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Reports until 16:16, Friday 07 August 2015
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:16, Friday 07 August 2015 (20338)
Found leak on turbo at Y-mid
Kyle, Gerardo 

Today we continued looking for the leak(s) on the Y-mid turbo, and found it/one -> there is a 2 x 10-5 torr*L/sec (for helium) leak at the factory O-ring seal for the motor wiring feed through -> This is thought to be a very thin cross-sectioned O-ring between the square-flanged feed through and the turbo motor body -> This value of leak (if same for air) would account for the observed pressure rise for time periods this pump has remained idle but, not knowing the actual dimensions of the O-ring could also be accounted for by permeation etc...  -> to test, we moved the LD and helium to the X-mid turbo and observed no indication of a leak or permeation for the same application of helium -> it is not clear how serviceable this O-ring is -> it may be that it would have to be stretched over the square flange in lieu of desoldering motor wiring -ouch!  
H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:57, Friday 07 August 2015 (20312)
Daily Ops Summary



15:00 IFO not locked. Appears we had a couple of Earthquakes in the Tonga and Ecuador area (~5mag).

15:10 Guardian trying to re-lock. Touched ETMY to correct alignment. Locking sequence commencing.

15:20 IFO broke lock at "Noise_Tunings"

15:35 ESD X railed

15:39 Jim Batch to restart broadcast system

15:48 ISC_LOCK set to down (in Jim W's abscence) due to ESD at EX stillbeing railed.

16:00 Ellie into the optics lab

16:00 ESD EX no longer railed

16:04 talked to Jim and Fil at EX to confirm reset of ESD driver.

16:05 ISC_LOCK re-initiated

16:35 Fill into CER to install Cosmic Ray chassis

17:05 Fil out of CER.

17:05 Robert into LVEA to do HF acoustic injections

17:10 6 Kyle and Gerardo to Y-Mid to get/leave equipment

17:20 Robert and Katie out. Lockloss

17:23 Keita and Jenne to LVEA to investigate/turm off ISS noise injection that may have ben left on.

17:30 Keita and Jenne back

17:40 After the most recent lockloss, it seems that EX ESD driver is having trouble turning back on....AND it's railed

17:58 Found a bug in the code. Was able to reset remotely!

18:02 Begin locking sequence

18:02 Nutsinee popping into LVEA to take pictures at TCS X table.

18:08 Nutsinee out

18:31 Richard out on the roof

19:03 Richard back from the roof

19:07 Cheryl going to have a quick look at the exterior of IOT2R cabling.

19:11 Gerardo and Kyle back from the Mid station

20:52 Kyle and Gerardo to MY then MX then Y2-8.

22:55 Kyle and Gerardo back










bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:35, Friday 07 August 2015 (20335)
Beam Tube Enclosure Joint Repair on the X-Arm
Chris S. Joe D.80%

8/4/15 - 8/7/15
The crew installed metal strips on 120 meters of tube enclosure. That was the last of the strips that were cut to length. We had one more roll which was cut into 10' lengths today.
bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:25, Friday 07 August 2015 (20332)
Beam Tube Washing
Scott L. Ed P. Rodney H.

79.6 meters of tube cleaned today ending at HSW-2-026.

71.3 meters of tube cleaned ending 10.7 meters east of HSW-2-023.

82 meters of tube cleaned ending at HSW-2-018.
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edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:24, Friday 07 August 2015 (20333)
The HEPI Pump Controller at EX has apparently lost communications with EPICS

As per Jim, this will be addressed on Tuesday Maintenance Day.

H1 DetChar (DetChar)
gabriele.vajente@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:05, Friday 07 August 2015 - last comment - 15:08, Friday 07 August 2015(20328)
Loud glitches amplitude and duration statistics

Let's add some statistical information on the loud glitches we've been investigating lately (see 20176, 20276, 20304).

All those glitches have a very distinctive shape: a sharp peak rising in about 1ms and decaying in about 1ms, followed by what we believe is the DARM loop response: a second slower peak of opposite sign.

I looked into all the glitches I previously identified, and run a MATLAB script to fit them with the above shape. What I'm fitting is a 100 Hz high passed DARM_IN1_DQ signal, with additional notches at 60, 502, 992, 1000, 1462 and 2450 Hz. The parameters are the rising and decay times of the first peak, its amplitude, the rising and decay times of the second peak and its amplitude. The waveform is the sum of two triangles. See for example the first two plots for a large and a small glitch.

After fitting all the 151 glitches, I actually convinced myself that 13 of them were probably of another kind, since the shape was clearly different. In two occasions (GPS 1117616943 and 1117631610) there were double glitches (see 3rd and 4th plots).

Armed with the results of the fit, I can now look at the distribution of the amplitudes with sign and of the duration. The 5th plot shows an histogram of the amplitudes. Result: there are both positive and negative amplitude glitches, but large amplitude glitches are only negative (in DARM_IN1_DQ).

The 6th plot shows the distribution of the rising and decay times of the first peak. The distribution is quite well peaked around 1 ms for the rising time and 1.5 ms for the decay time. For the second peak, rising times are peaked around 2.3 ms and decay times around 5 ms.

The last attached plot shows a distribution of the absolute value of the glitch amplitudes, in log scale. The low amplitude cut-off is likely due to my inability to detect the smallest glitches (and the threshold of 5 Mpc drop in the range). The amplitudes span a couple of orders of magnitude, with a quite smooth distribution. I see no reason why we shouldn't believe that there are many more low amplitude glitches with the same shape (and maybe origin) that we simply can't detect in this way.

The attached text file contains all the results of the analysis:

Column 1: GPS time
Column 2: amplitude of the first peak
Column 3: rising time of the first peak [ms]
Column 4: decay time of the second peak [ms]
Column 5: amplitude of the second peak
Column 6: rising time of the second peak [ms]
Column 7: decay time of the second peak [ms]

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 15:08, Friday 07 August 2015 (20331)

Note that positive spike in DC current = negative spike in DARM_IN1.

So it seems like DC current always spikes up for large glitches.

nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:25, Friday 07 August 2015 (20327)
Beam lost on ITMX HWS

Elli, Nutsinee

We currently don't have the return SLED beam to the ITMX HWS. Not sure since when this is happened but looks like the beam splitter is likely to blame.

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sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:56, Friday 07 August 2015 (20325)
Pcal sweep measurement

Sudarshan, Evan, Stefan, Shivaraj

We completed  a set of Pcal sweep measurement against the DARM for both endstation and the measurement files and the templates are stored at the following svn location.


Analysis will follow.

jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:00, Friday 07 August 2015 - last comment - 14:53, Friday 07 August 2015(20321)
ETMX ESD railed this morning

This morning after a lock-loss, the ETMX ESD railed, so Fil and I drove to the end station to reset it. To do this, Fil first powered off the chassis by the chamber (3rd chassis from the bottom on the right rack, power is red button on the left), then unplugged the right most cable on the chassis. He then powered the chassis back on and plugged the ESD cable back in. This seemed to fix the ESD, until it tripped just a little while ago.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 14:53, Friday 07 August 2015 (20330)

And here is a longer trend of locklosses showing that the railing does not occur at all lockloss events - it's inconsistent.

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jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - 14:05, Friday 07 August 2015 (20326)

Betsy and Jeff tell me the trip was maybe unnecessary. If you click the HV on/off button a few times, on the bottom of the SUS ETMX overview, it may reset itself. 

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 14:51, Friday 07 August 2015 (20329)

The ETMx ESD railing happened numerous times after Jim's reset at Ex this morning.  To clear it, I hit the HV ON/OFF bitton at the bottom of the SUS screen from the controlroom:  I hit the button once and verified the ESD signals went to 0 (actually a few hundred instead of it's usual thousands), then hit the button again and confirmed the signals came back to "normal" (roughly -32k on DC and not -16k on the 4 quadrant channels).  Note, I was slow to push the buttons which may have helped it be sucessful.

GUARDIAN UPDATED:  Sheila, Jeff, Jaimi and I then added to the guardian DOWN portion of the ISC_LOCK code to check for this railing and clear it before making any decisions on whether the state of the ESD should be on or off. This has yet to be tested as the IFO is still working it's way back up.

Attached is a trend showing the numerous railing events of the morning - some of which we think happened because the timing in the guardian code was not quite right.

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filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:54, Friday 07 August 2015 (20320)
PCAL AA Chassis
Reinstalled PCAL AA Chassis at EX. Unit had three channels that needed repair (S1400574).
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:42, Friday 07 August 2015 - last comment - 06:22, Saturday 08 August 2015(20319)
ISS injection turned off at 17:30-ish UTC (Jenne, Keita)

This morning, after the IFO was locked, DARM was super noisy in kHz region. ISS error point was also super noisy and the coherence between the two was big.

Turns out that the ISS got noisy at the tail end of the lock stretch from last night, at around 2015-08-07 12:00:00 UTC. That's 5AM in the morning.

We went to the floor and sure enough a function generator was connected to ISS injection point via SR560. We switched them off, disconnected the cable from the ISS front panel, but left the equipment on the floor so the injection can be restarted later.

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 06:22, Saturday 08 August 2015 (20349)

When Stefan and I hooked the injection back up, we found that the digital enable/disable switches weren't doing their jobs. Toggling the outputs of H1:PSL-ISS_TRANSFER2_INJ and H1:PSL-ISS_TRANSFER1_INJ had no effect on the appearance of the noise in DARM.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:52, Friday 07 August 2015 (20316)
The ETMY 508.2896 Hz Violin Mode Saga is Over
J. Kissel, as a once-removed observer to the people doing the real work: J. Driggers, S. Dwyer, S. Ballmer, S. Karki, E. Hall, M. Evans, H. Yu, etc.

For record, this mode that Stefan is just beginning to have victory over (see LHO aLOG 20307) has been giving us problems since this past Saturday. My strong suspicion is that this mode was rung up during the ISC_LOCK :: DOWN sanfu (LHO aLOG 20134), in which the ISC system was blasting non-sense into the suspensions for many hours after it failed to recognize that the IFO was down (and it was a Saturday, so it was only by chance that Jamie happened to come on site). Further, I think that it was exacerbated / rung up further because turning OFF one of the failed techniques to damp the mode had not been included in the ISC_LOCK DOWN state, and not discovered for a few days (see LHO aLOG 20272). 

Also, the newly doctored Dan Hoak has been on site for a few days, the current worlds expert on violin mode damping in the H1 aLIGO IFO. As soon as he heard we were violin mode damping, he said "Oh, is it the 508.289 mode? Yeah, I tried to damp that, and never could. Good luck!" So this particular ETMY mode has never been controllable.

We have *just* re-acquired since 4 hours ago, and the violin mode has been damped to the best reference levels. 
Fabulous work ladies and gents.

Note to self: let's not ring up this mode ever again!

The resolution / timescale of my statement about the causes is informed by scanning this past week's summary pages, and informed by control room / commissioning meeting conversations over the past week that don't make it into the log:
Saturday 08/01: [[Initial Ring Up]]

Sunday 08/02: [[Failed Violin Mode Damping Rails]]

Monday 08/03:

Tuesday 08/04:

Wednesday 08/05: [[Failed Violin Mode Damping Railing turned OFF]]

Thursday: 08/06

james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:56, Friday 07 August 2015 (20314)
Channels added to h1broadcast0 for DMT GDS system
The h1broadcast0 daqd process was restarted to add channels to the frame sent to the DMT GDS system.  The following channels were added:


H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:40, Friday 07 August 2015 (20313)
Morning Meeting Summary

Work Permit meeting is part of today's meeting due to not having it on Wednesday

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:51, Thursday 06 August 2015 - last comment - 10:25, Friday 07 August 2015(20305)
Earthquakes, not much progress this evening, coil driver lockloss

Sheila, Gabriele, Nutsinee

Today I asked the operators to log when they do intial alingment and say what prompted them to do it, so I will start doing the same.

Tonight we had a trip of the ITMX ISI, stage 1 on the L4Cs, which was probably triggered by a PEM injection (which was unfortunately coincident with the arrival of a small earthquake).  After this, it seemed as though the alignment of the ITM might have changed. We had two locklosses durring CARM offset reduction, and DRMI alingment was bad.  After and earthquake, an ISI trip, and several locklosses, we decided to do inital alingment. 

After this we had one sucessfull lock, which I broke attempting to disengage CHARD so that we could phase refl WFS.  Then one and a half more earthquakes made us decide to call it a night without learning anything more about the violin mode. 

Note: We did add logic to the ISC_LOCK DOWN state that switches off ALL the violin mode damping, and added logic to the DRMI gaurdian (in engage DRMI ASC) that will prevent it from doing anything other than check for locklosses if SRM is misaligned. 

Also, earlier in the afternoon we had a lockloss that appeared to be because of coil driver switching. The lockloss seems to be coincident with BS M2 LL coil driver state changing. 

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 03:05, Friday 07 August 2015 (20308)

Not really sure what was going on seismically tonight... nono

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nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 09:52, Friday 07 August 2015 (20317)

The three big peaks seem to coincide with three earthquakes in Mexico (5.3M, 4.9M, and 5.1M) arrived at LHO 21:47:49, 23:06:43, and 00:05:07 PDT (time of R-wave arrival). There was a 5.5M earthquake in Rwanda arrived at LHO around 19:36 PDT - around the time we started having trouble locking.



hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 10:25, Friday 07 August 2015 (20318)

The alignment shift from the BSC ISI Trip amounts to ~400nrads--see attached.  Something about half that for RY & RX and about maybe 150nm for Z.  No position DOF is restored for the BSC ISIs.   I also attach the Stage2 cartesian trends.  Z has a similar shift as Stage1 but the other are much samller.  Notice the trends of the tilt dofs (loops not closed) but for this 24 hour trend, it isn't much.

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