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Reports until 00:00, Sunday 20 September 2015
LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:00, Sunday 20 September 2015 (21687)
Ops Eve End of Shift Summary
LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:49, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21685)
Ops Eve Mid Shift Report

Locked in Nominal Low Noise and Observing. Minimal glitches, no saturations so far, and the environment seems calm.

thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:46, Saturday 19 September 2015 - last comment - 20:51, Saturday 19 September 2015(21684)
Passing EX Chiller Supply alarm

At 19:14 PST there was a critical alarm on H0:FMC-EX_CY_H2O_SUP_DEGF. By the time I got to it it was no longer in alarm. The EX chiller medm seemed to look normal to me, but trending the previously mentioned channel did show an odd flat spot in the supply temperature for the past ~3 hours (See attachments below). The tempurature began to increase again at 19:07 and seems to have gone back into its normal rythme.

First screenshot: A 12hour trend from today

Second screenshot: A 12hour trend from yesterday

I will continue to montior this.

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - 20:51, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21686)

All seems well again.

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LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:05, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21682)
09/19 Eve Shift 23:00-7:00 UTC (16:00-0:00 PST)

State of H1: Observation Mode at 73Mpc for the last 5 hours.

Outgoing Operator: Travis S.

Quick Summary: Travis recovered from an earthquake and then has had it locked for the past ~5hours.

H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21681)
OPS Day Shift Summary

Title: 9/19 Day Shift 15:00-23:00 UTC (8:00-16:00 PST).  All times in UTC.

State of H1: Observing

Shift Summary:  After a few false starts at lock stretches of significant length, H1 has been locked in Observing Mode for the last ~5 hours of my shift.  A few glitches related to ETMy saturations, but otherwise stable.  Environment: calm.

Incoming operator: TJ

Activity log:

18:43 Evan arrives on site

gregory.mendell@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:53, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21678)
DCS reconfigured to use fw1 as primary source of commissioning frames

DCS copies the H1_R raw science frames from CDS to the LDAS archive and the H1_C commissioning frames from CDS to the LDAS scratch filesystems. Currently the commissiong frames are also being copied to the LDAS archive. To fix a load issue on the LDAS side which was causing archiving of the science frame to fall behind, this latter process has been switch to primarily get its data from fw1. LDAS is getting the science frames from fw0, but now is getting commissiong frame for both scratch and archive from fw1. This should not affect CDS.

travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:12, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21677)
Back to Observing Mode, again

Once again back to Observing @ 18:11 UTC.

H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:53, Saturday 19 September 2015 - last comment - 15:12, Saturday 19 September 2015(21676)

Lost lock again @ 17:47.  ITMx saturation, but again not obvious enviromental culprits.

Comments related to this report
eleanor.king@LIGO.ORG - 15:12, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21680)

I had a look at both of the last locklosses (UTC 16:40 / GPS 116715542 and UTC 17:14 / GPS 112672005).  The lockloss plots look very similar.  Signals spike in AS_A_RF45, AS_B_RF45, AS_C and ASC-OMC wavefront sensors, and the signals quickly runaway.  The ITMY and ITMX suspensions both saturate, followed by HAM6 ISI, OM1, OM2, MC2, OMC, in order.  Attached is a plot of the first lockloss, showing growing ASC signals.

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H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:42, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21675)
Back to Observing Mode, again

Locked Nominal Low Noise @ 17:40, set to Observing Mode.

H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:34, Saturday 19 September 2015 - last comment - 12:15, Saturday 19 September 2015(21673)
Back to Observing Mode

H1 has been relocked and set to Observing Mode at ~76 MPc.  I had to accept 2 SDF Diffs (H1:ALS-Y_WFS_DOF_3_P_GAIN and H1:ALS-Y_WFS_DOF_3_Y_GAIN) in order to go to Observing Mode.  There is still a notification present about SPM Diffs for SEI HAM5 (H1:HPI-HAM5_MASTER_SWITCH and H1:ISI-HAM5_MASTERSWITCH), but these did not prevent me from going to Observing, so I am ignoring them. 

Also, going through the checklist before setting Observing Mode, I had a question about sweeping the LVEA.  I couldn't find an aLog about this being done, so I called Corey.  He stated that this was being postponed until next Tuesday and that I could safely ignore this for now.  Nevertheless, the lights in the LVEA and PSL are all off and no one is on site besides Elli and Miguel who are in the CR. 

Comments related to this report
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 09:37, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21674)

Update: Just after posting this, we have just lost lock again @ 16:32 UTC (ITMY saturation).  Nothing obvious on the seismic or wind front.

travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 12:15, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21679)

I trended the H1:ALS-Y gains against the range channel, and noticed that the gains were changed during a stretch when we were not locked.  I asked Evan about this and he had no good reason for these to change.  These are not used in full lock, so they are inconsequential to the data.  I will revert and re-accept them back to their old values when we are not locked, or leave a note for subsequent operators to do so.

H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:30, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21672)
OPS Day Shift Transition

Title: 9/19 Day Shift 15:00-23:00 UTC (8:00-16:00 PDT). All time posted in UTC.

State of H1: Lock acquistion.

Outgoing Operator: Jeff Bartlett

Summary: A series of EQs in Chile have had the IFO down for most of the OWL shift.  They have rung down enough now that we should be able to lock.  Alignment looks good, so I will attempt to relock without initial alignment first.

H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:19, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21671)
Owl End of Shift Summary
Activity Log: All Times in UTC (PT)

07:00 (00:00) Take over from TJ
07:00 (00:00) IFO relocking after EQ lock loss
07:16 (00:16) IFO locked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, 22.9W, 72Mpc
07:22 (00:22) Set Intent Bit to OBSERVE 
08:05 (01:05) ETMY saturation
09:56 (02:56) ITMX saturation
09:56 (02:56) Lockloss – 6.1 Mag earthquake near Chile
10:50 (03:50) IFO not locking – Run initial alignment
12:31 (05:31) While at LOCK_DRMI_1F BS ISI stage 2 WD trip – Reset watchdog
13:30 (06:30) BS ISI stage 2 WD trip – Reset watchdog
13:34 (06:34) Set IFO to DOWN while ring down from last EQ
14:34 (07:34) Received a GRB alert. IFO is currently down
15:05 (08:05) Turn over to Travis

End of Shift Summary:

Title: 09/19/2015, Evening Shift 07:00 – 15:00 (00:00 – 08:00) All times in UTC


Incoming Operatror: Travis

Shift Summary: 
- 09:56 (02:56) – Lockloss 6.1 mag EQ near Chile – Seismic activity rung up, but coming down rapidly. Will attempt to relock.
- 13:25 (06:25) – Another 6.2 mag EQ near Chile – Seismic activity has rung up again. Continue with relocking attempt.
- 13:34 (06:34) – IFO repeatedly coming up to LOCK_DRMI_1F and higher before losing lock. Put IFO in DOWN state until seismic activity calms down. Spoke with LLO they are also holding for things to settle down. 
- 13:45 (06:45) – Another 5.4 mag EQ near Chile 
- 14:34 (07:34) – GRB alert. IFO down at this time
H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:12, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21670)
Owl Mid-Shift Summary
Recovering from 09:56 (02:56) lockloss. Relocking failing at various points along the Guardian path. Had DRMI_1F catch in split mode a couple of times. A tweak of the BS corrected one, went down on the other before I could catch it.  
H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:27, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21669)
Owl Shift Transition Summary
Transition Summary:
Title:  09/19/2015, Owl Shift 07:00 – 15:00 (00:00 – 08:00) All times in UTC
State of H1: Unlocked 
Outgoing Operator: TJ
Quick Summary: IFO is relocking after lock loss due to earthquake. LLO also recovering at this time. 
LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:02, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21668)
09/18 Eve Shift 23:00-7:00 UTC (16:00-0:00 PST)

All times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Relocking after lockloss at 5:55, currently have DRMI locked.
SHIFT SUMMARY: Most of the shift was quiet except for a few ETMY saturations and one OMC DCPD.

ETMY Saturations:

OMC DCPD Saturation - 2:10

Lockloss - 5:55

LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:58, Friday 18 September 2015 (21667)
Ops Late Mid Shift Report

5:55 - Lockloss

As I was typing up a report saying how well things have been going, the ASC Striptool started looking bad. After a few minutes of this, it lost it.

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