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Reports until 09:14, Wednesday 05 June 2013
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:14, Wednesday 05 June 2013 (6636)
IMC ISI - Active Isolation On

Active control was left off to avoid perturbating the investigation of a large unexplained offset whitnessed on MC1.

I turned the active control back on this morning, on both HAM2 and HAM3 ISI to help locking the IMC, and assess performance. Active control is the same as it was for the IMC test:

Recent performance spectra can be found here.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:21, Wednesday 05 June 2013 (6634)
Q3 ETMx Lower Structure removed from test stand

On Monday, Andres and I removed the ETMx all-metal lower structure from the staging building test stand and boxed it in prep for a move to Ex for it's monolithic re-build.

kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 06:27, Wednesday 05 June 2013 (6633)
IMC WFS loop closed

[Chris W., Kiwamu I.]

The IMC WFS loop were successfully closed.

We left the the IMC locked with the WFS loops ON to see how they work overnight. Some details will be posted later.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:09, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6631)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts requested from 5 PM June 3 to 5 PM June 4.

Both the dust monitor at location 14 in the LVEA (H2 PSL enclosure) and the dust monitor at location 16 in the LVEA (H1 PSL anteroom) are indicating calibration failures.
Non-image files attached to this report
jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:05, Tuesday 04 June 2013 - last comment - 11:10, Wednesday 05 June 2013(6627)
Further adventures in arm locking

(Jax, Alexa, Stefan, Sheila, Daniel)

Arm locking achieved! 

As of 18:00 local time, we're getting lock to 00 at a level of 10000 cts on H1: ALS-Y_REFL_B_LF_OUT, out of a maximum of about 22000 cts. This is about a 50% drop. 

We've touched up the pitch and yaw to improve locking characteristics. The current positions in pitch/yaw are 

ETM: (-142.7, 197.0)

ITM: (247.5, -271.5)

The current gain on CMB-B input 1 is -18 dB. 

Comments related to this report
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 18:17, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6628)
Key for the stable locking was increasing the M0_DAMP filters for Length, Pitch and Yaw from a gain of 1 to 5 (Vincent pointed me to it.).
This quieted down the cavity angular motion enough that it became possible to do a good manual alignment. (see Jax' elog for alignment values).
(This also confirms that the 0.5Hz pich motion we observed was due to the Quads.)

Now the alignment is very steady, and almost all of our lock losses are associated with H1:ALS-Y_REFL_FMON_OUT reaching plus or minus 5000 counts, indicating a control signal range problem.
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 18:36, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6629)
Some screen shots for documenting the state.
Images attached to this comment
alexan.staley@LIGO.ORG - 18:37, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6630)
(Jax, Alexa)

Attached is a picture of the transfer function for the ALS cavity locking common mode board B of excitation A. (Note the two different images have a different y-axis scale). 
Images attached to this comment
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 20:41, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6632)
We changed the settings of the ALS laser at the end station, they are now:
diode current 1.842
diode temp: 31.38
SHG crystal temp: 33.81

We also looked at the transfer function for the PLL. With the settings we were using (in1 gain =-4, fast gain =-10, common comp and fast option enabled) the ugf was 10kHz, we have now set the in1 gain to -1dB and the ugf is 17kHz.  We are also able to enable one common boost, which has been added to the autolocker.  I also shortened the gain ramping time. 

I also changed the fiber distribution library, so that the RF mon can drift by 2dB without causing an error.  
jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - 08:54, Wednesday 05 June 2013 (6635)

As requested by Daniel, the TMS pointing is (-14400,9170). This hasn't changed from initial alignment conditions (yet).

Images attached to this comment
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - 11:10, Wednesday 05 June 2013 (6640)

Here are the positions of the BSC-ISI. CPS offsets are presented in nm.
HEPI-BSC1: Locked https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=6566
HEPI-BSC6 is control in position
ISI-BSC6: Blend at 250mHz with T240 and level 3 controller
ISI-BSC1: Blend at 250mHz with T240 and level 1 controller

June 4, 2013, 18h00PT ISI
ST1 X 28272 -22465
Y 23662 -19540
RZ -34715 -3175
Z 27000 12970
RX 41889 6608
RY -2182 -20265
ST2 X -1158 -5465
Y 2122 -4336
RZ -21183 -7981
Z 7428 15438
RX -13021 18375
RY 833 -10010
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:40, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6625)
WBSC2 SEI/HEPI Actuators in Operational Position (not bleed) still locked
per WP 3937, GregG moved the HEPI Actuators on BSC2 to run mode.  We've been bleeding this chamber for 3 weeks, better not be much air left.  Tomorrow we'll think about releasing the locks and doing some commissioning.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:12, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6623)
ETMX Install Prep
We continue working away at the long list of items that need to be completed prior to PCal-CPB-ACB-ETMX install. Today, the ISI was moved from the Staging Building to X End VEA using a slow-moving Big Red. The CPB jigs were flown over the LVEA beamtube, loaded onto the trailer, transported to X End and placed in the VEA. See updated list below.

1.	Watch CPB CR particle count trends (Patrick and Michael)-Things look acceptable: 0/0 this morning when I checked. 
2.	Get CPB Jigs and Walking Plates from LVEA to X End VEA (Apollo)
3.	Remove PEM fence etc and tape holes (Apollo)
4.	“Cheat” CPB CR as far towards wall as possible to provide space for CPB Assembly/Install (Apollo)
5.	Cover concrete with CPStat to minimize particulate (Apollo)
6.	Close up hole in CPB CR roof with CPStat or C-3 (Apollo)
7.	Install and test leg jacks on BSC CR (Apollo)
8.	Remove ISI Storage container top from building: move to X Mid-First Bay (Apollo)
9.	Move E-module and Spiral Staircase into VEA (Apollo)
10.	Remove door from BSC9 for PCal install (Apollo)-Put hard cover in place until door is needed by PCal?
11.	Place lower Garbing/Staging CR (Apollo)
12.	Assemble and place E-module including upper garbing/staging cleanroom (Apollo)
13.	Place Test Stand (Apollo/IAS)
14.	Clean Test Stand and cleanrooms: CPB, Test Stand, Work Space and lower G/S (Tech Cleaners)
15.	Fly ISI to Test Stand (SEI/Apollo)
16.	Move Test Stand CR over ISI (Apollo)
17.	Get ISI Storage Pallet out of VEA (Apollo)
18.	Place Work Space CR (Apollo)
19.	Week of 10 June 2013
a.	Welding Practice begins (SUS)
b.	Do PCal work at spool (Rick and crew-Apollo help)
-Remove hard cover from spool
-Install-Test-Turn parallel to beamtube
-Close-out check
20.	Marry SUS to ISI (SUS/Apollo)
21.	Level, balance and test ISI (SEI)
22.	SUS check-out (SUS)
23.	Assemble Bosch frame for TMS (before 17 June 2013-nominal date for telescope alignment to begin)-Hardware at VPW
24.	Clean CPB CR (Tech Cleaners)
25.	Move CPB parts into VEA
26.	Assemble CPB and cover (AOS Team) 08 July 2013
27.	Install CPB (AOS Team)
28.	Orient PCal properly (Rick and crew)
29.	Remove dome (Apollo)
30.	Insert ACB Assembly into beamtube thru open BSC door (AOS Team)
31.	Lower BSC cleanroom (Apollo)
32.	Install cartridge (SEI/Apollo)
33.	Raise BSC cleanroom (Apollo)
34.	Install walking plates (Apollo)
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:53, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6622)
Restarted h1pemmx
Cyrus, Jim

The h1pemmx models died 12:22:42 UTC June 2.  

At Mid X, found that portable power supply supplying the +24V to the I/O chassis had died, along with a mouse that was laying next to it.  Replaced the portable supply with a Sorenson from the EE Lab (given to us by Filiberto).

Power cycled the timing system hoping to get rid of the 1/2 second time difference that appears on the MEDM screens.  This did not have any visible effect on the timing, so we suspect we may have to wait until we get a known good pair of fibers for timing to the mid station identified before this is cleared up.

Powered up the I/O chassis and front-end computer, the h1pemmx model is now running.
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:28, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6621)
ISC common chassis mounted in the rack
Patrick T., Sheila D.

Since it was swapped in for troubleshooting, this chassis had been sitting on top of the corner station 2 chassis in the rack in the H1 electronics room. We added brackets to it and mounted it in the rack. There is now space below it for airflow for the corner station 2 chassis.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:18, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6620)
updated dust monitor code, added dust monitor in H1 PSL diode room
This work falls under permit 3936.

For all the dust monitors (except for the one in the H1 PSL diode room (h1dustdr) which was started yesterday with the latest code version) I moved the driver support code from met_one_227b-1.0.0 to met_one_227b-1.0.1 and the IOC code from dust_met_one_227b-1.0.2 to dust_met_one_227b-1.0.4.

There is no real change in the driver support code, just an update to the default EPICS base directory.
The IOC code also updates the default EPICS base directory and the path to the driver support code (to version 1.0.1). It also adds the IOC boot directory and database substitution files for the dust monitor in the H1 PSL diode room.

I restarted all of the dust monitors.

I created an autoBurt.req file for h1dustdr and added the channels to the alarm handler configuration file. I had already added a medm screen to the sitemap earlier. Jim B. added the channels to the DAQ.
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:58, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6614)
WD Plots Working

A new tool called WD_Plots was created by SEI at Stanford (Charles, Brian and I). It allows plotting the timeseries for a given set of sensors/actuators at the time of the latest WD trip, by simply using a button on an ISI's Watchdog MEDM screen.

This tool was installed at LHO. Minor tweeks had to be made to stddir.py, which Jim Batch took care of. I tested it this morning (GPS time:1054403768) on HAM2-ISI.

To do so, I tripped the ISI, on the CPSs with a 20,000cts ramp on V1. Produced plots are attached (ACT, CPS, GS13). They were compared to data retreived with Dataviewer (ACT, CPS, GS13). Channel routing appears to be correct. So is lookup time.

I also picked a tripped BSC (H1:ISI-BS) and tried producing the plots from its WD screens. Time series could be displayed for each sensor/actuator set (1, 2).

WD_Plots works at LHO. It may now be used by the operators to diagnose when an ISI trips. 

I attached a pdf that shows how to use it from the ISI overview screens.

This is a first version that we are hoping to improve. Next, we plan on adding a vertical line to display the trip time on those plots.Further improvements could be done and operator feedback is welcome smiley


The scripts used are commont to all ISIs. They are under revision control at: 
The svn update performed on those scripts was covered by WP3903. Script were not changed since.

Images attached to this report
Non-image files attached to this report
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:34, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6619)
end X cleaned 'dirty' clean room monitoring
Attached are plots for the dust monitor placed in the cleaned 'dirty' clean room over the spool piece at end X. These are taken from 4 PM PDT May 31, 2013 to 7 AM PDT June 3, 2013.

According to the logbook at the door, no one entered the VEA at end X over the weekend.
Non-image files attached to this report
cyrus.reed@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:00, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6618)
Core Switch Configuration Change
I have made a configuration change in the core switch to allow DHCP requests to be forwarded between subnets; this is to allow us to use a single pair of DHCP servers for all of the CDS subnets.  Since we have been using (abusing?) the same configuration method to forward AWGTP discovery broadcasts to the Front End network, an ACL has been added to the OPS VLAN interface to filter out DHCP client requests from being forwarded to the FE network.  Server replies are not filtered as these need to propagate to the networks that request them.
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:48, Tuesday 04 June 2013 - last comment - 09:25, Wednesday 05 June 2013(6617)
Restart of data concentrator
Added H1ECATC1_PLC2.ini, H1ECATY1_PLC1.ini, H1ECATY1_PLC2.ini, H1ECATY1_PLC3.ini to master file, removed H1EDCU_ECATC1.ini.  Also edited H1EDCU_DUST.ini to include H1 diode room dust monitor channels.  Restarted data concentrator, but data concentrator could not parse the H1ECATC1_PLC2.ini file.  Error message "failed to locate first section in ...H1ECATC1_PLC2.ini"  

Edited the new H1ECAT* files, found "units=" missing actual units. Corrected, but the data concentrator still failed with the same error.  Changed slope from 1 to 1.0, removed ^M from the end of the lines, no change, data concentrator still failed.

Finally commented out the H1ECAT*.ini files to restart the data concentrator, as 20 minutes had passed.

Examined the H1ECATC1_PLC2.ini file with "od -c", found 2 unprintable characters at the beginning of the file (octal 377, 376) at the beginning of the file, and each "normal" character has a trailing 000 (byte of value 0) after...

0000000 377 376   [  000   d  000   e  000   f  000   a  000   u  000   l  000

Compare with a working .ini file:

0000000   [   d   e   f   a   u   l   t   ]  

The script that generated the H1ECAT*.ini files needs some repair.

Comments related to this report
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 18:02, Tuesday 04 June 2013 (6626)
Guess the frame builder doesn't take Unicode...
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - 09:25, Wednesday 05 June 2013 (6638)
The H1ECAT files are in a UTF-16 format.  To convert to an ASCII format that the data concentrator can read, use the command iconv on a Linux workstation, as in the following:

iconv -f UTF-16 -t UTF-8 H1ECATC1_PLC2.ini > tmp.txt
mv tmp.txt H1ECATC1_PLC2.ini

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