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Reports until 22:32, Friday 21 August 2015
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:32, Friday 21 August 2015 (20771)
OMC dither alignment working again

[DanH, Jenne]

We have turned on the dither alignment for the OMC once again. 

Prior to the vent and addition of the shroud, the dither alignment was trying to drive the OMC suspension farther than the range of the actuators.  We gave it a try again today though, and it worked just fine. 

We used /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/omc/common/scripts/ditherDCsense.py to measure the DC sensing matrix, and write the calculated input matrix to OMC-ASC_DACTMAT. The matrix was somewhat different.   The servo filters and gains are unchanged, with the exception of the OMC-ASC_MASTERGAIN, which is now 0.05 (was 0.1 when using the QPDs). This is the same gain value that was previously used for the dither loops.   

The offsets in the OMC QPDs have been set so that they will servo the OMC to the same place as the dither servos, so that they agree. 

We didn't see any change in the ~300 Hz bump, even though Gabriele did see the OMC alignment correlate with the size of that hump (alog 20555). 

The use of the dither servos is now back in the guardian.

jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:08, Friday 21 August 2015 (20768)
Differences between grouted and ungrouted HAM HEPI's

I've been working on implementing blended inertial isolation on the HAM1 HEPI. This requires designing higher UGF loops, which I've been struggling with. I have Arnauds commissioning scripts, which I used as a starting point, but it was really hard to get as high a UGF as he did. When I dug into his data I realized that his plant was very different from mine. The first attached pdf compares his cartesian super-sensor transfer functions and mine (LLO is green, LHO is red, dof order is X, Y, RZ, HP, Z, RX, RY, VP). The only known difference between the two sites is the grouting on the HEPI piers. To test this, I looked at HAM4 and 5 here. I chose these chambers (4&5) because they are oriented the same direction, their payloads are similar (enough) and HAM5 is not grouted, while HAM4 is. Second attached pdf shows what i found (blue is HAM4 (grouted), orange is HAM5 (no grout), dof order is the same). Clearly grouting makes a difference. On all DOFs except HP HAM4's modes are higher by ~20-40%.


I don't think this makes a huge difference for HAMs 2-6 right now, but for HAM1 it will be difficult to make higher gain loops without grouting. It's not clear that better isolation at HAM1 will get us much right now, though Jeff took some initial measurements a few days ago, in alog 20664.

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H1 ISC (DetChar, ISC)
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:06, Friday 21 August 2015 - last comment - 03:41, Saturday 22 August 2015(20770)
DRMI glitches

Jenne, Dan, control room people

Attached are some additional plots of the glitches that Sheila posted about earlier today.  These are the same 'DRMI' glitches which we observed back in ER7 -- or, at least, they are similar enough that I can't tell the difference. 

In our most recent lock stretches, started around 0400 UTC, the glitches have gone away.  The mystery continues.

The excess noise is loudest in POP_A_RF9_I_ERR, which is what we use for PRCL in low noise.  We also see noise in POPA_45_I_ERR (used for SRCL), and not so much in the Q-phases.  See the first plot.  So, they're not an issue with the PD or the demod electronics.  It seems like real length noise, except the noise is very flat.  It's hard to imagine a glitchy actuator making flat noise in the PRC and SRC lengths.

FWIW the noise is also visible in POPAIR, with the same pattern as POPA.  We also see the excess noise in REFLA_45_I and Q (second plot).

Since these glitches appeared in ER7 we have implemented the offloading of the PRM and SRM M3 stages, so the drives to the last stage are mostly around zero.  We looked for any correlation with zero-crossings in the SRM and PRM M3 coils (third and fourth plots).  No smoking gun.

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Comments related to this report
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - 23:59, Friday 21 August 2015 (20774)DetChar, INJ, ISC, SUS

Jenne, Dan

Maybe the PRM M3 coil driver is bad?  Or something else in the analog electronics...

The gliches in the DRMI signals are correlated with bursts of noise in the PRM M3 NOISEMONs.  Compare the first plot (a glitching time) with the second plot (a quiet time).

This isn't surprising - if the PRM drive is compensating for a burst of noise in the PRCL error signal, we'd expect to see something in the coils.  But the NOISEMON readbacks for PRM M3 are different for each coil, and LL is the worst offender at the glitchy times.  See the third plot.  This plot includes a comparison with the SRM M3 NOISEMON, which also shows a difference between glitchy and quiet times, but the coil NOISEMONs agree.

The variation between the coils is certainly due to something in the analog electronics.  In the fourth plot we show the PRM M3 MASTER_OUT signals.  The drive to the optic from the digital side is the same for all the coils.

It could be that the PRM M3 NOISEMONs are just wrong, but the correlation with the glitches is suspicious.

Not sure if this is enough to justify swapping the coil driver.

The fifth plot is a time-series of the PRM NOISEMONs at the time of a glitch.  The y-axis has been scaled the same for all channels to highlight the large value of the LL readback.  Note that the LR channel has two dropouts, this happens frequently (there are LR dropouts in both of the first two plots) but is not correlated to the DRMI glitches.

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andrew.lundgren@LIGO.ORG - 02:14, Saturday 22 August 2015 (20778)DetChar, SUS
Agreed that the PRM M3 LL driver looks like it's broken. The excess noise in all of the ISC channels is a shelf up to about 70 Hz, and that's what is being sent out to the PRM drive. But in just the LL noisemon, the noise bursts actually go up past 1000 Hz. In UR and UL, the noisemons look just like the drive signal. The attached PDF lines up the two spectrograms to show this. Unless the noisemon is very nonlinear, LL is generating excess noise. Is there a transfer function somewhere of PRM M3 to different ISC degrees of freedom that would tell us whether this could be causing all the noise we see?

The second page shows that the noise from LL is probably not major-carry glitches. They don't line up with zero crossings in the drive.

The third page shows that the LR noisemon is broken. It looks like it's got ADC overflows or some other kind of saturation. I'll try to check it for ADC overflows.  
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daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - 02:12, Saturday 22 August 2015 (20779)

For completeness, I checked if the glitches show up in the ASC signals that are sensitive to the PRC alignment.  They do: the plot attached shows that during glitch times (dashed references) the REFL WFS have excess noise in the same band as the LSC sensors.

So, it's not pure length motion -- consistent with the picture of a single glitchy quadrant on PRM M3.

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andrew.lundgren@LIGO.ORG - 03:41, Saturday 22 August 2015 (20781)DetChar, ISC, SUS
Dan and Jenne were wondering if this happened in ER7. I took a time when we saw similar mysterious DRMI glitches (June 7 19 UTC) and made some spectra and spectrograms. It looks like the same thing happening, but less severely. The noisemon in UR has the same shape as the drive signal, but LL clearly has a different shape and more excess noise at high frequency. Maybe some other Detcharians can look into this in more detail.
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darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:41, Friday 21 August 2015 (20769)
AA/AI model for ER8/O1

Kiwamu, Darkhan

Recently we analyzed our measurements of AI chassis taken at LHO EY before ER7 (see LHO alog 18639) and fit a zpk filter to a mean of measurements of 20 AI channels using LISO. Standard deviation in magnitude between these measurements were +/- 0.0001 V/V (see LHO alog 18628).

In DARM OLGTF model for ER7, AA/AI chassis TF model was based on measurements taken at LLO (see notes in Matlab file by Joe B and Jeff K that was used to create AA model). LHO EY measurements have a noticably smaller residual over newly created zpk model of AA/AI chassis transfer function at higher frequencies > 1 kHz, than the AA/AI model for ER7. Currently we are using this new AA/AI model to create DARM OLGTF Matlab model for ER8/O1.

Notice that in AA/AI chassis model for ER7 gain at DC was manually normalized to 1.0 [V/V] (it can be seen in the Matlab script that was used to create AA/AI model for ER7). In the AA/AI model for ER8/O1 we did not manually normalize gain at DC to be 1.0, because LHO EY measurements from pre ER7 showed gain of 0.9902 +/- 0.0001 [V/V] at DC (see LHO alog 18628).

LISO output, Matlab script and resulting model were uploaded into calibration SVN:




Parameters of the filter is given below (.FIL file, output of LISO is in SVN in the same directory):

# This is a LISO fitting script which fits the measured
# H1ETMY AI analog responses.
# Aug-13-2015
# KI
# $Id$
# $HeadURL$

pole 10.6615185502k 1.0770982348  ### fitted (name = pole0)
pole 7.7365806353k  ### fitted (name = pole1)
pole 50.0077782214k  ### fitted (name = pole2)

zero 65.8451204260k 5.7956773354k  ### fitted (name = zero0)

factor 990.2583471071m  ### fitted
delay 358.2748303132n  ### fitted

param pole0:f 9k 12k
param pole0:q 0.5 2
param pole1:f 5.0k 10k
param pole2:f 20k 70k
param zero0:f 60k 70k
param zero0:q 1 300k
param factor 0.9 1.2
param delay 0 30u

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daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:45, Friday 21 August 2015 (20767)
OMC PZT HV tripped with lockloss

Dan, Jenne, Jim

The OMC PZT high voltage supply tripped today, coincident with a lockloss.  This happens rarely, but it's a subtle problem that is hard to notice from the usual MEDM screens.  We should add a check in the SYS_DIAG guardian that warns the operator if OMC_PZT2_MON_DC is less than ~5V.  If the PZT HV is off, the OMC gaurdian will fail at the FIND_CARRIER step.

We trended the DCPD Sum, PZT voltage, and shutter channels around the time of the lockloss.  The shutter function worked as expected, the PZT2 DC voltage dropped to zero at the time of the lockloss.  There was a large spike in the DC voltage a few seconds after the lockloss but it never got back to +50V like it's supposed to after a lockloss.

We reset the power supply in the highbay.

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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:21, Friday 21 August 2015 - last comment - 18:17, Friday 28 August 2015(20765)
Beam Tube ion pump coupled to port hardware at Y2-8
Kyle, Gerardo 

Today we coupled the ion pump to Y2-8 -> The operation was slow and meticulous but we feel confident that no new net forces are realized by the beam tube nozzle -> We also pumped out and leak tested -> Still to do is the pulling of the HV cable and bake out -> In the meantime we will likely move on to X2-8 and repeat the exercise.  

(Note that Mike Z., Ken Mason and others provided the components used)
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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - 18:17, Friday 28 August 2015 (21000)
Upon reconsideration the BT valve is experiencing a minimum of 55ft*lbs as a result of having mounted the 8" gate valve to the reducing Tee before having coupled the ion pump to the 8" valve
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:34, Friday 21 August 2015 (20764)
Looking at ground Coherence to HEPI Isolation Loops of the IMC

To see if we have anything to gain with our low ugf loops.

1st plot is the ASD of the HAM 2 & 3 X Y & Z with our 2Hz ugf evident.  The next 6 plots use the HAM2 SENSCOR FIR IN1 as a calibrated ground motion for the TF A channel.  The B channels are the HAM 2 & 3 ISO X Y & Z.

In general, coherence is greatest where it makes sense X to X Y to Y etc.  The greatest level of coherence shows mostly around 5 hz at about 0.5. 

The standout is the HAM3 Y to Y coherence which shows stronger hitting 0.7 and is broader around 4 to 5 hz.  Maybe not that important for IMC motion but still..

The final attachment is a comparison of the LHO vs LLO isolation filter.  Interesting comparison since LLO is not doing any inertial isoation with the L4C.  They are quite different.

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H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:13, Friday 21 August 2015 - last comment - 09:37, Saturday 22 August 2015(20763)
OPS Day Shift Summary

We were locked most of the day until ~21:00, out of lock for around an hour, and came back up relatively easily ~22:00.  Another successful PRMI-->DRMI transition trick seemed to help expedite the process. 

Although I failed to note specific times, Kyle and Gerardo were working at Y-2-8 most of the day, and Jodi visited the mid stations for property tagging work.  Neither of these seemed to effect the IFO performance noticably.

Winds have been in the 20-30mph range for the past 4 hours, with a few gusts to ~40mph.

Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 22:39, Friday 21 August 2015 (20772)

What's the PRMI -> DRMI transition trick?

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 09:37, Saturday 22 August 2015 (20784)
We added it to the ops wiki under the DRMI section. It's from an slog a day or two ago by Stefan.
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:58, Friday 21 August 2015 - last comment - 17:43, Friday 21 August 2015(20762)
Roller coaster glitches likely from green ALS beam (Travis, Keita)


A huge range variation from the day before is very likely due to green light. One less thing to worry about.


In the attached 12-hour trend, t=0 is Aug 20 2015 07:20:43 UTC.

At around t=3.6h, ALSX green transmission started to fluctuate a lot (third plot from the top), and at around the same time the range started dropping (top).

At around t=6.2 something happened, both ALSX and Y unlocked for a short while and then locked to a new lock point (bottom).

After relocked to the new lock point, Y was OK while X was in a bad-but-better state, and the H1 range was similarly bad-but-better.

At around t=9.6, Y arm ALS gave up and lost lock.

Finally, at around t=10.2,  Y arm ALS beam started flashing in the arm and made a huge drop in the H1 range.

We misaligned the PZT for both green beam injection (and later closed shutters) and the H1 was happy.

I will not investige further.

Control room problem:

This is not related to glitches, but NOT being able to get any DMT data in the control room except from DMT viewer and/or NDS2 means that, for example, we cannot use dataviewer for plotting binary inspiral range.


Ligodv was unusable at least on opsws7 (one of the control room workstations) due to graphics artefacts which is probably Ubuntu problem.

Ligodv on the web (https://ldvw.ligo.caltech.edu/) doesn't have much options for plotting, Travis and I completely failed to make several traces in separate subplots.

Using DMT viewer and dataviewer in separate windows is a pain.

You can go on your own (e.g. matlab like I did here, or python or whatever), but is this really how we are supposed to work in the control room?

On top of that, even though NDS2 works, it takes 2-hours-ish before the binary range data becomes available in NDS2, so if we want a quick analysis of range-noise correlation we need to use DMT viewer and something else in separate windows.

This is a pain.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 17:43, Friday 21 August 2015 (20766)
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:45, Friday 21 August 2015 (20753)
BS length now offloated to top mass
Switched to true integrator:
FM1: zpk([0.01],[0],0.01,"n")
FM2: zpk([],[0.01],-1,"n")    (was old FM1)
Gain 0.1

Added all of this to Guardian and SDF.

H1 DetChar
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:31, Friday 21 August 2015 - last comment - 15:16, Friday 21 August 2015(20752)
glitches in current lock stretches

It seems like Detchar must already be aware of this, but we are having huge glitches durring this lock long lock stretch, which show up in auxiallary degrees of freedom.  We were wondering if anyone has checked for things like DAC crossings, or saturations.  

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laura.nuttall@LIGO.ORG - 13:55, Friday 21 August 2015 (20755)

We're currently checking for DAC glitches, hopefully have an answer shortly

andrew.lundgren@LIGO.ORG - 14:09, Friday 21 August 2015 (20756)DetChar
We have checked for software saturations (drives hitting a software limit) and have found none in either of the locks today or the one yesterday. There are no ADC overflows in the OMC DCPDs or POP_A. There are a few DAC overflows in the ETMY ESD, but that can't possibly explain this noise. There are no DAC overflows in any ETM L2 coils. DAC major-carry transition glitches are being checked now.
gabriele.vajente@LIGO.ORG - 15:16, Friday 21 August 2015 (20760)

I checked for correlations of the glitches with the ASC error signals residual motion around zero, and with suspension witness sensors and optical levers. I couldn't find anything convincing.

H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:56, Friday 21 August 2015 - last comment - 15:47, Sunday 23 August 2015(20744)
PCal line turned back on

Sudarshan reports that a PCal line was turned off sometime last night.  He is turning it back on at 17:53.

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sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - 11:30, Friday 21 August 2015 (20747)

Darkhan, Sudarshan

Pcal Lines got turned off last night during a pcal sweep measurements (LHO alog 20734 and  20732) because the optical follower servo got unlocked. We  turned two lines one at 36.7 Hz and the other one at 331.9 Hz back on. We ramped it slowly to avoid any lock loss but we still saw some drop in the range. We left the higher frequency line at 1083.7 Hz off for now. We will turn this back on during the comissioning period or next lockloss opportunity.

Attached is a trend of  Optical Follower Servo error signal showing when the lines got turned off.  (around 2015-08-21 07:20:00 UTC)

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laura.nuttall@LIGO.ORG - 13:54, Friday 21 August 2015 (20754)

Are we meant to be able to see the PCal lines in the normalised spectrogram of DARM? You can see them disappear and turn on again at about the times you mention, see the first plot (this is GDS strain). Also PCal End Y doesn't look so happy, see second plot. Plots were taken from the PCal part of the summary pages

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sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - 14:47, Friday 21 August 2015 (20759)

Yes, Pcal line are supposed to appear in h(t).

Also, the third line at 1083.7 Hz is turned back on after the lockloss.

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 22:43, Friday 21 August 2015 (20773)

What's the best way for Operators to confirm whether PCal (and DARM) Cal Lines are present?  (seeing Excitation on CDS Overview?  looking for lines on DARM spectra?  Navigating to Calibration Line medms?)

Let us know and we can put this in checklists for operators to check.

sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - 15:47, Sunday 23 August 2015 (20804)

I made  a DTT template which has all the calibration lines  on it. May be we can arrange to display this on the screen (A screenshot is attached.).  The template sits on the following location.

/ligo/svncommon/CalSVN/aligocalibration/trunk/Runs/ER8/H1/Scripts/Templates/ Calibration_line_template.xml

The other way  is to head to PCAL medm screen and look at the OFSPD plot on the screen. If there is no excitation this plot should be flat.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:49, Friday 21 August 2015 - last comment - 14:29, Friday 21 August 2015(20737)
Don't use input matrix as a memo pad

(Keita writing)

While Betsy was checking SDF status she found that some ASC signals were routed to ASC-DC5 only in YAW while output matrix elements for DC5 are all zero.

It seems to me that somebody used DC5 matrix elements to write down the previous SRC1 sensing matrix when they had to change it, knowing that DC5 is not used at LHO, and forgot to delete the "memo". Sensing matrix doesn't look like a good place to store this kind of stuff.

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 14:29, Friday 21 August 2015 (20757)

It is a very convenient method for looking at different linear combinations of WFSs in real time (e.g., with striptool) when trying to pick out a new error signal. But certainly we should clean up after ourselves when done.

H1 General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:03, Friday 21 August 2015 - last comment - 15:41, Friday 21 August 2015(20736)
SDF Redness

Went through the SDF to see if I could make sense of the differences on there.  I did not make anything GREEN (i.e. I did not ACCEPT or REVERT anything because I'm not sure whether we want Operators to do this or Detector Engineers to do that). 

Here are some of my notes of Differences we have by subsystem:










Lots of channels here.  Seems like many can be ACCEPTED

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:18, Friday 21 August 2015 (20743)

As usual, the SDF stuff just needed some investigation.  During the last few Intent drops, I cleared some SDF stuff in Corey's alog 20736.  Usually we don't have to go into such detail, but since there were a lot of question marks by each, I am adding a few notes of why things were accepted below.

Here's what I have found after hunting things down and double checked a few things with TEAM-COMMISS:

ACCEPTED  New violin stuff  SUSITMY

ACCEPTED  New violin stuff  SUSETMX

  • H1:SUS-ETMX_L2_DAMP_MODE10:  IN?  What does this mean? => The INPUTS are turned ON.  The change is because we are now using this loop.
  • H1:SUS-ETMX_L2_DAMP_MODE7:  IN?  What does this mean?
  • H1:SUS-ETMX_L2_DAMP_MODE8:  IN?  What does this mean?
  • H1:SUS-ETMX_L2_DAMP_MODE9:  Nutsinee violin damping (8/20 16:20PST).  Are we happy with this and can we accept? - YES

ACCEPTED  New violin stuff  SUSETMY

ACCEPTED  This is the revert to turn the CAGE servo OFF and the OLDAMP servo ON  SUSSR3

  • H1:SUS-SR3_M2_OLDAMP_P_GAIN (8/19 14:38):  ??
  • H1:SUS-SR3_M2_TEST_P_GAIN (8/19 14:36):  ??

ACCEPT Tramps are not a big deal.  If they are, then they are written into the Guardian and therefore can be ignored anyways.  LSC

  • H1:LSC-MCL_TRAMP (8/20 16:31):  ??


  • H1: ASC-INMATRIX_P_5_3 (8/20 16:52):  ?  - Stefan said to ACCEPT
  • H1: ASC-INMATRIX_P_5_8 (8/20 16:52):  ?  - Stefan said to ACCEPT
  • H1: ASC-INMATRIX_Y_16_3 (8/19 0:31):  ?  - See Keita's note above, we REVERTED this
  • H1: ASC-INMATRIX_Y_16_7 (8/19 0:31):  ?  - See Keita's note above, we REVERTED this
  • H1:ASC_MICH_P_OFFSET (8/19 22:16):  ?  - Offset button not on, so Stefan REVERTED this
  • H1:ASC_MICH_Y_OFFSET (8/19 21:11):  ?  - Offset button not on, so Stefan REVERTED this

ACCEPTED See attached snap - an additional stage of whitening is ON (the 2nd of 3), Stefan says this will likely stay on.  OMC

  • H1:OMC-DCPD_A (8/20 17:16):  ?
  • H1:OMC-DCPD_B (8/20 17:15):  ?
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 15:41, Friday 21 August 2015 (20761)

OMC DCPD - In fact, we have now just set SDF to NOT MON these switches since Evan/Stefan say they will be switching whitening states during different lock stretches as needed, in Guardian.

evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:13, Friday 14 August 2015 - last comment - 12:07, Friday 04 September 2015(20526)
Sensing noises in the OMC DCPDs

This entry is meant to survey the sensing noises of the OMC DCPDs before the EOM driver swap. However, other than the 45 MHz RFAM coupling, we have no reason to expect the couplings to change dramatically after the swap.

The DCPD sum and null data (and ISS intensity noise data) were collected from an undisturbed lock stretch on 2015-07-31.

Noise terms as follows:

The downward slope in the null at high frequencies is almost certainly some imperfect inversion of the AA filter, the uncompensated premap poles, or the downsampling filter.

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Comments related to this report
rana.adhikari@LIGO.ORG - 12:07, Friday 04 September 2015 (21214)

* What is the reasoning behind the updated suspension thermal noise plot?

* Its weird that cHard doesn't show up. At LLO, cHard is the dominant noise from 10-15 Hz. Its coupling is 10x less than dHard, but its sensing noise is a lot worse.

evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 10:59, Wednesday 19 August 2015 (20680)

I remade this plot for a more recent spectrum. This includes the new EOM driver, a second stage of whitening, and dc-lowpassing on the ISS outer loop PDs.

This time I also included some displacement noises; namely, the couplings from the PRCL, MICH, and SRCL controls. Somewhat surprising is that the PRCL control noise seems to be close to the total DCPD noise from 10 to 20 Hz. [I vaguely recall that the Wipfian noise budget predicted an unexpectedly high PRCL coupling at one point, but I cannot find an alog entry supporting this.]

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 14:33, Friday 21 August 2015 (20758)

Here is the above plot referred to test mass displacement, along with some of our usual anticipated displacement noises. Evidently the budgeting doesn't really add up below 100 Hz, but there are still some more displacement noises that need to be added (ASC, gas, BS DAC, etc.).

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 16:25, Monday 24 August 2015 (20832)

Since we weren't actually in the lowest-noise quad PUM state for this measurement, the DAC noise from the PUM is higher than what is shown in the plot above.

If the updated buget (attached) is right, this means that actually there are low-frequency gains to be had from 20 to 70 Hz. There is still evidently some excess from 50 to 200 Hz.

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 13:04, Friday 28 August 2015 (20990)

Here is a budget for a more recent lock, with the PUM drivers in the low-noise state. The control noise couplings (PRCL, MICH, SRCL, dHard) were all remeasured for this lock configuration.

As for other ASC loops, there is some contribution from the BS loops around 30 Hz (not included in this budget). I have also looked at cHard, but I have to drive more than 100 times above the quiescient control noise in order to even begin to see anything in the DARM spectrum, so these loops do not seem to contribute in a significant way.

Also included is a plot of sensing noises (and some displacement noises from LSC) in the OMC DCPDs, along with the sum/null residual. At high frequencies, the residual seems to approach the projected 45 MHz oscillator noise (except for the high-frequency excess, which we've seen before seems to be coherent with REFL9).

Evidently there is a bit of explaining to do in the bucket...

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 10:06, Friday 04 September 2015 (21210)

Some corrections/modifications/additions to the above:

  • I updated the optical gain and DARM pole using the pcal like at 331.9 Hz; from this line I find the transfer function from the TX PD into DCPD sum is (1.69 − 1.59i) mA/pm, which works out to an optical gain of 3.19 mA and a DARM pole of 353 Hz. I think Kiwamu may have a different number from his pcal sweep, so there might be some reconciliation to do.
  • I now compensate the extra 10 kHz pole that Kiwamu found in the readout chain of the DCPDs.
  • I remade the quantum noise curve for 23 W, and with a more realistic estimate of the losses. In addition to the 87 % quantum efficiency, I include 14 % readout losses that Lisa has already tabulated: we expect 96.5 % transmission through the OFI, 93 % transmission through the OMC, 99% reflection from OM3, and (according to Dan) 97 % mode matching into the OMC. This results in a quantum noise curve that is 6.6×10−20 m/Hz1/2 at 1 kHz. The DARM pole predicted by GWINC is 360 Hz or so (slightly higher than what I extracted from pcal).
  • Previously, I had tuned the arm losses in GWINC to give a recycling gain of 40 W/W. In light of Sheila's analysis, this is too optimistic; usually our recycling gains are more like 36 to 37 W/W. In GWINC, this amounts to tuning the arm losses to 90 ppm (per arm), which gives a gain slightly in excess of 37 W/W.
  • The null stream is 5 % – 7 % higher than the GWINC curve, so either some parameter is mistuned or we need to be looking for some extra readout loss.
  • I replaced the GWINC suspension thermal noise curve with a (hopefully) more accurate curve that I got from Sheila.
  • I replaced the oscillator noise trace (which was flat in DCPD photocurrent) with a trace based on the TF that Stefan and I took. I still assume the underlying noise contribution is flat in RIN, at a level of 3.5×10−8 mA/Hz1/2. This trace will become less relevant since the excess oscillator noise now appears to be gone.
  • I added gas noises. Squeeze film damping was calculated after T0900582 using the nominal parameters (our end station gauges read 1×10−8 torr, and I've assumed the dominant species is molecular hydrogen). For residual gas, I again assume the species is molecular hydrogen, and the arm pressure is taken to be 5×10−9 torr (which is a rough average of the arm gauges).
  • The ASC trace contains only the dHard and BS loops. I drove in cHard, but even after driving far, far above the ambient noise floor I could not make excess noise appear in DARM.

Of course, the budgeted noises don't at all add up from 20 Hz to 200 Hz, so we are missing something big. Next we want to look at upconversion and jitter noises, as well as control noise from other ASC loops.

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