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Reports until 17:18, Monday 31 August 2015
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:18, Monday 31 August 2015 - last comment - 18:12, Monday 31 August 2015(21062)
SR3 noisy/glitchy since last night

J. Kissel, Nutsinee

Dan found glitches in SR3 T2  last night and it seems like we have been having trouble locking ever since so we investgated. SR3 T2 problem started right before Aug 31 09:23 lockloss and never go away. DAC recalibration this morning didn't solve the issue and the power glitch didn't cause it. The noisy/glitchy feature looks just like what happened before the drive swap back in Aug 18.

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Comments related to this report
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 18:12, Monday 31 August 2015 (21068)

We brought the SR3 to SAFE for a few minutes. The width of the noise still looks the same but the glitches were gone. This implies that the glitches come from the actuator. These glitches don't seems to appear in MASTER_OUT or NOISEMON channels but they do appear in the witness channels. The first plot is the SR3 T2 before we brought it to SAFE, second plot is after SAFE, and the third plot is 15 minutes before 09:23 lockloss.

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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:09, Monday 31 August 2015 (21064)
SITEMAP modified to add two new MAIN catagories: SEI and O-1

The LHO SITEMAP MEDM was modified to add two new MAIN catagories: generic seismic (SEI) and Observing Run related screens (O-1).

I have added Hugo's generic SEI_SAT_OVERVIEW to the SEI button. I have added my new H1CDS_O1_OVERVIEW_CUST to the O-1 list. The new CDS OVERVIEW MEDM must always be GREEN. Any deviation from the O1 configuration will show as RED. Hopefully nothing will be red for long on this screen during O1.

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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Monday 31 August 2015 (21061)
h1nds1 restarted itself again.

h1nds1 (the default NDS) daqd process died this afternoon. This was a more drastic failure, the computer locked up and had to be reset. The last messages in the log files are different from yesterday to today:

Sunday 30 Aug 15:29:

Retry expired; requesting again


Packet buffer is full

Moday 31st Aug 15:58:

[date-time] Ask for retransmission of 15 packets; port 7097


Have to skip 15 packets (packet buffer limit exceeded)

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:20, Monday 31 August 2015 - last comment - 17:31, Monday 31 August 2015(21060)
SUS IOP restarts to recalibrate 18bit DACs

The times of the restarts of h1sush2a and h1sush56 are summarized below.

2015_08_31 09:13 h1iopsush2a
2015_08_31 09:15 h1susmc1
2015_08_31 09:15 h1susmc3
2015_08_31 09:15 h1suspr3
2015_08_31 09:15 h1susprm
2015_08_31 10:09 h1iopsush56
2015_08_31 10:09 h1susomc
2015_08_31 10:09 h1sussr3
2015_08_31 10:09 h1sussrm

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 17:31, Monday 31 August 2015 (21063)SUS
For the record, the above mentioned DAC recalibrations did NOT solve any of the problems that have reared up over the weekend. I can, however, report that the auto-calibration was successful for all DAC cards that were restarted.

The 3rd DAC card's calibration on h1sush2a succeeded slowly, as it has done previously both on Aug 03 2015 (LHO aLOG 20165), and the time prior, Jun 09 2015 (LHO aLOG 19030). As reported before, this DAC card controls PRM M1 RT and SD. Last six channels are PR3 M1 T1, T2, T3, LF, RT, SD. Also as reported before, we don't know what this means or if it is significant.

HOWEVER, according to what tests we have done, this DAC card being slow is merely coincidental with the problems we've been having with the PRM LF RT and PR3 T1 T2 noise found on those OSEM sensors. We've confirmed this by measuring the ASD of the OSEM sensors (as Evan has done in LHO aLOG 21056) with the suspension in SAFE (i.e. no requested drive) and found the noise as expected. We then switched the TEST/COIL enable switch to removed the DAC's ability to drive by removing the DAC input to the coil driver. The noise remained.

The investigation continues...

For h1sush2a (which houses MC1, MC3, PRM, and PR3):
[8808794.054622] h1iopsush2a: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5344 milliseconds 
[8808799.414955] h1iopsush2a: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5344 milliseconds 
[8808806.438391] h1iopsush2a: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 6572 milliseconds 
[8808811.798720] h1iopsush2a: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5344 milliseconds 
[8808817.586599] h1iopsush2a: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5344 milliseconds 
[8808822.947012] h1iopsush2a: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5345 milliseconds 
[8808828.307368] h1iopsush2a: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5344 milliseconds 
the last time these DACs were recalibrated was Aug 03 2015.

For h1sush2a (which houses SRM, SR3, and OMC):
[5345389.136545] h1iopsush56: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5333 milliseconds 
[5345394.496918] h1iopsush56: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5344 milliseconds 
[5345400.284896] h1iopsush56: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5341 milliseconds 
[5345405.645225] h1iopsush56: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5344 milliseconds 
[5345411.433249] h1iopsush56: DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in 5341 milliseconds
the last time these DACs were recalibrated was Aug 18 2015 (LHO aLOG 20631)
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:18, Monday 31 August 2015 (21059)
Reran dark offsets again to clear sig digit issue in SDF

As per alog 21036, Evan dropped the absurd precision in the WFS_offset_* scripts which set the dark offsets.  I reran it now since the IFO is down, confirmed that none of the 80 offsets changed by very much, and then accepted them in SDF.  Now at only 4 sig didgits, SDF was able to write them into the SAFE.snap when I hit ACCEPT all.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:17, Monday 31 August 2015 (21058)
CDS model and DAQ restart report, Sunday 30th August 2015

ER8 Day 14

model restarts logged for Sun 30/Aug/2015
2015_08_30 15:30 h1nds1
2015_08_30 15:31 h1nds1

both restarts unexpected.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:13, Monday 31 August 2015 (21057)
SR3 Guardian Locked Up and Unresponsive This Morning
J. Kissel, K. Izumi, S. Dwyer, N. Kijbunchoo

While trying to being the h1sush56 SUS (SR3, SRM, and OMC) to safe for DAC calibration of all cards in that chassis (see LHO aLOG 21048), we had great trouble with the SUS_SR3 guardian node. This node is not managed, but it was entire unresponsive to requests to change its state, to load, to pause, to stop, anything. Sadly, this was all true and the guadian node screen did *not* turn red indicating its in error.

Looking at the guardian log, there was a message:

epicsMutex pthread_mutex_unlock failed: error Invalid argument
epicsMutexOsdUnlockThread _main_ (0x3e7a0f0) can't proceed, suspending.

This is after requesting the ISC_LOCK guardian to DOWN. Note, we also had the SR3_CAGE_SERVO guardian still running, because, though this is managed by the ISC_LCOK guardian, it does not turn it OFF in the DOWN state. Probably not the issue, but it gathered our attention because it had gone nuts and was driving the M2 stage into constant saturation.

See first attachment for screenshot of the broken situation.
For the record this has happened on a smattering of guardian nodes in the past, see LHO aLOGs 17154 and 16967.

Here's what we did to solve the problem:
- Tried to restart the guardian node from a work station,
guardctrl restart SUS_SR3
No success.
- Tried to destroy the guardian node from a work station,
guardctrl destroy SUS_SR3
No success. 
Both report
stopping node SUS_SR3...
timeout: run: SUS_SR3: (pid 3042) 23232015s, want down, got TERM
(see second attachment).

- Tried logging into guardian machine, h1guardian0, and began to kill process IDs sound on the machine related to SUS_SR3, (see third attachment).
- Curiously, as I killed the first two processess,
runsv SUS_SR3 and
svlogd -ttt /var/log/guardian/SUS_SR3
as soon as I killed the latter, the guardian log came alive again, and the the SUS_SR3 node became responsive.

- At Kiwamu's recommendation, I killed all processes simultaneously, destroyed the node, and restarted the node, just to make sure that all bad joojoo had been cleared up.
The problem is now solved, and we've moved on.

Unsure what to do about this one in the future other than the same successively agressive restarting techniques...
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H1 DetChar (SEI, SUS)
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:14, Monday 31 August 2015 (21054)
Site Anthropogenic Noise Injections Followups PartII

This is a follow-up on alog alog20541 and alog20717

I took some time to study Robert's noise injections in more details. The result attached below. Quick conclusion: Human jumps in the change room and car sudden breaks near 2k electronics building and high-bay seems to couple into DARM.

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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:29, Monday 31 August 2015 (21052)
Revisit Tidal Offset to HEPI Bleed down Rate reduction

re aLOG 20296, the bleed off of the tidal drive to the HEPIs tilts the platform enough to rile up the ISI T240s.  Looked at trends for the last 30 days; the bleed down rate changed from 2 to 1u/s on 6 August.

Since then there have been many lock losses where there was some tidal buildup to be bled off.  The diagonalization of the EndX HEPI must be pretty good and gives no indication of tilting the T240 much.  Unlike X, the HEPI for EndY shows some fairly substantial tilting as the build up is reduced.  See the attached for 15 minute plot of a recent Bleed off at EndY where the ~110um bleed off at 1u/s riled up the T240s more than half way to the trip point.

The EndY HEPI could use some diagonalization

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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:56, Monday 31 August 2015 (21051)
LHO HEPI Fluid Reservoirs Checked--Good

No indication that Accumulators need checking or charging.

Trends of Pump output pressures (attached) indicate no need to restart any pumps (no DC level changes pointing to cavitation.)  Yes those are actually pressures; I don't know why the trends of the L0 (corner station) don't show any more fluctuations like they do at the Ends...  No change at EndY, same daily and weekly glitches.

No further HEPI maintenance this week.

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kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:49, Monday 31 August 2015 (21050)
IR TRX and TRY QPD dark offset adjusted

Peforming some calibration measurements in the past weekend, I noticed that the red TRX and TRY QPDs had some dark offsets which were not quite cancelled. In this morning, since the interferometer was down, I adjusted the dark offset in each segment of all four qpds (ASC-X_TR_A and , and ASC-Y_TR_A and B). Subsequently I adjusted the LSC-TR offsets which receives the sum signals from these qpds -- the offsets are now zero as expected.

james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:17, Monday 31 August 2015 - last comment - 14:27, Monday 31 August 2015(21048)
Restarted models on h1sush2a to recalibrate DACs
At the request of Richard M and Nutsinee, I restarted the models on h1sush2a to force a recalibration of the 18bit DAC cards.  All cards reported successfull calibration.
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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 14:27, Monday 31 August 2015 (21056)

The PRM/PR3 M1 OSEM problem is still present.

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H1 General
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:03, Monday 31 August 2015 (21047)
Shift Summary
9:00 Dan starts OMC measurements, IFO to commmissioning
11:45 Dan leaves, locking is pretty rough, not breaking at a consistent point, any where between DRMI and DC Readout. Make it to DC transition once, but guardian refuses to proceed, init takes ISC_LOCK to down
13:30 Bubba to LVEA around HAM1 out, 13:35
13:40 I start initial alignment
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:36, Monday 31 August 2015 (21046)
lockloss at 0923 UTC -- problem with SR3 is back?

Dan, Jim

The IFO was running smoothly in low-noise for almost four hours until a lockloss at 0923 UTC.  Immediately prior to the lockloss, Jim and I noticed some motion of the AS beam spot.  There were a few bursts of motion, a few minutes apart, and then we broke lock.

The first image is a 1-hour trend of the ASC-AS_C signals (channels 7 & 8).  There are some bursts of noise in ASC-AS_C_PIT, correlated with similar noise in the M3 witness sensors of the SRC optics.  SR3_WIT_P (channel 15) is the worst offender.  This is the error signal used for the cage servo.  The control signal is SR3_M2_TEST_P (channel 10), which has some excurions from the quiescent level at the time of the noise bursts.

So, it looks like something was kicking the SR3 OSEMs, and this got into the cage servo and broke the lock.  Since nothing feeds back to SR3 it must have been an internal problem.

The second plot is a 1-hour trend of the SR3 OSEMs.  M1_T2 stands out as a problem, and noise from this sensor would couple to pitch in the lower stage.  Channel 16 is the T2 VOLTMON; clearly T2 is having issues.  This is the same coil that Evan, Jeff and I had trouble with two weeks ago.  Since then, the SR3 coil driver was swapped.  The glitches don't have the same shape as the excusions back then.

Jim and I have been watching a dataviewer trend of the T2 voltmon and there are occasional large excusions that are correlated with the M3_WIT_P channel, so something is really moving.  We held the ouput from the cage servo and saw a few more glitches, so it must be coming in from the top stage damping.  We turned off the top stage damping and we *thought* we saw a few more, so it must be coming from the actuation electronics.  The problem is very intermittent and we're not totally confident in the diagnosis.

Btw the T1 voltmon is still busted.

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:33, Monday 31 August 2015 (21044)
some preliminary ER8 pie charts

Vern asked for some of the pie charts I made for ER7 for the first weeks of ER8.  Here they are, based on data from 15:00 UTC August 17th to 15:00 UTC on the 28th, with about 40 minutes of missing data.

A few notes:

Our duty cycle is a bit worse than it was durring ER7, although there are several reasons we would expect it to have improved.  Some of the downtime can probably be explained by commsioning and calibration activities, althoug I haven't yet tried to take that into account.  It will be easier to get a clear picture of things once we start running undisturbed more. 

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H1 SEI (DetChar)
nairwita.mazumder@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:53, Sunday 30 August 2015 - last comment - 23:29, Wednesday 16 September 2015(21035)
Following up of the "Bumbling line" on ETMX seismic channels
Nairwita Mazumder, Rich Abbott

A few days back Jim noticed  (alog ) that the "Bumbling line" which varies over a large frequency range is again back on ETMX seismic channels . This was first noticed on March and disappeared before ER7 and again was seen from 4th August. One can see the lines at all the horizontal and vertical sensors on ETMX. 

I have attached a pdf containing some follow up work done during Rich's recent visit to LHO. The first plot in the pdf is the spectrogram of ETMX GS13 on 26th August. It can be seen that there are multiple wandering lines having a fixed offset.  We were suspecting that some magnetometers at the End X might be the culprit (as we could not find any correlation between temperature fluctuation  with the line ). 

The second and third plots are the spectrum of H1:PEM-EX_MAG_EBAY_SEIRACK_Z_DQ and H1:ISI-ETMX_ST2_BLND_Z_GS13_CUR_IN1_DQ for 2nd August and 26th August respectively. The red one is for 2nd August when the bumbling line could not be found and the blue one is the recent data (26th August). It is clear that the peaks appearing on  ISI-ETMX_ST2_BLND_Z_GS13 after 3rd August are correlated with the peaks of the spectrum (which also appeared around the same time) of SEIRACK magnetometer .

The plots on the second page shows the coherence between GS13 and the magnetometers in the VEA and SEIRACK. It looks like  the magnetometer on the SEI rack has stronger coherence with GS13 sensors than the magnetometer located at VEA .  I have marked two points (blue and red cross)  in the coherence plots to highlight two of the many peaks.
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Comments related to this report
rich.abbott@LIGO.ORG - 12:53, Monday 31 August 2015 (21053)
Adding to Nairwita's comments, the signal seen in the GS13 spectra is also present in the magnetometer data.  This being the case, it's most likely that the harmonic series points to an electromagnetic artifact associated with the HEPI pump variable frequency drive.  The fact that the same signature does not exist at the other end station (I assume this to be true, but have not verified) may point to an enhanced susceptibility in the X-end electronics for some reason.  No reason to panic much yet, but duly noted.
nairwita.mazumder@LIGO.ORG - 23:29, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21602)SEI
I have attached the coherence plots computed between PEM-EX_MAG_SEIRACK and GS13 , ST1 CPS and ST2 CPS over the frequency range 0.4Hz-900Hz to check the following two points:
(1) If there exists any coherence between CPS and the Magnetometer at frequency above 256 Hz 
(2) What the low frequency  behavior is

I can be seen that the coherence between CPS and the magnetometer above ~25Hz is pretty low compared to GS13, but them have relatively high coherence with PEM-EX_MAG_SEIRACK near 20Hz .

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kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:21, Sunday 30 August 2015 - last comment - 09:26, Monday 31 August 2015(21023)
3rd round of calibration measurements for ETMY actuator scale factors

I have completed a set of measurements that is necessary for nailing down the ETMY actuation scale factors. This is a third round of the measurements in order to study repeatability and systematic errors. The measurement data can be found at the follwong places.


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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 09:26, Monday 31 August 2015 (21049)
J. Kissel, K. Izumi

I've process the results from the above aLOG using the same model I had used for LHO aLOGs 21015, just to get something out the door for review at today's calibration meeting. The results look encouragingly consistent with Wednesday's (LHO aLOG 20940) and Friday's (LHO aLOG 21005) results.

Again, the next steps are to
- functionalize the analysis scripts so we can easily process future measurements, 
- have those functions spit out their individual measurement results so they can be compared with each other (the comparison of which is another function to write), and
- make sure that all the scripts are using the output of the latest DARM model and parameter set, instead of recreating a naive model from the matlab QUAD's [m/N] and knowledge of the electronics chain.
- finish processing results from all the of the electronics chain measurements to identify if frequency-dependent systematics lie in there
- Update / refine the DARM model parameters to squash the frequency-dependendent residual to as small as possible, such that we can be confident in professing number with properly quantified 

What has NOT been included in the naive actuation model:
- 16k IOP up-sampling filter
- Analog AA filter
- Any of the un- or poorly-compensated poles and zeros of the ESD drivers
- The recently found mis-match between expected and reality regarding the UIM driver's poles and zeros (LHo aLOG 20846)
I have a high degree of confidence that these are the reasons for the residual frequency dependence. In other words, these be resolved once I switch to using the full DARM model's actuation chain. That being said, suggestions are welcome as to what else the discrepancies might be.
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nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:53, Saturday 29 August 2015 - last comment - 00:50, Wednesday 02 September 2015(21009)
Windy lockloss coherence

Kiwamu, Nutsinee

As we were trying to relock the ifo after several locklosses due to high wind (50mph), we noticed the sideband signals wiggled a lot before another lockloss at DC_READOUT (wind speed ~35-40 mph). We found a coherence between POP18, POP19, POP_A_LF, AS90 and PRM, SRM, BS which indicates that the DRMI was unstable. The BS ISI Windy blends weren't turned on. 

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Comments related to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 16:47, Saturday 29 August 2015 (21011)

One of the two lock losses seemed to be associated with PRM saturation. We heard of the saturation alarm voice pointing PRM DAC in full lock mutiple times before the lockloss in NOMINAL_LOWNOISE. I am not sure if this is the direct cause, but as shown in the attached, PRM had been experiencing ~20 sec oscillation in longitudinal which used to be a big issue in the past (alog 19850). At that point wind was around ~40 mph on average. Also, I attach spectrum of each coil on the M3 stage. It is clear that the components below 0.1 Hz are using up the DAC range when wind is high.

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 13:24, Monday 31 August 2015 (21055)

Just as a check, I remade Kiwamu's plot for PRM, SRM, and MC2, with all the stages that are used for actuation.

At this point, the wind ine corner station varied between 3 and 13 m/s. The 30 mHz 100 mHz BLRMSs were about 0.02 µm/s in the CS Z (consistent with sensor noise), 250 µm/s for EX X, and 250 µm/s for EY Y.

Since this time, we have increased the offloading of PRM and SRM to M1 by a factor of 2, but we probably need an even higher crossover in order avoid saturation during these times. It may have the added benefit of allowing us to stay locked during even windier times. Additionally, MC2 does not look like it needs any work on its crossovers in order to avoid saturation.

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 00:50, Wednesday 02 September 2015 (21130)

The above comment should say 0.25 µm/s for EX X and EY Y.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:30, Thursday 27 August 2015 - last comment - 17:28, Monday 31 August 2015(20958)
IFO Taken down to take LSC and END SUS DAC DuoTone Timing Checks
J. Kissel, K. Kawabe, S. Karki

We've broken observation mode such that we can enable the DAC DuoTone timing readbacks on the front ends that are responsible for DARM control, i.e. h1lsc0, h1susex, and h1susey. We needed to take the IFO down for this because the last channel on the first DAC cards for the end station SUS are used for top-mass OSEMs for damping the suspensions. If the damping loops get a two sign waves at 960 and 961 [Hz] instead of the requested control signal for one of the OSEMs, then we get bad news.

Here are the times when the DAC DuoTone switches were ON for the following front ends:

h1susex and h1susey --- 19:04 to 20:04 UTC (12:04 to 13:04 PDT)
h1lsc0 --- 19:16 to 20:06 UTC (12:16 to 13:04 PDT)

Though all relevant channels (ADC_0_30,  ADC_0_31, DAC_0_15) are free on the h1lsc0 front end, we elected to turn the DAC DuoTone off, so that we aren't in danger of an oscillitory analog voltage being sent around the IO chassis that's used to measure the OMC DCPDs.

Data and analysis to come. 

The IFO will be staying down for a few hours, while we finish up some electronics chain characterization of the OMC DCPD analog electronics (along with some other parasitic commissioning measurements).
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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 16:24, Thursday 27 August 2015 (20962)

I showed Sudarshan which signal to look at and how to analyze them. He will make an awesome drawing of how things are connected up in this alog.

The first and second attachment shows the duotone timing of the signals pulled from the IOP channels (all 64kHz). The results are summarized in the following table.

Measurement time (UTC)

IOP ADC0 Ch31 (direct) (us) ADC0 Ch30 (loopback) (us) Round-trip (us)
27/08/2015 19:16:11.0 LSC0 7.34 83.78 76.44
SUS_EX 7.25 68.90 61.65
SUS_EY 7.26 68.93 61.67
27/08/2015 22.32:20.0 ISC_EX (PCALX) 7.32 68.93 61.61
ISC_EY (PCALY) 7.26 68.90 61.84

As per yesterday's alog, duotone is about 7.3usec delayed behind LSC ADC, and actually this turned out to be the case for all ADCs.

According to Zuzsa Marka, duotone was "delayed a bit above 6 microseconds compared to the GPS 1pps" (report pending), so probably this means that the ADC timing (i.e. time stamp of ADC) is decent.

Duotone round trip delay for all IOPs except IOP-LSC0 is about 61us or about 4 64k-clock cycles. For LSC0, this was about 5 64k-clock cycles.

I don't know where the difference comes from. This is totally dependent on how the 64kHz ADC input is taken, routed to 64kHz DAC when "DT DAC" bypass switch is in "ON" position (third attachment), and finally output by DAC, but I don't think there should be difference between LSC and everybody else. At least LSC DAC timing doesn't come into the DARM timing.

The next table is for 16kHz pcal channels on the frame. The measurement results as well as the channel names are shown in the last attachment.

UTC user model ADC0 Ch31 (direct in)
(raw, raw-decimation)
loop back Round trip
27/08/2015 CAL-PCALX (63.30, 7.37)

ADC0 Ch30 (direct in without AI and AA)
(raw, raw-decimation)
(124.92, 68.99)

ADC0 Ch28 (with AI and AA)
CAL_PCALY (63.24, 7.31) ADC0 CH30 (direct in without AI and AA)
(raw, raw-decimation)
(124.89, 68.96)
ADC Ch28 (with AI and AA)

For Ch31 and Ch30, the routing is done bypassing the user model, the signals are merely imported into the user model and decimated.

Sudarshan found the 4x decimation filter delay to be 19.34deg or 55.93us at 960.5Hz, and "raw-decimation" number is obtained by just subtracting this from the raw number. This is consistent with the 64kHz result, so from now on we can look at 16kHz signals as far as pcal is concerned.

I don't know anything about AA and AI, so I'll leave the analysis to Sudarshan.

Relevant scripts and dtt templates are in /ligo/home/keita.kawabe/Cal/Duotone.

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sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - 17:28, Monday 31 August 2015 (21043)

Keita's alog explained the timing on Duotone to ADC and DAC to ADC loop as well. Additionally in pcal, channel 28 is routed through the analog AI and AA chasis. The details about how the channels are connected can be found in the attached schematics.


From the schematics we can see there are three (3) 4X decimation filters (two downsampling and one upsampling) in this particular chain (Channel 28). This amounts 3*55.93 us = 167.79 us of delay (each of these filter produce phase delay of 19.34deg or 55.93us at 960.5Hz). The analog AA and AI chassis produce phase delay of 13.76  degrees which amounts to about  39.82 us at 960.5 Hz from each chassis totaling in 79.64 us of time delay.

Total Delay = 3*55.93+2*39.82 =247.73 us.

Column 3  contains the measured (raw) time delay and "raw- total delay".

Column 4 contains the roundtrip time (raw-timedelay-7 us) = ~ 122 us (8-64 KHz cycle).


ADC0 Ch28 (with AI and AA)

(raw, raw-(3*decimation+2*analog AA/AI))

(377.72, 130.29)


ADC Ch28 (with AI and AA)

(raw, raw-(3*decimation+2*analog AA/AI))

(377.07, 129.64)



UTC user model ADC0 Ch31 (direct in)
(raw, raw-decimation)
loop back Round trip
27/08/2015 CAL-PCALX (63.30, 7.37)

ADC0 Ch30 (direct in without AI and AA)
(raw, raw-decimation)
(124.92, 68.99)

ADC0 Ch28 (with AI and AA)
CAL_PCALY (63.24, 7.31) ADC0 CH30 (direct in without AI and AA)
(raw, raw-decimation)
(124.89, 68.96)
ADC Ch28 (with AI and AA)
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Displaying reports 57501-57520 of 78016.Go to page Start 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 End