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Reports until 15:29, Wednesday 06 March 2013
H1 General
hernan.daveloza@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:29, Wednesday 06 March 2013 - last comment - 07:56, Thursday 07 March 2013(5686)
Operator summary

9:00 LVEA laser safe

10:00 Start moving the BS quad suspention

14:00 EY in laser hazard (Corey and Kiwamu)

14:15 Pooling water sample

14:20 Student at the control room and around (Dale)

14:30 Fire alarm at the Warehouse triggered by open an oven (contac Justin for more details)

14:45 BS in BSC2 completed

15:00 Safety meeting

Comments related to this report
justin.bergman@LIGO.ORG - 07:56, Thursday 07 March 2013 (5696)
Fire alarm activation was a result of dense steam cloud being released from an extended cycle of the Large Parts Washer---this machine is not typically used in this capacity but we will be doing similar procedures for the next few days to clean storage structures for HXTS suspensions. It is possible that the alarm may activate again.
Alarm ack by VPW crew per instructions from Richard M---no contact with HFD.

jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:30, Wednesday 06 March 2013 - last comment - 11:53, Wednesday 20 March 2013(5684)
Phase 1b Testing I1-MC1
   We took TFs and Power Spectra data for HSTS I1-MC1. All files have been committed to the SVN repository.  The data files are attached below for review by Stuart A. and Jeff K.  
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Comments related to this report
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 14:54, Monday 11 March 2013 (5744)
My only minor concern is what appears to be a roll mode ever so slightly coupling into longitudinal + transverse DOFs. Although, damping appears to suppress this coupling on I1-MC1. After discussing this with Jeff B over the phone, he and his assembly team will check flag alignments.
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 11:53, Wednesday 20 March 2013 (5850)
Under close inspection, MC1 looks to exhibit similar R-T cross-coupling as has been seen on the L1 SRM suspension (see LLO aLog entry 6451), although shifted in frequency consistent with the shift in the roll mode.

However, the MC1 R-T coupling is significantly weaker than for SRM, and having raised this with both Norna R and Jeff K, we feel that this minor feature should be noted, and that MC1 can be approved through Phase 1b.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:25, Wednesday 06 March 2013 - last comment - 13:36, Wednesday 06 March 2013(5680)
H1 SUS MC's safe.snaps updated
J. Kissel

We'd chased our tails for a few days because we were comparing uncalibrated alignment data mode cleaner mirror against calibrated data (see LHO aLOG 5660). We believe the calibration was not present over these past few days (maybe weeks) because the safe.snap was out-of-date. So, I've taken the time to give them a thorough, expert's thrice-over, ensuring all parameters are in the correct configuration, and have captured new safe.snaps. Details below.

Items that I've confirmed:
- OSEM open light current compensation is in place (OSEMINF OFFSETs and GAINs) 
     - MC1 
          - M1 from LHO aLOG 4067,
          - M2 & M3 from LHO aLOG 3409
     - MC2 
          - M1, M2, & M3 from LHO aLOG 3505,
     - MC3 
          - M2 & M3 from LHO aLOG 4624.
- Sensor calibration is ON (see LLO aLOG 4291 for derivation)
     - OSEMINF FM5 "to_um" filter is engaged for all stages (see LLO aLOG 4555 for original implementation)
     - DAMP FM5 "norm*" filter is engaged for M1 stage (see LLO aLOG 5388 for original implementation)
- DAMP damping loops are set with up-to-date filters and gains:
     - L: FM3 [resg], FM5 [normL] G = -1.55
     - T: FM1 [0:25,25], FM10 [ellip50], G = -2.0
     - V: FM1 [0:20,20], FM10 [ellip50], G = -3.0
     - R: FM1 [0:20,20], FM10 [ellip50], G = -0.2
     - P: FM1 [0:25,25], FM10 [ellip50], G = -2.0
     - Y: FM1 [0:20,20], FM10 [ellip50], G = -1.0
  Note, the exact frequencies at which the velocity damping filter (FM1) in T,V,R,P,and Y differ from LLO, but this doesn't really affect the performance -- they're crappy whether they're all at 25 Hz as in LLO or at 25 +/- 5 Hz as they are here (and isn't captured by the BURT snapshot anyways). They will be replaced soon, so for now the discrepancy is not worth fixing.
- ISIWIT Path is installed, on and engaged (originally from LHO aLOG 4553, but I couldn't find a log indicating when things were specifically installed for the MC mirrors.)
- OPTICALIGN M1 alignment offset drive calibration is installed (from LHO aLOG 4763)
- Alignment offsets from a prior good IMC lock are installed (from LHO aLOG 5663)
- All stages of inner-most watchdog parameters are set, and the 'dogs are cleared and armed
     - OSEM DC Threshold set to +/- 30000 [cts] (based off of a ~few thousand count buffer of the full ADC range)
     - OSEM AC Threshold set to 8000 [cts RMS] (based off of empirical experience of "what it rarely goes over during normal use)
     - ACT AC Threshold set to 25000 [cts RMS] (based off of empirical experience of "what it rarely goes over during normal use)
     - All Bandlimiting filters are engaged
- Coil Driver BIO states set to 1 (see T1100507)
     - Low Pass filter OFF for TTOP driver
     - Low Pass and Acquire filters OFF for TACQ driver
- [MC2 Only] Locking Filter paths are as described from a prior good IMC lock (from LHO aLOG 5452)

And naturally, for the safe.snap capture, I've turned OFF all requested drive to the DAC, so
- OPTICALIGN alignment offsets are turned off (at the OFFSET button level)
- DAMP damping loops are turned off (at the OUTPUT button level)

Though Mark has written a nice utility for capturing safe.snaps (see LHO aLOG 5202), I needed to get this done fast, hadn't used it before, and saw a few things I didn't like (which we've since corrected), so I captured the files "by hand" (which is quickest for me), hence:

(1) Turned off all requested DAC drive, i.e. "natural" steps listed above by hand.
(2) Captured each suspension's safe.snap, saving over what is in the userapps repository, e.g.
controls@opsws0:burtfiles 0$ pwd
controls@opsws0:burtfiles 0$ burtrb -f /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/target/h1susmc1/h1susmc1epics/autoBurt.req > /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/burtfiles/mc1/h1susmc1_safe.snap 
(3) Ensured that the link to target directory (which is where the front end *actually* looks during reboot) was in place, e.g.
controls@opsws0:burt 0$ pwd
controls@opsws0:burt 0$ ls -l safe.snap 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 controls controls 63 2013-01-17 12:46 safe.snap -> /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/burtfiles/h1susmc1_safe.snap
(4) committed the new safe.snap to the userapps repository,

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 13:36, Wednesday 06 March 2013 (5683)
J. Kissel, C. Vorvick

Since I'm not nearly as much of an expert on the HAUX, I asked Cheryl to set up the IMs as she liked them, with appropriately good alignment offsets and captured a new h1susim_safe.snap as well. 

Two things of note:
- The alignment offsets are installed in the TEST filter bank, because the fields built for alignment offsets (i.e. ${IFO}:SUS-${OPTIC}_M1_OFFSET_${DOF}) have not been converted from simple EPICs values to a full filter bank as was done for all of the multi-stage suspensions back in October to take advantage of the ramping features (see T1200478). It would be aesthetically good to change the alignment offset infrastructure to be the same as the rest of the suspensions, but it's not necessary. (though it's scary to have a place to mistakenly add non-working vestigial alignment offsets...)

- All watchdog values are set to +/- 100000 [ct] or 100000 [ct RMS], which is well outside of range that would actually protect the suspension. Cheryl says "they've been intentionally set to ridiculous numbers such that we can work in chamber without having to reset the watchdog all the time." Hence once the chamber is closed up an settled, we should set these values back to reasonable, protective, values, and recapture the safe.snap.
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:35, Wednesday 06 March 2013 (5682)
PR3 Phase 3a transfer functions

After Travis moved the blade tip EQ stop (see previous entry 5661) I started a ran of transfer functions overnight.

M1 to M1 PR3 transfer functions are plotted for all degrees of freedom :

- Undamped TFs are compared to the model on the first pdf (2013-03-05_1046582748_H1SUSPR3_M1_ALL_TFs.pdf)

- Damped TFs are compared to the model on the second pdf (2013-03-06_1046601031_H1SUSPR3_M1_ALL_TFs.pdf)

- Those measurements have been compared with LHO phase 2b and LLO phase 3a on the last pdf (allhltss_2013_03_06_Phase3a_H1-PR3_ALL_ZOOMED_TFs.pdf) with the following legend :  hlts model / LHO damped phase 3a / LHO undamped off phase 3a / LHO undamped phase 2b / LLO undamped phase 2b

Each DOF looks good, consistent with both model and previous measurements. 


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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:26, Wednesday 06 March 2013 (5681)
h1fw0 down from 11pm Tue to 10:30am Wed

h1fw0 crashed at 23:05 Tue 5th march. I restarted it at 10:30 today, Wed 6th. The cause of the crash is under investigation.

michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:34, Wednesday 06 March 2013 (5679)
PSL plots

For the 35W laser.

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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:11, Wednesday 06 March 2013 (5678)
dust monitor in optics lab
I replaced the dust monitor in the optics lab (lab location 1) which is indicating a sensor failure. It is labeled 'U'.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:01, Wednesday 06 March 2013 (5677)
LVEA HEPI Plumbing Vented Pressure Transducers installed BSC2

After running a week at 125psi, the LVEA HEPI hardlines were vented in preparation for filling with fluid.  The plugs at BSC2 South were fitting with pressure transducers for aLIGO operation.

jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:59, Wednesday 06 March 2013 (5676)
BSC6 Entry
This report is for yesterday.
North door is removed so chamber is ready for entry.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:58, Wednesday 06 March 2013 (5675)
BSC10 Feedthrough/Blank Install
This report is for yesterday.
Feedthrough/blank install is complete except for one 12" conflat. Hugh is locating an appropriate conflat. We will stand-down on this work to concentrate on BSC2 Cartridge install.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:56, Wednesday 06 March 2013 (5674)
BSC2 Install Prep Checklist
This report is for yesterday.
Dome was removed
Walking plates were wiped down and put into place
Both staging cleanrooms were populated
Chamber cleanroom function was checked (2 fan-filter units were on low rather than high, 1 fan-filter unit was not functioning and was replaced)
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:14, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5672)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot requested from 5 PM March 4 to 5 PM March 5. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.

I have not included plots of the counts in the LVEA. The IOC for the dust monitors in the LVEA was restarted today putting 'nan' (not a number) in the data.

The plot of the status for dust monitor 1 in the optics lab shows when it started indicating a sensor failure. (transition from 0 to 1).

Data was taken from h1nds1.
1440.0 minutes of trend displayed
Non-image files attached to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:37, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5671)
H1 HPI ETMY (BSC6) Has Moved
J. Kissel (after being asked by M. Landry and K. Izumi and contacting S. Biscans, B. Lantz, H. Radkins, G. Grabeel, because V. Lhuillier is on vacation)

Kiwamu was looking to re-align beams from the ALS Table into BSC6, and asked me to restore the chamber to an H2OAT-kind of alignment. I took this as "untrip all the watchdogs, and get damping loops and alignment offsets running." The suspensions were easy, the ISI was not-so-bad, but HPI would not restore -- the process of turning on the isolation loops (which are unfortunately necessary in order to apply the large RZ offset needed to align the ETMY yaw) would trip the HPI WD, with actuators as the trigger, indicating that the error signal was too large.

After some digging, and some question asking, I found the problem arose from the inductive position sensors (IPSs). A trend of the last 30 days (see attached) shows that on Feb 25th, at ~21:30 (1:30p Local) something jolted HPI, most predominantly in the Corner 3, 
V3 = 4500 [ct] * 0.001/655 [in/ct] = 0.0069 [inches] ~ 6.9 [thou] DOWN 
H3 = 3600 [ct] * 0.001/655 [in/ct] = 0.0054 [inches] = 5.4 [thou] -RZ 

with V2 and V4 moving roughly 2 [thou] DOWN, and it has stayed offset as such since. (See G1000125 for indication of location and pointing of BSC6 HPI sensors)

LHO aLOG 5576 indicates that both Apollo (chamber cleaning) and tours (for our future Indian colleagues) were in the end station that day.

A similar trend of the ISI ST1 capacitive position sensors (CPS) shows a very small (~100 [ct] * 0.001/800 [in/ct] 0.00013 [in] = ~ few micron) jolt at the same time, but otherwise continued on unaffected; certainly no large, several [thou] DC shift.

This implies that somehow the IPS were bumped / moved / mis-centered somehow, and that there wasn't really a permanent gross misalignment.

Greg and I went down to the end station and confirmed there was no obvious sources of rubbing or fixed forces (say from the work platform that surrounds it). We found nothing obvious. Unfortunately, though there were dial indicators on Corners 3 and 4, comparison with previous positions yield nonsense, so they were probably moved or bumped into uselessness (with is easy to do). Noteably, we forgot to look at the stops inside the boot, but that should be a quick check when we head back again.

Other large-scale activity has gone on since the signal drop on the 25th, e.g. the clean room move and staging for door removal on 2013-03-01, and is visible but does not result in any such large shift in DC signal offset. 

Since Kiwamu's alignment into the chamber has been delayed slightly waiting for PZT mirror assembly parts, we've (Greg, Hugh, Kiwamu and I) resolved to check the alignment of HEPI with an optical level over the next day or so (with priority given to tomorrow's cartridge install, naturally). If that reveals no such change in alignment, we'll recenter the IPSs and move on.
Images attached to this report
cyrus.reed@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:45, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5670)
New DMT Router Installed
Today I installed a new router for the DMT system, with the latest version of Vyatta Core - 6.5R1.  It is functionally identical to the old system, but we are trying to standardize on a hw/sw config for these systems in the MSR, and this is the first step.  There should be no visible difference in accessing the DMT machines from off site (unless you tried today while I was in the middle of swapping things around).
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:26, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5669)
WBSC2 Dome removed, walking plates in place

The dome popped up smoothly, no issues with the o-rings.  Access is tight coming in through the small overlap.  The handrails are also out making the cleanroom ready for lowering--first task Wednesday AM.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:25, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5665)
Ops afternoon summary
The PSL environment variables went invalid around 13:00. It appears that the h1ecatc1 Beckhoff computer rebooted itself. I do not know why. It restarted itself again when I was navigating through the folders. I uninstalled OpenOffice.org 3.3, Java 7 update and Adobe Flash Player 11 ActiveX. I managed to restart the IOCs after it restarted again.

The dust monitors in the LVEA all lost communication. Restarting the IOC seemed to bring them back. I burtrestored to 2013/03/04/00:00. Dust monitor 1 in the OSB optics lab is indicating a sensor failure. Dust monitor 4 in the LVEA had a low battery status again, but it has now gone away.

Mark B. added IPC inputs for ISI->SUS to the H1 SUS MC2 model. H1SUSH34 was rebooted.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:22, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5668)
WBSC2 at Chamber ISI-CPS satellite racks wired to chamber

Lots of fun spending most of the day contorted in tight places.  The work platform stabilizers prevent them from being in final place.  Will be revisited.

john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:57, Tuesday 05 March 2013 - last comment - 17:05, Tuesday 17 June 2014(5666)
Y1 Beam Tube Module accumulation

Kyle valved out the Y1 Module for a few hours today. Tomorrow  we will valve out the Y2 module.

Attached is the rate of rise for the two end vacuum gauges.

If I have done the math correctly this translates to a very low outgassing rate with no significant leaks :  1.3 e-6 tl/sec for the 2km module. If it is all H2 this yields ~2e-14 tl/s/cm2

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Comments related to this report
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 07:37, Wednesday 06 March 2013 (5673)

Rai reminded me that the gauge factor for H2 is about twice that for N2. So the outgassing rate stated above should be ~2x higher. Rai reports a number of 4e-14 for the H2 outgassing rate when measured 15 years ago.


john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 15:36, Wednesday 06 March 2013 (5685)

An accumulation on Y2 was performed today. See the attached plot.

The results are 2.4 e-7 tl/s for the module which translates to an H2 outgassing rate of ~6.6 tl/s/cm^2 (using a gauge correction of 2 for H2)

This is significantly better than Y1.


Also attached is a plot of the two accumulations plotted on the same time scale.

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john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 17:05, Tuesday 17 June 2014 (12401)

Correction: the number above should be 6.6 e-15 tl/s/cm^2 for the H2 outgassing.

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