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Reports until 16:03, Thursday 30 July 2015
H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:03, Thursday 30 July 2015 (20070)
Ops Day Shift Summary
LVEA: Laser Hazard
IFO: Unlocked
Observation Bit: Commissioning

07:45 Cleared IPC errors on H1SUSTMSY & H1SUSTMSX
08:00 IFO Down – Travis working on locking
08:25 Kiwamu & Sudarshan – Going into LVEA to take TFs on ISS Outer Loop Servo
08:58 Joe – Going to both Mid-Stations to work on rodent control
09:00 Andres & Stefan C. – Going to End-X to take some measurements 
09:32 Ed – Going to Mid-X to recover an AA-Chassis
09:35 Andres & Stefan – Back from End-X
09:48 Joe – Back from Mid-Stations
09:58 Karen – Cleaning at Mid-Y
10:03 Filiberto – Going to the CER to work on Cosmic Ray 
10:05 Kiwamu & Sudarshan – Out of the LVEA 
10:15 Christina – Cleaning at Mid-X 
10:55 Karen – Back from Mid-Y
11:00 Christina – Leaving Mid-X
11:27 Kiwamu & Sudarshan – In LVEA to take TFs on ISS Outer Loop Servo
12:30 Vinnie –In the LVEA to check PEM cabling
12:41 Kiwamu & Sudarshan – Out of the LVEA
13:14 Filiberto – Reinstall Cosmic Ray chassis 
13:39 Vinnie – In the LVEA to center tilt meter
14:16 Jim B. & Stefan C. – Going to End-X to pull cables in the CER area
14:27 Sudarshan – Going into LVEA to recover electronics
14:35 Kiwamu & Jenne – Taking student tours through LVEA
14:42 Jim B & Stefan C. – Finished at End-X – Going to End-Y
14:47 Kyle – Putting crate back in mechanical building – Will be using forklift
15:20 Kyle – Finished moving crate
15:35 Jeff – Going to End-X to get laser glasses for DtChar tour
15:55 Jeff – Back from End-X
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:36, Thursday 30 July 2015 (20068)
Added IRIG-B signals to AA chassis at EX, EY
Jim Batch, Stefan Countryman

Cables connecting IRIG-B outputs and channel 31 (of 32) of the BNC AA chassis have been installed at EX and EY.  The signal at EX will be read by a model and sent to a frame in the near future.  A model change and DAQ restart will be required to finish this task.
leonid.prokhorov@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:15, Thursday 30 July 2015 (20067)
OPLEV Charge measurements
A week ago the bias sign was changed of both ETMs. Before this week data are consistent with positive charging for ETMY and negative charging for ETMX. Charging speed is about 10-20[V] per month. 
This week's data for most of quadrants are consistent with the changed sign of charging - negative for ETMY and positive for ETMX. 
Plots are in attachment. 

Note: before measurements ETMX ESD driver was in unusual state: UL, UR, LL was in Hi voltage ON, Hi Volt disconnect OFF, LR was in Hi Voltage OFF, disconnect OFF.
After my measurements I set all quadrants to Hi Voltage ON, Hi voltage disconnect ON.
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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:52, Thursday 30 July 2015 (20065)
IMC WFSA I and Q segment gains look fishy

IMC WFSA I and Q segment gains (H1:IMC-WFS_A_I1_GAIN etc.) are [1, 0.25, 1, 4] for segment [1, 2, 3, 4].

I injected some small excitation into MC2 MCL at 20Hz and saw that segment 2 is much smaller than seg1 and 3 while segment 4 is much larger. WFSA phases are good, gains are not, and WFSB looks good for both.

These gains are supposedly set by injecting into MC board and measuring the length response in WFS segments such that the output becomes equal to each other, as explained by this alog from June 2013. It seems like these numbers were set to some seemingly crazy values in June 2013, and then to other seemingly crazy but different values in August 2014, and stayed there since then.

WFSB gains were set to yet another funny things in June 2013 but at least they were set to [1 1 1 1] last August.

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richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:00, Thursday 30 July 2015 - last comment - 18:56, Thursday 30 July 2015(20063)
Switching off the 157.9 Hz Yend Pcal calibration line

Based on discussions during the Calibration Committee call today, we decided to eliminate the 157.9 Hz low-SNR calibration line.

We switched off the excitation which was in the OSC2 position.

So we are now driving at 36.7 with SNR of about 100 for calculating the actuation correction, kappa_A (see LIGO-T1500377), and 331.9 Hz with SNR of ~100 for calculating the sensing correction, kappa_C, and f_c, the cavity pole.

We are also driving at 1083.7 Hz with an SNR of about 40.

All SNRs quoted are with 10-second FFTs.

As soon as we inspect and tune up the Xend Pcal, we plan to start an excitation at 3001.3 Hz with a relatively low SNR (all that we can achieve at this high frequency).

LLO will run lines spaced within 1-2 Hz of hte LHO lines.

This is our current plan for the Pcal lines for the O1 run.

Comments related to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 18:56, Thursday 30 July 2015 (20075)

Since we now do not use the pcal line at 325.1 Hz, I took out the corresponding notch (alog 19839) from LSC-DARM while I left a notch for the one at 331.9 Hz in FM7.

H1 ISC (DetChar, ISC)
gabriele.vajente@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:38, Thursday 30 July 2015 (20060)

Brute force coherence report for the lock reported in 20020 is available here:


At a first quick look:

More analysis in the future...

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:30, Thursday 30 July 2015 (20059)
IMC ASC DOF5 is ready for full IFO

This morning I measured the OLTF of IMC ASC DOF5 loops (attached, OLTF on the right, gain settings on the left). As you can see I'm not using PIT as the current non-aggressive filter is not doing anything useful.

I did on/off test using IM4 trans sum as the sensor (attached middle). As you can see 300Hz intensity noise is suppressed by a factor of 5 at the expense of small gain peaking at around 200-250Hz, 350-400Hz and 620Hz.

Note that the 620Hz peak will be stable against 10dB change in the gain (i.e. even if the peak will come above unity gain), but will quickly become unstable beyond that point.

DOF5 Y loop is left ON.

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 02:48, Thursday 30 July 2015 - last comment - 11:43, Thursday 30 July 2015(20055)
DHARD PIT, other locking sequence work

Matt, Lisa, Sheila

Today we had the mixed blessing of our refl trans/resonance/analog CARM locklosses reappearing.  We noticed two things, first that the pitch motion we see in the oplevs seems to be a result of an instability in the DHARD loop (by adjusting the gain we could reduce it), and second that when we turn on the DHARD boosts in the state resonance this is somewhat rough and we think this sometimes causes locklosses.  

Although we could probably solve this problem by changing the alignment, we wanted to spend some time trying to fix it to avoid this in the future.  We measured the DHARD PIT loop at various places in the CARM offset reduction, and have found gains to keep the ugf around 4 Hz throughout the whole process. This allowed us to turn on a boost at the CARM_5PM step, which seemed to make things much more stable in refl trans and resonance.  Matt redesigned the boost to make the turn on transient softer, we can no longer tell from the AS camera when the boosts come on.  In the attached screenshot the red trace shows transfer functions measured at CARM_5PM, blue is before engaging Matt's new boost, red is with the first of the boosts on (boostLTE, which gives us about 6dB of gain below 1Hz ).

We have been running with oplev damping on the ITMs and not the ETMs, but since we have moved to the HARD/SOFT basis we would like to turn off the ITM oplev damping.  We tried the whole sequence (with DHARD changes done by hand) with oplev damping off, and everything worked until we increased the power.  It seems like this was due to an instability in DHARD YAW at 23 Watts, which can be solved by turning the gain down slightly. (from 7 to 5)

We were tesing this automation, and had a small earthquake.  We decided to revert the changes in the DHARD gain throughout the CARM offset reduction (but kept the new boosts and are still engaging them before REFL_TRANS), because we wanted to see that the IFO could lock before we left.  Also, we are now leaving the oplevs off for the CARM offset reduction. We were able to lock on low noise for a few minutes, but an instability in DHARD PIT knocked us out after a few minutes. 

Other things:

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Comments related to this report
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 03:04, Thursday 30 July 2015 (20056)
If you want a stable, high power lock in the morning, turn the ITM pit oplev damping on with a gain of -300 before powering up. This is written in the increase power gaurdian state, commented out.
matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - 11:43, Thursday 30 July 2015 (20061)

While at 24W, we also tested the new ISS second loop: no problems.  We didn't get a chance to do any loop characterization measurements, but after a little tweak to the IMC_LOCK guardian the ISS came on.  The new ISS guardian tunes the pre-loop closure offset to produce a servo output of 0.5V (rather than zero), which prevents a turn-on transient (the "shark fin" seen in the diffracted power).

sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:32, Wednesday 29 July 2015 (20054)
PCALX Clipping Issue (may have been solved)

Sudarshan, Travis

We used today's maintenance  period to check the PCALX clipping issue mentioned in  alog #19899. We moved the clipped beam  using the last mirror ( the one that directs the light to the test mass) in the transmitter module  and were able to get the reflected beam on the receiver side at a fairly reasonable level.  There was  a very narrow window in our alignment in  both pitch and yaw to get the beam out on the receiver side and we are guessing we are very close to the edge of one of the optics inside the chamber.

The laser power as measured by ophir power-meter are as  follows:

  Inner Beam Outer Beam
Transmitter Side 0.738 W 0.734 W
Receiver Side 0.718 W 0.712 W

We will check the beam balance between the two beams and optical efficiency during our next calibration and touch up the alignment if needed.

richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:08, Wednesday 29 July 2015 (20053)
Issues with Xend Pcal

The Xend Pcal module has some issues.

Today Sudarshan and Travis made some adjustments that seem to have eliminated the clipping (aLog from Sudarshan forthcoming).

But while setting the Pcal excitations today we noticed that we don't have a readback of the AOM excitation.  It may be a cabling issue.

More relevant is that the power seems to be significantly lower than expected, about 30%.

We left the laser operating and illuminating the ETM, but without excitations.  This will allow us to diagnose if the clipping issue is resolved.

When time allows, we will go to Xend and investigate further. 

All of the necessary calibration lines can be generated from one Pcal module; they are currently running at Yend.

Eventually, we plan to use the Xend Pcal for a single high frequency line near 3 kHz, and as a spare in case we have issues with the Yend module.

richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:51, Wednesday 29 July 2015 (20052)
Calibration line frequencies and amplitudes changed

ShivarajK, RickS

We changed both the Pcal and DARM_CTRL excitations to the following (expected SNR with 8 sec FFTs in parentheses):


36.7 Hz at 360 cts. (90)

157.9 Hz at 575 cts. (41)

331.9 Hz at 2,320 cts (90)

1083.7 Hz at 24,000 cts (36)


37.3 Hz at 0.31 cts. (90)


These are our best current estimate of what we will want to have for O1.  We expect to make similar changes at LLO, with their calibration lines within a hertz or two of ours.

The other excitations (including those from the Xend Pcal) have been switched off.  Snapshots of the relevant sections of the MEDM screens are attached below.


The total Pcal excitation range is about 42,000 counts so the 1083.7 Hz line uses about 60% of the range and the other three lines together use about 8% of the range.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:29, Wednesday 29 July 2015 (20051)
IMC ASC DOF5 loop status

I installed an ad-hoc DOF5 filters for both PIT and YAW, and set up the input matrix to use WFSA for PIT and WFSB for YAW. The selection of sensors is based on the coherence with OMC DCPD between 200 and 400Hz (attached left).

PZT to WFS transfer functions were measured yesterday (attached, middle two windows).

I copied LLO filters, gave it some more attenuation at lower and higher frequency and rotated the phase in a direction that I thought would work for the measured TF.

I didn't do any tuning except to turn the servo on and to change the gain so it started to squish 300Hz bump in IM4 trans SUM.

I'll leave it OFF for now.

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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:22, Wednesday 29 July 2015 (20050)
h1susey IOP glitch update since BIOS change yesterday

After the BIOS change to h1susey yesterday afternoon we turned off the periodic clearing of the DIAG_RESETs so any glitch will latch on. At 02:34:43 PDT we got an TIM+ADC glitch on the SUS EY IOP stateword which remained on until Jeff cleared it at 07:52:43 PDT. Soon after that I restarted the clearing of the DIAG_RESET every minute to get better statistics. For the past 24 hours the 02:34 glitch is the only one seen.

I've written a python script which takes the output from command-line-nds and bit masks out the upper overflow/excitation/cfs bits to make the analysis easier.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:51, Wednesday 29 July 2015 (20049)
Comparison of H1 and L1 science frames

Yesterday Joe ran Keith's script to generate the L1 science frame channel list broken down by subsystem and data rate. I have ran this script on the H1 DAQ and compared the two lists. The two report files are attached below.

Here is a summary of the differences per subsystem. For each subsystem, the differences are given as [number of H1 channels, number of L1 channels] for each acquistion rate. Green cell means L1>H1, beige cell H1>L1. Blank cells mean either no channels at that rate or no difference in the number of channels between the sites.

system 32k 16k 8k 4k 2k 1024 512 256
susauxb123               [50,67]
psliss [0,1] [6,7]            
pslpmc   [6,2]            
pemcs   [23,17] [15,9] [5,9] [37,24] [4,0]   [10,7]
oaf   [2,8]            
asc         [53,47]   [0,22]  
susetmxpi       [2,0]        
susetmypi       [2,0]        
pemey   [4,3] [9,6] [3,2] [12,6] [4,0]   [9,13]
pemex   [4,3] [9,6] [3,2] [12,6] [4,0]   [9,13]
alsex   [1,0]           [2,0]
alsey   [1,0]           [2,0]
iscex   [1,0]     [7,10]      
iscey   [1,0]     [7,10]      

Calculating the difference between additional L1 channels verses H1 channels and taking the data rates into account gives an additional data rate of 984 kBytes/second for H1 frames. This means the H1 64 second science frame should be approximately 64MB larger than L1.

I compared some L1 and H1 science frame sizes, the H1 frame was larger by 78, 95, 82, 83 MB. This roughly agrees with the calculation, there will be variation due to the overall compression of the entire frame.

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bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Wednesday 29 July 2015 (20045)
Beam Tube Washing
Scott L. Ed P. Rodney H.

The crew finished moving equipment and hanging lights. 59 meters of tube cleaned ending at HSW-2-052. Tested clean sections and started moving cords and generators.

81.5 meters of tube cleaned ending at HSW-2-047.

79.6 meters of tube cleaned ending at HSW-2-044.
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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:11, Wednesday 29 July 2015 (20048)
Corrected/Updated HEPI HEPI SENSCOR medm

While editing the ISI senscor screens, I noticed the HEPI screen was also inaccurate so I corrected that.

Attached is a before and after view with the model to the left.  Notice above the Wiener path sums in after the match filter banks.  That is not correct.  The medm now correctly depicts the model signal path, below.  Will svn commit and alert LLO.

Edit--I forgot to say, I has noted a while ago (and written on the medm) that the IPS incoming signal was the Location Mon rather than the Residual Mon with the alignment bias position subtracted.  I also corrected this to better reflect the signal for the medm viewer.

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jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:25, Tuesday 28 July 2015 - last comment - 09:14, Thursday 30 July 2015(20012)
Test Beckhoff for new EOM driver

Daniel gave me the test rig for the AM stabilized EOM drivers that we should be receiving from Caltech this week.  This allowed me to test that the Beckhoff controls and readbacks work as expected.  I also made a summary screen (ISC_CUST_EOMDRIVER.adl) of these readbacks and controls, which is accessible from the LSC dropdown menu on the sitemap. 

The chassis is labeled "Corner 6", and has 2 unconnected connectors labeled "EOM Driver A" and EOM Driver B". 

The "A" connector controls the 45 MHz channels, and the "B" connector controls the 9 MHz channels. 

The controls and readbacks performed the same for both channels, so I'll only write out the list once.

I need to investigate the situation with the "Excitation Enable" switch, but other than that we should be ready to go when the EOM driver arrives, if we decide to install it.

Comments related to this report
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 09:14, Thursday 30 July 2015 (20057)

The RF setpoint goes from 4dBm (lowest setting) to 27dBm (highest setting) in steps of 0.2dB. The binary should start at zero for the lowest setting and increase by 1 for each step. This is a PLC problem.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:19, Tuesday 28 July 2015 - last comment - 22:47, Thursday 30 July 2015(19998)
Y-end NEG pump regeneration (EY_NEG_REGEN1_.....)
Kyle, Gerardo

0900 hrs. local 

Added 1.5" O-ring valve in series with existing 1.5" metal valve at Y-end RGA pump port -> Valved-in pump cart to  RGA -> Valved-in Nitrogen calibration bottle into RGA -> Energized RGA filament -> Valved-out and removed pump cart from RGA -> Valved-in RGA to Y-end 

???? hrs. local 

Began faraday analog continuous scan of Y-end 

1140 hrs. local 

Isolated NEG pump from Y-end -> Began NEG pump regeneration (30 min. ramp up to 250C, 90 min. soak, stop heat and let cool to 150C) 

1410 hrs. local 

Valved-in NEG pump to Y-end 

1430 hrs. local 

Valved-out Nitrogen cal-gas from Y-end

1440 hrs. local 

Valved-in Nitrogen to Y-end -> Stop scanning
Comments related to this report
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - 16:52, Tuesday 28 July 2015 (20004)VE

Plot of pressure at Y-End station before, during and afer NEG regeneration.

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gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - 16:54, Tuesday 28 July 2015 (20005)

Response of PTs along the Y-arm to NEG pump regeneration.

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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - 14:38, Thursday 30 July 2015 (20058)
RGA and pressure data files for NEG regenerations to be centralized in LIGO-T1500408
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michael.zucker@LIGO.ORG - 16:35, Thursday 30 July 2015 (20074)
Interesting!  As you predicted, the RGA is not super conclusive because of the background; but there seems a clear difference when you isolate the N2 calibration source. So your water and N2 may really be comparable to the hydrogen, say several e-9 torr each (comparing sum of peaks to the ion gage).  The NEG will poop out after ingesting ~ 2 torr-liters of N2, so at 1000 l/s it will choke and need regen after a few weeks.  Which is I guess what it did. 

It would be good to clean up the RGA so we can home in on the N2 and water pressure, and especially HC's  (I expect the HC peaks in these plots are from the RGA itself). To get practical use out of the NEG we should pace how much of these non-hydrogen gases it sees. We can expect to only get about 50 regens after N2 saturation, and small amounts of HC may kill it outright. 

We should be able to estimate the net speed of the NEG before and after from the pressure rise and decay time (we can calculate the beam tube response if we presume it's all H2). 

rainer.weiss@LIGO.ORG - 20:55, Thursday 30 July 2015 (20077)
I have trouble seeing even the hydrogen pumping by the NEG by looking at the different scans.
Suggest you set the RGA up to look at AMU vs time and do the leak and pump modulation again. Plot amu 2,
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 22:47, Thursday 30 July 2015 (20081)


That is on our list of things to do - make a table of the  relevant amus' partial pressures.

Note that all the ascii data is at:

(see LIGO-T1500408-v1 for ascii data)

caution - 15 mbytes

Kyle can probably fish out the relevant data from the RGA computer so no need to plow through the whole file.

thanks for the comments, Mike and Rai.

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