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Reports until 23:24, Wednesday 05 August 2015
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:24, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20283)
Turned ON New ESD Calibration Line on ETMY at 35.9 [Hz]
J. Kissel, D. Tuyenbayev, S. Karki, S. Kandhasamy

We've used the new infrastructure for the ESD / L3 / TST actuation strength tracking line for ETMY, turning on the line with a frequency of 35.9 [Hz] and amplitude of 0.08 [L3 LOCK ct]. We've tuned the excitation amplitude to be roughly half the amplitude of the 37.3 DARM and 36.7 PCAL lines, see attached ASD of DELTAL_CTRL for starters, and we'll iterate a bit once we get back to a better low-noise state (we're currently having a lot of trouble damping violin modes).
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jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:01, Wednesday 05 August 2015 - last comment - 07:10, Thursday 06 August 2015(20282)
ETMX L2 RMS watchdog tripped

Since we were working on violin mode damping anyway (aLog 20280), we also tried some ETMX violin damping tuning.  At some point, we tripped the ETMX analog PUM current RMS watchdog.  We tried setting the H1:SUS-ETMX_BIO_L2_RMSRESET to zero, then back to one (which worked to reset the ETMY watchdog, when we tripped that once or twice).  We tried this reset procedure several times, but the watchdog isn't resetting. I don't know enough about this system to diagnose it further, so I await guidance from someone more knowledgeable in the morning.  Our low frequency noise is kind of terrible, which might be because it looks like we aren't driving the ETMX L2 stage at all, but we are able to get to the Nominal Low Noise state (the trip happened at the DC Readout state).

Attached is a screenshot of the current state of the ETMX suspension screen, including the tripped L2 RMS watchdog.

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kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 23:47, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20284)

Afterwards, we punched in zero again in H1:SUS-ETMX_BIO_L2_RMSRESET. Even though we did not punch in 1 this time, for some reason the current monitor became back active, the watchdogs were untripped. After a minute or so, we set it back to 1 and confirmed that the coils were still active by observing the current monitors.

Another strange thing is that, even though the coils are now active, the screen still shows a red light at the top as Jenne showed in the attachement. This needs to be investigated in the day time tomorrow.

evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 00:40, Thursday 06 August 2015 (20285)

Jenne and I drove down to EX and power cycled the PUM driver. That untripped the watchdog. [Also, I power cycled the AA chassis two slots below the PUM driver by accident. Sorry.]

We've seen this failure mode before: https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=17385

edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - 07:10, Thursday 06 August 2015 (20289)

Yes. The Y PUM watchdogs can be reset from MEDM but the Xs cannot.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:37, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20281)
Updates to QUAD Screens for New Stuff, and Better Exposure of Problems
J. Kissel

I've updated several QUAD screens, including the overview, to reflect the changes that were made yesterday. In the process, I've also added some stuff to the overview screen that was previously only shown on sub-sub screens such that problems are better exposed from the top level. I attach screenshots, but the changes include:
- Adding a link to a new screen for the new ESD / L3 / TST calibration line.
- Cleaned up the LHO-only, UIM tidal path, better showing how it's added into the UIM control signal.
- Brought the HV ESD driver ON/OFF switch to the overview, and renamed it from the misleading "RESET" to "ON/OFF."
- Brought all relevant voltage (for the ESD) and current (for the OSEMs / coils) up to the top near the output.
- Added a red light surrounding the COILOUTF block that appears if all of the OSEM sensor signals are zero (literally an AND of all four, checking whether the INMONs are < 5 cts).

- Changed the HV ESD driver name from the misleading "RESET" to "ON/OFF."

- Added a whole bunch of text and polygons all over the screen to better indicated what "linearization bypass ON vs. OFF" means, since this switch confuses everyone.

- Removed now defunct EPICs records and level indicator bars for the DIGITAL readbacks of the ESD HV driver, which are now just binary bits.

All changes have been commited to the userapps repo. To inherent at LLO, just svn update
the directory.
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stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:20, Wednesday 05 August 2015 - last comment - 03:19, Thursday 06 August 2015(20280)
Attempt of damping 508.289Hz violing mode
Related alogs: 17610, 19720

Jenne, Stefan

We had highly rung up violing modes tonight, in particular 508.289Hz was outrageous.
Nominally it should be on ETMY. We pushed on that optic in pitch, yaw, length, and with all sorts of different filters (narrow ones, broad ones, different feed-back phases, etc.)
We succeeded in ringing up all three neighbouring modes, and thendam them again. But 508.289 never changed its size. We even tried pushing ETMX (its modes are closest to ETMY), but no success...

(There was a typo in the frequency in the first version, hence Evans comment)
Comments related to this report
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 03:19, Thursday 06 August 2015 (20287)

Just to be clear, it is 508.289 Hz.

evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:10, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20278)
ASC input and output matrices

Current state of ASC sensing and actuation.

[Note: The INP2 loops are not used during lock.]

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leonid.prokhorov@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:10, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20274)
OPLEV Charge measurements
Charge measurements done on both ETMs. Measurements results are in attachments. The same trend remains (discussed in 20067)
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patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:05, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20273)
stopped services on h1ecatx1
Patrick, Carlos

We disabled and stopped the following services on h1ecatx1:

Acrobat Reader Updater
Windows Update
Windows Search
Windows Defender
sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:52, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20202)
LHO EndX Pcal Calibration

Pcal Team,


We calibrated the Photon calibrator readback photodiodes at EndX and the new displacement calibration factors for TxPD and RxPD compared to the last calibration are reported below. The difference in the calibration factors are within our reported uncertainty. These number are also uploaded to DCC document T1500252.  A detail report of the calibration factors, optical efficiency and other intermediate calculations is attached to this alog. 





8.428E-13/f^2 +/- 0.59%

8.464E-13/f^2 +/- 0.59%


6.730E-13/f^2 +/- 0.68%

6.722E-13E-13 +/- 0.68%

Other Details:

Beam Clipping:

We had a beam clipping issue at ENDX  (alog #19899) and  fixed it after aligning the beam using the steering mirror on transmitter module last week.  (alog #20054). We checked if this alignment was still good by measuring the power at the transmitter side and the receiver side and alignment seems to be good. In addition, we also measured the output power of the laser before the AOM. The measured value (1.6 W) was consistent with what we measured last time on 04/10/2015. 

AA Chassis:

PCAL AA chassis had 3 channels which were either railing or dead and this issue has been reported in a  separate alog (LHO alog #20259) and a fix is underway.

BNC-DB9 Chassis:

We had installed a DB9-BNC chassis to route the working standard signal (for calibration) and AOM drive signal (monitoring) to the AA chassis few weeks ago. These chassis were not tested after installation so we used a calibrated voltage source to test the chassis before proceeding with the calibration. 1 V of calibrated source gave us  ~1637 cts on our readback channel.

OFS Transfer Function:

As a part of calibration we also measured the transfer function of the Optical Follower Servo and a plot is attached. OFS has a unity gain of 100 KHz with  a phase margin of about  62 degrees.

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H1 General
hannah.fair@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:05, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20269)
Broadband Noise Investigation

Hannah, Stefan, Daniel

It was determined that the broadband noise we've been seeing has been caused by the Harmonic Generator (SN 1043-03, DCC S1000798). To see if this was an issue with the unit or if this is the normal operation, we tested the spare. Using an RF frequency of 9 kHz, lowpass filter of 10.7 kHz, we tested all seven outputs and measured the following noise:


Voltage V

Noise nV/√Hz

Noise 1/√Hz

9 kHz RF signal




2x Output




3x Output




4x Output




5x Output




6x Output




10x Output




15x Output




The x5 output is what we're interested in, and the noise seems to be about the same as what we're already seeing. The power supply was also checked to make sure there were no stray signals. 

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:05, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20271)
ETMX ESD stuck

The ETMX ESD got stuck again, with both the bias and all quadrants at a constant negative value.  Jeff B and I drove down the the end station to reset the driver by toggling the red button on the driver box.  Jeff has a picture of this and will add a note to the operator troubleshooting wiki about this problem.  

This has been happening more since we installed the low noise driver (which was probably an unnecessary change for EX where we do not plan to use it). 

H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:55, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20253)
Daily Ops Summary


15:00 IFO locked at DC_Readout

15:45 Jeff B. (H1 op) proceeded from DC-Readout. IFO broke lock. Trying to recover.

16:31 Fil and Peter taking an RF multiplier to Mid Y

16:59 Fil and Peter back from Mid Y

17:00 Fil into CER to look for a power cable for the RF multiplier. None at the MY station.

17:20 Peter into Optics Lab

17:40: Ellie headed to HWS table in LVEA

17:50 Eliie out

19:53 Tour Group into control room

20:09 Sudarshan and Fil out to EX to power cycle Pcal AA chassis. No VEA entry.

20:50 Sudarshan and Fil back from EX

21:28 Kyle, John, Robert out yo Y-2-8

21:41 Jeff B and Sheila to End X

21:55 Kyle and company back from Y arm

21:55 Sheila and Jeff out of X End

peter.fritschel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:48, Wednesday 05 August 2015 - last comment - 10:08, Monday 24 August 2015(20270)
SRCL, MICH, and PRCL: open loop and residual noise spectra

Using the calibrated DRMI channels created and described by Kiwamu in entry 18742, I grabbed data from the lock of August 3, 2015, starting at 04:20:00 UTC. The attached 4 page PDF shows spectra of the open loop and residual displacement noise for SRCL, MICH and PRCL. The 4th page shows the coherence of SRCL with the other 2 degrees of freedom.

Degree of freedom Residual rms Shot noise level
SRCL 8 pm 1.3 x 10-15 m/rtHz
MICH 3 pm 1.5 x 10-16 m/rtHz
PRCL 0.8 pm 4 x 10-17 m/rtHz

The SRCL spectra has a curious shape: it comes down quickly with frequency to 10 Hz, then is fairly flat from 10 Hz to 50 Hz, then falls by a factor of 5 or so to the (presumed) shot noise level that is reached above 100 Hz. What is this noise shelf between 10 Hz and 80 Hz? That is exactly the region where the SRCL noise coupling to DARM is troublesome. Our usual approach is to send a SRCL correction path to DARM to reduce the coupling, but this spectrum shows that there should also be some gain to be had by reducing this noise shelf.

The last page of the PDF shows the coherence between SRCL and MICH & PRCL, and it indicates that the SRCL noise shelf could be coupling from PRCL noise -- the coherence is fairly high in this band, though not unity. This suggests that the DRMI signals could use some of the demodulator phase and input matrix tuning that Rana has recently done on L1, reported in LLO log entry 19540.

To complete this log entry, it would be useful if someone at LHO could add the open loop transfer functions for each loop (models), and other pertinent info such as DC photocurrents for these detectors and the input matrix coefficients.

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Comments related to this report
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 17:54, Saturday 22 August 2015 (20789)

The shelf appears to be gain peaking in SRCL. We have an 80 LPF to get rid of SRCL control noise in the bucket, but it makes the control noise from 30 to 60 Hz a bit worse.

I had the filter off between 2015-08-23 00:36:00 Z and 00:39:00 Z. The attachment shows the error and control signals with filter off (dashed) versus filter on (solid).

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 10:08, Monday 24 August 2015 (20820)

Evan, is the shelf in Peter's open loop spectrum there because of OLTF model without LPF? Otherwise, we still need to investigate.

stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:28, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20268)
PR3 PIT lock loss compensation
Jenne noticed in alog 20099 that PR3 jumps on lock-lass when the integrators are cleared, but then comes back with a 4min time constant to more or less the same location.

Thus I implemented a split integrator for PR3 PIT:
FM1 z4min:p0  zpk([6.6315e-04],[0],6.6315e-4,"n")
FM2 :p4min    zpk([],[6.6315e-4],1507.955,"n")

Instead of clearing the filter module, the down script now simply turns off FM1 and turns it back on, producing a 4min exponential decay.

The guardian is updated to use this (set the right filters, use new clearing procedure in DOWN state).
Additionally I took out take out any clearing in LOCK_DRMI_1f. (PR3 is no used in DRMI ASC, so there should not be anything to clear anyway.)
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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:59, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20267)
WHAM6 Watchdog reset removed from ISC_LOCK Guardian

Sheila commented out the elements which reset the WHAM6 watchdogs at specific times.  This has been replaced by the model upgrades to the ISI on Tuesday.

I asked Sheila to remove the resetting the guardian was doing to give the model bleed off feature a chance to prove itself functional.

See E1500406 for specifics & details.  In summary, saturations that occur in a given minute will clear in 60 minutes.  If there are no saturations for an hour, the saturation counter should be back to zero.  Saturations can be cleared manually with the H1:ISI-HAM6_SATCLEAR button labeled CLEAR SATURATIONS.  There may be a delay on the actual clearing of the saturations after this button is pressed.

bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:31, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20265)
Beam Tube Enclosure Joint Repair on the X-Arm
Chris S.90%  Joe D.70%

The crew cleaned the original caulking and installed metal strips on 853 meters of enclosure.

 We were starting to run low on both caulking and aluminum strip material so I have ordered more of both.

 I have also ordered some battery powered angle grinders with soft bristle brushes for cleaning the existing caulking for better adhesion of the new caulking. We were cleaning them by hand and that was a slow process, hopefully this will expedite the cleaning and relieve the arms of the guys somewhat. 

sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:31, Wednesday 05 August 2015 - last comment - 14:27, Wednesday 05 August 2015(20259)
PCAL AA Chassis at Xend

Pcal Team,

During maintenace and calibration yesterday we found that the PCAL AA Chassis (S1400574) at EndX has problems with channel 5-7. Chanenl 5 is dead and 6 and 7 are railed at ~15000 cts. These channels are connected to DB9-to-BNC chassis (D1400423) at the other end. We isolated this unit from AA chassis to troubleshoot the location of the problem and confirmed that it is the AA chassis. 

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sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - 14:27, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20266)

Fil, Sudarshan

We tried power-cycling the AA chassis to see if it solves the problem. It didnot so we replaced the broken AA chassis with a spare one (S1102791) and brought the broken one  back to EE shop for troubleshooting. We will swap it back with original, once it is fixed.

jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:52, Wednesday 05 August 2015 - last comment - 16:11, Wednesday 05 August 2015(20242)
ETMY violin mode damping

[Sheila, Jenne]

We have had a violin mode at ~ 508.29 Hz rung up for the last several days.

Part of the problem was that the ETMY Mode7 filter was railing at its limiter.  This filter bank has the new "flat phase" filter that is being tried, for damping many modes at once.  Evan ramped the gain to zero for this filter bank.  After ~30 minutes we didn't see any noticeable change in the height of the peak.

The only other filter bank that was enabled was the Mode5 bank, with a 506-513 band pass.  We turned off the "-60deg" FM2.  After an hour and a half or so, we see the height of the violin mode has been reduced by almost a factor of 10.  We'll check back on it tomorrow.


Also, there is a new violin mode blrms screen, accessible from the quad overview screen.

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jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - 16:11, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20272)

When looking into seeing if the violin mode is still going down, it occurred to me to look at the output of the violin filter module (ETMY Mode 7) that Evan set to zero last night.  Turns out it's been railing for days.  My guess is that this was turned on for testing of violin mode damping, and then never added to the guardian so it never gets turned off (violin mode damping should only be on when the IFO is locked).  Ooops. It's been off since last night, which is good.

Plotted are the Mode 5 output, which gets turned on and off appropriately, as well as the Mode 7 output which is just going rail-to-rail (where the rail is set by the filter bank's limiter here).

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jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:58, Monday 03 August 2015 - last comment - 21:49, Wednesday 05 August 2015(20099)
Post-lock drift of PR3, SR3 in pitch

Rana pointed out to me that the PR3 and SR3 suspensions may still have some shift due to wire heating during locks (which we won't see until a lockloss, since we control the angles of mirrors during lock).

Attached are the oplev signals for PR3 and SR3 at the end of a few different lock stretches, labeled by the time of the end of the lock. The lock ending 3 Aug was 14+ hours.  The lock ending 31 July was 10+ hours.  The lock ending 23 July was 5+ hours.  The lock ending 20 July was 6+ hours.

The PR3 shift is more significant than the SR3 shift, but that shouldn't be too surprising, since there is more power in the PRC than the SRC so there is going to be more scattered light around PR3. Also, PR3 has some ASC feedback to keep the pointing.  SR3 does not have ASC feedback, but it does have a DC-coupled optical lever.  SR3 shifts usually a few tenths of a microradian, but PR3 is often one or more microradians.  Interestingly, the PR3 shift is larger for medium length locks (1 or 1.5 urad) than for very long locks (0.3 urad).  I'm not at all sure why this is.

This is not the end of the world for us right now, since we won't be increasing the laser power for O1, however we expect that this drift will increase as we increase the laser power, so we may need to consider adding even more baffling to the recycling cavity folding mirrors during some future vent.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 10:05, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20258)

Note - The PR3 and SR3 have 2 different baffles in front of them which do different things.  The PR3 HAS a baffle which specifically shields the wires from the beam.  The SR3 does not have this particular baffle, however I believe we ave a spare which we could mount at some point if deemed necessary.

Attached is a picture of the PR3 "wire shielding baffle D1300957, showing how it shields the suspension wires at th PR3 optic stage.  In fact, a picture of this baffle was taken from the controlroom and is in alog 8941.

The second attachment is a repost of the SR3 baffle picture from alog 16512.

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rana.adhikari@LIGO.ORG - 21:49, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20279)AOS

from the pictures, it seems like we could get most of the rest of the baffling we need if the wire going under neath the barrel of PR3 were to be covered. Perhaps that's what accounts for the residual heating. Also, if it became a problem perhaps we can get an SR3 baffle with a slightly smaller hole to cover its wires.

jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:46, Monday 13 July 2015 - last comment - 18:14, Wednesday 05 August 2015(19608)
Peak in DARM at 4735 Hz
[Matt, Jenne, Evan, Sheila]

There is an enormous peak in the DARM spectrum at 4735 Hz.  Shown in the DTT printout below is the IOP channel for the OMC DC PD (H1:IOP-LSC0_MADC0_TP_CH12), from 1 kHz to 25 kHz, and this 4.7 kHz peak is dominating by about 2 orders of magnitude.  

We wonder if this is perhaps an acoustic internal mode of one of the test masses, although we are having trouble finding a listing of such modes.  

Does anyone know where we can find a listing of test mass acoustic modes?  Or, alternatively, does anyone have any thoughts on what this mode might be?
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 23:05, Monday 13 July 2015 (19610)COC
Sort of unsatisfying (because they're not the real deal, or their incomplete) FEA results for the test mass body modes can be found here:
http://www.ligo.caltech.edu/~coyne/AL/COC/AL_COC.htm (Only for a right cylinder)
and here
T1400738 (only shows the modes which are likely to be parametrically unstable).

A quick glance through the above doesn't show anything at or near that frequency (including abs(16384 - FEA results)). 

I've yet to see FEA analysis of non-test-mass optics, but I've been told that Ed Daw and/or Norna/Calum's summer students on working on it. The best I've seen on that is the ancient 2004 document for the Beam Splitter,
which is where we colloquialy get the frequency of the beam splitter's butterfly mode, which was done by eyeballing the current beam splitter's parameter location Figure 2. (But, the modeled dimensions are wrong, and the wording is confusing on whether the listed frequencies are from the model with flats or not.)
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 00:14, Tuesday 14 July 2015 (19612)

It appears to be a 10th order violin mode on EY.

It is damped with a 1 Hz wide butterworth (unity gain in the passband), a +100 dB filter, and a gain of -30. No rotation needed.

calum.torrie@LIGO.ORG - 15:54, Tuesday 14 July 2015 (19635)


As you notes there is some data in the links you already included and we have started to fill in the blanks. Refer to https://dcc.ligo.org/T1500376-v1. When we talk I (we) can complete.


evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 18:14, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20275)COC

For reference, with a combination of Slawek's (T1400738) and Calum's (T1500376) FEA models, and Calum's video of the test mass internal mode shapes (T1500376), we expect to find the drumhead mode around 8029 Hz, the x-polarized butterfly mode around 5821 Hz, and the +-polarized butterfly mode around 5935 Hz (using Slawek's values for the mode frequencies). The next two modes (at 8102 Hz and 8156 Hz) do not involve distortion of the test mass face in the direction of the beamline.

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