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Reports until 04:03, Thursday 17 September 2015
H1 General
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:03, Thursday 17 September 2015 - last comment - 04:31, Thursday 17 September 2015(21609)
Locked again at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE

After almost 12 hours of not locking, the ifo is back at 70Mpc. OMC locked at the right mode this time so I still have no idea what's wrong earlier. Terramon has just reported another 5.5M earthquake in Chile. We might lose lock again...


SDF is reporting 6 differences in ISI ITMX and ISI ITMY. Unable to go to Observe mode. I'm digging through the alog. 

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nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 04:13, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21610)

I couldn't find anything about the change in ITM ISI. FM4 simply adds gain of 20dB everywhere with 0 phase. FM5 labeled DWH reduces gain at high frequency with some phase change (maximum phase change of -40dB at ~20 Hz). I'm just gonna go ahead and accept the changes since the interferometer seems happy (so far). Now Observing.

nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 04:31, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21611)

The ifo hardly noticed the 5.5M earthquake. The violin fundamentals seem higher than normal but none seems to be ringing up. LLO recently joined us in locking. We are BACK in the game!

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craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:58, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21606)
Actuation Stage Residuals Weighted Means by Measurement Date
C. Cahillane

Per Jeff's request, here are the Actuation stage residual weighted means in time based on our three measurement dates, August 26, 28, and 29.
Essentially, I took the residuals already computed in , separated them by measurement date (26, 28, 29), separated them by acutation stage (L1, L2, L3), and computed each weighted uncertainty and weighted mean.
For plot values run the compare_actcoeffs_ER8_craig_extrapolation.m file and use the plotmagwm, plotmagunc, plotphasewm, and plotphaseunc matrices.
The matrix elements are as expected:  First number corresponds to data, second to actuation stage:
            |  L1  |  L2  |  L3  |
Aug 26-
Aug 28-
Aug 29-
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H1 General
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:40, Thursday 17 September 2015 - last comment - 03:29, Thursday 17 September 2015(21605)
Owl Shift Transition

TITLE: Sep 17 Owl Shift 07:00-15:00UTC (00:00-08:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Lock Acquisition


QUICK SUMMARY: Attempting to lock the interferometer. I couldn't get any flashes on POP 18 and 90 while trying to lock PRMI. Since Ed did the initial alignment when the ground motion was still high I think I might try to do the initial alignment again when the ground motion become less active.

Comments related to this report
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 02:39, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21607)

I finished the initial alignment. After having trouble with INPUT_ALIGN I looked at IM4 and PR2 alignment. IM4 alignment was way off from the last time the ifo was locked. I paused the Guardian and brought IM4 back to where it was. After that it locked in the wrong mode so I adjusted PR2 YAW. I had a little trouble with MICH_DARK_LOCK. BS ISI Watchdog tripped twice. I requested DOWN and waited until the optic settled then tried again. I also had to touch PR3 to maximize COMM beatnote. Everything went well. Now begin lock aquisition. The ground motion has come back to its nominal after series of earthquakes.

nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 03:29, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21608)

Guardian stalled at DC_READOUT_TRANSITION. OMC locked at a wrong mode. Lost lock at DC_READOUT shortly. T2, T3, LF and RT osems had huge number of counts. I called Sheila and she suggested I monitor where the offsets came from. Now relocking.

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H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:28, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21603)
Shift Summary - Evening

TITLE:  Sep 16 EVE Shift 23:00-07:00UTC (16:00-00:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Down


SUPPORT: Hugh, Jeff K, Sheila


End-of-Shift Summary: Recovering from Chilean Earthquake(s) barrage is an understatement as there have been close to 20 after-shocks (and a smattering of New Guinea and Alaska to round out the competition), most of significant magnitude. I was able to complete an initial alignment at, around, 03:10UTC and began the locking sequence but never made it past CHECK_IR. At that point the seismograph started to climb again. Fortunately there was no further tripping of systems. Mother Nature is really letting her hair down! ( and having a few). Handing off to Nutsinee.


Activity log:

23:00 IFO locked

23:23 LOCKLOSS Chilean Earthquake 8.4MAG 23:45UTC

23:30 Began damping Seismic systems with Hugh’s tuteledge

00:32 Jeff Kissel taking advantage of the earthquake break to do some charge measurements

00:45 Darkhan also doing some open loop measurements in this down time.

02:05 Attempt to bring back End Station ISIs seems succesful. GS 13s back to high gain. Seismic graph is showing 3µ/S.

02:09 Ditto for ITMs

02:10  Begin bringing up Input and Output HAM SEI.

02:15 Kissel brought ESDs back and restored ETM alignment.

02:31  All SEI back to nominal isolated states. GS13 gains switched back to HIGH.

02:34 IMC re-locked. Looks like the ground motion is still too great to begin aligning arms.

03:10 started initial alignment. Waited at DarkMich to watch excessive ground motion

03:34 GRB alarm. https://gracedb.ligo.org/events/view/E184908 .

03:58 began locking sequence. ot as far as CHECK_IR...too much ground motion and then more earthquakes.

04:00 switched Observation mode to Environmental

05:38 Ground motion starting to drop below 1µm/s. Attempt at locking DRMI shows way too much motion.

keith.riles@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:41, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21600)
Link to LLO alog entry on glitches in CW hardware injections
H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:31, Wednesday 16 September 2015 - last comment - 21:32, Wednesday 16 September 2015(21596)
Shift Summary - Evening Transition

A little late with this entry due to Mother Nature:

TITLE: Sep 16 EVE Shift 23:00-07:00UTC (16:00-00:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Observing


QUICK SUMMARY:Full control room.. Wind is blowing just under the 20mph mark. Seismic activity quieting down from earlier earthquakes. All lights at Mid, End and LVEA stations are off. Then...Chilean earthquake 8.3Mag caused lockloss. Working with Hugh to get tripped seismic systems to happy places to ride this out.

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edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - 21:32, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21599)DetChar

Terramon hadn't reported the arrival of this event until it had already  "knocked us for a loop".

craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:28, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21598)
Strain Uncertainty Update - Sensing Uncertainty Analyzed
C. Cahillane

The five sensing function measurements and associated uncertainties at LHO have been analysed.  
Plot 1 shows the five measurements and models plotted together, alongside the residuals.  The measurements are from August 26, 28, 29, and September 8 and 10.
Plot 2 shows the weighted mean of the five measurement residuals in black, a naive systematic fit in red, and the weighted mean / systematic fit in blue.

To be consistent with what I've done for actuation, right now I'm going to quadratically sum the systematic and statistical uncertainty, and zeroth order extrapolate it.  For the sensing function though this is very clearly the incorrect approach, since the systematics on low freq sensing mag or high freq sensing phase are not simply going to stop blowing up at the end of the measurement.  I will certainly have to go back and fix this.
Also, since the systematics are so large here, I am thinking about applying my own "correction" to the sensing function the model gives me and then plotting only statistical uncertainty.  I think this plot will display the directionality of our error alongside the statistical uncertainty.

Things to do:
1) Calculate weighted mean of actuation residuals for each measurement time for Sudarshan
2) Zeroth Order -> First Order Extrapolation
3) Find systematics of actuation stages
4) Apply correct A_pu uncertainty calculations.
5) Apply systematics "corrections" to my uncertainty models to get directionality of error combined with statistical uncertainty
6) Go to LLO and do it all again!
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H1 SUS (CAL, DetChar)
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:22, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21597)
Charge Measurements Gathered During EQ Ringdown
J. Kissel, with help from B. Weaver Remotely

While the earth was still cruising at 10 [um/s], ringing down from Giant EQ in Chile, I gathered some charge measurements on both ETMX and ETMY. 

I'm unsure of the data quality, because we were only able to get the SEI system to DAMPED (HPI on position loops, ISIs damped only with low-gained GS13s), but the results live here:


Note after the charge measurements were complete, I used the SDF system and conlog to restore the ESD Driver / Bias / Linearization settings and the alignment offsets, respectively.

Will post results tomorrow.
sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:19, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21594)
Time Varying Calibration Parameters- Updates

RickS, DarkhanT, JeffK, CraigC, SudarshanK

After discovering a discrepancy in phase, of about 137 degrees, between measurement and model for the reference value of kappa_tst for LHO, we applied this phase as a correction factor and computed the kappas. Most of the parameters  are close to their nominal values after applying this factor except for imaginary part of kappa_tst which is 0.05 (nominal 0) and real part of kappa_pu is about 8% off from its nominal value of 1. Cavity pole is also off by about 20 Hz from its nominal value of 341 Hz.

A similar correction factor (a pahse of 225 degrees) was applied to LLO refernece value of kappa_tst as well.  For LLO, the imaginary part of kappa_tst and kappa_pu are close to zero wheras the real part are off by about 7% for kappa_pu and 10% for kappa_tst. kappa_C is close to 1 (off by few percent on some lock stretch) and Cavity pole is off by about 10 Hz from its nominal value of 388 Hz. 

The 0 (zero) on X-axis of each plot mark the time when the most recent calibration data was taken for each observatories.  For LLO it is: 14-Sep 2015 07:23:32 UTC and for LLO it is 10 Sep 2015 23:35:32 UTC.

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bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:38, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21593)
Corner station supply fan 3
Correction on that last entry. We bumped the fan at ~1545 PT.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:35, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21586)
09/16 [DAY Shift]: 15:00-23:00UTC (08:00-16:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC
STATE Of H1: Out of lock, riding out earthquake
SUPPORT: Sheila, Jenne
SHIFT SUMMARY: After Sheila and Jenne diagnosed the lock loss from the DSOFT loop, we were able to get back to observing without trouble. Took out of observing briefly to allow Sheila and TJ to load guardian code changes. Just lost lock to an earthquake in Chili.

21:51 UTC Sheila starting WP 5502, TJ starting WP 5499.
22:08 UTC Out of Observing for Sheila and TJ load guardian changes.
22:09 UTC Back to observing.
22:37 UTC Jeff B. to area in mechanical building near HEPI pump mezzanine to retrieve small bin of parts.
22:43 UTC Jeff B. back.
23:13 UTC lost lock to a large earthquake in Chili.
bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:28, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21590)
Corner station supply fan 3
I turned off corner station SF-3 @ ~1350 PT. This fan has been suspect for some time (see FRS 3263) and while showing Tim Nelson from LLO our supply fans, there was what appears to be a bearing failure by the excessive noise and vibration. I described this to John W. at the All Hands Safety meeting and afterwards ~1545 PT we went and bumped the fan a couple of times and heard the noise and felt the vibration of the fan. I will put a work permit in to disassemble this fan and repair as soon as I am able to work on it.

The fan is locked out.

For more information see CSFanStatus_3.
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:13, Wednesday 16 September 2015 - last comment - 17:14, Wednesday 16 September 2015(21589)
DIAG_MAIN tests additions and removal

While Sheila was making her Guardian changes, I got the OK to remove the BRS tests and add 2 others to DIAG_MAIN via WP 5499.

Tests removed:

Tests added:

The code was tested, then saved and loaded into the node. I have not committed this to the svn yet as we are still locked.

Comments related to this report
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - 16:27, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21591)

Svn'd after the earthquake got us.

jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - 17:14, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21595)

Not sure why anything would prevent you from committing to the SVN....

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:39, Wednesday 16 September 2015 - last comment - 15:56, Wednesday 16 September 2015(21587)
Two minor guardian changes

We just loaded two minor guardian changes that should save us some time and locklosses during acquisition.  They don't change anything about the configuration of the IFO in observing mode.

The first was the fix the issue that Jenne and Patrick wrote about 21508.  When the SOFT loops had not converged before the gain was increased, it could cause us to loose lock (which could be because the SRC1 loop is strongly contaminated by these signals, and we see POP90 running away in the usual way.)  I've simply added another if statement to the ENGAGE_ASC part 3 state, which will wait for all the SOFT loop control signals to become less than 500:

        elif self.timer['ITMboost'] and self.counter==1:
            if asc_convergence_checker(self.Soft_loops, self.Soft_P_thresh, self.Soft_Y_thresh):
                # increase SOFT loop gain by 20dB
                ezca.switch('ASC-DSOFT_P', 'FM1', 'OFF')
                ezca.switch('ASC-DSOFT_Y', 'FM1', 'OFF')
                ezca.switch('ASC-CSOFT_P', 'FM1', 'OFF')
                ezca.switch('ASC-CSOFT_Y', 'FM1', 'OFF')
                # turn on CHARD boosts
                #ezca.switch('ASC-CHARD_P', 'FM3', 'ON')  # No MsBoosts, JCD 12Aug2015
                #ezca.switch('ASC-CHARD_Y', 'FM3', 'ON')  # No MsBoosts, JCD 12Aug2015
                #ezca.switch('ASC-CHARD_P', 'FM9', 'ON')
                #ezca.switch('ASC-CHARD_Y', 'FM9', 'ON')
                # turn off the PR3 PR3 wire heating compenstation
                ezca.switch('SUS-PR3_M1_DRIVEALIGN_P2P', 'OFFSET', 'OFF')
                #turn up SRC2 gains, turn on LPFs
                ezca.switch('ASC-SRC2_P', 'FM10', 'ON')
                ezca.switch('ASC-SRC2_Y', 'FM10', 'ON')
                self.counter = 2
        elif self.counter==2:
            ezca.switch('ASC-DHARD_P', 'FM1', 'ON')
            return True 
         elif self.timer['ITMboost'] and self.counter==1:
            if asc_convergence_checker(self.Soft_loops, self.Soft_P_thresh, self.Soft_Y_thresh):
                # increase SOFT loop gain by 20dB
                ezca.switch('ASC-DSOFT_P', 'FM1', 'OFF')
                ezca.switch('ASC-DSOFT_Y', 'FM1', 'OFF')
                ezca.switch('ASC-CSOFT_P', 'FM1', 'OFF')
                ezca.switch('ASC-CSOFT_Y', 'FM1', 'OFF')
If you are curious to see why you are waiting, you can open the log and it will tell you which loops it thinks have not converged.  
The second change was to the ALS ARM guardians.  This morning Patrick noticed that the XARM was not well aligned in green after he offloaded the green WFS.  The attached screnshot shows what happened.  While The green WFS were aligning the arm (guardian state -18), there was a rather large change in the drive to the arm (the LSC-X_ARM channel is calibrated in um), which seems to be the dominant contribution to the GREEN WFS control signal for ETM pitch (ETMX_M0_LOCK_P).  We offloaded this control signal, which was mostly compensating for pitch induced by the slow length signal to the alignment sliders.  After arm drops lock and the slow length signal goes away, the arm is misalined.  We would have then gone on to use this bad arm alignment as a reference for inital alingment.  This may be one of the reasons that our inital alingment doesn't always result in a good alingment. 
One good solution to this problem would have been to work on the length to pitch decoupling for the ETMs, but we don't want to spend time on that now.  Instead, are changing the inital alingment procedure to no longer use slow feedback to the ETMs while we are running green WFS.  We tried this with ground motion around 0.1 um/sec in the 0.03-0.1 Hz band, and it was OK.  In high ground motion, operators may have trouble keeping the arm locked because the end station VCO could run out of range.  However, I think this is better than having something that appears to work but results in a poor alingment.  
This uses existing gaurdian states, I've simply renamed the state that used to be LOCK_NO_SLOW to INITAL_ALIGNMENT, so that it is clear which state we are using, made it requestable, and connected it to OFFLOAD_GREEN_WFS in the graph. 
We haven't had a chance to test either of these, but they are relatively simple code changes and they should save us time in relocking.  I've commited ISC_LOCK(11665), ISC_DRMI (rev 11666), and the ALS guardians (11667).  
The message for operators is:  Use INITIAL_ALIGNMENT instead of locked_W_SLOW_FEEDBACK for the green arms durring inital alingment.  If ENGAGE_ASC_PART3 takes a long time, don't worry about it.  If its taking excessively long and we need to adjust the thresholds let me know.  If you have any problems give me a call.
Comments related to this report
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - 15:56, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21588)

The Initial Alignment Checklist and ops wiki page's "Initial alignment brief version" have been updated to reflect this change.

H1 SEI (DetChar)
nairwita.mazumder@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:53, Sunday 30 August 2015 - last comment - 23:29, Wednesday 16 September 2015(21035)
Following up of the "Bumbling line" on ETMX seismic channels
Nairwita Mazumder, Rich Abbott

A few days back Jim noticed  (alog ) that the "Bumbling line" which varies over a large frequency range is again back on ETMX seismic channels . This was first noticed on March and disappeared before ER7 and again was seen from 4th August. One can see the lines at all the horizontal and vertical sensors on ETMX. 

I have attached a pdf containing some follow up work done during Rich's recent visit to LHO. The first plot in the pdf is the spectrogram of ETMX GS13 on 26th August. It can be seen that there are multiple wandering lines having a fixed offset.  We were suspecting that some magnetometers at the End X might be the culprit (as we could not find any correlation between temperature fluctuation  with the line ). 

The second and third plots are the spectrum of H1:PEM-EX_MAG_EBAY_SEIRACK_Z_DQ and H1:ISI-ETMX_ST2_BLND_Z_GS13_CUR_IN1_DQ for 2nd August and 26th August respectively. The red one is for 2nd August when the bumbling line could not be found and the blue one is the recent data (26th August). It is clear that the peaks appearing on  ISI-ETMX_ST2_BLND_Z_GS13 after 3rd August are correlated with the peaks of the spectrum (which also appeared around the same time) of SEIRACK magnetometer .

The plots on the second page shows the coherence between GS13 and the magnetometers in the VEA and SEIRACK. It looks like  the magnetometer on the SEI rack has stronger coherence with GS13 sensors than the magnetometer located at VEA .  I have marked two points (blue and red cross)  in the coherence plots to highlight two of the many peaks.
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rich.abbott@LIGO.ORG - 12:53, Monday 31 August 2015 (21053)
Adding to Nairwita's comments, the signal seen in the GS13 spectra is also present in the magnetometer data.  This being the case, it's most likely that the harmonic series points to an electromagnetic artifact associated with the HEPI pump variable frequency drive.  The fact that the same signature does not exist at the other end station (I assume this to be true, but have not verified) may point to an enhanced susceptibility in the X-end electronics for some reason.  No reason to panic much yet, but duly noted.
nairwita.mazumder@LIGO.ORG - 23:29, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21602)SEI
I have attached the coherence plots computed between PEM-EX_MAG_SEIRACK and GS13 , ST1 CPS and ST2 CPS over the frequency range 0.4Hz-900Hz to check the following two points:
(1) If there exists any coherence between CPS and the Magnetometer at frequency above 256 Hz 
(2) What the low frequency  behavior is

I can be seen that the coherence between CPS and the magnetometer above ~25Hz is pretty low compared to GS13, but them have relatively high coherence with PEM-EX_MAG_SEIRACK near 20Hz .

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