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Reports until 11:24, Wednesday 15 May 2013
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:24, Wednesday 15 May 2013 (6380)
MC Trans Light Pipe/Duct Installed

Light pipe installed for IOT2L's Mode Cleaner Transmitted path (and no blood was spilled---be sure to wear gloves when handling this ducting!).

james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:15, Wednesday 15 May 2013 (6379)
Modification of standard setup scripts for control room computers
Added stdenv.py to /ligo/cdscfg and stddir.py to /ligo/cdscfg/lho, at the request of Hugo.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:27, Wednesday 15 May 2013 (6377)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot requested from 5 PM May 13 to 5 PM May 14. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.
Non-image files attached to this report
filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:10, Wednesday 15 May 2013 (6376)
BSC2 Pier 3 - Inductive Capacitive Sensor
Pier Interface Chassis S1202914 had Inductive Capacitive Sensor(KAMAN)SN S0812221-06-04 replaced due to railing outputs. New Inductive Capacitive Sensor was installed SN S0812221-06-22. Old unit is being sent back to manufacturer.

F. Clara - 
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:54, Tuesday 14 May 2013 - last comment - 15:54, Wednesday 15 May 2013(6358)
weather station code changes
Dave B., Patrick T.

This work falls under permit number 3887.

This morning I installed new EPICS IOC code for the weather stations in /ligo/apps/linux-x86_64/epics- The module code is davis_weather_monitor_ii-1.0.0 and the IOC code is weather_davis_weather_monitor_ii-1.0.0. The targets are in /ligo/lho/h0/target. The IOCs are running in screen on h0epics2.

This was done primarily to change the channel names to reflect the aLIGO PEM standard in T1200221-v5.
I also hard coded the alarm severities for the wind speeds in the database files. The wind speed alarm levels are set by hand and stored in the autoBurt.req files.
The macro substituted database files are now generated from a template and substitutions files when the IOC is compiled.
An iocBoot directory named ioch0_weather_cs was created and the target named h0weatherms was changed to h0weathercs.

Dave renamed the minute trend files to reflect the channel name changes. his alog entry
New medm screens were linked to in the site map that incorporated the channel name changes.
The autoBurt.req files were updated.
Comments related to this report
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 15:54, Wednesday 15 May 2013 (6388)
The mapping for the channel name changes is attached.
Non-image files attached to this comment
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:43, Tuesday 14 May 2013 - last comment - 08:52, Wednesday 15 May 2013(6369)
RIN of MC transmission

(Caveat: Since the alignment was not really touched up, alignment fluctuation might be coming into play. Wait for WFS commissioning for a better data.)

Jan Pold asked and here it is.

1 Watt into MC. The transmission is monitored with IM4 transmission QPD as well as MC2 transmission QPD.

The whitening gain for both of the QPDs were 18dB (though I could have set it higher I don't think that would have made any difference).

Three stages of whitening filters were used for both: For MC2, it is a fixed one stage (0.4:40) plus two stages of switchable (1:10), and for IM4 since the fixed stage was not present I used all three switchable stages.

60Hz comb filter was turned off.

The input to each segment before dewhitening was 1000 to 6000 counts (mostly AC), so it's decent.

The beam was not centered at all: For MC2, [P,Y]=[0.14, 0.55], and for IM4 this was [0.22, 0.07].

Anyway, the spectrum was measured for SUM_IN1_DQ channel, divided by DC and plotted. The data was saved as


Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 18:50, Tuesday 14 May 2013 (6371)

ISS status:

Digital loop on, first loop on, second loop off.

PD B was used.


Diffraction 13 to 16%.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 08:52, Wednesday 15 May 2013 (6374)

It turned out that HVAC was/is blasting full. We'll try science mode -ish HVAC with Robert at some stage.

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:28, Tuesday 14 May 2013 (6367)
ALS PDs swapped
Yesterday I swapped the PDA100A that was used as a monitor for the IR power on the ALS table for one of the SMAPD1As.  Currently there are 65 mW in the IR path before the PBS and 0.91 mW incident on the PD.  That means the splitter ratio, which will depend on the half wave plate, is 1.4% now and responsivity is 0.36 A/W, which might be low because the PD might not be well aligned.  

I also double checked the calibration of the fiber transmission PDs, they are OK within 15%.  

I also saw that there was no beat note because the beams were badly misaligned.  After tuning up the alignment I saw 300mV pp (-9dBm) after the 13dBm amplifier. 
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:59, Tuesday 14 May 2013 (6365)
MC lock setting

Since we increased the input power, I remeasured the UGF of MC servo. Note that there's still a pomona box for the MC  common mode board (https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=5141).

Since the alignment is not really optimized yet, no attempt was made to push the UGF.

Acquisition setting:

common gain = -18dB or so (otherwise it will lock to HOMs frequently).

FAST gain = 0dB.

Input sign positive, fast sign negative, slow sign positive.

COMP on, everything else off.

H1:SUS-MC2_M3_ISCINF_L_GAIN=+1 (just pass through).

H1:SUS-MC2_M3_LOCK_L_GAIN= -1000, FM5 and FM8 ON , path enabled.

H1:SUS-MC2_M2_LOCK_L_GAIN=0.03, FM2/FM3/FM4/FM10 ON, path enabled.

M1 path disabled.


After it's locked (medium gain):

common gain = +4dB.

boost 1 ON. You need to increase the common gain first and then switch the boost as the acquisition gain noted above is weeny and the lock is broken.

Anyway, this sets the UGF at about 35kHz (attached sorry no data, saving to USB generated a corrupt file) with the phase margin of about 58 degrees. If you want to push the UGF higher you could set the common gain to +11dB and the UGF would be about 100kHz but the phase margin would be 24 degrees or something.

H1:SUS-MC2_M1_LOCK_L_GAIN=-4, FM2/FM3/FM4/FM10 ON, path enabled.

The gain of the M1 path was originally +1 for whatever reason, but I don't think it was helping (wrong sign).

Images attached to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:52, Tuesday 14 May 2013 - last comment - 08:02, Wednesday 15 May 2013(6368)
calcite polarizer on IOT2L prepared

[Cheryl, Chris, Kiwamu]

 This morning we have prepared a calcite polarizer (SN#2) which will be installed in the IMC_REFL path on IOT2L. Right now it is put aside out of the main path and will be installed tomorrow.

Comments related to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 08:02, Wednesday 15 May 2013 (6373)

And we installed the calcite later yesterday (Tuesday). It seems working fine -- it creates P and S polarizing beams as expected. We also installed a HWP in front of it to allow us to adjust the amount of S-polarization propagating through the calcite.

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:44, Tuesday 14 May 2013 - last comment - 18:30, Tuesday 14 May 2013(6366)
h1ecatey restarting
It was responding very slowly, making it hard to even move the mouse around the screen.  Restarting did not fix the problem, which is also present on the corner machine.  If I use a mac instead of one of the control room machines, it works fine.  

Also, several control room machines are no longer running the terminal server client.  They just say there was an error launching the application, operator1, opsws0 and opsws1

Comments related to this report
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 18:30, Tuesday 14 May 2013 (6370)
Patrick set up the remmina remote desktop on the ubuntu 12 machines, those are usable now.  
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:43, Tuesday 14 May 2013 (6364)
HEPI flushing

BSC2 actuators are now in the flushing state.


  Pre flush IPS                     Post flush IPS                  
  H V H V
1 -11,532 -7,618 -11,746 -7,050
2 7,359 -788 7,318 175
3 2,027 1,173 1,829 2,128
4 135 -17,150 -12 -15,525


  Pre flush IPS                     Post flush IPS                  
  H V H V
1 2,910 4,420 2,917 4430
2 3,029 -2,800 3,036 -2,797
3 -3,870 3,600 -4,051 3,527
4 -4,895 4,968 -4,888 4,979


  Pre flush IPS                      Post flush IPS                  
  H V H V
1 7,290 3,395 7,010 3,264
2 -3,926 -5,880 -4,212 -6,016
3 10,150 2,736 9,850 2,591
4 -1,390 -8,795 -1,670 -8,935
christopher.wipf@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:29, Tuesday 14 May 2013 (6363)
h1ascimc simulink model copied over and built
(Kiwamu I., Dave B., Chris W.)

Under work permit 3874, today we copied over the recently committed l1ascimc model changes at LLO (see LLO alogs 7040, 6986, 6936), and rebuilt the h1ascimc front end code.  This closes out the part of WP 3874 that pertains to h1ascimc.  However, the WP remains open until h1psliss is rebuilt as well, see below for details.

Library parts updated
Since the L1 model makes use of recently revised WFS and QPD_WITH_WHITEN_CTRL library parts (LLO alog 6878), we first had to update the library parts in the isc/common/models directory.  The following parts were affected:
U    QPD.mdl
U    ALS_END.mdl
U    RF_PD.mdl
U    WFS.mdl
Updated to revision 4477.

It appears that the changes to the ALS_END and RF_PD library parts are cosmetic, and will not affect other front ends when they are rebuilt.  The H1 models that will have functional changes due to these library updates are the following:
QPD_WITH_WHITEN_CTRL: h1ascimc, h1psliss
WFS: h1ascimc, h1iscey

h1psliss will be rebuilt by Dave Barker at a later time (to be coordinated with the PSL crew).  h1iscey will be rebuilt soon by Kiwamu and I, and its WFS parts will be removed completely.  h1lsc will be copied over from LLO after the l1lsc model stabilizes.

Temporary local mod to h1ascimc
The new l1ascimc model introduces a power normalization factor for the IOO WFS.  This factor is designed to come from the l1lsc front end via an IPC link.  But for the moment, we prefer to keep the h1ascimc and h1lsc models decoupled from each other.  That way, we can wait for the l1lsc model to stabilize before trying to merge it.  So in the meantime, we got rid of the IPC link, and replaced it with a temporary EPICS input called H1:IMC-PSL_PWR_REQUEST.  This will be set to 1 watt for the duration of the HIFO-Y test.  As soon as we bring over the lsc model from L1, the IPC link to ascimc should be put back in place.

The updated h1ascimc model has been checked in to the SVN.  MEDM screens, safe.snap and filter coefficient files will be soon be updated and committed in concert with LLO.
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:06, Tuesday 14 May 2013 (6354)
Ops DAY Summary

Day's activities:

PCal work in LEA---going to Laser Hazard (Pablo, Rick, Michael R.)

Weather Station name change work & checked connection at MX(Patrick)

Installing optics on IOT2L (Kiwamu/Chris)

HAM4 work (cleaning chamber/cleanroom, craning items, etc)

Fixing timing issues with LVEA Test Stands (Jim B)

Pulling Cables for ISC

LSC/ASC update to their models (Chris/Kiwamu/Dave)

BSC3 ISI installed on Test Stand

ETMy measurements (Szymon, Fred)

Robert performing beam tube measurements at the end of the shift (Kiwamu is his buddy for the evening)

Maintenance Visitors:  Snow Valley onsite for work on the arms, Paradise, Oxarc filling CP1

john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:46, Tuesday 14 May 2013 - last comment - 10:19, Wednesday 15 May 2013(6362)
LVEA Pumpdown

15 days of pumping is shown in the attached plot.


Several annuli remain to be pumped down.

HAM1, HAM2 - since HAM 1 is vented this annulus system(HAM1/HAM2) cannot be evacuated. Provided there are no big leaks this should be ok.

HAM 4 septum - liikewise HAM4 is vented so the septum annulus cannot be evacuated. Same comment as above - ok but not optimum.

BSC1, 2, 3 not yet evacuated.

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
rainer.weiss@LIGO.ORG - 20:10, Tuesday 14 May 2013 (6372)
A comparison of the pumpdown curve for the yend and the LVEA which both have a full
test mass chamber assembly give the following pressure vs time dependences on the
assumption of a 1/t water emission law:

                       2.3 x 10^-5
LVEA P(tdays) = -----------  torr 

                       5.0 x 10^-6
Yend P(tdays) = -----------  torr

The pumping speed ratio for water and hydrocarbons becomes

-------- ~ 1/4
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 10:19, Wednesday 15 May 2013 (6378)

The LVEA volume includes one ITM/ISI assembly, one BSC/ISI assembly, and two HAM ISI assemblies with all their optics and cabling. HAM1 is NOT part of this volume due to the septum in place.

ENDY has the one ETM/ISI assembly.

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