Displaying reports 71321-71340 of 77032.Go to page Start 3563 3564 3565 3566 3567 3568 3569 3570 3571 End
Reports until 11:01, Tuesday 26 March 2013
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:01, Tuesday 26 March 2013 (5889)
Modified Boot Script for Front End Computers
Modified the rc.local file to back out changes made during installation of RCG 2.6.2.  The changes caused duplicate versions of awgtpman to be executed for each model when a front-end computer was booted (or rebooted).  Testing was done when the end-Y computers were booted after electrical work was completed.  Work permit 3782.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:56, Monday 25 March 2013 (5886)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot requested from 5 PM March 24 to 5 PM March 25. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.

Data was taken from h1nds1.
T0=13-03-25-00-00-00; Length=86400 (s)
1440.0 minutes of trend displayed
Non-image files attached to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:20, Monday 25 March 2013 (5885)
h1iopsush34 model changed to extend bypass time from 600S to 21600S

WP 3780:

The h1iopsush34 model was changed to temporarily extend the DACKILL bypass time from 600S to 21600S.

All user models were stopped, the IOP model restarted, and then the user models were restarted at 18:15

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:44, Monday 25 March 2013 (5884)
EY reboots and DC power cycling

We had an accidental AC power cycle of the +12V DC supply which drives the timing fanout this afternoon. During the recovery the front ends and their IO Chassis the +/-24V for the ISC Beckhoff chassis were accidentally powered down and back on while the +/-18V supplies were on. This caused a burning smell in the rack area, at which point we powered down all four ISC power supplies (+/-18 and +/-24) and labeled them with "do not power on". We will investigate this in the morning, the power up sequence of these systems is critical.

All the non-ISC DC power supplies are back on and all the front ends are running. We labled the two +24V IO Chassis supplies with new updated labels.

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:12, Monday 25 March 2013 (5883)
WBSC2 SEI Status--HEPI Floating, Optic [sic] at nominal elevation

JimW, MitchellR & Hugh

We leveled and elevated the BSC2 (BS) ISI Optical Table.  Nominal elevation is 1661.7mm(G=L at BSC2) less 2.9mm because of the air gap in the SYS SW modeling (DCoyne email 20120926).  Additionally, IAS reports the BS optic ended Test Stand Alignment 0.32mm high wrt optical Table(DCook percomm.)  So, I set the Optical Table at 1661.7- 2.9-0.3=1658.5mm; see attached for my surveying notes.

Synopsis: Ave elevation 1658.5+-0.1mm.  The HEPI Springs range from 1940 to 2150lbs, w/ 85lbs rotation effort--that isn't too bad.  Dial indicators suggest we have pulled west ~1mm & south ~1/2mm since Cartridge install, again not too bad.

Non-image files attached to this report
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Monday 25 March 2013 - last comment - 11:31, Friday 29 March 2013(5882)
PRM/PR2/PR3/MC1/MC2/MC3 safe.snap update

Before the power outage of next week, new h1sus${mc1/mc2/mc3/prm/pr2/pr3}safe.snap files have been saved in /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/burtfiles.
It includes alignment offsets with the right values from aLog 5851 for PR3/PR2 and 5825 for MC1/MC2/MC3. It also includes the ODC recent update aLog 5809

The safe state has been defined as the following :

**alignment offsets off
**damping filters on
**master switch off

The snap files have been commited in the svn repository.


Comments related to this report
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - 11:31, Friday 29 March 2013 (5930)

LHO General
justin.bergman@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:58, Monday 25 March 2013 (5881)
Ops Activities

848 - Safety Kleen onsite for Mark H

930 - RO unit alarming periodically all morning as a result of normal flushing behavior; Ski is working on it.

1050 - Dave B restarting H1SUSB123

1240 - Dale hosting control room tour with local fifth graders

1310 - Sheila and Chris to EY.

1330 - Timing errors on I/O chassis at EY.

1430 - 1530 Dave B power cycling chassis at EY and investigating burning smell.

1500 - Betsy working in HAM2

1500- Michael and Pablo working in H2 PSL Enc

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:22, Monday 25 March 2013 (5880)
New h1susauxb123 model
A while back, Dave Barker created a h1susauxb123 model by adapting the h2susauxb478 model. It was a quick first approximation which just deleted the FMx and FMy sections and the corresponding three extra DAC cards, and it had sat around uncommitted to the SVN.

Today I checked it against the circuit diagram D1100022-v9, fixed a few errors, and committed it. Dave plans to install it tomorrow during maintenance and try it out.
H2 General
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:53, Monday 25 March 2013 (5878)
3IFO NSF Storage Review Prep
The NSF Storage Review will occur here on 09 April 2013. Prep work is going ahead on several fronts: LVEA-West Bay, Y Mid, and X Mid.

-In the West Bay, one section of the western-most pallet rack has been cleared of everything but 3IFO-related items. Items in this rack are currently labelled either for India or 3IFO. (2 pix below) As soon as possible, we will install a gate on this section to create a controlled inventory area. Three Triple Suspensions are stored in the Meat Locker (barrels ratchet strapped to pallets, ratchet handles zip-tied with tamper-evident serial numbered tags). (2 pix below)

-At Y Mid, a series of activities is in progress. TCS Optical Tables were stacked and rotated to create a forklift path through the outer receiving bay. This path will be continue through the middle bay to the VEA. A crane set-down/forklift turn-around area will be marked out in the yellow and black hazard tape: please DO NOT store anything in this stay-clear area. Sixteen(4 chambers-worth) iLIGO external SEI isolation units have been stored in the middle bay and VEA: they are being migrated out to the LVEA where they will be stored until they are installed on H2 HAMs. The OpLev first article test set-up is being removed and the grout pads cleared. Several 3IFO PSL crates have been identified and will be sealed ASAP: several additional PSL-related crates need to be identified. One PSL Chiller crate has been sealed with tamper-evident tape for testing purposes. Two TMS Upper Structure crates have been identified and labeled. One TMS US crate has been sealed with silver serial-numbered tamper-evident tags for testing purposes. Three unidentified crates are in the middle bay along with an electrical rack. The electrical rack needs to be de-populated and Richard will take care of that when convenient. The tentative long-term storage plan calls for all 3IFO storage at Y Mid to be in the VEA and the VEA locks will be changed to provide controlled access.

-At X Mid, a few activities will be under way this week. A forklift path will be cleared from the outer roll-up door through the middle bay to the VEA. A crane set-down/forklift turn-around area will be marked out between the inner roll-up door and the beamtube. The forlift path and the crane set-down area will be marked out in the yellow and black hazard tape: please DO NOT store anything in these stay-clear area. OpLev piers (some coming from other out buildings)will be concentrated to the VEA. Giraffe crates (already in place) and shortie crates will be sealed. The tentative long-term storage plan calls for 3IFO storage to occupy most of X Mid and outer man-door locks will be changed to provide controlled access.

The Apollo crew and I will continue to work on 3IFO LTS issues through 08 April as the opportunity arises.
Images attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:17, Monday 25 March 2013 - last comment - 13:20, Tuesday 26 March 2013(5877)
WBSC2 SEI Status--All sensors live, HEPI Floating

Jim, Mitchell & Hugh

Jim went in chamber to assist Betsy with Baffle hanging while Mitchell & I did the final dressing of the sensor cables.  We followed protocol (T1200193) to insure consistent grounding of the GS13 seismometers.  The sensor cables where then checked with the emulator to confirm good & right cables.  All checked out and then were plugged in.  All sensors now functional.

Next we checked the zeros on the HEPI Load Cells, all below 20lbs.  Continued then with HEPI loading after the horizontal locks were pulled back.  All corners now floating.  We are ready to level and elevate the ISI Optical Table in prep for IAS.

Comments related to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 13:20, Tuesday 26 March 2013 (5890)

Here is an image showing the GS-13 cable attached to the Cable Bracket; it is the bottom gold one.  We remove the peek bushing that would normally isolate the cable backshell & shield.  This grounds the GS-13 in-vac shield insuring the potentially intermittent in pod ground doesn't cause problems.

Images attached to this comment
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:50, Monday 25 March 2013 - last comment - 15:11, Monday 25 March 2013(5875)
BS plugged in and looks ~logical, Elliptical Baffles hung - BSC2

This morning, I hopping into the chamber and plugged in our 3 SUS 25 pin feedthru connections.  Richard turned power on to enable sus controls.  Arnaud fixed some model errors.  The BS is not suspended yet as some coarse SEI balancing and alignment is up next.

Then, Jim and I hung the 2 Elliptical Baffles from the suspension downtubes mounted on Stage 0.  The cartridge is fully payloaded now.

Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 15:11, Monday 25 March 2013 (5879)
The model error that Betsy alludes to was spotted by Dave Barker in the course of debugging a timing error.

The M2 OSEM inputs on the BS block had been wired to  through  in the BSTST model, and when I adapted it for BS I changed them to  through  rather than the correct  through . Thus M2UL and M2LL had been doubling M1RT and M1 SD, and M2UR and M2LR had been picking up the DuoTone signal. 

The corrected model was built, installed, and committed to the SVN.
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:40, Monday 25 March 2013 (5874)
Second TFs of I1-MC3
   After updating incorrect matrix values in MEDM, we reran the TFs on I1-MC3. The results look much better. There are several small non-modeled peeks near or below 0Hz in the L, R, and Y DoFs and some noise in T just below 0Hz in the undamped plots. These are mostly removed from the damped plots. The comparison plots show all these non-modeled peeks are in line with similar non-modeled peek present in other suspensions. Waiting for Testing Group to review data before making any changed to I1-MC3.   
Non-image files attached to this report
christopher.wipf@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:32, Monday 25 March 2013 (5873)
End Y slow controls signals jumbled
(Sheila, Max, Chris)

On Friday we uncovered a snafu with the slow controls cabling at the Y end.  The connector labels engraved on the rear panel of the "End 2" EtherCAT chassis (Exhibit A) do not agree with the chassis wiring plan (Exhibit B).  Upon opening the chassis it appeared that the internal wiring to the Beckhoff modules was done according to (B), whereas the external cable runs had been connected relying on (A).  Here's a table showing the correspondences:
PortWiring planRear panel description
6AuxiliaryDC Photodiodes
7PZT Mirrors/PDs/Laser TempAuxiliary
8TCSPZT Mirrors/PDs/Laser Temp
9RF AmplifiersTCS
10DC PhotodiodesRF Amplifiers
11LSC DemodulatorsLSC Demodulators
12Laser DiagnosticsLaser Diagnostics
This problem came to our attention after we noticed that the fiber PLL slow path (laser temperature) control output was broken. Actually it was just routed onto the wrong cable. Attached images show the interior and rear panel of the End 2 chassis at the Y end.
Images attached to this report
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:46, Friday 22 March 2013 (5872)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot requested from 5 PM March 20 to 5 PM March 21. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.

Data was taken from h1nds1.
T0=13-03-21-00-00-00; Length=86400 (s)
1440.0 minutes of trend displayed
Non-image files attached to this report
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:30, Friday 22 March 2013 (5871)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot requested from 5 PM March 21 to 5 PM March 22. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.

Data was taken from h1nds1.
T0=13-03-22-00-00-00; Length=86400 (s)
1440.0 minutes of trend displayed
Non-image files attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:06, Friday 22 March 2013 (5870)
WBSC2 ISI Cabling Status

All the ISI cabling has been dressed and run to the feed-thrus.  They are connected to the feedthrus; some but not all are disconnected from the sensors.  The racks are currently off.  We will perform emulation check outs before the sensors are wired and powered.  This should go quickly.  The baffles are not hung but can be now.

Please do not power on the BSC2 ISI seismometer racks.  The CPS are on but all others are off and should remain so.  A few images below for the ages.

Images attached to this report
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:03, Friday 22 March 2013 (5863)
Ops DAY Summary

Day's Activities:

Baffle crew finished up their week's work in their cleanroom

Betsy heading into BSC2

PCal peeps working in H2PSL Anteroom in afternoon (Pablo, Gregario, & Craig)

Arnaud running quick measurement on ETMy at ~11:00am

rebooting model for SUS BS (Barton)

HAM2 work in afternoon (Betsy)

EY ISC work (Sheila)

SEI crew is working in and around BSC2 (Hugh, Jim, Mitch)


RO Alarm this morning ('Ski notified)


corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:51, Friday 22 March 2013 (5869)
Dust Monitor 8 MAJOR Alarm Setting Adjusted

Dust Monitor #8 = HAM2 Cleanroom (as of 3/18/13)

During my two shifts this week, I noticed this dust alarm having MAJOR alarms throughout the day, and most of the time, I'd check and see no one inside or near the cleanroom.   Generally the alarm would only last one cycle (~1min) & then clear.

The MAJOR setting was set at 200counts for 0.3um & 0.5um.  I increased it to 300counts & we'll see how it goes.  (this was done by changing values on the Alarm Settings medm window for Dust Alarm #8)

(at the moment, we have Travis & Betsy in the cleanroom working inside of HAM2 and the counts are 0.)

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