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Reports until 17:27, Monday 07 September 2015
robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:27, Monday 07 September 2015 (21273)
Unused PSL chilled water flow still dominant exciter of PSL periscope in 300 Hz region.

We did not get the factor of 5 reduction in jitter coupling from second loop ISS and PZT servos that I had hoped for, and resonances of the top mirror mount on the periscope are visible in DARM near 300 Hz. Jason and I altered PSL crystal chiller flow rates to see if they affected PSL periscope motion. Figure 1 shows that, indeed, a 2% decrease in flow rate (as low as we could go using the bypass valve) dropped the periscope motion by 8%. Also, a 10% increase in flow gave a 29% increase in periscope motion.

The great majority of the flow is through the unused HPO. A small fraction of the flow is needed for the front-end laser that we are using. We could reduce the flow and probably remove the peaks from DARM if we turn down the total flow while increasing the fraction to the front-end laser.

Robert, Jason

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H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:03, Monday 07 September 2015 (21271)
H1 in Observing/Undisturbed Mode

Ed, Sheila, Jeff K.

23:20UTC Observation Intent Bit set. This is following some debate as to the  "wait" time for the IFO to "cool" down before setting the bit.

H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:02, Monday 07 September 2015 (21270)
Shift Summary -Day







H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:41, Monday 07 September 2015 (21269)


H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:02, Monday 07 September 2015 (21267)
H1 IFO in Undisturbed/Observing Mode

18:02UTC Intent Bit set

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:52, Monday 07 September 2015 (21266)
CDS model and DAQ restart report, Saturday and Sunday 5th,6th September 2015

ER8 days 20,21. No restarts reported.

H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:01, Monday 07 September 2015 (21265)
OPS Owl shift summary

After the Earth settled down, I ran through an initial alignment (including dither alignment of TMSy) since the green alignment wasn't very good.  Lots of locklosses on the way up at various places.

11:48 Dan leaves for Italy

12:00 Begin initial alignment

12:08 I notice that ALS_-Y_WFS_DOF_3_P_GAIN and ALS_-Y_WFS_DOF_3_Y_GAIN are flagged in SDF.  I assume this is a result of the dither alignment of TMSy.  I revert them.

13:12 lockloss @ SWITCH_TO_QPDS

13:25 lockloss @ RF_DARM

13:36 lockloss @ DRMI_ON_POP, possibly due to PRM saturation

13:43 lockloss @ SWITCH_TO_QPDS

13:46 lockloss @ FIND_IR

13:54 lockloss @ SWITCH_TO_QPDS

14:13 ISC_LOCK is stalled at DC_READOUT_TRANSITION.  Looking at the code and OMC_LOCK log, I try re-requesting READY_FOR_HANDOFF in OMC_LOCK.  It works, and ISC_LOCK carries on.

14:16 lockloss at ENGAGE_ISS_2ND_LOOP, conicident ETMy saturation

14:18 Seismos start showing more activity.  USGS site reports another 6.2 EQ in New Zealand.  The thunder from down under does us in again.

14:47 Observatory mode set to Earthquake

15:00 Good luck Ed!


daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:33, Monday 07 September 2015 (21262)
OMC visibility measurement

Dan, Travis

During the earthquake tonight we finally closed the loop on the HAM6 power budget measurements.  This is something Koji had asked for many, many months ago.  orz

With IMC-PWR_IN at 2.2388 +/- 0.0004 watts (not sure about the calibration for this channel) and a single bounce off ITMY, we collected the following data (30 seconds of slow channels, uncertainties are stdevs) with the OMC locked & unlocked:

  OMC Unlocked OMC Locked
AS_A_DC_SUM_OUT [cnts] 436.3 +/- 0.6 436.3 +/- 0.7
AS_B_DC_SUM_OUT [cnts] 427.3 +/- 0.07 427.5 +/- 0.7
AS_C_SUM_OUT [cnts] 289.8 +/- 0.2 289.8 +/- 0.3
OMCR_A_SUM_OUT [cnts] 142.1 +/- 0.2 23.3 +/- 0.1
OMCR_B_SUM_OUT [cnts] 150.7 +/- 0.1 22.9 +/- 0.1
DCPD_A_OUT [mA] -- 1.775 +/- 0.0023
DCPD_B_OUT [mA] -- 1.761 +/- 0.0023
DCPD_SUM_OUT [mA]   3.537 +/- 0.0046


AS_C has 36dB of whitening gain.  The OMCRs and DCPDs have no DC whitening.  I'm not sure about AS_A and AS_B (I think they have zero whitening, but I haven't looked at the electronics chain for the WFS DC signals so I'm not sure of the transimpedance, etc).  Since AS_C gets 400ppm of the light entering HAM6, the total light into the chamber is:

289 counts / (1638.4 counts/V * 0.8 A/W * 1000 V/A * 2 * 36dB * 400ppm) = 4.38 mW

(PD responsivity = 0.8, QPD transimpedance = 1000 ohms, differential output = 2x, whitening gain = 36dB)

The alignment into the OMC is probably not perfect in this state, but the mode-matching for the carrier should be better than 90% -- same as here, since we apply central heating to ITMX.  The modulation depths are also the same; the power in the carrier should be 94.3% of the total.

H1 ISC (DetChar, ISC)
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:31, Monday 07 September 2015 - last comment - 12:38, Monday 07 September 2015(21260)
OMC dither lines moved above 2kHz

Dan, Travis

Following up on the measurement of the tip-tilt response at high frequencies, I've moved the OMC alignment dither lines up above 2kHz.  The new frequencies are [2125.1, 2150.1, 2175.1, 2200.1] Hz.  The amplitudes were slightly increased to maintain the same line height after the reduction in the tip-tilt response at high frequency.  In the filter banks following the demodulation, I changed the frequencies of the elliptic filters that are used to notch the line frequencies post-demodulation.

To update the control scheme, I adjusted the phase rotation of the demodulated signals such that offsets in the alignment loops only showed up in the I phase signals.  Striptools are the best way to do this.  Then, I reran the ditherDCsense script to calculate a new sensing matrix, and closed the loops.  Things looked pretty stable, so let's stick with this new arrangement.  I attach a screenshot of the new sensing matrix.


If for some reason people get spooked and want to revert, do the following:

 - set the frequencies back to what they were before: [P1, P2, Y1, Y2] --> [1675.1, 1700.1, 1725.1, 1750.1]

 - set the oscillator CLK_GAINs to 100.  The current CLK_GAINs are [150, 120, 100, 130].

 - in the dither demodulation, for filter banks {P,Y}{1,2}_X_{SIN,COS}, switch from FM7,9 to FM8,10.  These are pairs of ELPs that notch the dither line in the demodulated signal.  They're used to squash high-frequency stuff from the control signal.  It's probably excessive.

 - set the R demod phases to 90.  They are currently 135, 150, 150, and zero.

 - use conlog to revert the sensing matrix.  Look for changes to channels of the form "H1:OMC-ASC_DACTMAT*".


The SDF table has been updated with these new settings.  We were all set to go back to science mode when the IFO lost lock, after 28 hours of good data.  The lockloss was due to PRM M3 hitting the rails (see second plot), maybe because of a 6.4 earthquake, although the lockloss was about twenty minutes before the arrival time of the P-waves according to terramon.

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Comments related to this report
peter.fritschel@LIGO.ORG - 06:07, Monday 07 September 2015 (21263)

What are the amplitudes of the dithers? Both in terms of mirror angle, and in BOSEM coil current (and then for both, the amplitudes relative to the beam divergence angle and to the max coil current).

keith.riles@LIGO.ORG - 06:10, Monday 07 September 2015 (21264)
The CW group is appreciative!
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 12:38, Monday 07 September 2015 (21268)SUS
J. Kissel

To answer Peter's question, for an original amplitude of 
       Freq    Amp
      [Hz]    [ct]
OM1   2125.1   150
      2150.1   120
OM3   2175.1   100
      2200.1   130
defined by the oscillator's clock gain in the OMC model, we propogatw it to the SUS model to the DRIVEALIGN matrix (which has ~10% off-diagonal elements), then through EULER2OSEM matrix, the DAC gain and the HAM-A coil driver + BOSEM coil transconductance, the current across the coil (assuming a 20/2^16 [V/ct], 16 bit DAC, and a HAM-A coil driver + BOSEM transconductance of 0.988 [mA/V] from T1200264):
Coil       UL          LL         UR          LR
          [mA]        [mA]       [mA]        [mA]
OM1      0.306       0.604      0.604       0.306
OM3      0.096       0.778      0.778       0.096
i.e. a coil current of at most ~0.8 [mA] at these frequencies,

And the displacement this causes on the HTTS (using 0.021 [N/A] from G1100968, a 0.048225 lever arm from D1001428, and the HTTS dynamical model at each frequency from using the httsopt_damp parameter set for the ssmake1MBf production single-stage suspension model):
                   P            Y
                 [rad]        [rad]
OM1   2125.1    3.37e-10    2.74e-10
      2150.1    3.21e-10    2.62e-10

OM3   2175.1    2.52e-10    2.01e-10
      2200.1    2.41e-10    1.92e-10
i.e. a displacement of roughly 3e-10 [rad] in both pitch and yaw at these frequencies.
H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:25, Monday 07 September 2015 (21261)
Mid OWL Shift Summary

Nutsinee handed over an IFO that had been locked for over 28 hours.  Unfortunately, an EQ in New Zealand took us down.  It appears that PRM had saturated, taking down DRMI a few minutes before the EQ arrived, but the EQ has prevented us from relocking for over an hour now as the Earth calms back down. 

7:30 LLO dropped lock, went to commissioning mode for a few minutes so Nutsinee and Dan could look at a few things

9:08 Lockloss (Guardian reports that the OMC SW watchdog has tripped and that DRMI has unlocked)

9:40 I begin initial alignment after seeing that ALS isn't well aligned post lockloss

9:44 After noticing that the alignment is wavering, Dan notices that TerraMon is reporting an EQ in New Zealand.  Site seismos start reporting the same things soon after.  Initial alignment is paused to wait for calmer conditions.

9:44 I notice a timing error on the CDS overview for ETMx.  ETMy already has one which a note from Ed says should be reset after lockloss.

10:53 ETMy timing error reset (as per Ed's note).  ETMx timing error is NOT reset (not sure if I should, emailed DaveB for advice).

H1 General
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:04, Monday 07 September 2015 (21259)
EVE Shift Summary

(All time in UTC)

23:00 Take over from Ed. IFO has been locking and observing. Dick's inside optics lab.

01:21 Dick out of the lab.

05:00 Dan's on site. Will be here for the rest of the night.

07:00 The ifo has been locking over 26 hours now! Handing off to Travis.


- Quiet shift. Wind still below 20 mph. No seismic activity. Saturation alarm hasn't been complaining about anything else other than ETMY, which has been the only source of big glitches on the DMT Omega.

- Camera 3 control was very slow. At one point I thought it was busted. Seems to be working fine again.

H1 General
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:48, Sunday 06 September 2015 - last comment - 21:52, Sunday 06 September 2015(21257)
Mid EVE shift Summary

The interferometer is still locking and going strong. Wind below 20 mph. Quiet seismic activity. No one on site but me. I'm hoping for another record breaking lock stretch!

LLO has been locking and observing over the past two hours.

Comments related to this report
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 21:52, Sunday 06 September 2015 (21258)

The ifo has been locked 24 hours now!

H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:02, Sunday 06 September 2015 (21255)
Shift Summary -Day



kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:43, Sunday 06 September 2015 - last comment - 20:05, Monday 07 September 2015(21250)
some updated on analysis codes for suspension calibration

I worked a bit more on the analysis codes that Jeff has written (alog 21015 and alog 21049). I was not able to finish deriving the suspension scale factors. Tomorrow, Jeff and Darkhan will pick up them at the point where I left and will continue working on it.

Major updates:

Next steps:


Some notes:

In the course of the code update, I changed the file organization structure of the ALS diff and Pcal scripts so that they have only one analysis code which can be invoked by specifying a set of data parameters. This organization approach is the same as those for the DARM open loop analysis.

As for ALS diff, the core analysis code is


and the parameter files are in the same directory and named as




As for Pcal, the core analysis code is


and the parameter files are in the same directory and named as




Each parameter file loads H1DARMOLGTFmodel_ER8 with the latest electronics information and subsequently returns the parameter structure, or the familiar variable "par". As usual the parameter structure can be then fed to the analysis code (e.g. analyze_alsdiff.m or analyze_pcal.m) as an input argument. I have not carefully thought about the final return variables from the core analysis codes, but in principle we can write them such that they return the calibrated suspension transfer functions in meters/counts together with some error bars and also perhaps some statistical values. In this way, the final step of performing apple-to-apple comparison between various measurements from various dates can be less painful.

I tried propagating the same file organization structure to the free-swinging Michelson codes, but apparently I am running out my energy for the night and did not finish it yet.

Comments related to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 17:35, Monday 07 September 2015 (21274)

Today, I worked on the analysis code for the free-swinging Michelson which was something I was not able to finish the other day. They are now organized and analyzed in the same fashion as the rest analysis codes (i.e. DARMOLGTFs, ALS diff and Pcal).

The core analysis code can be found at:


In the same way as the ALS diff and Pcal analysis codes, the analysis code can be fed with a parameter sturcture or "par". The parameter structure can be loaded by running a paramter script which is separated by the measurement date:




darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - 20:05, Monday 07 September 2015 (21279)CAL

H1 SUS ETMY PUM driver analysis has been alogged in LHO alog 21232.

H1 PEM (DetChar)
robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:36, Friday 04 September 2015 - last comment - 18:00, Sunday 06 September 2015(21226)
More injections to test coupling of site activities



Time of first injection,


Injection spacing

Total number of injections

Good channels for environmental signal


Sept. 5




crowd (10 people) walking randomly for 2 or 3s periods in control room




HAM2 seismometer, vertex seismometer



crowd (10 people) walking randomly in hall just outside control room





External door near control room shutting by itself





chair rolling in control room (most common chair)





Single large steps in control room





Airlock door (door to lab area near control room) shut by hand





slamming office door (Sheila, Kiwamu, Me)





hammer dropped from waist height in vacuum lab





setting car battery down in OSB shipping area





continuous bouncing for 5s on exercise/seating ball





Comments related to this report
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 18:00, Sunday 06 September 2015 (21256)DetChar, SEI, SUS

I've attached the result. Quick observation from the spectrograms tell me that dropping hammer from waist height in vacuum lab (aka Kyle's lab) and setting car battery down in OSB shipping area coupled into DARM.

Instead of plotting the spectogram starting at the time of injection, this time I did +/- 10 seconds instead so it's more clear when the injection started and when it's ended.


Since I have never really explained what I did in finding noises in the sensors and in DARM, I'm taking some time to explain it in this alog. First I looked for injections in appropreiate sensors (accelerometer, microphone, seismometer). I zoomed in the spectrograms until I get the signal to show up >3 pixels or so in both frequency and time domain (as Robert suggested). Once I was certain that the injections were there, I went to look for them in DARM. I started with the same frequency range that the injections showed up in the sensors I used, if I couldn't find anything then I move up/down in frequency domain to look for any possible up/down conversions with increments depending on how wide the injections were in terms of frequency. Until I reached the lowest/highest frequency that the injections could possibly showed up, if I still didn't see anything only then I would conclude that the injections didn't show up in DARM.


More investigations on how some of these injections coupled into DARM will take days, weeks, I don't know. The point of these injections was to determine what activities can and cannot be performed during Observing run. This is why I posted spectrograms first and not wait until I'm done with the analyses. I simply let DARM spectrogram speaks for itself.


I have also attached better spectrograms of the super ball injection, produced using Dan's script.

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:55, Monday 24 August 2015 - last comment - 17:51, Sunday 06 September 2015(20347)
Circulating arm power from tidal offloading

Stefan, Evan

This is an analysis that Daniel suggested a while ago.

When we increase the interferometer power from 3 W to 24 W, we increase the common-mode radiation force on the test masses. Since the suspensions are compliant, this produces an extra displacement in the test masses along the beamline relative to their suspension points. The CARM loop senses this common-mode displacement and compensates by applying a slow control voltage to the IMC VCO. This control voltage is offloaded to the UIMs of the end station suspensions, and then subsequently to the endstation HEPIs, thereby moving the suspension points of the ETMs forward so as to cancel the radiation-induced displacement. Therefore, an appropriately calibrated HEPI tidal signal can be used to estimate the amount of power circulating in the arms.

We looked at a data stretch from 2015-08-07, when we had been sitting at 3 W for a while and then powered up cleanly to 24 W, and found the following:

On the other hand, when we make a similar estimate from the end-station QPDs, we have something like 24 W × 0.88 × 1/2 × 40 W/W × 283 W/W = 120 kW. [The factor of 0.88 is the modecleaner transmission.]

The calibration of the HEPI tidal signals into nanometers is sort of loose [to within 10%?], according to Hugh. Similarly, there is some spread in the power inferred from the endstation QPDs, which gives an uncertainty that is also on the order of 10%. With a more precise HEPI calibration, perhaps we could use this method to better constrain the optical calibration.

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 17:51, Sunday 06 September 2015 (21248)

Hugh, Richard, and I had a discussion about the precision of the HEPI calibration, and in the end Richard suggested to just measure the calibration in some locked interferometer configuration (whereby we could read out some calibrated control signal).

I had a go at this by locking ALS DIFF (with IMC F offloading off) and driving HEPI at 200 mHz, with the goal of calibrating HEPI against the PLL. I got an OK measurement by driving 100 nm pk for 8 minutes or so, but then Jim and Hugh pointed out that the ISI was already suppressing some of the HEPI drive, so the measurement probably had significant systematic error. Additionally, Daniel was skeptical that one could cleanly separate length and angle changes on the test mass (both of which can contribute to the sensed CARM displacement).

Jim, Dan, and I thought a bit about this, and (to make a long story short) we forwent HEPI calibration entirely. Instead, we decided to lock the interferometer at 2.2 W, turn off the offloading of the UIMs to the HEPIs, and then power up. The dc portion of the CARM control signal should then accumulate on the UIMs. Since the calibration group already produces estimates of the dc UIM calibration for EY (the ER7 estimate was 5.1×10−11 m/ct), we therefore already have a calibrated readout of the displacement induced by the circulating power (again neglecting angle effects). I don't think the calibration group produces similar estimates for the EX UIM.

This power-up happened around 2015-09-03 09:56:30, from 2.2 W to 22.4 W. I did a linear fit of the UIM drive before and after the power up (see attached). The initial/final slopes are 5.32 nm/s and 5.06 nm/s, so there is some error here in determining the amount of radiation-induced drive (about 10 %). Using the ER7 EY UIM calibration, the amount of radiation-induced UIM displacement is 2.95(30) µm. Using the formulas described above, this translates to a circulating power in the Y arm of 95(10) kW.

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