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Reports until 21:30, Thursday 02 May 2013
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:30, Thursday 02 May 2013 (6253)
H1 Corner MSR EtherCAT chassis
Patrick T.

This evening, sometime between 7:00 and 9:00 PM, I found the cover replaced on the Corner MSR EtherCAT chassis. It is labelled with serial number S1103490 and is on a cart near the back of the network timing rack in the MSR. I had left the cover off because I was afraid that it was pinching the fibers inside, and might be causing communications errors that I had seen earlier. I had replaced the orange multimode fiber going into the EK1521 terminal when these errors last occurred, and that had appeared to fix them. That was the second time I had replaced that fiber. The first time I had replaced the EK1521 terminal as well, which had serial number 20110311 and was put it in a box labelled 'broken? 4/8/2013'. I believe that had also appeared to fix similar errors at the time.

I removed the cover. Looking inside I found that part of the top of the white flexible connector on the multimode fiber labelled 'B' going into the EK1521 terminal, was broken off. This appeared to have been done purposefully. The other fiber of the pair, labelled 'A', appeared to be slightly split at the top. The temperature probe that had been placed inside the chassis had also been put outside. The cover would have been closed on its wire, but not too tightly, as it was not screwed down. I am leaving the cover off for the night and the rest of the chassis as I otherwise found it.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:09, Thursday 02 May 2013 (6252)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts requested from 5 PM May 1 to 5 PM May 2.
Non-image files attached to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:00, Thursday 02 May 2013 (6251)
Renaming computers and models at EY

WP 3852

I started working on the renaming of the EY front ends to replace the BSC number identifier (B6) with EY. As a test case I started with h1susauxb6 because it was not being used, had no fast data in the DAQ and has no IPC parts (Dolphin or RFM).

I was successful in renaming the computer and changing the h1iopsusauxb6 model to h1iopsusauxey. I have documented all the steps in the cds wiki.

The last part is to rename the DAQ minute trend files and restart both frame writers. Since it is getting late I'll not do that today and continue tomorrow. For now the EDCU is PURPLE because I've stopped all models on h1susauxey.

LHO General
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:37, Thursday 02 May 2013 (6250)
05/02/2013 Ops Summary
- Fire department on site - Richard M.

- IT Tech on site - Jonathon H.

- IO work at ITO2L, laser hazard only within the black curtains - Cheryl V.

- BSC1 capacitance work on position sensors - Filiberto C.

- Restart SUSAUX - Dave B. 
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:36, Thursday 02 May 2013 (6249)
IMC flashing.
Flashing, but REFL PD not working and can't see TRANS with green glasses and green viewer.

IMC alignment:

P 365
Y -875

P 405
Y 220

P 107
Y -1054

PSL shutter is closed for the night.
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:11, Thursday 02 May 2013 (6247)
ALS fiber power levels
Max, Sheila

Coming to the fiber distribution box 2.98 mW (Kiwamu measured 4.7 April 11th)
Y end output of fiber dist box: 190uW 
input to polarization adjustment box (MPC1) 190uW
output of polarization adjustment box 80uW
output at end station: 14uW

this is worse than on monday.  

By removing the polarization adjustment box and replacing it with Richard's fiber adapter, we saw 40uW at the end station, with only 3 uW in the wrong polarization.  Maybe we will leave the polarization box out of the picture for now.  
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:16, Thursday 02 May 2013 (6244)
Fiber transmission PDs
The PDs to monitor the fiber output at end Y were cabled incorrectly, now the signals from both of them make it into beckhoff.  The total transition PD needs to be in input 2 on the photodiode amplifier box while the rejected PD is on input 3.  

Using the fiber laser to calibrate these, with 13 mW out of the fiber, there are 0.79mW sent toward the total trans PD, and the DC voltage on that PD is 0.568 with a gain of 0dB.  

with 3.47 mW sent towards the rejected polarization PD, and gain 0dB, the PD reads 2.39V.  

This means the responsivity of the total trans power PD is 0.359 A/W, the rejected polarization PD is 0.344A/W, and the beamsplitter reflectivity for the pick off to the total trans PD is 6.1%.  I have added these to the initialization POU, we need to double check that the calibration comes out OK when we are using the low power beam.  

Yesterday while Max and I were trying to figure out how to use the polarization adjustment box, the total transmitted power dropped from 37 uW to 15 uW, which could be due to a combination of unplugging and plugging the fibers and adjustments to the polarization box.  
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:51, Wednesday 01 May 2013 (6245)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts requested from 5 PM April 30 to 5 PM May 1.

The high counts at end X correspond with the drilling before the vacuum was moved outside.
Non-image files attached to this report
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:46, Wednesday 01 May 2013 (6235)
Ops summary
Apollo drilling at end Y for BSC test stand. Moved vacuum outside to mitigate high dust counts.
Mount lock and key on site
Fire department truck on site
FMCS reverse osmosis alarm
end Y transitioned to laser hazard
Filiberto replaced a seismic capacitive position sensor at BSC6.
Richard rebooted the front end systems at end Y
Kyle to connect a turbo pump/pump cart to a closed 8" gate valve on the HAM3 east door.
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:46, Wednesday 01 May 2013 - last comment - 18:22, Wednesday 01 May 2013(6238)
TMSY damping

TMSY damping has been tested (before changing anything...), and works fine, see the attached spectra : 2013-04-30_Damped_vs_Undamped.pdf.

If the TMSY seemed to move a lot compared to the ETMY, it might have been due to an electronic issue. After Richard power recycled susb6 IO chassis and front end at the end station, the intriguing peak at around 1900Hz that was probably causing our suspicion suddenly disappeared. See the pink spectra on 2013-04-30_ETMY_vs_TMSY_NoiseCheck.pdf representing OSEM input signals of TMSY, before rebooting chassis vs blue spectra, after rebooting. This peak was also present for the ETMY but much lower in amplitude. See brown before reboot and red after (eg : last page of pdf). The spectra also shows that the low frequency noise floor is lower after the reboot...

more investigation to come...

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Comments related to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 18:22, Wednesday 01 May 2013 (6243)

The TMSY noise is very mysterious. It first appeared on 26th March when we were doing DC power supply work. It then apparently disappeared briefly on 1st April (one day before the site power outage, there was no accompanying reboot or restart at this time). After the site power outage is remained until today when the IO Chassis were power cycled. It only appears on the first adc of h1susb6. We will investigate this further when we get an opportunity to reboot/power cycle this system.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:03, Wednesday 01 May 2013 (6239)
TMTS model
I posted an updated version of the TMTS first article model to the SVN and wiki:

^/trunk/Common/MatlabTools/DoubleModel_Production/tmtsopt_firstarticle.m (r4580)

It has all as-built numbers from the Matlab tmtsopt_firstarticle.m r4547 (Mathematica 20130426TMTS_FirstArticle) by Szymon of last Friday, plus a tweak of +4.3 mm to d1 to better match the fundamental R (=Matlab/Mathematica pitch) mode. This was tried because it is clear from the mode shape plot (see wiki page) that that mode is almost pure R (pitch) motion of the top mass, and experience with other suspensions shows that d's associated with blades can often differ from nominal and produce a large effect on pitch frequencies. Although a sag of the blade tip by 4.3 mm is reasonably plausible, this is not directly confirmed and an alternative possibility is that the pitch mode has been driven up by stiffness of the cabling.

The only remaining mode frequency discrepancy of any note is that the highest R (pitch) frequency is predicted at 4.27789 Hz but observed at 3.875 Hz, a 10% difference. 
LHO General
bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:47, Wednesday 01 May 2013 (6237)
Apollo crew
John W. and I took more measurements on the main crane rails, will continue tomorrow with additional measurements. All holes were drilled for test stand at End X and started assembly of pedestals. Scott and Randy took some measuerments on BSC 10 support tubes, and moved some HEPI fluid to End X for Hugh.
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:41, Wednesday 01 May 2013 (6236)
H1-BSC9 is in the can

HughR, GregG, MitchR, JimW

After much shuffling, shifting, stacking and pushing, Hanford's last H1 BSC-ISI went into it's storage container this afternoon. It will get purged tomorrow, and likely be moved to EX sometime in June. Just five more to go.

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:26, Wednesday 01 May 2013 (6234)
restarted h1ecatey
Even though I went into task manager and closed everything that had anything to do with twincat, it acts as though there is already a PLC open when I try to run the install scripts and gives a message that the PLC has crashed.   

Even after a reboot, the behavior is the same.  
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:22, Wednesday 01 May 2013 (6233)
Restarted Slow Controls Epics Gateway
At 09:11 PDT restarted EPICS gateway between slow controls network and CDS (control room) network at request of slow controls group.
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:16, Tuesday 30 April 2013 (6232)
rebooted h1ecatey as well
Chris and I rebooted h1ecaty1 sometime between 6 and 7 pm.  
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:54, Tuesday 30 April 2013 (6231)
Switched over to Turbo pumping of the YBM+BSC1-3+HAM2-3
~30 hrs of pump time total to rough-out this volume!  Ouch!   
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:53, Tuesday 30 April 2013 (6230)
rebooting h1eatc1
I had to shut down all the opcIoc shells anyway, and Daniel suggests that a reboot might help with some of the odd behavior today.
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:50, Tuesday 30 April 2013 (6229)
Fiber transmission
I measured the transmission of the fiber at end Y:
coming out of fiber 35 uW
1.5uW towards trans PD
19uW in the wrong polarization
8 uW towards beamsplitter

It looks like we need to use the polarization adjuster box to fix this.  I will put a calibrtion of the PDs into the PLC.  

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