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Reports until 16:35, Tuesday 11 August 2015
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:35, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20442)
ASC inputs now turned off after bootfest

This morning, the ASC system was found to be blasting signals out after the model change because the inputs and output switches in the main loops were still ON even though all of the Guardians were set to DOWN for maintenance day.  So, I set the SDF to capture that the h1ascsafe.snap should restore the INPUT switches to OFF, then the Guardian will turn them on when appropriate later.  I watched the guardian turn them on during transition, just now, so all is good.

filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20440)
AA chassis D1500176 with PI band Pass filter Installed
The AA chassis D1500176 with PI band Pass filter was installed at EX/EY this morning.
Units were installed in rack SUS-C2 slot U21. Units installed:

S1500143 - EY
S1500144 - EX

Filiberto Clara
H1 General
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:10, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20438)
Shift Summary
15:00 maintenance already underway, hugh taking SEI down, peter doing PSL work...
15:20 JimB & Carlos to EX to replace the SUS computer, back 9:15
15:30 Bubba to MX and EX to lubricate fans
15:30 Fil, Richard, Jodi to ends for phones, PI and ser #s
15:30 Elli, Nutsinee to LVEA to work on TCSX CO2 laser, done 17:50
15:45 Christina, Karen to EX/EY for cleaning
16:00 Jason to optics lab, out at 9:00
16:00 Sudarshan and Travis to EY for PCAL calibration
16:30 Bubba done on Xarm, moving to Yarm
16:30 Leo starting charge measurement on ETMX
16:55 Fil done at EY, starting at EX done 18:25
17:30 Joe to EX/Ey checking fire extinguishers, batteries
17:45 Bubba to LVEA looking at LTS containers, done 18:20
18:10 Christina, Karen to LVEA
18:15 Leo starting charge measurement on ETMY
18:20 Elli done in LVEA
18:30 Richard and Vern at EX replacing TMS sat amplifier
18:30 Daniel to EX, back 19:00
18:45 Elli & Sheila to ISCT6 working on AS cam, done 19:45
19:00 Sudarshan working on ISS 2nd loop
19:00 Dave& Nutsinee restarting TCS model, will require untripping TCSX laser stuff
21:40 Jenne & Fil to ends to inspect QPDs
bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:10, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20437)
LTS Containers
I checked the LTS containers in the LVEA today, I increased the flow to the SUS cluster and included a recent dew point plot.
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bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:44, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20436)
Lubrication of axial vane supply fans
Chris Soike assisted me with the annual lubrication of the axial vane supply fans today.
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:40, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20435)
CO2X viewport temperature sensor installation attempt

Elli, Alastair, Nutsinee

The CO2X IR temperature sensor doesn't behave like it should. I turned the variable resistor while pointing the sensor out to the room until it tripped, turn it back a quater turn to untrip it, put my hand infront of it and it didn't trip. Then I tried 1/8th of a turn (still required a quarter turn from the tripping point to untrip the alarm), still couldn't trip it. Eventually I turned the resistor so close to the tripping point and still was not able to trip it with my hand. We didn't have this problem with the CO2Y IR sensor we installed last week. We are suspecting bad sensor and now looking for a spare. Hope to try again next Tuesday (given the spare sensor is found). The sensor mount has been installed on the viewport.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:56, Tuesday 11 August 2015 - last comment - 16:25, Tuesday 11 August 2015(20433)
New ASC model installed, SDF updated

New ASC model was installed.

SDF showed more than 6000 channels that are not available in the frame. These were either deleted in this model uptate (entire Initial Alignment System, some Alignment Dither System signals etc.) or obsolete channels from long time ago (e.g. all ASC-ALS signals that were moved to ALS model a long time ago).

Betsy made a new snapshot and we confired everything in SDF for new channels.

Note that the ASC MEDM screen is NOT updated. Functionality of the new model is exactly the same as before (new things introduced at LLO are terminated at the top level at LHO except new dither system).

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 16:12, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20439)

Just after I wrote the above entry, I was looking at the old model file again and caught something that I didn't yesterday: The output matrix signal order was funny (OM1, OM2, TMSX, TMSY, then OM3).

I went back to the new model, and unfortunately it turned out that the new model from LLO "fixed" the funny order by reshuffling TMSX, TMSY and OM3 signals in the matrix. What used to be the matrix elements for TMSX, TMSY, OM3 are now for OM3, TMSX, TMSY, i.e. the TMSX signal is now sent to OM3, and TMSY signal to TMSX.

Since the guardian is not touching this output matrix, we decided to just manually change the output matrix (not the model, but the epics values for corresponding matrix elements). After this change, new output matrix MEDM screen was pulled from svn and everything was fine.

New ASC master medm was also pulled from svn and it looks OK.

I updated the input matrix MEDM, but everything was white on that one so I put the old one back.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 16:25, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20441)

And, SDF has been updated to capture the new matrix elements in the ascsafe.snap

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:36, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20432)
SDF Bugs

A few SDF bugs for the next upgrade please:


1)  Today, in SDF I needed to UNMONITOR 2000 channels on H1 LSCAUX.  However the SELECT ALL - MON button at the top of the column of 40-per-page does not let you mass-select channels from the the FULL TABLE view.  You can only mass-select from the DIFF table.  However, if there are no diffs on the channels, they don't show up.  Likely this is because the FULL LIST is a mixed bag of monitored and unmonitored channels.  Maybe we need to add a MONITORED table to the drop down options?


2)  Sometimes channels get moved into the CHANS NOT MON list with or without a setpoint.  (See attached.)  Probably not a big deal, but annoyingly inconsistent.  Today, I moved many of the channels shown in the attached picture to the not mon list and only some of them have a setpoint.

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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:09, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20430)
All LHO SEI safe.snaps are updated and committed to svn

This was necessary as most had somehow been snaped while fully isolated.  While at it, most all medms were looked at and unnecessary offsets, switches and settings were zero'd, turned off, and checked.  All STATE_GOOD values where available were corrected as needed so these can be used to confirm settings--green is good.  GAIN_GOOD/BAD does not work for non unity gains so rely on SDF.  All SDFs were verified for appropriate NOT_MONITORED channels and greened.  SEI is ready to go.

james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:57, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20429)
Old raw minute trend files moved on h1fw1
WP 5427

Old raw minute trend files have been copied from the the SSD RAID array to the /frames directory to make room for continued writing in the SSD array.  The h1nds1 daqdrc file has been modified to allow h1nds1 to read the relocated data, this change will take effect when the DAQ is restarted at the end of maintenance.
H1 General
hannah.fair@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:30, Tuesday 11 August 2015 - last comment - 10:57, Tuesday 11 August 2015(20381)
LSC ODC Saturation Thresholds

Looking at timeseries graphs for photodiaodes from two separate locks (7-28-15 8:00:00 UTC for two hours AND 8-1-15 10:15:00 UTC for two hours) I've tightened up all the saturation thresholds in the LSC ODC.

Channels New Threshholds
POP_A_RF9 21000
POPAIR_A_RF9 27000
POP_A_RF45 5000
POPAIR_A_RF45 5000
REFL_A_RF9 4000
REFL_A_RF45 4000
REFAIR_B_RF27 3500
ASAIR_A_RF45 4500
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 10:57, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20425)

Updated SDF to reflect these new changes so they will not get lost in future reboots.

H1 DetChar (DetChar, ISC)
joshua.smith@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:00, Tuesday 11 August 2015 - last comment - 11:36, Tuesday 11 August 2015(20418)
Excess noise in ASC X_TR NSUM channels since ER7
In following up the beam tube glitch injections, we by chance noticed that the amplitude spectrum of the NSUM of the ASC photodiodes at end X have changed significantly since ER7. In particular, through July and August there is now a set of peaks at 9 and 10.2Hz and broadband noise in ASC-X_TR that was not there in ER7. We don't see any significant changes in the corresponding Y_TR channels. 
The UTC times for the following four plots are: 
2015-08-08 14:00:00 (Blue) ("now")
2015-08-02 10:00:00 (Red)
2015-08-01 11:00:00 (Green)
2015-07-31 07:30:00 (Yellow)
2015-06-11 14:00:00 (Purple) ("ER7")
Fig 1: ASD of X_TR_A_NSUM. (excess noise above 5 Hz)
Fig 2: ASD of X_TR_B_NSUM. (excess noise above 5 Hz)
Fig 3: ASD of Y_TR_A_NSUM. (no major changes)
Fig 3: ASD of Y_TR_A_NSUM. (no major changes)
We note that this additional noise should be above the feedback frequency and indeed we see no increased coherence in DARM now, w/r/t ER7, except at 1.7Hz.
Fig 4: TR Coherence w/ DARM ER7 time. 
Fig 5: TR Coherence w/ DARM now time. 
We thought the most likely explanation would be poor alignment on the TR X ASC diode, coupling beam pointing noise into “fake” intensity noise. However, we don’t see anything obviously wrong with the DC values from the segments now. 
Fig 6: Timeseries of TR segments ER7 time. (More light on 1 and 4) 
Fig 7: Timeseries TR segments now time. (More light on 3 and 4) 
We didn’t see this as a DQ problem anywhere, but wanted to report it in case it indicates some problem we haven’t thought of.  
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Comments related to this report
matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - 09:48, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20423)

This was seen before, and may be related to broken electronics.

andrew.lundgren@LIGO.ORG - 11:09, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20427)DetChar
The excess noise is visible also on August 1, the first lock after Vern's percussive maintenance. So either the high frequency noise in the OSEMs came back a day later, or it wasn't related. The channels that have the 1821 Hz and harmonics are only recorded at 256 Hz, so I can't check whether the OSEM problem was there or not on Aug 1.
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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 11:36, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20428)

FYI the same coils were oscillating this morning. Satellite box will be replaced.

H1 IOO (DetChar, INJ)
matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:01, Tuesday 11 August 2015 - last comment - 14:14, Tuesday 11 August 2015(20409)
Periscope PZT Glitches?

While looking at a few big glitches, I noticed that many have a curious post-glitch feature around 300Hz.  The post-glitch ring seems to match the periscope frequencies we usually see noise at... could this be a hint as to the source of some of our glitches?  Maybe this was fixed last night, maybe not.

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gabriele.vajente@LIGO.ORG - 14:14, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20434)DetChar

Looking at all the glitches previously indentified, it runs out that only 17 out of 151 show an excitation of the periscope peaks, as found by Matt. Here are the times:


evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:43, Tuesday 11 August 2015 - last comment - 11:09, Tuesday 11 August 2015(20404)
The 0.43 Hz pitch instability that just won't die

Cheryl, Evan

The 0.43 Hz pitch instability strikes again. I had to turn up the dHard pitch gain from 10 to 20 in order to prevent a runaway. Back into the guardian it goes!

It takes tens of minutes to ring up, and even after tweaking loops, it never exactly rings down (the fuzz in the attached striptool is almost all from this 0.43 Hz feature).

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 05:54, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20405)

Attached are error and control signals for the arm pitch loops at several different powers: 10.4 W (blue), 15.2 W (yellow), and 19.8 W (green).

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richard.mittleman@LIGO.ORG - 06:30, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20406)

Is it strong enough to show up in the suspension OSEMS?

matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - 07:41, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20407)

Are the OPLEVs still on?  They suppress the ASC gain below 1Hz, and might be the cause of instability.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 08:06, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20412)
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 08:25, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20415)

A trend of the oplev PIT loop buttons over the last 12 hours show the:

ITMY OL damping OFF

ITMX OL damping ON

SR3 OL damping ON

PR3 OL damping OFF

ETMX OL damping OFF

ETMY OL damping OFF

All above YAW loops OFF.


BS OL PIT and YAW damping ON.

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 11:09, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20426)

THe sttached screenshot is from the few minutes before Evan turned up the DHARD PIT gain last night.  You can see that there is an oscillation in the Y arm only, and it seems to be soft.  The same oscillation shows up in MICH but it is much smaller.  

As Betsy pointed out, ITMX oplev damping was on last night, while ITMY oplev damping was on.  Both ITM oplev loops are currently turned on in the INCREASE power state of the ISC_LOCK gaurdian, which still seems to be necessary for stability.  Based on OLG measurements of DHARD, the Oplevs should not impact the stability of DHARD.  However, we haven't been able to get good measurements of CHARD since rephasing the REFL WFS and hopefully getting a reasonable amount of gain from these loops.  (just because of other activities).  

Hopefully we can spend some time on CHARD today, which may shed light on why we need the ITM oplevs and hopefully reduce the large optical gain fluctuations we have. 

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darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:25, Friday 07 August 2015 - last comment - 12:41, Tuesday 11 August 2015(20341)
Changed Delta L_{res} and Delta L_{ctrl} whitening filters

Shivaraj, Darkhan


We replaced whitening filters on Delta L_{res} output channel with 2 zeros and 2 poles zpk, and Delta L_{ctrl} with 3 zeros and 3 poles zpk.


Madeline uses FIR filters to dewhiten Delta L_{res} and Delta L_{ctrl} in GDS scripts. To make it easier to generate shorter dewhitening FIR filters for these channels she requested to replace the existing 5 zeros and 5 poles zpk filters in both of these channels with simpler, less poles and zeros zpk's.

Shivaraj designed new FIR filters for both of these channels, and we implemented them today around 1pm.

Power spectrum of H1:CAL-CS_DARM_DELTAL_CTRL_WHITEN_OUT before applying new whitening filter plotted in attached "H1-CAL-CS_DARM_DELTAL_CTRL_WHITEN_OUT_z5x1_p5x100_MAG.pdf". After applying new whitening filter, zpk([1; 1; 1], [500; 500; 500], 1), unfortunately the interferometer wasn't stable to take a spectrum measurement after I changed the filter, so I couldn't evaluate "whiteness" of the output in this channel.

Power spectrum of H1:CAL-CS_DARM_RESIDUAL_WHITEN_OUT before applying new whitening filter plotted in "H1-CAL-CS_DARM_RESIDUAL_WHITEN_OUT_z5x1_p5x100_MAG.pdf". After applying zpk([1; 1], [500; 500], 1), the spectrum of the same channel is given in "H1-CAL-CS_DARM_RESIDUAL_WHITEN_OUT_z2x1_p2x500_MAG.pdf".

We also plan to implement similar whitening filers on new (not yet existing) channels for Delta L_{TST} and Delta L_{PUM/UIM}.

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shivaraj.kandhasamy@LIGO.ORG - 10:44, Saturday 08 August 2015 (20350)

Below are plots showing the effect of differnet whitening filters including the one that was being used unitl now (5 x 1Hz zeros and 5 x 100 hz poles). These plots are the basis for new filters for DeltaL residual and DeltaL control. In those plots blue curve corresponds to actual data and other colors represent different whitening filters applied to the data.

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shivaraj.kandhasamy@LIGO.ORG - 12:41, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20431)

With the new filters installed we looked at the DeltaL residual and DeltaL control during a recent lock. Below we have attached the spectrum of both along with DeltaL external as a reference (which is still being used with old 5 x 1 Hz zeros and 5 x 100 Hz pole filter). In the plot the channels are dewhitened with the corresponding filters.

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H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:53, Wednesday 05 August 2015 - last comment - 11:53, Tuesday 11 August 2015(20263)
Had the IFO at Engage_ACS while Kiwamu was running some OMC checks. The IFO lost lock, which appears to correspond to a sudden wind gust of ~25MPH. The lockloss plot posted shows this gust.    
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hang.yu@LIGO.ORG - 11:53, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (20376)

We did some further investigation using the lockloss tool (alog #: 20337) on this event. The first 48 channels that went wrong before the lock loss were plotted, and a complete list of all misbehaving DQ channels were listed in text file, ordered by time before lockloss. It seemed that we saw a violent ground motion, and lots of coil drievers were trying hard to react on it before they finallyt failed.


There was a mistake while I filtering the data into different frequency bands, so the plots I posted yesterday did not really make lots of sense. The error has been fixed and new plots attached.

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