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Reports until 15:05, Tuesday 07 May 2013
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:05, Tuesday 07 May 2013 (6277)
LVEA Clean-up
The Apollo crew and I spent some time sorting Install Tooling (HAM Arm, BSC Arm, 5-Axis Table) so that it could be palletized and stored in a reasonable location. A storage location was picked out: along the south side of the HAM 10-11-12 run. The tooling was not moved to the storage location today due to work on the main crane.

I moved all remaining items from the SEI Test Stand cleanroom to the SUS Test Stand cleanroom. I'll have the cleaning crew start the cleaning process ASAP.

The Staging cleanrooms closest to HAM2 continue to have high dust counts. I confirmed the function of the iLIGO particle counter with a recently calibrated aLIGO particle counter. I made sure parts/tools were covered and then confirmed that both cleanrooms were plugged in. I will pursue this some more tomorrow. We were planning on a retrofit for the green cleanroom anyway so we may just take care of it now.
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:37, Tuesday 07 May 2013 (6276)
ETM-X ISI Container Purge
Wrote up some code to handle the output from Testo 645 dew point probe. Much thanks to Arnaud for helping me debug an issue with that. The BSC destined for ETM-X is purged in its storage container. Once again the storage containers seem to ship down much faster than the shipping containers. I'm not sure why this would be the case, it may be related to the different seals.
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cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:44, Tuesday 07 May 2013 (6275)
MC2 TRANS is alive, and it and IM4 TRANS have new offsets:
I looked for signal on MC2 TRANS during the IMC locking at 250mW and found that the QPD does have light and is seeing the locl-unlocked transitions and DC changes (100mW to 250mW).  A plot showing the signals is attached.  

Offsets were hugely wrong for the segments, so SUM is -70 unlocked and -60 locked.  This prompted me to fix the offsets for MC2 TRANS and IM4 TRANS.  New values listed below.


old offsets

new offsets


old offsets

new offsets
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vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:41, Tuesday 07 May 2013 (6274)
Sensor correction - Ground to ISI

Before modifying the BSC-ISI model to introduce the sensor correction on stage 1 using the STS-2, I cheched the coherence between the ground instrument and the T240s (stage 1). Note that the measurements were taken with the ISI undamped and the HEPI not controlled (Last night).

Measurement parameters are shown in the attached figure.

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cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 05:45, Tuesday 07 May 2013 (6269)
PSL viewport is covered with particulate.
- Joe D., Cheryl

Joe and I uncovered the PSL viewport - the double viewport on HAM1.  The shutter assembly was disconected from the viewport and slid back to give us a full view of the viewport surface, and it is covered with particulate.  The source of the particulate on the viewport is the shutter assembly and cover plate.

There are two areas with a very high concentration of particulate, and it was quickly apparent that they line up exactly with two through holes that attach the shutter box to the viewport cover  plate.  The particulate in these two areas are uniform size and finer grained than the other particulate.

There is particulate that is concentrated at the exit of the tube from the PSL that is various sizes and is concentrated on the middle to bottom third of the viewport.

There are also some large particles scattered across the viewport.  One looks like a fiber, and the others could be fibers, hair, or thin metal shavings.

I looked into the shutter assembly and saw that the shutter itself has worn away the anodization on both sides of the shutter box, and there is particulate on the shutter's surface.  

One cluster of particulate on the shutter lines up with a through hole on the top of the shutter box.  The screw holds the removable plate that allows the input beam, reflected from the viewport, to project onto the PSL enclosure wall.

The shutter assembly needs to be removed from the viewport, modified and cleaned, and then reinstalled.

The viewport needs to be cleaned, but most of the particulate is metal.  FC is our usual choice for viewports, but with this level and type of particulate, scratching the viewport surface is possible.  Other procedures that are possible in the optics lab may also scratch the viewport.
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:13, Monday 06 May 2013 (6272)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot requested from 5 PM May 5 to 5 PM May 6. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.

Connecting to NDS Server h1nds1 (TCP port 8088)
Connecting.... done
T0=13-05-06-00-00-00; Length=86400 (s)
2340 seconds worth of data was unavailable on this server
1440.0 minutes of trend displayed

Connecting to NDS Server h1nds1 (TCP port 8088)
Connecting.... done
T0=13-05-06-00-00-00; Length=86400 (s)
2340 seconds worth of data was unavailable on this server
1440.0 minutes of trend displayed

.3 microns
Connecting to NDS Server h1nds1 (TCP port 8088)
Connecting.... done
T0=13-05-06-00-00-00; Length=86400 (s)
2340 seconds worth of data was unavailable on this server
1440.0 minutes of trend displayed

.5 microns
Connecting to NDS Server h1nds1 (TCP port 8088)
Connecting.... done
T0=13-05-06-00-00-00; Length=86400 (s)
2340 seconds worth of data was unavailable on this server
1440.0 minutes of trend displayed
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vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:56, Monday 06 May 2013 (6271)
HIFO BSCs Status

With the recent measurements (in vacuum), I created sets of filters for the ISI-BSC1, ISI-BSC2, ISI-BSC6. I installed:
- Compensation filters
- Calibration filters
- Symmetrization filters
- Damping filters
- Blend filters (750mHz and 250mHz with T240 or not)
- Isolation filters (UGF 15Hz)

Isolation filters were engaged and decent isolation performances were obtained (similar to OAT).

The HEPI pump was restarted on April 26th and the STS-2 can now be centered via the binary outputs. A set of transfer functions was measured.  Filters were refreshed and tweaked with the new version of the scripts. The new filters are installed on the front end.

oliver.puncken@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:51, Monday 06 May 2013 (6270)
PSL high / intermediate power mode setup

(Michael R., Rick S., Oliver P.)

We turned the high power stage on to investigate, how the changed water fittings change the flow through the HPO components and therefore the laser performance. The current flow rates were already set similar to the ones right after the installation of the laser (in brackets): laserheads 0.6 lpm (0.6), frontend 1.5 lpm (1.5), powermeter 2.0 lpm (1.5), total xtal chiller flow 17 lpm (16.3). After minor tweaking of the pump currents and diode temperatures, 190 W outside the laser box could be recovered. initial settings:

DB1: 51 A; Db2: 48.7 A; DB3: 48.9 A; DB4: 49.2 A; output power: 182W (measured outside the HPO box with powermeter)

after changes: DB1: 50.9 A; DB2: 49.2 A; DB3: 50.4 A; DB4: 49.2 A; output power: 209 W at the internal shutter and 190 W outside (was: 190 W outside after installation).

We adjusted the phase between LO and EOM for the injection locking error signal at the delay box.

initial diode temperatures (in deg. C):


D1: 25
D2: 25
D3: 27.5
D4: 23
D5: 27.5
D6: 25.5
D7: 23.5
(remained unchanged)


D1: 22
D2: 23
D3: 24.5
D4: 22
D5: 22
D6: 22.5
D7: 22
(increased all temps by 1 degree C for DB2)


D1: 22.5
D2: 26.5
D3: 26.5
D4: 23.5
D5: 26.5 to 27.5
D6: 21.5 to 22
D7: 24.5 to 23


D1: 23
D2: 20.5
D3: 22
D4: 20.5
D5: 22.5
D6: 22.5
D7: 22.5
(increased all temp by 1 deg C)

A quick DBB scan without any alignment showed a higher order mode content of 8.3 %.

We decided to neither remove the water filters as in Livingston, nor put an HR mirror next to the output coupler in order to create an intermediate power system from 100 % reflection of the Frontend.

We used the attenuation unit next to the output of the laser box to send up to 50 W to the PMC path. The modematching lenses had been shifted to their marked positions for high power operation and the power levels on the PMC locking photodiode and the ISS photodiodes had been set to the values, mentioned in the instructions. The FSS-path had been blocked. We locked the PMC and optimized the alignment (mirror setupstream the PMC, gain and offset of the control loop), and measured little less than 10 % in reflection of the PMC.

The ISS had been locked.The most stable configuration for this had been found with a gain of about 10 dB. The refracted power at the high power AOM was around 6 %. However, the ISS fell out of lock from time to time - apparently, the settings for the control loop has to be optimized.

hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:26, Monday 06 May 2013 - last comment - 15:10, Friday 10 May 2013(6268)
HAM2-HEPI - Coordinate Transform Matrices

HAM2-HEPI was using BSC-HEPI coordinate transform matrices. HAM-HEPI commissioning will be starting soon. These matrices are needed to track HEPI's potential shift(s) (e.g. initial release, pumps restarted, ...).

Coordinate transform matrices were updated this morning. They are now HAM-HEPI ones. Changes were recorded. Documentation is attached.
Same task will be performed on HAM3-HEPI.
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Comments related to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 15:10, Friday 10 May 2013 (6329)

Same upadte was performed on HAM3-HEPI.

LHO General
justin.bergman@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:55, Monday 06 May 2013 (6267)
930-1600 Michael R and Oliver P working in H1 PSL enclosure all day. The high power oscillator is enabled and beam is currently being dumped on the PSL table
1000 Thomas working on OpLev near HAM 3
1005 Arnaud running excitation on BS (BSC2)
1030 Filiberto and Aaron dressing cables at HAM2
1315 Pablo working on photon calibrator in H2 PSL enclosure
1400 Cheryl and Joe inspecting 1064 input viewport on HAM 1  (WP#3859)
1450 DAQ restart by Dave B
1516 Tyler working with Cheryl on modification for IOT2L
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:25, Friday 03 May 2013 (6265)
IMC locked, relocking well, visibility is good, but not TRANS beam, as it is clipped by it's bellows.
- ChrisW, Keita, Kiwamu, Cheryl, Corey (yesterday)

IMC locked today with the alignment of last night.  Before this happened, Kiwamu had to set the phase using external switches on the Beckoff.  Using 100mW of power from the PSL, REFL DC unlocked = 200, and locked was ~20-ish.

A search for MC TRANS turned up nothing, so I increased the PSL power to the January value of 250mW.  This increased REFL DC to about 500.  This also helped Chris and I find the MC TRANS beam hitting the bellows to the +X side of the aperture of the table enclosure by about 2.5 inches.

To check the IMC and MC TRANS alignment, I looked at the beam downstream of MC3 at the  input to the FI, which showed no sign of clipping, and there was no sign of clipping on the baffle in front of IM4, AOE2.  The REFL-to-HAM1 baffle showed only a slight amount of clipping, with no adjustment to PRM , so alignment behind the IMC looks good, and does not explain MC TRANS.  The only explanation is that the MC TRANS 2" steering mirror was bumped out of alignment during the vent.

The solution is to make a new back pannel and shift the MC TRANS optics on IOT2L by about 2", to the new beam.  There is realestate on the table to do this.  Moving the entire table to capture MC TRANS  isn't an option, as it would cause MC REFL. to clip on it's baffle.

IMC locks show a lot of satability, and the IMC relocks easily.  At 250mW PSL power, IMC visibility was around 90%.

After our work on MC TRANS, Chris worked on WFS - see his alog.
christopher.wipf@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:50, Friday 03 May 2013 (6264)
DC calibration of IMC WFS
I made a DC calibration of IMC WFS A and B using an Ophir power meter and the IMC reflection beam.  Both give about 1100 ct/W.

* Both PDs had been left unplugged at the rack and their interface chassis was switched off.  So I connected the cables, powered them up and then centered them manually looking at the DC settings screens.
* Both gain switches on the front panel of the interface chassis were set to "LOW".
* There is currently a small ghost beam headed toward WFS A (appears to be created by its pickoff mirror).  I dumped that beam on a card for this measurement.

WFS A, measured input power 1.4 mW

 controls@opsws6:~ 0$ tdsavg 15 H1:IMC-WFS_A_DC_SUM_IN1 H1:IMC-WFS_A_DC_SEG1_IN1 H1:IMC-WFS_A_DC_SEG2_IN1 H1:IMC-WFS_A_DC_SEG3_IN1 H1:IMC-WFS_A_DC_SEG4_IN1

WFS B, measured input power 3.0 mW

 controls@opsws6:~ 0$ tdsavg 15 H1:IMC-WFS_B_DC_SUM_IN1 H1:IMC-WFS_B_DC_SEG1_IN1 H1:IMC-WFS_B_DC_SEG2_IN1 H1:IMC-WFS_B_DC_SEG3_IN1 H1:IMC-WFS_B_DC_SEG4_IN1
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:43, Friday 03 May 2013 (6263)
WBSC9(ETMX) HEPI System Filled w/ Fluid & is Flushing
I ramped up the speed/pressure at EndX.  Running the motor at ~92% gives 48psi at the pump station output.  We will get the Servo on the system next week.  The system will shut down if the fluid level drops even  slight amount.  Meanwhile, scrub scrub scrub away!
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:16, Friday 03 May 2013 (6262)
renamed model h1iopsusauxey started on h1susauxey, DAQ restarted after min trend files renamed

WP 3852. I started the h1iopsusauxey model (it has a new name) this morning. The DAQ frame writers were stopped and the minute trend files associated with this model were renamed. The DAQ was then completely restarted. I made a simple "hostname" change to h1susauxb6.mdl to permit the users model to run. This model will be converted from B6 to EY on monday.

andres.ramirez@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Friday 03 May 2013 (6261)
Ops Summary – 5/3/2013
08:45 Cable work by HAM 5 (LVEA) – Filiberto C.
09:30 Work on H1 PSL Mode Cleaner - Sheryl
10:00 Work on PR3 Optical Lever (LVEA) – Thomas Vo
10:10 Turbo pump/pump cart work by BCS8 – Kyle
12:40 Work on Quad/BS test stand on LVEA – Travis/Betsy
13:00 Continue work on H1 PSL Mode Cleaner – Sheryl
14:30 LVEA Transitioned to Laser Hazard - Keita
filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:52, Friday 03 May 2013 (6260)
Capacitive Position Sensor Modifications BSC1 and BSC6
Modified capacitive position sensors per E1300251 for BSC6 and BSC1. This was to address a high frequency oscillation in the return path.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:44, Friday 03 May 2013 (6259)
Began pumping GV5, BSC8 and BSC10 annulus volumes today

szymon.steplewski@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:07, Friday 03 May 2013 (6258)
ETMY Optical Lever work

Thomas V. & Szymon S.

The ETMY optical lever channel H1:SUS-ETMY_L3_OPLEV_SUM_OUTMON shows that the laser power on the optical lever receiver has been fluctuating - dipping to zero on a regular basis.  I tried installing a spare power supply on the laser, and it appears that the power fluctuations are still occurring, but the power now only drops down to about 6000 counts from 10000 on a regular interval.

I also centered the yaw using the translation stage controller after the signal had drifted to nearly -6 counts after a week.  The plots show the ETMY_L3_OPLEV_SUM_OUT and pitch and yaw signals around the time the power supply was exchanged and the yaw centered.

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michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:37, Friday 03 May 2013 (6256)
PSL plots

For the 35W beam

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H1 General
ryan.fisher@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:50, Wednesday 13 March 2013 - last comment - 12:17, Friday 03 May 2013(5788)
Setting ODC EPICS Descriptive Bit Strings
Ryan Fisher, Stefan Ballmer

We have set the EPICS records for the labels that describe the ODC bits for the SUS and ISI models currently running in H1.*  The labels provide a short description of what every bit in each ODC channel represents, for each ODC channel.  The higher order bits in the ODC channels that do not have labels are currently unused, but may be used in the future.

These records were set using scripts located in /ligo/home/ryan.fisher, and attached to this entry.  

* Excluding H1:SUS-TMSY_ODC_BIT* for now.
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ryan.fisher@LIGO.ORG - 12:00, Thursday 14 March 2013 (5791)
I have now also set all of the EPICS strings that describe the bits in the ODC channels for the HPI models.  The script is attached.
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ryan.fisher@LIGO.ORG - 13:56, Thursday 14 March 2013 (5792)
I have now also set all of the EPICS strings that describe the bits in the ODC channels for the TMSY model.  The script is attached.

Note that there is a small bug in the models for these channels that currently mislabels bit4 as bit6: 
(should be H1:SUS-TMSY_ODC_BIT4)

We will go through the process of changing this small bug in the corresponding Simulink model library part, after emailing cds_announce and sus team members.  
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stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 14:12, Friday 15 March 2013 (5818)
I added scripts for setting the ODC bit labels and masks in /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/cds/h1/scripts

h1setODCbitmask:    Set ODC bit masks for HPI, ISI and SUS
h1setODCbitstrings: Set ODC bit labels for HPI, ISI and SUS
ryan.fisher@LIGO.ORG - 15:19, Wednesday 24 April 2013 (6194)
Correction to scripts included above: 

The ISI-HAM ODC channels should only have 5 bits, and should not be part of the other ISI channel script.  The corrected scripts are attached, and the correct scripts are in the following location on llocds.ligo-wa.caltech.edu:


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ryan.fisher@LIGO.ORG - 12:17, Friday 03 May 2013 (6257)
I corrected a small typo (M2 where it should have been M1) in SUS_OMC_Labels.txt for this log book entry only.  The scripts in /ligo/home/ryan.fisher were corrected approximately a month ago.  The corrected txt file is attached.
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