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Reports until 00:51, Sunday 16 August 2015
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:51, Sunday 16 August 2015 (20564)
DARM spectrum

The attachment shows a new DARM spectrum after EOM driver replacement, IMC WFS offset retuning, OMC whitening, and ASC work. Compared to the previous best, the noise performance between 20 and 30 Hz is slightly worse, but elsewhere is the same or better.

Once we recover 24 W out of the PSL, we should see a bit more improvement at high frequencies.

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H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:01, Sunday 16 August 2015 (20562)
Daily Ops Summary - Evening shift



Arrived to find IFO beginning lock sequence after TJ did some PRMI alignment to help DRMI. It seems previous lock segments were on the average of about half a hour





Evening Summary:



stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:50, Saturday 15 August 2015 - last comment - 21:46, Sunday 16 August 2015(20560)
Calibration: Suggestion for ESD drive strangth monitoring
I made the suggestion before, but today I actually tried it:

By driving both L2 and L3 at a fixed frequency, but with a gain and phase such that their contribution cancelers in DARM, we can easily monitor (and servo, if we want) the ESD drive strength, which is expected to vary with charging.

This method has the big advantage that there are NO LARGE cal line resulting in DARM.

Here are the settings I tried:
- H1:SUS-ETMY_L2_TEST_L_EXC: drive with 300 cts at 20Hz, phase   0  deg
- H1:SUS-ETMY_L3_TEST_L_EXC: drive with 51.7cts at 20Hz, phase 134.2deg

The resulting line in DARM is only ~0.016 times the size of the line with only 1 drive. I also used the H1:SUS-ETMY_L2_DAMP_MODE7_BL filter bank to monitor the line strength. This suggests we should get on the order of 1% monitoring precision on a few second time scale - all while only producing the tiniest peak in DARM - with no up-conversion feet.

Also - since the biggest variation we see is on the microseism time scale - we should try the ESD linearization..
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stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 21:46, Sunday 16 August 2015 (20575)
Attached is a time series plot of the logarithmic line strength at 20Hz. The line stayed below 10^(-1.7) for the whole 9h30min of the lock, suggesting the ESD drive never changed more than 2%.

- The surge in arm power early on was due to a test Evan did.
- The odd drop at the end corresponds to when the data got glitchy - not sure what happened there...
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stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:29, Saturday 15 August 2015 - last comment - 23:57, Saturday 15 August 2015(20559)
Driven Oscillator amplitude RIN to OMC DCPC current transfer function
Using the EOM driver excitation cable that was installed yesterday we measured a driven transfer function from the 45MHz oscillator amplitude RIN to the OMC_DCPD_SUM.

Bottom line: We have a coupling of about 9e-2mA/RIN (9e-5A/RIN) coupling at 1kHz (flatish), measured at max power = 22W. (plot 1) Around 50Hz it is about 2x higher.
This coupling is the same as the (not driven) estimate from alog 20182. We also (accidentally) measured the coupling at 17W input power, and found 6e-2mA/RIN. (plot 2)

- This is the coupling into both DCPD's.
At 22 W, we have:
- Without injection the DCPD_NULL currently has 7.8e-8mA/rtHz, while DCPD_SUM is at 8.63e-8mA/rtHz. This suggests the extra noise is at 3.7e-8mA/rtHz.
- The coherence between DCPD_SUM and the (pre-EOM dirver) RIN read-back is 0.17, suggesting a noise floor of about 3.2e-8mA/rtHz in DCPD_SUM - close enough.
- Using the measured 9e-2mA/RIN we would need a RIN of about 4.1e-7/rtHz.

The same numbers at 17 W are:
- Without injection the DCPD_NULL currently has 7.8e-8mA/rtHz, while DCPD_SUM is at 8.25e-8mA/rtHz. This suggests the extra noise is at 2.7e-8mA/rtHz.
- The coherence between DCPD_SUM and the (pre-EOM dirver) RIN read-back is 0.1, suggesting a noise floor of about 2.5e-8mA/rtHz in DCPD_SUM - close enough.
- Using the measured 6e-2mA/RIN we would need a RIN of about 4.5e-7/rtHz.

The full template is available on the DCC: T1500441

Related alogs: 20539, 20182, 19856

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 23:57, Saturday 15 August 2015 (20563)

On a related note: we set up the second harmonic generator in the CER in preparation for a 45 MHz measurement.

gabriele.vajente@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:01, Saturday 15 August 2015 (20556)
Lock losses investigation

We had four lock losses from nominal low noise state this afternoon. At least three of them seem to be caused by a suddend excursion in DARM correction, which leads to a saturation of the ESD. The reason is yet unclear.

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gabriele.vajente@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:01, Saturday 15 August 2015 - last comment - 09:08, Monday 17 August 2015(20555)
Noise at the PSL periscope peaks due to OMC misalignment

I alrady noticed yesterday that the DARM noise at the periscope peaks (200-400 Hz) was high at the beginning of the lock and then reduced over time.

The first attached plot shows a BLRMS of DARM around those peaks, starting right after reaching the low noise state. There is a clear reduction of the noise over time. The second plot shows that on a similar time scale, the OMC alignment output signal changed, mostly ANG_Y.

This seems to confirm the idea that input beam jitter at the periscope peaks is converted into intensity noise by an OMC misalignment, which changes over time.

To confirm this, I move the OMC angular loops during full lock, adding offsets of few tens of counts to the POS and ANG loops. The third plot shows the steps in the control signals. I was able to reduce the BLRMS by adding an offset of -40 to the ANG_Y loop. The fourth plot compares the DARM spectrum with (red) and without (blue) the ANG_Y offset. I should have increased the offset more. Unfortunately, I noticed that the output was hitting the limit of 300 and I stupidly increased it to 1000: but since the loop was integrating, I broke the lock since I suddenly increased the output from -300 to -1000.

However, the experiment confirms that the noise at the periscope peaks changes in amplitude with the OMC alignment, which is not optimal.

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jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - 00:34, Monday 17 August 2015 (20577)

I am not 100% sure what value Gabriele meant to leave, but I have accepted in SDF (Sheila and I are in process of clearing a bunch of diffs in SDF) the value of -30 for ANG_Y for the OMC.  I'll check with Gabriele about what value he meant to leave (his alog seems to indicate -40, but we found it at -30).

daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - 03:28, Monday 17 August 2015 (20583)ISC

Since we're using the QPD loops to align the OMC, it's probably better to record any change in the alignment in the QPD offsets.  I forget the channel names at the moment, but these are the offsets in the OMC QPD channels (not the same channels in the ASC models).  If the offsets are stored in the ANG and POS loops, they will have to be turned off if/when we switch to the dither alignment.  If they are recorded in the QPD filter banks it is one less thing to think about.

To summarize the OMC alignment: the QPD offsets have been tuned so the OMC is well-aligned in the low power state.  In this state, the dither error signals should be zero.  We know that as the power is increased, the QPD offsets are no longer a good alignment, especially in pitch -- this is according to the dither error signals.  We suspect the misalignment is due to some junk light that shifts the nominal alignment position on the QPDs.  Unfortunately, the misalignment is large enough that engaging the dither loops in the high power state saturates the drive to the OMC SUS.  This is why we have stuck with the QPD alignment for now...we should find a solution before O1 that allows us to use the dither loops.  The last time the alignment scheme had any attention was in late May.

Needless to say, do remember to check the drives to the OMC SUS OSEMs when changing the alignment settings, they may saturate!

gabriele.vajente@LIGO.ORG - 09:08, Monday 17 August 2015 (20595)

The offsets I left (-30) is better than 0, but not the optimal one yet. It's better to check the OMC alignment again

stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:21, Saturday 15 August 2015 (20557)
No Data !?!

Why do I get a No Data report from DTT and dataviewer when I ask for H1:ODC-MASTER_CHANNEL_OUT_DQ ?
(dataviewer knows about second trend, but not full data...)
LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Saturday 15 August 2015 (20554)
Ops Day Shift


Times in UTC (PST)

1743 (1043) Nominal Low Noise

1752 (1052) Robert heading to Yarm  injecting dust

1810 (1110) Lockloss (A bit of seismic activity maybe?)

1828 (1128) Robert baack

1922 (1222) Nominal Low Noise

1925 (1225) Robert off to inject again

1929 (1229) Lockloss (Nothing obvious from the lockloss tool, seismic was low, wind is low, I'm not sure what caused it)

1958 (1258) Nominal Low Noise

2029 (1329) Lockloss (Terramon predicted an earthquake to arrive at 1335 PST, maybe it was off a bit)

2208 (1508) Nominal Low Noise

2214 (1514) Robert to Y arm for dust injections

2244 (1544) Lockloss

thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:27, Saturday 15 August 2015 - last comment - 23:55, Saturday 15 August 2015(20552)
Fixed a few things in the new ENGAGE_ASC states logic

When I got here this morning, Nutsinee was reporting that the ISC_LOCK Guardian would get stuck in a few places. Here is what I found and my solutions to them:



Issue: If this state is requested it would get stuck due to self.skipflag returning True. The next time that the run() method would execute, it would jump to the next condition, which would not allow for further movement in the state path when requested.

Solution: I added an extra condition to check if the self.skipflag is True, then return True. This allows for foward movement after a request is put in, while still looking for what it needs to.


Issue: Not all of the logic would run from the run() method, and would get stuck in this state. There are several steps in this method that wait for a timer, do something, then set another timer and wait, before doing more. Problem was that while it would wait for the timer to run out, it would still run through the first step of the logic which included setting the timer. So the timer was set again and again.

Solution: Added a checkpoint flag (self.cp1) so the timer is not set and reset.


Issue: No lockloss check decorator in its run() methods!!! Very dangerous, especially since these are requestable states.

Solution: Added the decorator


I hope we are not pushing the commissioners too hard and they are getting sleep...

I have tested this and it has gone through a few times, but now I'm losing lock when it get to DC_READOUT. On to the next mystery!

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 23:55, Saturday 15 August 2015 (20561)
Sorry! I thought I tested these, but I guess there were still bugs
H1 General
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:58, Saturday 15 August 2015 - last comment - 09:16, Saturday 15 August 2015(20550)
Owl Shift Summary

All time in UTC

07:00 IFO locking. Wind below 20 mph.

07:23 Dale came to notify that the Star Party is over.

08:04 Lock loss. 6.6M earthquake in Solomon Islands.

10:21 Another 5.0M earthquake in Indonesia.

11:00 Started relocking. DRMI won't lock after 10 minutes. I did the SRM misalignment and adjust the beam splitter. Everything went smoothly.

         Trouble with ENGAGE_ASC_PART3 for the rest of the night. Please refer to alog20548.

15:00 TJ arrived and tried to lock. He ran into the same problem with ENGAGE_ASC_PART3 and lost lock at REFL_IN_VACUO.

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thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - 09:16, Saturday 15 August 2015 (20551)

Found a few issues with the logic in the new ENGAGE_ASC states. Currently fixing them and will post and alog when I know they work.

nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 05:54, Saturday 15 August 2015 - last comment - 06:43, Saturday 15 August 2015(20548)
Trouble getting through ENGAGE_ASC

Guardian just spent 40+ minutes in ENGAGE_ASC_PART3 state. DSOFT and CSOFT kept switiching back and forth between "ON:INPUT" and "OFF:FM2". I set the ISC_LOCK to manual and skipped to the next step, lost lock shortly of course. Now I'm stuck at ENGAGE_ASC_PART2 with Guardian message "POP A has a large offset. Align by hand." but abs(ASC-POP_A_PIT_IN1) and abs(ASC-POP_A_YAW_IN1) is already less than 1 (conditions for the Guardian to move on to the next state). Still trying to figure out what to do.

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nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 06:43, Saturday 15 August 2015 (20549)

I checked to make sure that the conditions to get pass ENGAGE_ASC_PART2 were met, set ISC_LOCK to manual and moved to ENGAGE_ASC_PART3. DSOFT and CSOFT were in the conditions they were supposed to be (input on, correct gains) but Guardian seems to have trouble moving on (the same loop as before). I paused it and manually copied-pasted the code to Guardian terminal. Then manually select REFL_IN_VACUO. Soon lost lock at PARK_ALS_VCO.


Well, I tried.....

gabriele.vajente@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:00, Saturday 15 August 2015 (20547)

The low frequency sensitivity (below 50 Hz) was coherent with CHARD PIT and YAW. I tried to retune the A2L, first using Hang's script: I had to fix a bug in the function call (number of steps passed as double instead of integer). The script ran, but made the coupling much worse. So I tried to measure by hand the couplings, injecting lines at 21 Hz. A the end of the day I got a performance similar to what I could get reverting to the A2L coefficients of one day ago. So I reverted to the old coefficients.

At 0:53 LT I reduced CHARD PIT and YAW gains by 20 dB, and as expecetd the noise got better. However, the low frequency is non stationary.

H1 ISC (DetChar, ISC, PSL)
gabriele.vajente@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:54, Saturday 15 August 2015 - last comment - 10:41, Saturday 15 August 2015(20544)
PSL periscope peaks after IMC alignment retuning

The first plot shows the situation at the beginning of a full power, low noise lock. The ISS second loop is closed. After the re-tuningof the IMC offsets, the periscope peaks are no more visible in either the in-loop or out-of-loop ISS second loop signals.  This is very good.

However, the first plot shows that the peaks were, at that time, still visible in the DARM spectrum, together with some coherence with the periscope accelerometer. So, there is residual beam jitter that does not generate intensity noise anymore, but that is transmitted to the IFO input and couples to the OMC transmitted power.

The second plot shows the situation after a while we were locked in low noise. The peaks are no more visible in DARM: so something in the IFO drifted in the right direction (probably some thermally induced drift) and now jitter is no more converted by an IFO misalignment into intensity noise. This is something interesting to investigate in the future over long lock stretches.

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matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - 10:41, Saturday 15 August 2015 (20553)

OMC alignment?  This will convert jitter to DARM...

H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:00, Saturday 15 August 2015 (20546)
Ops Summary - Evening Shift




jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:57, Saturday 08 August 2015 - last comment - 19:57, Saturday 15 August 2015(20351)
Where StripTool Templates Live
J. Kissel

I always forget where the StripTool templates for the wall displays live, and my first instinct is to search the aLOG for ".stp". For future me, here're there locations:
PRMIsb.stp      <<< This is what usually is displayed to show the lock acquisition process
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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 19:57, Saturday 15 August 2015 (20558)

While we're at it, the I copied the seismic FOM into userapps/isc/h1/scripts/Seismic_FOM_split.xml and checked it into the SVN, since the original directory (/ligo/home/controls/FOMs/) is not version controlled.

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