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Reports until 18:23, Friday 10 May 2013
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:23, Friday 10 May 2013 (6339)
Whitening/dewhitening mismatch in IM4 (SM2) trans monitor QPD

I noticed that IM4 transmission and MC2 transmission SUM spactra looked totally different. Specifically, it looked as if IM4 transmission had one extra dewhitening filter in digital land (see the plot).

This was tracked down to the modification of the dual QPD transimpedance amp box for HAM2 (D1002481, S1102815) where the unswitchable 0.4:40 whitening filter was disabled:


	"02/13/2012 Charles Osthelder Modification Description
R1, a 200 ohm resistor, was removed from each channel to negate the whitening filter.  The resistors were placed in a poly bag and taped to the inside of the chassis to be reinstalled when necessary."

This modification was not done to other amplifiers (s1102819 for MC2 trans, s1102810 for POP sled). All QPD filters in the digital land had 40:0.4 dewhite enabled.

I removed 40:0.4 from the filter definition for IM4 trans and ISS QPDs.

I wanted to switch one stage of 1:10 switchable whitening for IM4 trans, which worked, but I couldn't enable any of three digital 10:1 dewhites manually (FM1, FM2, FM3 in H1:IMC-TM4_TRANS_SEG1 etc.) even though I can enable/disable Comb60 (FM6).

So for the moment IM4 transmission is left whitening-less.

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james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:52, Friday 10 May 2013 (6338)
Installed HPI pump controller at EY
Installed a replacement HEPI pump controller at EY to replace the unit which no longer boots.  This controller is connected to the slow controls network as h1hpipumpctrley.

The pump controller has an epics database customized for EY.  To start the IOC, log in as controls, cd to ~controls/target-ey, then as root execute the ./run command.  

The SITEMAP.adl was modified to have a "Pump Controller" entry in the LVEA and EY HEPI menus.  

Note that the pump controller at EY is not actually controlling anything, it is just monitoring pressure.  Also, the pressure sensor needs to be connected to the correct input.
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:31, Friday 10 May 2013 (6337)
PSL power turned down

I turned the power going into the PMC down to 33 W. We plan to run at this power at the end of the HIFO, when we replace the output coupler mirror inside the high power oscillator with an HR mirror, so it seemed a good idea to go ahead and run at this power now.

The FSS common gain was set to 22 dB to give a UGF at 400 kHz.

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:28, Friday 10 May 2013 (6334)
WBSC2 SEI/HEPI Pier3 Pod Replacement Complete--IPS data here is RESET ***

Re aLOG 6184, I completed the replacement of the Kaman Inductive Position Sensor (IPS) on corner3 (SE) BSC2. The Kaman satellite box mounted inside the Pier Pod faulted and will go back to the shop. We installed another pod which had the Kaman inside but of course was unmatched to the Coils. EE mounted a replacement Box inside the original Pod and today I swapped out the coils on the HEPI Actuators. There is one box for both horizontal and vertical so both had to be replaced. This was no fun with terrible vision and less access. Refer to the photos attached: The pdf is a view of the HEPI Housing under the SE corner of the BSC2 Crossbeam and has a couple pointers on it locating the Flag, D030705 and the Kamans mounted on the Sensor Holster D020369 on the Vertical HEPI Actuator. The Sensors are on the floating portion. The first photo zooms into the top of the vertical Actuator. The Flag must be loosened but fortunately not removed so it can 'yaw' allowing the Sensor Housing/Holster Assembly to be completely removed so the coils can be swapped. Finding the 3/32 SHCS holes behind everything inside there was why there were reports of loud hollering in the LVEA this afternoon. The second photo is the Horizontal which was way better but still not fun. Bad/Removed PierPod/Kaman: S1202914/S0812221-06-04; The original PierPod went back in with Kaman S0812221-06-22.

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H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:20, Friday 10 May 2013 (6336)
Operators Log

LVEA: Laser Safe

Gerardo and Kyle at working EY VEA
Mike R working in H2-PSL
Cyrus testing cables and install wireless AP at EX
Pablo working with Mike R. in H1-PSL. They are switching in and out of Laser Hazard inside the H1-PSL
Gerardo and Kyle working on GV-5
Hugh and Greg working on HEPI on BSC1 and BCS2
Jax at EY gathering up circuit boards for modifications
Apollo working on Op-Lev Pier anchors at EY
Mike R working in H1-PSL
Dave & Jim replacing pump controller at EY
16:04 Shelia transition EY to Laser Hazard  

gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:13, Friday 10 May 2013 - last comment - 21:38, Wednesday 15 May 2013(6335)
Ear Bonding Aborted

Ear Bonding of ETM08 was aborted after finding precipitates inside Sodium Silicate Solution bottles, I contacted manufacturer and was told items had expired.  Norna was notified and bonding was suspended, new solution is on its way to LHO, bonding will resume next week.

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Comments related to this report
dennis.coyne@LIGO.ORG - 21:38, Wednesday 15 May 2013 (6393)
Measurements by Marielle van Veggel indicate that silicate bonds made with "old" sodium silicate solution do not have significantly lower strength or lower quality. For details see T1300482-v1:
Nonetheless, with an abundance of caution, we should replace the commercial sodium silicate bonding solution every year. The silicate bonding procedure (https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-E050228-v3) will be changed to specifically note this shelf life limit.
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:58, Friday 10 May 2013 (6331)
ETM08 Received

(Danny S, Gerardo M)

ETM08 cake tin was opened  this week, Danny and I inspected the optic, and we found it very dirty, lots of particulate and some sort of "water spots/marks" are present on the optic's barrel.  Attached are some photos of the ETM08.  Water like "spots/marks" are present only on the barrel, more pronounced towards the bottom of the optic.

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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:53, Friday 10 May 2013 (6332)
h1broadcaster0 restart, may be due to port scan

I performed a port scan on the H1 FE network, and at the same time the DAQ-DMT broadcaster program died and restarted. The other DAQ systems (frame writer, etc.) did not stop running. I will test this again next Tuesday.

gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:45, Friday 10 May 2013 (6330)
Removed and Replaced GV5 Annulus Ion Pump Body

(Kyle, Gerardo)

Removed and replaced the ion pump body from the annulus system at GV5.  Aux vacuum cart is pumping down the annulus system now.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:58, Friday 10 May 2013 (6328)
CP5 "fixed" and understood
The path to atmosphere via the broken weld in the regeneration circuit allowed a parallel path of exhaust to flow in this circuit (plumbing path).  The most recent fill of CP5's dewar combined with the PID reaction to this fill resulted in excessive vapor pressure above the pump liquid level which was sufficient to raise the liquid level in the regeneration line above its highest elevation.  This established a siphon of liquid which spilled out through the broken weld.  This is the only scenario where the indicated LN2 level in the pump could be < over full and for LN2 to be spewing onto the ground (another missed clue was the fact that LN2 was not evident in the exhaust line as would be required for my initial theory of the overall system being "over full".  

Gerardo and I removed a section of plumbing from the regeneration circuit which allowed as to "cap" this circuit and prevent future incidents of the this type.  

All of the ambient air vaporizers on the X-arm are broken in this same place and will need to either be capped or re-welded (i.e., fixed) at some point.
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:17, Friday 10 May 2013 (6327)
re-alignment of IMC : MC2 and MC3 biases changed

I have changed the DC biases on M1s of MC2 and MC3 yesterday for getting a good alignment of the IMC.

Since the IMC was needed to be locked for a short period I just tweaked the two suspensions as this is relatively easy and quick to get a good alignment.

Here are the suspension biases on M1 of MC2 and MC3 before and after my adjustment:


/****   BEFORE  (PAST VALUES) *****************************************/







/****  AFTER (CURRENT VALUES)   *****************************************/






hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:14, Friday 10 May 2013 - last comment - 15:55, Friday 10 May 2013(6326)
WBSC2 SEI/HEPI Pier3 Pod Replacement Underway
Had to break for a meeting.  Got the first IPS changed(Horiz) on the Actuator.  Will replace the Vert and the Pod after lunch.  Meanwhile Pier4 is also offline as the power to it comes from Pier3.
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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 15:55, Friday 10 May 2013 (6333)
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:54, Friday 10 May 2013 (6325)
Clean up of /ligo/apps/linux-x86_64
I have renamed several old versions of software to end with the name "to_be_removed".  Hopefully this will cause any software packages that are linked against them, or paths that point to them, to be exposed over the next week or so.  If nothing breaks, these will be removed in about a week.  If some other software does depend on them, we will recompile to use current versions.
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:15, Friday 10 May 2013 (6323)
EPICS problem solve in ECAT EY

Applied Clean all (don't save configuration) and rebuild all to all PLC project.

Rescaned all PLC projects.

Activated new system configuration.

Created new boot projects.

Reactivated system configuration.

Open OPC configurator and saved/activated it.

Restarted iocShells.

All OPC channels now connect.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 06:03, Friday 10 May 2013 (6322)
CP5 alarms
0510 hrs. local -> 
Arrived at site an found LN2 dripping on ground at the broken weld joint on the ambient air vaporizer -> piping from CP5 to ambient air vaporizer frosted -> piping from dewar to ambient air vaporizer was warm (not frosted) -> GN2 exhausting out exhaust piping and exhaust check-valve bypass valve closed -> closing then opening instrument air to LLCV confirmed that LLCV was, in fact, stroked fully open as indicated by CDS (100% open) -> magnehelic diff pres level gauge at 36" = 87% which agreed with CDS indication of 86% full -> discrepancy between observed pump level (LN2 present in regen line and pressure difference between vapor volume and liquid volume in pump(????))

Actual pump level is "over full" -> PID response was correct for the incorrect level indication -> I don't have an explanation (yet-still waiting for the coffee to kick in) as to why the magnehelic and CDS source pressure transducer indicated levels don't indicate an over full condition ???? -> For now, I'll ignore the indicated pump level and set the LLCV at 75% open (manual) and let the actual pump level fall off -> indicated pump level may correct when over full condition is absent????
cyrus.reed@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:53, Thursday 09 May 2013 (6321)
End Station Switches Connected to Core
(Late Post)

The new edge switches at EX and EY were connected to the core today.  The wireless AP at EY has been moved to the VEA and attached to the new switch - also verified that the signal is still strong in the entry area, so most (all) of the building that needs wireless coverage should have it.  The wireless AP for EX will be installed tomorrow.  Once we have a couple days running experience with the new switches, we will start moving the vacuum and FMCS systems to the new switches in advance of decommissioning the old switches.

(Jumbo frames enabled, IOS 15.0.2SE2 at install.)
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:53, Thursday 09 May 2013 (6319)
BSC-ISI Sensor correction using the ground instrument - Master model update - Implementation - Testing - Results

I modified the BSC-ISI master model to introduce the sensor correction path from the ground instrument (STS-2) to the stage 1 of the ISI. I added the 9 STS-2 inputs (3 signals per STS-2 and 3 STS-2s at the corner station). Now, 50 sensors signals feed to the BSC-ISI models.

The input filters of the STS are named: IFO:ISI-CHAMBER_ST1_GNDSTSINF_Group_DOF. In the existing stage 1 sensor correction block (the block was created to perform the sensor correction using the L4Cs of the HEPI), I added to the filters names dealing with the HEPI L4C the prefix HPI_L4C.
In this block, I also added filters (FIR and IIR) for the sensor correction path using the STS-2s. The prefix used for these filters is GND_STS. I integrated in the Master overview screen the STS and modified the stage 1 sensor correction path. A dozen of the screens were also created. While I was modifying the model, I also increased the sample rate of the excitation channels to 4K. I only installed the new model on ISI-BSC6.

I started to work on the Version 3 of the commissioning scripts to consider these changes in the models. For the moment, I have upgraded the “Routine 0” of the scripts to introduce the calibration filters of the STS-2. The STS-2 signals are added to the CPS after passing through a series of filters. I created a routine to load the IIR and FIR filters used to create the high pass filter. The companion filters ISI_4k_FIR_companion_filters_GND_STS_20130509.mat in userapps/release/isi/common/filterfiles. These filters are only usable for the ground path sensor correction (Different names for HEPI L4C)

I also created a routine to compute and load the “Match” filters used to correct the calibration errors between the STS-s2s, the T240s and the CPSs. The CPSs are used as reference. The reference is the simulated Cartesian transfer functions with the ISI damped.

In attachment, you can find the new overview screen (BSC-ISI_Overview.png). The modifications are visible are in the red box.

After measuring transfer functions from the STS-2 to the T240s (ISI damped) and using the damped transfer functions, I computed the match filters for the ground path sensor correction. The match filters are just gains close to 1 (+/- 3% correction).

I measured some spectra (calibrated in nm/s for the T240 and nm/s for the GS13 above 1Hz) with and without the sensor correction (STS-2). In the figure H1_ISI_ETMY_Sensor_Correction_20130509_155200.png, spectra are measured in the following configuration:
- High gain on L4Cs and GS13s
- On stage 1, blend at 250mHz with the T240s in the super sensor in X, Y and 750mhz without the T240s in Z, Rx, Ry, Rz.
- On stage 2, blend at 250mHz in X, Y and 750mHz on Z, Rx, Ry, Rz.
- UGF: 15Hz for all DOFs
- The plots with the "ref" label indicates that the sensor correction was engaged.

Results are pretty good especially in the Z direction (the blend frequency is 750mHz whereas it is 250mHz in the X and Y directions). Tomorrow, I will increase the UGFs of the isolation filters on the 2 stages.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:39, Thursday 09 May 2013 - last comment - 12:16, Tuesday 14 May 2013(6317)
ALSY rework done (Jax, Keita)

We leveled the optical path from the laser to the first MCL PZT mirror, but things didn't improve much.

The first Faraday transmission is fine (first picture, EOM and the second Faraday removed from the path, picture taken in front of the second lens).

EOM transmission is ugly when the beam passes through the middle of the input and output aperture (second picture).

After fiddling around with the EOM alignment using 4 DOF stage, we always ended up with the beam very high on the input side. (no picture).

After the EOM, when the second Faraday was inserted, it makes many ghost beams /halo  in PIT (third picture). This vertical pattern doesn't change much with alignment.

Using an iris, we can get rid of most of the ghost beams (last picture). The central part of the beam is not totally round, this comes from the EOM. This looks somewhat better than OAT days (sadly).

Anyway, since it is convenient to open up the iris to see the retro reflected beam from ETMY, we left all irises wide open.

The Faraday makes many ghost beams for the refl beam too, but all of these seem to fall on the PD.


We measured the power level right at the laser, downstream of the first Faraday, downstream of the EOM and downstream of the second Faraday. Jax will post the numbers.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 17:51, Thursday 09 May 2013 (6318)

We have removed some unused optics from ALS table.

 One 50/50 green splitter (labeled as such on the mount) and one green high reflector (ditto) were put in the ISC cabinet in the squeezer bay together with things labeled "ALS WFS stuff".

One green high reflector didn't have any label, but it was easy to see that it was a high reflector. To avoid future confusion, I removed the optic and put it back in the original mirror box from Precision Photonics.

It seems like there are other unlabeled optics in "ALS WFS stuff" bunch, and maybe on our tables, but we should do better. PP optics are not labeled anywhere, the only visual clue for the reflectivity is the color of the coating, and some people might have a difficulty identifying which is which.

Make labels and put them on mirror holders or posts.

jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - 08:53, Friday 10 May 2013 (6324)

Power measurements as promised:

From laser: 42.5 mW

After first Faraday isolator: 35.5 mW

After EOM: 31 mW

After 2nd Faraday isolator: 28 mW

After 2nd PZT mirror: 26.3 mW  - after inserting another iris this measured 27 mW, likely within the bounds of measurement error.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 12:16, Tuesday 14 May 2013 (6355)

Note that there is a 10% pick-off for Hartman sensor path between the 2nd PZT mirror and the periscope.

All in all, the efficiency from the laser to the chamber is something like 0.9*27mW/42.5mW = 57%, which is consistent with June 2012 alog (61%) as well as July 2012 alog (0.9*20mW/30mW=60%, note that the measurement was done upstream of 10% pick off in July 2012).

hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:26, Monday 06 May 2013 - last comment - 15:10, Friday 10 May 2013(6268)
HAM2-HEPI - Coordinate Transform Matrices

HAM2-HEPI was using BSC-HEPI coordinate transform matrices. HAM-HEPI commissioning will be starting soon. These matrices are needed to track HEPI's potential shift(s) (e.g. initial release, pumps restarted, ...).

Coordinate transform matrices were updated this morning. They are now HAM-HEPI ones. Changes were recorded. Documentation is attached.
Same task will be performed on HAM3-HEPI.
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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 15:10, Friday 10 May 2013 (6329)

Same upadte was performed on HAM3-HEPI.

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