and roll modes was plausible.

Answer is yes. We have evidence that the material loss can at least a factor of 2 better than 2e-4 - e.g. see our paper (due to be published soon in Rev Sci Instrum,) P1400229, where we got an average 1.1 x 10^-4 loss for music wire. Q = 1/loss.
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 10:53, Monday 21 September 2015 (21738)
[Stuart A, Jeff K, Norna R]

After having looked through acceptance measurements, taken in-chamber (Phase 3), for all H1 HSTSs, it should be noted that our focus was on the lower frequency modes of the suspensions, so we have little data to refine the estimates of the individual mode frequencies for each suspension.

No vertical (modeV3 at ~27.3201 Hz) or roll (modeR3 at ~40.369 Hz) modes are present in the M1-M1 (top-to-top) stage TFs of the suspensions.

Some hints of modes can be observed in M2-M2 and M3-3 TFs (see attached below), as follows:-

1) M2-M2, all DOFs suffer from poor coherence above 20 Hz. However, there are some high Q features that stand out in the L DOF for SRM, at frequencies of 27.46 Hz and 40.88 Hz. In Pitch, there is a high Q feature at 27.38 Hz for PR2. In Yaw, a feature at 40.81 Hz is just visible for MC1.

2) M3-M3, again all DOFs suffer very poor coherence above 20 Hz. However, a feature can be seen standing above the noise at 26.7 Hz for MC2 in the L DOF. Also, a small peak is present at 40.92 Hz for SR2 in the Yaw DOF.
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brett.shapiro@LIGO.ORG - 14:53, Monday 21 September 2015 (21741)
I had a look through the SVN data for the individual OSEMs on M2 of PR2 and PRM at both LHO and LLO because Gabriele suggested the power recycling cavity might be involved.
I also looked at SR2 and SRM on Peter's suggestion.
I found all the roll modes and most of the bounce modes for these.
SUS           Bounce (Hz)        Roll (Hz)
H1 PR2      27.41                    40.93
H1 PRM     27.59                    40.88
H1 SR2      27.51                    40.91
H1 SRM     27.45                    40.87
L1 PR2        ----                       40.88
L1 PRM     27.48                     40.70
L1 SR2      27.52                       ----
L1 SRM     27.51                     40.88
I found all these in the M2 to M2 TFs in the …SAGM2/Data directories on the SVN. Screenshots of the DTT sessions are attached. You can see the relevant file names where I found the modes in these screenshots (L1 PRM bounce came from the M2 Pitch to M2 LR transfer function, not shown in the screenshot).
The error bar on these frequencies is about +-0.01 Hz, due to the 0.01 Hz resolution of the measurements.
For reference, the HSTS matlab model given by the hstsopt_metal.m parameter file in (SusSVN)/sus/trunk/Common/MatlabTools/TripleModel_Production
gives the bounce and roll modes as respectively
27.32 Hz and 40.37 Hz 
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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 20:27, Monday 21 September 2015 (21765)

We currently don't have any bandstops for these modes on the tripples, except for in the top stage length path to SRM and PRM.  It would not impact our ASC loops to add bandstops to the P+Y input on all triples.  We will do this next time we have a chance to put some changes in.  

brett.shapiro@LIGO.ORG - 17:05, Tuesday 22 September 2015 (21808)

Ryan Derosa mentioned that he took some low resolution measurements that include an L1 SR2 roll mode at 41.0 Hz.

I have now looked at the data for all the MCs, to complement the PRs and SRs above in log 21741. Screenshots of the data are attached, a list of the modes found are below.


SUS    bounce (Hz)      roll (Hz)

MC1      27.38                40.81

MC2      27.75                40.91

MC3      27.43?              40.84



SUS    bounce (Hz)      roll (Hz)

MC1      27.55?              40.86

MC2        ---                   40.875

MC3      27.53                40.77


Error bars of +- 0.01 Hz.

I am not sure about the bounce modes for H1 MC3 and L1 MC1 since the peaks are pretty small. I couldn't find any data on L1 MC2 showing a bounce mode.

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patrick.meyers@LIGO.ORG - 09:42, Wednesday 23 September 2015 (21841)DetChar

Expanding the channel list to include all channels in the detchar O1 channel list:


I ran a coherence study for a half our of data towards the end of ER8.

I see particularly high coherence at 40.93Hz in many channels in LSC, OMC, ITM suspensions, and also a suspension for PR2. It seems to me like this particularly strong line is probably due to PR2 based on these results, Keith's ASDs, and Brett's measurements, and it seems to be very highly coherent.

Full results with coherence matrices and data used to create them (color = coherence, x axis = frequency, y axis = channels) broken down roughly by subsystem can be found here:


Attached are several individual coherence spectra that lit up the coherence matrices with the frequency of maximum coherence in that range picked out.


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madeline.wade@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:27, Thursday 17 September 2015 - last comment - 20:05, Monday 21 September 2015(21638)
Changes to GDS calibration filters between ER7 and ER8/O1

I've quantified the changes that will take place in the GDS calibration correction filters when the ER8/O1 update occurs. A summary of the changes are:

In total: 

The attached plots illustrate the changes described above.

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madeline.wade@LIGO.ORG - 20:05, Monday 21 September 2015 (21764)

I have also plotted the h(t) spectrum for the ER7 and ER8/O1 GDS filters.  Attached are plots of the spectrum on top of each other and of the residual between the two.  Overall, the ER8/O1 GDS filter updates average ~a few percent corrections to h(t).

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:37, Saturday 29 August 2015 - last comment - 00:58, Tuesday 22 September 2015(21020)
41Hz unfruitful peak hunt

I took higher resolution spectra of the supposed 41Hz HSTS roll mode tonight (see first attachment).  There are 2 peaks, however only the first peak has any coherance with anything.  The 2 peaks are at:

40.9375 Hz  (lots of DARM-PRC-SRC coherence)

41.0117 Hz  (no coherence with anything I looked at)


The second attachment shows the set of 41Hz peaks in 3 of the last lock stretches.  I attempted to use the ASC signals to check for coherence with DARM, but:


- the OSEM sensors on the HSTS suspensions are too noise, so see no coherence

- there is coherence with BOTH SRC and PRC, unfortunately, so hard to pin point where

- there is coherence with SRC1 which talks to SRM - is it cross-coupling thru ASC/LSC?

- there is no coherence with SRC2 likely because it is a noisy detector (AS DC), so can't tell if the SRM and SR2 combination that it talks to contribute to the 41Hz

- PRC1 not plotted, no ASC drive there, but witnessed that there is no coherence there

- PRC2 goes to PR3, so while there is coherence there (not plotted) it is likely because it is cross-coupling  from SRC to PRC

- IMC_TRANS_P not plotted, but witnessed no coherence, again too noisy of a detector?

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carl.blair@LIGO.ORG - 18:11, Monday 21 September 2015 (21760)

This is also close to the third harmonic of the Roll modes as seen at 41.25Hz at LLO 20737 though this is probably only relevant to highly excited roll modes.

brett.shapiro@LIGO.ORG - 18:54, Monday 21 September 2015 (21761)

The 40.9375 Hz mode is consistent with the PR2 M2 to M2 TFs, where a 40.93 +- 0.01 Hz mode was seen.  See log 21741.

norna.robertson@LIGO.ORG - 00:58, Tuesday 22 September 2015 (21773)
And just to clarify. This is not a third harmonic. It is the third (and highest) of the three roll modes of the HAM small triple suspension (HSTS).
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