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Reports until 15:09, Tuesday 05 March 2013
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:09, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5667)
PRM (HSTS) Phase 3a testing complete

Following power spectra taken on friday february 27th (see LHO aLOG entry 5596), transfer functions have been ran over the week end for PRM phase 3a testing.

The two attached pdf show comparison between hsts model, LLO Phase 2b (March 2013) LHO Phase 2b (March 2013) and LHO Phase 3a (March 2013) respectively with suspension damped and undamped.

Transfer functions are nice and smooth, showing peaks at the expected frequencies.

Phase 3a testing is therefore complete



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john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:57, Tuesday 05 March 2013 - last comment - 17:05, Tuesday 17 June 2014(5666)
Y1 Beam Tube Module accumulation

Kyle valved out the Y1 Module for a few hours today. Tomorrow  we will valve out the Y2 module.

Attached is the rate of rise for the two end vacuum gauges.

If I have done the math correctly this translates to a very low outgassing rate with no significant leaks :  1.3 e-6 tl/sec for the 2km module. If it is all H2 this yields ~2e-14 tl/s/cm2

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john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 07:37, Wednesday 06 March 2013 (5673)

Rai reminded me that the gauge factor for H2 is about twice that for N2. So the outgassing rate stated above should be ~2x higher. Rai reports a number of 4e-14 for the H2 outgassing rate when measured 15 years ago.


john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 15:36, Wednesday 06 March 2013 (5685)

An accumulation on Y2 was performed today. See the attached plot.

The results are 2.4 e-7 tl/s for the module which translates to an H2 outgassing rate of ~6.6 tl/s/cm^2 (using a gauge correction of 2 for H2)

This is significantly better than Y1.


Also attached is a plot of the two accumulations plotted on the same time scale.

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john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 17:05, Tuesday 17 June 2014 (12401)

Correction: the number above should be 6.6 e-15 tl/s/cm^2 for the H2 outgassing.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:25, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5664)
CDS Maintenance summary

h1susauxh56 was rebooted to investigate the problem of multiple awgtpman processes running. Only h1iopsusauxh56 was configured to start, two versions of its awgtpman process was found to be running. This problem will be resolved later, for now we need to be vigilant on FE reboots.

The problem of the SUS QUAD models running long was tracked down to the awg process by Alex. We tested this on h1susb6 by running three modified awgtpman processes. We reverted the system back to the original code at the end of this test, so h1susetmy cpu is running long again.

The three new IOP models h1iopsush56, h1iopsusauxh56 and h1iopseih45 were started now that the GDS 64 awg limit was removed by Jim earlier.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:58, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5663)
Restoration of Mode Cleaner Suspensions
I've restored (both sensor and alignment) calibration on all mode cleaner HSTSs, in hopes to get the IO team back to where they started. With the alignment offset calibrations in place (i.e. 1.8751 [ct/urad] in P, and 2.6808 [ct/urad] in Y -- see LHO aLOG 4763), the DRIVEALIGN offsets are

        [ct]           [urad] 
MC1 P  -360.9 / 1.8751 = -192
    Y   420.0 / 2.6806 =  156.68 

MC2 P    -9.8 / 1.8751 =   -5.22
    Y   367.9 / 2.6806 =  137.2

MC3 P     710 / 1.8751 =  378.6
    Y     220 / 2.6806 =   82.07 

(where original "good" offset numbers are from LHO aLOG 5631)
I've also ensured that damping was on for all three suspensions.

NOTE: I HAVE NOT YET TAKEN A NEW SAFE.SNAP. This requires turning off the offsets and damping loops, such that there's no drive going to the suspensions. Since Cheryl wants to get going, I'll just capture later in the night when everyone's gone.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:35, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5662)
MC2 IPC inputs added
Stuart had flagged that the h1susmc2 model did not have the proper ISI->SUS IPC inputs H1:ISI-HAM3_2_SUS_GS13_* (*=X,Y,RZ,Z,RX,RY), so I added them. 

The h1suspr2 model had already been receiving these signals from h1isiham3, so there was no need to add them on the ISI side. 

EPICS error channels H1:SUS-MC2_ISI2SUS_GS13_*_IPCERR had previously been defined, so there was no need to add them, just connect them up, which meant no need to restart the DAQ.
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:02, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5661)
PR3 Phase 3a power spectra (bis)

Following my previous log on PR3 power spectra, showing suspicious resonnances at 2.7 Hz for several degrees of freedom, Travis went in chamber and found a blade tip EQ stop touching.
A new set has been ran, and look very good, as what we expect.
To sum up phase 3a power spectra, the attached pdf shows comparison between LLO phase 3b (Sept 2012), LHO Phase 2b (Feb 2013), LHO phase 3a (before moving the EQS March 2013) and LHO Phase 3a (after moving the EQS March 2013)

data and plotallhlts_spectra have been commited on the svn

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guido.mueller@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:04, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5660)
IMC 1 misalignment
Cheryl V., Deepak K., Joe G., Betsy B., Jeff K., Guido M.

We discovered yesterday that the flag of the side OSEM on the first stage of the IMC triple suspension was hitting the top of the OSEM hole. Betsy moved the OSEM and it should now be free.
However, this should mainly affect the roll motion of the mirror. It did not fix the problem with the IMC1 alignment. 

The alignment problem turned out to be just a confusion between calibrated and non-calibrated data (thanks Jeff). The IMC mirrors were never misaligned. 

However, that puts the blame for the misalignment into the IMC squarely on the beam coming from the PSL table. This is something we need to keep monitoring and fix today.

arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:42, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5652)
HAM2 HAUX B&K hammer measurements (chamber-side)

Jeff K. Arnaud P.

In order to confirm that the SUS-style dog clamps securing the HAUXs on HAM2 ISI table at LHO don't adversely lower their cage resonant frequencies, we took B&K measurements on IM1/IM2/IM3/IM4. We followed a similar measurement prescription as in LLO aLOG 3692.
The measurement was performed in chamber with the tri-axial accelerometer (as opposed to the laser vibrometer), mounted on the structure as described on the aatached picture ( X=Front and Y=side). The ISI table was locked, each had their IM scrapper baffles installed (secured to the front of the structure, as best they could be, see LHO aLOG 5633), the optic was freely suspended and the damping was turned off.

The pdf attached (2012-03-04_XYexc_H1_HAUX.pdf), shows that there is no resonances below the required 150 Hz (indicated by the vertical dashed line).

This should be sufficient proof that the SUS dog clamps are perfectly acceptable at securing the HAUX. Comparisons with LLO's data is to come.


The attached data lives in the SUS SVN under:


and has been committed as of this entry. This data was painfully exported following the procedure outlined here.

The data analysis was performed using


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jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:11, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5659)
BSC2 mostly ready for flight

HughR, MitchR, JimW

Yesterday morning, TeamSEI finished most of the prep work for the BSC2 cartridge install. Lifting pads were added, cables were disconnected and tucked away, the ISI was checked for leftover tools, CPS racks were removed, and the walking plates cleared. A check on the underside is still needed, for more loose tools and to make sure we are not still bolted to the stand, but otherwise ready to go, IAS work still pending.

jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:08, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5658)
BSC6 Entry
First cleaning completed  and door bolts (except four) removed yesterday. Second cleaning early this morning.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:06, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5657)
BSC10 Feedthrough/Blank Install
Install continues. We should be finished today. (1 16" with 7 small adapters, 1 12", 1 10" remain.)
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 06:21, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5656)
Changed gds tools to version gds-
WP 3740

Changed gds link to gds- to allow more than 64 models to be detected by gds tools.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:22, Monday 04 March 2013 (5655)
H1 SUS MC1 and H1 SUS MC3 Transfer Functions Show Clean Bill of Health
J. Kissel

After noticing that H1SUSMC1 and H1SUSMC3 have deviated from their previous alignment (see LHO aLOG 5642), one speculation was that the SUS is somehow hanging improperly or perhaps rubbing. However, a set of transfer functions on both suspensions show that their dynamics are the same as what was in Dec 2012. A clean bill of health from transfer functions would/does not (of course) reveal the state of DC alignment (or cause of misalignment), but it at least rules out worst-case-scenarios like a wire break, invisible [EQ stop / flag / magnet] interference, or that somehow the optic's wires had been knocked out of their prism grooves. *phew*

The data was taken with the following DTT templates:
exported to ascii files with the same name (with the usual _tf.txt extension),
individually processed by 
and collectively compared using
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:29, Monday 04 March 2013 (5654)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot requested from 5 PM February 28 to 5 PM March 1. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.

Data was taken from h1nds1.
3600 seconds worth of data was unavailable on this server
1438.0 minutes of trend displayed
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:07, Monday 04 March 2013 (5653)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot requested from 5 PM March 3 to 5 PM March 4. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.

Data was taken from h1nds1.
1440.0 minutes of trend displayed
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LHO General
justin.bergman@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:53, Monday 04 March 2013 (5650)
Ops Summary
LVEA laser safe all day.

-Technical cleaning crew working on BSC2 and BSC6
-Apollo installing feedt-throughs on BSC10
-Michael R restarted PSL
-Hugh wandering LVEA making HEPI inspections
-Platt Electric delivery for Richard M
-Travis working in HAM2 (1030)
-Maya Angelou Elementary tour of the site; interesting questions asked and answered
-Thomas V in LVEA doing SLC inventory (1330)
-Jim B to LVEA to check cabling  on H1PEM
-Corey G installing power supply on IOT2L
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:32, Monday 04 March 2013 (5646)
BSC2 Install Prep Checklist
Lower level garbing/staging cleanroom moved into place and central curtain installed
Dome bolts removed
2nd cleaning at BSC2
Dome bolts removed (Additional cleaning complete.)
Leg jacks tested
Work on crane rails complete
Baffle assembly (work tables craned over beam tube, cleaned, moved into cleanroom)

Still need to:
Remove dome
Check chamber cleanroom function
Stage garbing/staging cleanrooms
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:21, Monday 04 March 2013 - last comment - 17:29, Monday 04 March 2013(5641)
PSL shutdown/restart

The laser shut off over the weekend due to the power watchdog tripping. It looks like I had set the watchdog on the laser when the humidity was relatively high, and once the weather changed the humidity dropped back down and tripped the laser. We really need to look into this since the majority of shutdowns have been due to this humidity issue.

I took the opportunity to increase the current on the pump diodes to get us back to nominal power. The changes made are as follows:

I found that I could increase the power from the diodes by decreasing the temperature, but there was a point where increasing the diode power actually decreased the output of the laser. Instead of trying to maximize power from the diodes I watched the output of the laser and brought it up to 33 W. This is where we were back when the laser was installed.
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michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - 17:29, Monday 04 March 2013 (5651)

I lowered the current on diodes 3/4 to 53 A after I got a bit more power out of diode 3, by decreasing its temperature to 20 C.

Also decreased the AC units to 20 C (unrelated) to try and stabilize room temperature for IO.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:02, Monday 04 March 2013 - last comment - 14:22, Monday 04 March 2013(5642)
MC1 and MC3 pitched
Cheryl reported that MC1 and MC3 were badly pitched relative to the last time she worked with them. Trending the M3 level signals shows that it went bad at about 20:30 UTC (12:30 PST) on Tue 2/19, possibly in connection with the removal of dummy masses in preparation for installation of PR3 and PRM (alog 5527).

Travis looked and didn't find anything obviously touching, so Cheryl is going to check the table levelness. Then we'll do another round of TFs to confirm that it's fixed or provide further clues.
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cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - 13:12, Monday 04 March 2013 (5643)
I looked into the HAM ISI sensors and found that they also show changes from before the temporary weights were removed to after both PR3 and PRM were installed, which does indicate that changes to MC1 and MC3 could be caused by ISI changes.

The plot shows the March 18, 6AM to March 22, 6PM, so covers all the HAM2 weight changes during the week.
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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 14:01, Monday 04 March 2013 (5647)

Attached are HEPI trends showing maximum excusion during the unweighting/reweighting period.  None exceed 200 counts (.0003").  After reloading the table with the suspensions, the largest change is ,0.0001"

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jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - 14:22, Monday 04 March 2013 (5648)

Just for future reference, the conversion for the HAM cps's is about 800cts/.001", according to the HAM Integration Testing Procedure. The biggest shift is ~1000cts, so about 1.25 milli-inches, which is basically the slop in the lockers.

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