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Reports until 21:03, Saturday 06 July 2013
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:03, Saturday 06 July 2013 - last comment - 08:03, Monday 08 July 2013(6997)
Left Half-H1 running
Good data starts at 07/07/2013, 03:57:00 UTC

H1:ASC-Y_TR_A_NSUM_OUT_DQ should hover around 250cts, which is half of the full 500cts.

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stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 21:10, Saturday 06 July 2013 (6998)
Noise plot for tonight.

The decrease around 1Hz is real, probably partly due to VCO noise, and partly due to alignment.

The increase above 100Hz is due to the loop shape - I am running with a higher UGF tonight.
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stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 17:19, Sunday 07 July 2013 (6999)
The good stretch lasted from 03:57 to 08:22 UTC on 7/7/2013.
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stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 19:45, Sunday 07 July 2013 (7000)
Some relaxing filtering work brought the >100Hz contribution down a bit. We get 5Hz RMS across the whole band.
Also, the 0.5Hz-2Hz suspension stuff is likely an artefact of using the transmitted DC light. It improved significantly with alignment. And it is about the same order of magnitude when we sit exactly on fringe (with 500cts), and should have significantly reduced frequency coupling.

Again left it running, starting at 02:26 (July 8 2013).
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joshua.smith@LIGO.ORG - 21:20, Sunday 07 July 2013 (7001)
HI Stefan,

I think turning off the pump near HAM3 has removed a sharp line at 65.5Hz, but the rest of the structure around 60-70Hz was unchanged. 

The plots below show: 

1) A coherence plot between ASC-Y_TR_A_NSUM_OUT_DQ and ISI-HAM3_BLND_GS13X_IN1_DQ from one of your early locks last week (June 29) and from this weekend's lock (July 7). The major difference is that the big coherence peak at 65.5Hz is gone. The coherence at 3.5, 5, and 41.5 looks a tad higher, but maybe just due to differing seismic conditions at the time (will check some more times). 

2) Uncalibrated spectra of ASC-Y_TR_A_NSUM_OUT_DQ for the same two times. Here you can see that the 65.5Hz peak is gone. 

We'll keep searching in other places for stronger coherence in the 60-70Hz range. 

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joshua.smith@LIGO.ORG - 08:03, Monday 08 July 2013 (7002)
FWIW, while Michael Coughlin and I were searching in coherence we found two more ASC-Y_TR_A_NSUM_OUT_DQ peaks that are coherent with HAM motion. The peak at 58.5Hz is coherent with HAM2 ISI and the peak at 41.5 with HAM3 and HAM2 (also in CS MICs). These don't have much contribution to your RMS though. The first plot shows the coherence peaks, the second plot shows which peaks in the ASC-Y_TR spectrum these correspond to. 
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stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:00, Saturday 06 July 2013 (6996)
Low frequency only RMS plot
Here is an RMS plot in today's (aligned...) configuration, intentionally cut off at 50Hz.
(The high frequency stuff is about the same)
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stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:45, Saturday 06 July 2013 - last comment - 18:42, Saturday 06 July 2013(6994)
Will the true 00-mode please stand up!
(Daniel, Stefan)

Based on yesterday's mode scan we identified where the 00 mode should be (tiny peak, with transverse modes spaced at 17890Hz to the right).

We did a dither alignment, first green (moving TMSY, ITMX and ETMX), then locked on the now identified 00-mode (moving PR2 and IM4).
That gave us 500 cts in the transmission quad sum (up from 250 counts).

Attached is the mode scan after the alignment.
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Comments related to this report
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 18:42, Saturday 06 July 2013 (6995)
We also used the opportunity of having measured the 00 mode offset frequency in a grossly misaligned state.
We can set a limit on the effecy of alignment on frequency offsets.

00-mode in grossly misaligned state (yesterday): -22842Hz
00-mode in aligned state (today):                -22856Hz

The difference is only 14Hz. Given that both numbers were derived by finding the top of the fringe with about 10Hz RMS fluctuations, the error in that measurement is also about 14Hz.
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:33, Friday 05 July 2013 - last comment - 17:18, Saturday 06 July 2013(6990)
Cavity Mode Scan
(Daniel, Stefan)

First we realized that the 10x higher fluctuations we obserbed on Wednesday were entirely due to alignment. So we tweaked up what we thought was the carrier, and indeed reproduced the ~8Hz RMS performance.

At this stage we rand a mode scan (attached, plots 1 sand 2). The two attached plots are from two adjacent locks - they differ by 1/2 FSR, as expected.
For the 2nd one, the modes sit at

H1:ALS-C_COMM_VCO_TUNEOFS = [-4.744, -3.242, -1.882, -1.638, -0.380,  0.877,  2.187,  3.557,  3.837,  5.348]  V
Frequency offset           =[-62075, -44240, -26212, -22842, -05055,  12770,  30803,  48585,  52070,  69855] Hz

The transverse mode spacing 8945Hz ( 17890 Hz on the VCO)
The odd this is that the frequencies make most if the 10 mode is the biggest.

We also redid the transmon camera and LSC diode, taking out the ND filter which distorted the view. While the new image is not distorted, we still don't get a nice modal picture. Not sure why.

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Comments related to this report
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 23:36, Friday 05 July 2013 (6991)
Here is another mode scan after the alignment drifted off more.

We now suspect that we maximized the wrong mode.
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daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 17:18, Saturday 06 July 2013 (6993)

Do the frequencies all add up? With a curvature of 2300 m and a cavity length of 4000 m, the individual g parameters are -0.739. The transverse mode spacing then becomes cos-1–(g2 g2)1/2 = 0.765. Multiplying by the FSR, we get 28.7 kHz. Or, –8.8 kHz, if we subtract one FSR. The green cavity field is upshifted relative to the corner. This means that the mode at the smallest apparent scan frequency is the 00 mode.

daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:43, Friday 05 July 2013 - last comment - 17:08, Saturday 06 July 2013(6988)
Green sidebands

Yesterday we found a rather large contamination in the corner ALS COMM signal. There is highly non-stationary line around 24.5 MHz. Suspecting this maight be the green RF sidebands that are leaking through, we went to EY to look for their exact location. Measuring the transfer function from the FIBR servo to the PDH error signal, we were unable to identify the sidebands. Next, we took a close look at the notch feature which marks the first FSR. It is located at FSR = 37.4658 kHz with an uncertainty of 0.1Hz. The 3 dB points (down from the flat part) are at 37.426 kHz and 37.506 kHz, 80 Hz wide.

The cavity length then becomes FSR / 2 / c = 4000.88 m.

The RF frequency is f_M = 24.515730 MHz. Dividing by the FSR we get
f_M / FSR = 654.350, or in other words the sidebands ar expected at 0.35* FSR =  13.113 kHz +/- 0.065 kHz.

Looking again at the full sweep and zooming in near 13.1kHz we indeed see a tiny feature in the phase plot around 13.188 kHz. It moves to 12.868 kHz when the RF sidebanda frequency is lowered by 300 Hz.

The only other features in the sweep which are clearly identifyable are at 17.739 kHz and 19.731 kHz symmetrically around half the FSR. These are most likely the second order modes. Dividing 17.739 kHz by 2 we get a corresponding mode spacing of 8.87 kHz. For OAT the mode spacing was measured at 8.92 kHz with a different ITM at a different position.

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stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 23:14, Friday 05 July 2013 (6989)
(Daniel, Stefan)

The spurious frequency we observed at the corner beat node is 24.5025 MHz. This is inconsistent with the end station pdh signal.

This signal fluctuates between -25dBc and -8dBc  (-55dBm to -38dBm, with the beat node sitting at -30dBm).

We left a Minicircuit 50MHz high pass in that line - this fixed the glitches in the PFD.
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 17:08, Saturday 06 July 2013 (6992)

If the spurious signal is a modulation on either the green cavity beam or the corner SHG beam, its modulation would show up symmetrically around the beat node at 78.92 MHz. Meaning the observed line at 24.5025 MHz would corrspond to an offset of 54.4175 Mhz. Or, 27.2088 Mhz, if starts on the 1064 nm beam.

daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:37, Wednesday 03 July 2013 (6987)
VCO work

(Stefan Daniel)

We moved the additional frequency difference divider to the common VCO. This required an increase of the PLL gain from 5 to 20. The unity gain was measured to be around 40 kHz. This also means that the gain for the common mode feedback increased by 10. We adjusted by lowering the gain of the SR560 from 10 to 1.

We took the opportunity to set all VCOs to a nominal frequency. The nominal frequency of the PSL/IMC VCO and the fiber AOM driver is 79'200'000 Hz. All ALS VCOs (EX/EY, COMM, DIFF) are set to a nominal frequency of 78'920'000 Hz.

Location Frequency (Hz) Comment
Nominal frequencies at 532 nm
Fiber –79'200'000 x 4 downshift
PSL –79'200'000 x 4 downshift, laser relative to ref. cav.
EX laser –78'920'000 + fiber relative downshift
EY laser +78'920'000 + fiber relative upshift
COMM VCO +78'920'000  
DIFF VCO +78'920'000  
Beat EX/laser –78'920'000 fiber - PSL + EX laser
Beat EY/laser +78'920'000 fiber - PSL + EY laser
Beat EY/EX +157'840'000 EY laser - EX laser
EX invariant 0 fiber - PSL + EX laser + COMM VCO
EY invariant 0 fiber - PSL + EY laser - COMM VCO
DIFF invariant 0 EY laser - EX laser - DIFF VCO


The lasers in the end stations can be locked up or down by changing the sign of the phase frequency discriminator.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:20, Wednesday 03 July 2013 (6985)
MSR room doors to hallway open for cooling

Due to cooling issues with the MSR, we have left the double doors between the MSR and the hallway opened for this weekend. We have set up a fan which blows the hot air at the rear of the racks out into the hallway. Please do not close the doors of move/obstruct the fan.

I have a script running which emails the MSR room temperature to CDS staff hourly, we will monitor the room over the four day weekend. We have contingency plans set up if we experience any further AC problems.

jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:58, Wednesday 03 July 2013 (6984)
TMS-X Status
   The TMS-X suspension is mounted on the Bosch frame at End-X and the dummy mass table is suspended. The table is hanging almost level with no adjustments. The Upper Mass blades look to be in their correct position. The Upper Mass is still in stops, so we won't get a good read on how things are really hanging until the Upper Mass is leveled and suspended. This will be one of the first agenda items for next week.

  No real issues were encountered during the installation of the Upper Structure or with suspending the dummy mass table. The dummy table may be a bit low, but we will not know until we take some measurements.

  The Genie is parked under the dummy mass table as a safety stop during the long weekend. 
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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:55, Wednesday 03 July 2013 (6983)
HAM6 Chamber Side Testing - Done

After pleny troubleshooting of minor electronics issues, we finally got to the point where we could check out the newly-installed sesnors of HAM6-ISI.

Sensors look fine. We can shoot for installation next week. Spectra are attached.


Note: One of the preamps of the HAM5-ISI ADE boxes (H3) needs fixing. It was used while HAM6's ADE was getting fixed. Symptom was a gain of 1/2 on the spectra of H3

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LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:12, Wednesday 03 July 2013 (6975)
Ops Day Summary

Alignment tweaking on RefCav (Rodruck)

Investigating Dust Monitors at EY (Patrick).  EY Dust Monitor-2 is exhibiting odd behavior.  The 0.3um readings are several 100,000 counts (while 0.5 is zero). 

PCal work in H2psl (Colin, Pablo)

Truck came by to pick up barrel from Flammable Storage Bunker.

TMS Suspension work at EX (Andres, Jeff B)

TMS Telescope work at EX (Keita)

HAM6:  GS13 cards swapped, cps interface investigations continue

SURF Student (Emily) will mount accelerometers on Southern doors of HAMs 4&5.

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